Please honestly tell me how ugly I am I’m tired of people lying to my face and calling me “cute” I want to be told the truth
Ditch the glasses and try some contacts and losing a bit of weight could help with your overall facial structure. im a female but id love to kiss ur cute lips. okay enough flirting on my part, just take my simple advice if you’d like and roll with it. good luck
>>33698365>uglyMmm, depends on the country you live in if you’re looking for an x/10 type of rating. Most obvious things you could change would be having some sort of style going on with your hair and get rid of the facial piercings, unless you’re trying to attract butch lesbians. Other than that weight loss and getting rid of the glasses would bump you up several notches I would say.
>>33698365You’re not gonna whip anyone’s neck around in the street, but the people who think you’re pretty/cute aren’t lying
>>33698383I think she just needs to get a new haircut and lose some weight. Even a couple of pounds would do
>>33698365Going to the gym would be the biggest thing,you need to do something about how frizzy your hair is tooYou’re not ugly you’re cute,but you could look better
>>33698365be honest do you want us to call you ugly or something? because you bitch you’re fucking ugly.. what else do you want me to say?
>>33698365Deadass? You look terrible but it also looks like a choice.Humour me as a random nobody on the internet. you have a great jaw structureGet a hair cut that comolements/franes your face to soften itGet a hair treatment looks thick. Just needs to look healthy nextDo something that makes you sweat for 10-20 minutes everyday.Walk up and down stairs, masturbate, actually workout, walk, I dont care.Stop eating after 7 PMDont eat until 11AM or 12PMLiterally ONLY DRINK WATER WITH SOME LEMON SLICES no soda no juice no milky sugary coffee desert drinks, if you do try to avoid alchoholTry it for 2 months.Please.
>>33698365My honest opinion is that I can't tell if you're a tranny or not. Well it doesn't help that you're posting on 4chan desu.
You look like Daria but irl!
>>33698402Yeah it's a tranny. They always make this retarded ass thread whenever they get called out irl for being a troon . I don't get why the tranny just can't go on to reddit with a community that sucks each other off all day .
>>33698365Lose weight, learn to take care of your hair, get glasses frames that don't look like shit, learn to dress and do something about your face fat and piercings and you could be a solid 7. For me you're a 4 in the central picture and a 5 in the lower left since you took off most of the shit making you look uglier
>>33698444If you're gonna be a tranny put in some effort, kek. He looks exactly like my metalhead friend
>>33698365You know if you look horrible, but I know how to improve yourself because you have a slutty face! First remove your glasses and tie your hair back. So maybe my cock wants to rest on your face and if you prove that you will be my slave I will just let you suck my cock.
>>33698365>how ugly I amyou're not>calling me “cute”you arethat was easy, now what?
>>33698365You look like you dont take care of yourself. Bad hair, chubby, no smile. You don’t look healthy or approachable. You’re not attractive.
>>33698365ur a guy and you think ur female u are a negative out of 10 cuz ur not only ugly on the outside but ur ugly on the inside as well now stop posting trying to get validation from retards on this site that are too stupid to tell the difference between men and women, or other troons. you do not pass and you will never be a woman
>>33698365Wow you look just like me
>>336983654/10idk what you want out of this thread, I mean you're a girl. guys will be seeking anyways
>>33698365Alright then, going to give advice with my roasts. You are not particularly attractive, not in that you're ugly, but that you are extremely plain. With just a tiny bit of effort you'd be doing a hell of a lot better.Your complete lack of facial definition(100% babyfat+being hispanic/asian) coupled with your massive nose is hurting you a lot, this will probably get better with age if you don't get fat(er). Right now you look way fatter in the face than you are in the body, which is cute but not ideal. Your lips have a nice shape but are deathly pale, I'd be glossmaxxing daily desu. You also have barely any forehead but you have bangs covering half your face PLUS glasses to make it even worse, which is a shame because you have a great eyeshape that would benefit a lot from eyeliner. Back to hair though, fix your shit- it's awful. You've got greasy frizzy dark black hair, when what you NEED is a lighter color to contrast your skin and to use leave-in conditioner and an anti-frizz cream. >tl;dr ditch the bangs, dye your hair lighter and use non-greasy products, put on some eyeliner every day if you can, use lipgloss, and not previously stated but: baggy clothes ain't it.I see what you're going for, but the metalhead look just doesn't work out of highschool. I'm sure you had a few boys drooling over you at somepoint (knowingly or not), but you're aging out of it. It just stops being cute eventually.
