Guys, how long did take you guys to find your girlfriends on /soc/?
nearly a week. it was awful.
>>33702405it took me years to find someone irl off soc and he blocked me and never talked to me again.I'm afab and this was a hetero relationship.I keep trying though since I'm touch starved.
>>33702448>I'm afab and this was a hetero relationship.Only in 2025 can this be a sentence. What a time to be alive, folks!!!
Never but I ignored and deleted my discord / email before even replying whenever I got an add, and even then most of the time I lurk and never add or post.
Within a few months of /soc/ starting I met a chick that lived quite a ways away. We talked/cammed for few months and I talked her into living with me. She was here for like 3 months and I had all I could stand, she was a disgusting slob
>>33702943lol wtf what? you had me going right up until the last sentence kek
>>33702967Like she was nasty. She would leave dirty clothes, towels, plates half full of food all over the place
>>33702985ngl I can tolerate all of that pretty easily as long as she is decently prettyif she's still looking for a boyfriend I'll gladly take her
I fucked a girl I met here last week, but it took like a couple years of on and off soc usage
>>33703010She married some guy she met on omegle
>>33702448no one gives a shit that you're afab, its not a personality quirk, you dumb bitch. Are that vapid and devoid of any real personality that you need to say this as some badge of honor? I am usually one for the girlies, but you are the worse and deserve to be alone. I hope he is getting pegged down deep by some troon or femdom mommy.>>33702508what a time to be alive when retards like this have nothing going on for their lives that they have to speak in contrite phrases. kys gigger nigger.>>33702532lol indeed>>33702943tfw when boys pretend they want hikki neet shut-in femcel gf but then bail out a few months later. The male loneliness so-called epidemic is deserved. >>33703010With that emotional complexity and childlike maturity level, no wonder you're still looking.You are all garbage, i love you.
>>33703172>You are all garbage, i love you.Thank you! God bless you too, nigger!>>33703025Dammit, well I hope he's having a good time in her filth. Cause I secretly have a fetish for filthy women.
>>33702405I don’t need a girlfriend at the moment, waste of time desu
>>33702405I have yet to meet a single woman from here in person. All the ones that add me are either catfish, trannies, or friend collectors. The few I found worth talking to always break it off with me in less than two weeks. There was one recent exception, but they've gone radio silent on me since November. So I'm stuck being alone again.
not a guy, but met my boyfriend off 4chan after like 3 years and he's all I could ever have asked for
>>33703490I know the feeling, it’s rough out there. But if >>33703498 is accurate I guess we can afford to be a bit more patient. I just wish girls didn’t add me on account of wanting someone to chat with just when they’re bored.
>>33703172kek, the tranny is mad at being faced with the real deal.
>>33702405just a few months, but i completely lucked out. i actually wasn't even looking for a relationship in the first place, but things developed organically and we basically do everything together now and we're working to meet in a few months; if you get past the waves of fake and/or profoundly bitter people on this board, you might encounter someone who simply gets you. given, that was about a year ago -- this board somehow looks way worse now lol. i wanted to find people for our drawpile server, but it seems just grim
>>33703490yet we are supposed to believe this isn’t what it’s like for everybody. mfw
>>33703182is this the start of our romance?
I've had multiple irl relationships from here. The most meaningful was off and on for 4 years. She had a lot of issues and completely destroyed me. Posted here the other day looking for dick lmao. My point is you think you want a relationship from soc until you actually get one. 99 percent of the people here are too fucked up for a relationship. Even the good ones get ruined by the bad ones. I'm the perfect example - I used to be a good potential partner, now I'm ruined because of how she did me
>>33702405Niggers on here like to pretend. Doesnt matter if you add them first or vice versa most people on here just love to talk a big storm of how sad lonely and upset they are and then when someone does try to befriend them they ghost. Fair enough if you dont get along with someone but atleast remove them instead of ghosting. Good luck finding a GF on here let alone a friend.
>>33702448I'm a girl here too and I've met up with people almost every time I post in my regional thread. Haven't had any real relationship from it but I think even the 1 time outings were a good experience. The last guy I actually dated for about a month but I cut it off cuz he was quite deceitful and angry. I'm still optimistic about it cuz generally 4chan men have treated me better than men I know irl for some reason haha
>>33702405Shit Yo
>>33702405Not gonna happenI refuse to talk to anyone here who claims to be female because I can't help but assume that they're either a catfish or a tranny
>>33704385Yeah but what if?
>>33702405step 1 take the pink pillstep 2 find a boy wifestep 3 became the girlfriend
I was going to make a long and thought out post about my experience here but it really all boils down to "the women here are just fucking around and not actually that interested in dating". If you're a faggot you'll probably have an easier time navigating this pozzed board. If you're a woman, either you're going to fuck around and enjoy the attention or get overwhelmed/freaked out and withdraw.When I started using this board, I thought "I'm not that great socially". After interacting with people here I have concluded I'm actually alright socially, I just have no fucking friends because I don't meet people.
>>33705469>take the pink pill>its just a bunch of ugly dudes who think that growing out their hair/wearing a wig, putting on a dress, and wearing makeup makes them a womanyeah, you have to be EXTREMELY delusional to think a mtf troon is a ((woman)) or at all feminine. Same goes for ftm, they are not men.
>>33705516good take on the experience here kek.
>>33705516very true,this board gave me hope in my social skills, but made me feel retarded by coming back for useless chatting with strangersmostly for attention, but I also have fun listening to others problems
>>33705829>not just becoming a sissy slut without the dysphoria stuff
>>33702405I met my husband here from my first post. He had posted once 2 months prior to us meeting.
>>33706731u a dude?
I added my fiance after being on soc on and off again for 7 months saw his post and thought he was funny and interestingthink he told me he only posted once before and that was a year before he met me I was the only person who added him from his post