>>33698365Im gonna be very honest, you look like an average depressed gamer dudebro but with long beautiful girly hair
You aren't ugly. If you want a criticism frowning and having a shitty attitude is unattractive.
No you're ok looking5/10Lose the glasses and wear contacts, let the bangs cover up the eyes a bit, wear a little makeupNothing crazy just a teensy bit of blushBoom 7/10 cutieYou're welcome
>>33698365Ok these god damn simps are annoying to see, your nose is too big for your face, rhinoplasty that thing. Your not white. Sucks for you. Hair is fucked up use a straightener, or go full curly. Half and half makes it look like a witch who lives in the woods. Face is masculine, probably not too much you can do about that except lose some weight. Lose some weight. And for the love of god, take those stupid pieces of metal out of your face. I hsve never seen a piercing in the face that belongs on a woman who does not smell. That said, your still better off then any sub 6 foot male in the dating market, man up stop whining.
>>33698365Most here just fucking lying for some reason, You kinda look like a tranny if i looked at you at the street, piercing is undesirable by 97% of men, you can still fix stuff, if no tattos its a huge plus. glasses dont really matter, straighting your hair would help alot too. Good luck.
>>336983654/10You're doing yourself no favors with the piercings, being fat and the messy look.You could probably go up to 7 or 8 if you fixed the issues.
>>33698365your nose is kind of funny looking. Otherwise you're fine. obviously you should loose some weight and dress normally
forgot to post pic
>>33698365You are attractive. But lose the bangs and go to the gym and squat until you have a dump truck of an ass
Stupid faggot god doesn't want this
>>33702110I'm so proud of my little boy. It's too late at this point, though, even with that.
>>33698365Yeah, you're fairly ugly, but still salvageable. Remember most men have no standard whatsoever as long as you keep them fed and their balls drained, so you should try to become at least a pretty good cook
>>33698365Not gonna read any other post since I imagine its other uglies wanting you to feel better. But you look like a man, plain and simple. You have the ugly ass indigenous flat face and ugly wide nose that black people have, wide shoulders and youre just fat in general. Trying to do the emo type look doesnt work if youre fat or brown. Disgusting piercings. Would avoid talking to you irl, but if I had to talk to you I imagine your voice is deep too.
>>33698365shitskin with slut shrapnel and fish lips syndromeyou're ugly as shit mang.
>>33701468>>33701885>>33701885>>33702128>>33702265Its a troon you fucking retards. And reminder: all troons are ugly and do not pass. They will never be women. Stop simping. He will not sleep with you.>>33702110This nigga gets it
>>33698365you're that tranny from the other server aren't you
>>33702633Op here huh I have no idea what you’re talking about? lol
>>33698365You look like "Ugly Betty"
>>33698365you look cool but your glasses make your face look a bit weird tbdesu.if you want to stand out more, your fashion style is pretty barren -- wear some accessories like necklaces/bracelets, idk get creative with it
>>33702762Show your body
actually you should disregard every post in this thread asides to this anon >>33698980
>>33698365you are not pretty you're hideous and any fit doesn't help you it's over for youNative American genes nerfed you you need lefort 2 and Orthognathic surgery coupled with buccal liposuction to ascend to mtb
>>33698365They aren’t lying but you aren’t confident enough to hone your beauty. But you should. Take it from me you’re literally a spitting image of myself 15 years ago. Just practice your beauty regimen and wear sunscreen. And just start lifting for some muscles no need to run if you don’t want to.If contacts aren’t for you then get clear lenses that will work out just fine.
I think you are cute. Approachable
I mean you’re not trying, unless you’re trying to look like that guy from Flight of the Conchords. Baggy clothes, messy hair, glasses frames wrong for your face shape.Put the hair in a ponytail, put on a shirt a size or two smaller, find glasses with rounder frames and right away you’ll be average at least.
>>33698365Pretty sure you're a granny but there's no excuse to look this bad (if you want to look good).This guy makes money from an OF where everyone knows he's actually a straight man and youtube videos where he secretly records menntrying to fuck him on the street. This could be you!
Quite sure this will fall on deaf ears but here are some things, not said by others, that can turn from watamote / hikkikomori core to more conventional beauty standards instantly.Posture -- roll the shoulders back and bring out the chest, show the world your assets even if small. tilt your head up just a bit to show off neck, a vampire should easily be able to bite it, but not too much as if you were hiding a nosebleed. nice and confident to conquer worlds or heartsthe closed off posture in general makes anybody look like a prey animal, cute - ehh, as in 'look, that kitty is playing with lasers'Fashion -- (much) more tighter t-shirt, if you still wanna wear t-shirts, otherwise look for stuff that fits, not too tight, not too loose. again, be a showoff. people don't notice things they don't see.faceshape -- since you got a very round faceshape it kinda seems your teeth are touching all the time, relax your jaw. there should be a healthy gap between them all the time (about tongue thickness) makes the face more oval.these are just things you can do right now to bump up the numbers instantly (kinda). some comments here state the obvious. try some out, and wow your friends next time you meet them
>>33708097Ideal bf: Doesn't try to dox me every morning
>>33708097Honestly I'm done. Gave you a chance that I shouldn't have given you by trying to interact with you over a public forum instead of in DMs where you catfish and try to dox me. But now that's gone too and you've lost me. You're going to fuck off or I'm going to scream, and please know I have much less to hide than you do. You don't want the corpse to scream.
>>33708122And please know I will see things I should see if they're present. And I've seen things before, just didn't say anything.
>>33708097If I see ONE image that I have ever sent you, be it real, edited, part of an AI collage thing, or otherwise, regardless of the veracity of the image I sent you (ie. Even if it's not my picture) I will file a police report. I am not joking. Fuck with me and you will be vanned without another word from me. I hope it was worth it, faggot.
>>33708097If you respect me and my privacy, I will respect yours. Goodbye.
>>33698365You aren't really ugly you just have poor presentation.>stop taking selfies in fucking public bathrooms with dirty ass mirrors>smile in a photo, at least try to look like you enjoy being alive>tie your hair back or do something with it. black hair is pretty but it doesn't look good when it's hiding your face>wear some kind of makeup to make your face less gloomy>wear clothes that contrast your body. ie, something colorful to contrast your dark hair and pale skin>or if you want to go for the goth look, lean into that and go heavy on the eyeliner and shit to add contrast to your face, that works toot. dude with low standards>>33708119>>33708122>>33708125>>33708140>>33708143are you okay dude?
>>33708143Tf happened here lmao
>>33709139im trying to keep up on what happened and I still dont know wtf went down but damn this whole thread has gone to shit
>>33709139>>33709142the deleted post doesn't even shine any light on it, truly a mystery
No glaze, but you would definitely look cute with a better haircut to fit your face shape and then maybe have someone help you find out what makeup fits your face. I think light just a little bit/a natural look would work. Without your glasses your look is elevated too.. I'm normally a fan of glasses but they don't seem to fit your face either. You may need rounder frames.
You can look waaay better. You have a nice restless bitch face look. Find a hairstylist to give you tips about how to take care of your hair. Work out. 3 or 4 days a week. Do core workouts, planks, calisthenics work outs, hit legs and glutes at the gym. Find a dermatologist to get you on a skin routine. You look dull but find an internet thread, reddit, or x, see what advice you can get. When it comes to nutrition or food advice, something so surface level, lay off the cookies, candies, chips (like Doritos) for 4 out of 3 days a week. And I think this can be a good jump start for you.Oh wait.. you're a trans...Look. This can help out... But no matter how good you look, most guys wont go after you or try you. This advice will help you a lot. Ditch the black nail polish and add more color to yourself. You lack color. If you were a chick, an actual chick, I would give you a 3/10 but you are trans. That's minus two points. 1/10. The restless bitch face saved you.However please be careful and tell people you are a biological male. So nothing bad doesn't happen to you.
What do you say we hop on Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf and jerk it together like real bros??
>>33698365Have you considered getting a haircut and hitting the gym? Your high body fat percentage is the reason you get called cute - the chub makes you androgynous and the nail polish doesn't help either.
>>33709068>>wear some kind of makeup to make your face less gloomyHoly mother of backhanded advice. In the beginning of your post you tell her she's not ugly, but then you follow it up by telling her to cover her face up because it's not worth looking at unless painted over. Well? Can you make your mind up?
>>33698365Hopefully you can suck cock real good...
>>33698365honestly, the piercings look stupid, the whole trasher look too, change that, get cute and most guys would want you.
>>33715562I’ve been told so
>>33715726I really respect that you've just been riding this trainwreck of a thread
>>33715730I have nothing else to do and I like chuckling at the replies
>>33715736AI me was hotter than AI you and I will not explain further. It's forbidden knowledge and I paid a heavy price to know. Though it does seem you can take a dick with more grace than I so keep slaying sister. Also cute dog thing
>>33698365CuteIt's easy to change appearance imo
>>33715736are you a furry
>>33698365look underage.
>>33716359I’d hope so considering I turned 18 only recently lmao like a month or two ago >>33716171 yea ig idk if I’d consider myself a full on furry but I’m furry enough to have a sona
>>33716745oh, the doggy is your sona? cute! i bet you'd look adorable with a collar and some puppy ears irl too
>>33716757No the dog is some character in a yaoi manga
>>33716778oh lol, what animal is your sona?
>>33716778>FujoshiI kneel...
>>33718038why the male sona
>>33716745what age did u start transitioning?
You seem based honestly sis let's go spraypainting shit
>>33698365You're pretty alright. Maybe ditch the piercings though, I'm personally not a fan of those but you do you
>>33698365coming from a girl who had a glowup in less then 5 months, heres some advice id love to dispense to you.•drink more water, your skin looks clear already so thats good•wear makeup but dont cake it on, makeup is crucial to enhancing yourself•loose about 5-10 pounds. youll def see the difference use the fasting method•put creams or leave in conditioner in your hair to give it a nice shine, you can use tsubaki or fino hair mask which makes your hair softer and shinier. using a better shampoo for your hair type would be a plus!•use a satin pillow case to fix damaged hair•use contacts instead of glasses•also a makeup style that would fit your face would be alt girl makeup•wear better clothing, diy, thrift•get more piercings, eyebrow, bridge, and maybe cheeks•grow out your nails and paint them a more neutral color or get them done•never take mirror pics, youll look bad in them always!!!•shave your eyebrows to not be as bushy.!!!and make sure to be confident!!!
>>33715726I'd let you suck my cock then fuck your tight little asshole..
>>33722111Your saying that like it would be a privilege on my end
I like your Severe Torture shirt. What other death metal bands are you into?
>>33722709you ARE looking for attention.beggars can't be choosers
>>33722821Post yourself tubby
You look annoying
>>33722833I am
>>33722812Some of my faves are Cattle decalSpawn of possession NailsAbortedStabbingGorgasmSome of pathology Black kirinNithingDeftonesNecrophagistArchspire
>>33722892Typo on cattle decap lmao
>>33698385>>33698388Coreect answersLose a tiny bit of weight and maybe different hairstyle
>>33708119>>33708122>>33708125>>33708140>>33708143I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that prick. I met a guy on the ideal bf/gf thread that did the same thing to me when I started to withdraw from him for being a creepy liar.One thing I'll say is if a guy is this fucking obsessed with you, it's because you have qualities that drive him crazy for you to put that much time and effort into you.One thing I'll say is I recommend you DO press charges, if it's the same guy I met, I filed a police report but didn't press charges cause I felt too much shame but I regret not pressing them now. If he's done it to other girls he likely has a file against him which will give you a pretty strong case against him (depending where you live). It's always the ones we don't even like that much but we give them a chance and we regret it lol. I bet he gave you a million sob stories as well about how people have hurt him in the past and showed screenshots etc only to be found that HE was the one that caused the BS and the stories were lies.
>>33698365Do you work at IHOP in Kansas?
>>33698365You ugly, your nose is hueg and you obese
>>33698365ur a cutie patootie no cap
>>33723351No unfortunately I’ve never had a job before I’m a shut in + I don’t live in Kansas
>>33723427>>33723388The duality of man >>33698980Nice advise but I can assure you guys did not want me in high school nor do they want me now>>33722821Kinda? Idk I think if a guy complemented me irl I’d throw up unironically men scare me for the most part when I go outside for the first time in months that isn’t for groceries
>>33698365Nice severe torture shirt. You’re cute
>>33723452how can men scare you if you're a dude? doesn't that just make you a pussy?
>>33723452>if a guy complemented me irl I’d throw upkinda want to put this to the test ngl
>>33698365but.. you are?i mean, i'm not into girls covered by makeup with transparent tshirts and transparent bras that look like they're playboy models or somethingyou're cute like the shy type and that works for me
>>33723452>Nice advise but I can assure you guys did not want me in high school nor do they want me nowIf I was in school with you I would have been simping so fucking hard you don't even know. Matter of fact I knew a girl that looked JUST like you and I walked her home every day and spammed her constantly over text because I was just SO infatuated with her appearance. 45% of men have never approached a woman, bear this in mind.
>>33725517I was never approached by a guy in my high school days once not even for something small…..
>>33722709Of course it would be
You're unironically my ideal girlOP please add me on discord I'd actually love to at least just talk with you and get to know you;imagroveI'm just a average guy who is trying to find a meaningful connection and I'm willing to make anything work, just gimme some time to add you back if you do end up taking me on my offer cus I work and rent is real
no lie i actually think you look really good, id love to get to know you if you have any socials id be down to talk. My discord is cutsonmyskin
I saw you on another site and you were the cutest one I saw on there
>>33726851What site?
>>33727200cuddle comfort
>>33725745>>33723452I asked my friends who had girls they liked but never asked out, It wasn't a fear of rejection(It kinda is for me though) but just overthinking about what to say and do, when the simple thing to do is to just ask the girl and accept what comes...
>>33698365Disgorge US or Disgorge Mex?
>>33730269Didn’t even know there was a disgorge in mex lol so the us one ig lol
>>33730139I wish moids actually had balls then
>>33698427I wish >>33698626Yea i don’t take care of myself at all barely shower don’t know how to take care of my hair zero skin care never learned how to do makeup even when family members have tried to help me in the past tho there was a point in life were I was actually presentable believe it or not >>33703679Honestly I’ve always wanted to develop my fashion a lot through out the years but never did because of money I’m a decently knowledgeable fashion nerd >>33710459Thanks I blind without my glasses tho having them is a relatively new thing also yea I really need to go to a Salon fix my messy Bush of hair assuming I wouldn’t start having a nervous breakdown again >>33723632Thx I only own band shirts lol >>33715453Refer to my response above
>>33698365lose a tiny bit of weight, cut your hair get some proper bangs and change the hobo hairstyle and you're a proper 7/10 would worship you in europe
>>33698365Solid 4/10Lose the glasses and the weight and you'll probably get up to a 6.Right now you are not terribly ugly but you definitely won't be pulling chad anytime soon.
>>33730516Me too, I'm autistic as hell and I asked my friends with advice for this and they wouldn't give me a straight answer. They're probably just as lost as I am for stuff like this too, I like you and think you're attractive, but I wish I were different.
>>33733537I love the roses hun
>>33698365You have self confidence issues. Take better care of yourself, get some exercise, use some hair products, and wear clothing that better suits your figure. Eventually you'll start liking yourself because the issue here isn't that you think WE think you're unattractive. The issue is that YOU think you're unattractive.
>>33733560>the issue here isn't that you think WE think you're unattractive. The issue is that YOU think you're unattractive.That sounds on point, I've been in this thread for a week now, and you assessed that way better than I ever could.
>>33733584>some random troon's thread has become a sort of town square for the people of /soc/ and hosted at least two people's mental breakdowns
>>33733584I have more than enough experience with trying to get teenage girls to stop thinking they have depression or bpd or whatever else they think it wrong with them. Its almost always self confidence issues. The good thing is every one I've had come to me has grown out of it after a few months of actually taking care of themselves.
Hey guys this is sad you are all sad im ordering food tonight what food should i order
>>33734859stick my iron in your mouth and let it hit the back
>>33698365You are cute, that is the truth.But you are also a self hating retard who doesn't want truth, but confirmation bias for your self hatred.Don't forget to do a flip when you finally decide to an hero.
>>33698365biting the troon bait here a bit, since this is likely a tranny but if you're a girl. what the fuck are you doing. beauty = effort. do makeup and dress cute. don't wear glasses, or at least try some cuter ones. try to do something about the hair frizz. lose weight, i beg you, it changes your life. used to be ~145 lbs now down to 112, people actually don't laugh in my face anymore. i'd feel kind of bad asking you to ditch the piercings if it's what you like but maybe keep it to the earsi used to be just like you (anime shirt + fizzy hair + fat + bad looking baggy clothing + no makeup, then whining 'ughhh why don't guys like me omg im so ugly :(') before i realized i was being retarded. you have great skin and facial symmetry so you'd look good with all of this combined
>>33741683She's not a troon, most Females like Yaoi and shit, that makes them Fujos. Troons are mostly YurifagsYou gotta trust me on this theres alot of Sonic Fujoshis >>33717661
>>33698365if you're a man you are a 6/10 if you get a haircut dress better and work out a bit you could potentially go up to a 7.5 or even 8/10 depending on how tall you are. if you are a woman you are a 3/10 completely unsalvageable and should either join a convent or an hero immediately
>>33698365bruh you have really nice eyes and bone structure but ur fat so iunno become a meth head for like 3 months and you would unironically be hot
>>33698365You're a hideous brownoid and your piercings are ugly too.
>>33741935dont actually do meth lmao just drink coffee with ur meals and skip dinner or some shit losing wait really isnt that hard
>>33741939>losing waitfuck, im regarded, just ignore me
>>33741697Can some real ass Fujo or someone smarter than me explain this better? I can't explain this any better than "Girls like boys kissing" and "Guys like girls kissing"
>>33742358Idk I just like seeing guys kiss and be sappy with each other it warms my heart ●´ω`●>>33741938 sorry I’m brown ig lol>>33741935Will do >>33741629Probably idk sometimes I forget what I look like in some weird way to cope and not remind myself of what I see in the mirror
>>33698365Ugly AND brown
>>33742446>Idk I just like seeing guys kiss and be sappy with each other it warms my heartYEAAAAAAAH, this is what I told these ̶N̶i̶g̶g̶a̶s̶ guys, I had absolutely no doubts...
>>33698365Section your hair, apply a ton of coconut oil to each section ( I do it with a comb) and make sure each strand is fully drenched in oil. Wrap your head is a scarf or towel and either wait at least 4 hours or do it before bed wash it the next morning. No other product I've used cheap or expensive has been as effective for frizzy hair. I do use conditioners too and it's really not a lot of effort, once a week at most. But to be honest with you I find the process very calming and that's why I'm doing it, so my real advice is probably just to find whatever hair and skincare routine that feels fun and relaxing for you, or targets a specific issue you want to fix.
>>33742446fr tho ur bmi is the root cause of your issue, sure u have a big (not ugly) nose but you also have a big mouth + cheekbones, and there are heaps of beautiful people with those 3 features. Also people with big cheek/jaw bones always look terrible as soon as their features get obfuscated by face fat cus they immediately look fatter than they are ("im not fat im big boned" - but actually). so yeah thats the best i can do actually answer ur request >>33698365 but pls just dont be a doomer about it since u actually have heaps of potential ty 8)
I'd let you strangle me to death in a dark alleyway / 10
>>33698365I'd fuck you but I wouldn't want anyone to know I did.
>>33746779Thank you???>>33743493What dose this mean
>>33698365You're ok. If you don't improve you will be out of the dating market tho. There's still salvation: go to the gym 3x weekly, get yourself a nice haircut, improve your overall aesthetics (you look too masculine), apply some light makeup or go full goth, it's your choice really. Right now you just look too plain to catch anyone's attention. If you are satisfied with how you look then you may as well gtfo since you'll disregard any sincere advice.
>>33746841do you have a discord?
>>33747549What’s your user so I can add you instead
>>33723452>Nice advise but I can assure you guys did not want me in high school nor do they want me nowYou could have plenty of men into you just the way you are but all you want are chads because you refuse to settle for nice guy incels who you could get
>>33747853Don't say incels, I'd rather you call us chuds than Incels
>>33747853I don’t like “chads” they annoy the fuck out of me and honestly they aren’t my type looks and personality wise they’re all super one dimensional. the people you describe are barely here and the 1% I have met irl want nothing more than to use me for sex which you can imagine will break someone after awhile. The person you described has never approached me ever for matter a fact NOBODY HAS
>>33747874Not all incels are chuds, and chuds aren't nice guys >>33747890Lower your standards and date me and I'd date you even if you never had sex with me. There's a lot of us out there, you just only want the hypermasculine trad conservative men who are more likely to prioritize sex. Also you refuse to reject gender roles and ask men out because of conservative bullshit. You females should ask us out, we are supposed to have equality now
>>33747943>Not all incels are chuds, and chuds aren't nice guyshmmm I guess, I couldn't think of a word and decided on "chud" cause it sounded funny. And I don't remember her talking about a specific "Type" of guy she liked...
>>33747964>And I don't remember her talking about a specific "Type" of guy she liked...But she'd obviously never settle for nice guy incels because NOBODY ever will
>>33747943My standards are on the floor already in terms of people literally just don’t hurt me and have a good personalty. Also no I’m not looking for trad conservative men lmao far from it I only ever asked out one of my exes but generally I’m too scared to and I don’t get to know much of anyone irl anyways >And I don't remember her talking about a specific "Type" of guy she liked...My type is retarded dweebs
>>33748051>My type is retarded dweebsWow, and I was thinking you'd hate me cause I'm a retarded nigger dweeb......>>33748021>But she'd obviously never settle for nice guy incels because NOBODY ever willNow looks whose the retard huh, how about you shoot your shot huh, I'd let you do that alone if I didn't like her hmm
>>33748051>My standards are on the floor already in terms of people literally just don’t hurt me and have a good personaltyOf course "good personality" doesn't just mean being a nice guy but also being dominant masculine charismatic assertive confident interesting high status taking control extroverted dark triad and all that other dumb bullshit. You'd never lower your standards and settle for us genuine incels who don't even have Chad style personalities >My type is retarded dweebsThe r slur isn't very nice to use, sounds pretty conservative of you to call people that
>>33747800can i also add you?
>>33749509Go ahead send user >>33749455I men I like it men are dominant towards me but that’s kinda it if I were still single I’d be more than willing to date someone who’s just as nerdy as I am. I don’t care about anything else I think your overthinking my words anon
>>33749754Holy misspelling meant to say that like ig I like men who are more dominant over me but that’s kinda it lol
>>33749754>I men I like it men are dominant towards me but that’s kinda itThat's stupid conservative gender role shit, why can't you females lower your standards and accept loving equal relationships without any power dynamics garbage? Why is that so unbearable. The dominance/submission shit just gets in the way of love and romance because it's putting on a fake socially constructed archetype role rather than just existing as individuals
>>33749833i love incel seething
>>33749918Incels are justified in seething, considering how women call for equality in every other aspect of life (which is good!) but then strongly oppose it in dating and just want to literally fuck the patriarchy. If women are to credibly call for equality, they should accept dating equality, and give us incel nice guys a chance, and accept equal relationships without the conservative regressive power dynamics shit They won't, of course. Because god forbid anything ever work out ok
>>33748051>My type is retarded dweebs>>33749762>I like men who are more dominantliterally me, but how tall are you though?>>33749924>us incel nice guyslmfao
>>33749930>>us incel nice guys>lmfaoA lot of us incels genuinely are nice. The normie idea that "if you call yourself nice, you literally can't be nice, it's just obvious" is quite simply wrong and just a thought terminating cliche no matter how many times you people repeat it Females should simply give us nice guys a chance, and no, your rebuttals of this are wrong
>>33749975>A lot of us incels genuinely are nice>Females should simply give us nice guys a chanceLMAO
>>33749980It's just the decent thing to do. Women talk so much about liking equality so they should be fine having equality in romance too, if they want to be consistent and decent. Shutting incels out of romance just because we don't adhere to traditional beauty standards and gender roles isn't even remotely fair
>>33749990it's absolutely hilarious that all this seething was triggered by a girl expressing a slight preference for dominant men
>>33750013She should lower her standards and settle for men who are neither dominant or submissive and who just want equal loving relationships. It's hilarious that you normies are so obsessed with DHSM and need it in every fucking relationship. Conservatism has rotted your brains
>>33750026>She should lower her standardsnah lmao, you should stop being an entitled baby and accept that people have preferences that don't align with your preferences>you normiesi'm not even a normie, cope harder
You do look cute. Just smile for godsakes
>>33750064Biased and conservative preferences are bad, and a society that rejects fairness in romance is just not going to be a well functioning society no matter how much you normies (and yes you are a normie) try to deny, deflect, or justify it
>>33750267ok normie
>>33750166This. u gotta smile bitch it will make you look more femenine and cute, also loose weight
You're absolutely hideous.You look like a brown swine lol. That nose and fat.
>>33750271I'm not a normie, I'm a wretched incel that no females will ever settle for because they are too picky and conservative
>>33751026Enough of this incel talk, theres as many females out there as there are males. Theres gotta be atleast one girls out there thats your type and vice versa
>>33751055>Theres gotta be atleast one girls out there thats your type and vice versaNope. 80% of females want the top 20% of men. And men can appreciate basic decency without the woman doing traditional gender roles or beauty standards, while women fucking HATE the idea of guys who only have niceness to offer and not other shallow bullshit that shouldn't matter. So theres a lot of us men who would accept women, but the women would not accept us even if they are objectively on our level or above them even, because they've convinced themselves that they should never settleAnd the few women who ARE willing to settle tend to be ultraconservative religious fundamentalists who only do so because "god said if I don't have kids and submit to men, I'm going to hell" rather than because they actually see us as human and like us for who we are
>>33751230>80% of females want the top 20% of menI don't believe that, I've seen guys that I wouldn't even expect to have a cute. Off the top of my head I think of Chris-chan, If that guy of all guys can have a cute girlfriend, I'm sure anyone of us can. I think us guys need to atleast put up a fight when trying to get a girlfriend, even when we're afraid of rejection, you gotta "Hold on to what if"
>>33751281These guys succeed by having dominant, hypermasculine personalities, "taking control", being heavily extroverted, having high status and/or money, doing dark triad shit, and so on. None of that shit should matter. Females should accept men who don't have Chad style personalities like that but they refuse to be satisfied with basic decency and require the Chad personality instead
>>33698365Honestly, you are a 5 or a 4.>Are you hopeless?Not really. Lose 20lbs, wear tighter better fitting shirts, ditch the glasses, use leave in conditioner to defrizz your hair, and you will boost yourself to an 8.Develop a personality and you can be someones 10
>>33751318>These guys succeed by having dominant, hypermasculine personalities, "taking control", being heavily extroverted, having high status and/or money, doing dark triad shit, and so on.literally none of these except for dominant applies to me, even that only very loosely, and i've had successyou're unlovable because you've got a shit personality, normie
>>33751739My personality isn't shit, females just never give me a chance and hate that I'm not the dominant man they want. Females should accept nice guys like me but they never will
>>33751895>My personality isn't shityeah it is, you've demonstrated that pretty well itt
>>33751939Not at all. Nobody even knows what my personality is like because they just will never give me a chance and get to know me. Chad gets given a chance of course, Chad gets all the chances in the world
>>33751951people don't need to "give you a chance" when they can tell what your personality is like just by seeing you cope and seethe about your inability to get your dick wet, you've got flashing neon signs on all your posts that let the world know you're not worth giving a chance
>>33698365The truth is aren't ugly you look kinda innocent and very breedable would love to fuck the shit out of you, but if you do believe you're ugly you should try another hairstyle more short maybe that hair screams "I'm insecure and can't hide" but yeah very breedable nonetheless
Not conventionally attractive, sure, but 90% of dudes would still fuck your brains out
>>33698365i need the tits to asses that
>>33698365yes you are ugly
>>33698365Your hair looks pretty. Maybe it needs a layering unless that's it natural frizz. It looks pretty, and long. Your lips are really hot. Id actually like to make out, and I love the secret oral fetish you put on display. I'd head straight over to you, and say hello if you gave my eye contact time of day. Your body shape looks like it needs work. Really, that's all a woman needs to be up on. Unless you have curves that take on fat real good. I can't tell with your loose outfit. But if yo got ass cheeks under that loose clothing for example it would be super hot. I can't tell, but I like the death metal shirt. You have potential to be between a 6/10 or better, but I need to see what that body looks like.