Old thread just hit the bump limitPost what you're looking for and find people to be friends with/have sex with/whatever
https://discord.gg/FtGQVuSAEMofficial Texan 4chan server
Try it again but without the server bullshit
>>33705365Do I need to neglect my kids before or after I start doing coke to join?
Latinx Chudette from El Paso (TX) who wants to try BWC IRLhmu if you're closediscord: jaydenandtheboiz
>>33706585Also please hit me up if you're not a sober cake :3
Late 40s dad in Dallas. Filthy cheating perv. Looking to meet younger women IRL. Disc is ExecutiveDisasters.
>>33706575that server is the lamest group of people. It was boring drama 2 months ago, do you really need to dick ride the same shitty joke for months after? Do none of you have more interesting things going on in your life?
>>33706950You care too much, nig!
>>33707436>You shouldn't care that we dick ride the same shitty joke for months after and have no more interesting things going on in our lives.
30 M SATLooking for any girls that would like to try dating. Dont mind at all starting at friends /making friends either. Any age is fine. Not looking for hookups and quick sex. If we sleep together I want the trust and intimacy that only comes from a strong relationship.I play guitar, would love friends to Jam with. Also looking for people that like roleplaying and tabletop games. I'm also into modelism, painting, and sculpting. Mostly born from 40k, and Pathfinder.I like anime and videogames too. I write and read lots of shitty webnovels and fanfiction.Kik GomezMCH
too many fucking twinks in this state
>>33708851bro thinking about this for a second I should’ve fucked that hetero twink i met on here but my friends said to ditch him and they forced me into it so. Please go out with me on an ice cream date again if you see this, i promise I won’t yap and cry. also you’re fucking short. dont have my babies
>>33709092>hetero twinkgetchu a lil slice katz
>>33709106what does this even mean
he was the ugliest white boy twink thing I’ve ever seen but it’s okay I can deal with it. I literally heightmog him in like 2 inch heels but im morena so I mean I shouldn’t say anything and just accept that I’ll eventually be colonized.
>>33709092nah I'm good.
>>33709233no fucking way
>tfw no straight emo twink to go to arcades with in San Antonio
>ASL37/M>About yourself37 year old male trying to get his life together.>Looking forPeople to talk to throughout the day.>Discorddrago04078
>>33709660From Houston, Tx.
>>33709284I fit exactly what you're looking for 22 male 210 disc : ilovepump.fun
>tfw there's only sticks and whales in texas and the ones in-between are mentally deranged
>>33709939Hey what's wrong with sticks...
snapchat: bvsed-jonsnapchat: bvsed-jon18+
bump brother
29 F San AntonioLooking to make SFW friends in this city. Ideally, someone SFW to hang out with regularly. Take walks at parks, check out restaurants junk like that. I'm fairly lonely in this city since I moved here, but I really like it here and would love to get to know the place more.Discord is .butternutsquashed.
Looking for dudes or chick's to fuck around with show me what you got 39m in houston area...
Can someone kill this fag
>>33713436who is this nigga?
>>33713436what did beetlefucker do?!
>>3370536230/m/atxtall, handsome, loaded, dom daddyin ATX next 7 dayswilling to pay for a slut to wear stockings and watch porn with me. married so no sex or sexual contact, just masturbating, smoking, drinking, having a blast.
>>33705362>ASL26M>About YourselfI work full-time in package delivery and looking to fill an absence in my life. I believe I'm classified as a "bear" or a "chub" using homosexual terms. I believe video games to be the highest form of character-study storytelling and game design to be an amazing art in-and-of itself. They aren't a simple hobby to me, they are second to my personal relationships.>Looking ForA good, honest, patient, beautiful man. Preferably Christian or good with Christian morals. Whether twink or femboy, whether skinny, muscular, or chubby, I want someone I can fall in love with, talk to day in and day out, share hobbies with, experience video games with, and support in his life goals. A committed relationship that lasts. Also, has a high libido or is okay with someone that has a high libido.>Not Looking ForHairy men, bears, cannot hold physical attraction to these traits. Probably because of similarity to myself. Women. People who can't hold nor engage with a conversation. People unwilling to examine art from a mechanical angle or learn to examine art from a mechanical angle. People unable to experience emotions or reflect on themselves through art or learn to experience emotions or reflect on themselves through art.>Discord ThrowawayprancinglalahomomanOpen with ASL.
>>33705362Having this chilly weather and no one to cuddle is killing me.I'd literally pay some moderately attractive woman from Houston to cuddle
>>33715400Aint ever gonna happen
Syrian tranny sends their regards
>>33716474First it was Bourbon Sreet, now its Sillyman's getting doxxed. The streets of Nawlins has been going through tradgey after tradgey.
>>33716474What a devilishly handsome Aryan!
Exposing closet sissy from 979. G. E. First name rhymes with Larry. If you might know then kik at pnwpan
I'm fucking GAY
>>3371173422 M San AntonioSent you a friend request, my discord handle has "red" in the name. I too am a park and restaurant enjoyer, just moved into my own place and I don't want to be lonely
>>33716688She wont fuck you
>>33710572aint no meat on them bones honey
any body wanna meet up in a shady hotel in weatherford texas in a shady motel to fuckmale24I can see my toes without having to suck in my stomach
29m DFW areaLooking for a friend to show me around Arlington while I'm in town. I just ask that you are somewhat stable and can keep a conversation going. I'm into movies, record shopping, and retro video games. Always looking to buy games and Blu rays from you.Kik is Parygon
25m/south Texas.Im just bored because nothing happens here. Open to making friends or meeting women.disc: bread8515
>be me>spring 2022>find /soc/ anon who happens to be like 10 minutes away from where I live (Dallas)>sent hot pics back and forth>I was out of town at the time, couldn't meet up right then>a few days later he disappearedfeels sad man
>>33719008sent ;)
fit and normal 22M in the middle of DFW. anyone interested?
28, m, htx, bi, looking for some fun on the side. 6ft, 200lbs, top, 7inkik- jennymatrix343
26, m, Fort worth, army vet looking for anything in the fort worth area but have yall seen that facebook page with the fort worth mugshots?
>>33708851Really? I can't fucking find any, I hate it here.
29/M/DallasLooking for a trans chick or femboy to fuck around with.Discord: Sleepydude4311
Only (Real) 915 poster.
M/21/956 - RGVLooking for friends to chat or meet withSnapchat - suarez03edwinDiscord - sss.anon
32/M/Fit/RockportAll of my friends moved. Looking for goobers to chill with.
>>33727170forgot my discord - bnetplayer2474
>ASL26/F/North Texas>Describe Yourself5’5 black girl with dark hair and dark eyes. I have an athletic build and my hair is relatively long. Finishing up some certs for IT (may do a career swap however) while I work at an end of life care facility.>interestsVideo games, true crime, psychology, occultism, animals, reading, cartoons, old web, metal, EDM, programming, robotics, drawing, anime, cosplay, neopets and guns.I am (diagnosed ) with high function autism so I have hyper fixations, and come with all of the generic tism symptoms along with a somewhat noticeable lisp and speech impediment.>looking forA boyfriend with more provider leaning values. Someone who is naturally nurturing and patient. I have a lot of past hurt (I have CPTSD) so someone who is really empathetic is support important— I suppose looking for another shot at life in some ways? Idk. I guess Someone who Wants to meet, fall in love and provide while we make a family together :3.Again Patience is extremely important due to my tism. It would be fun if you liked to help me with cosplay and outfits too!I want to build my partner up in their own ways and help them became the best version of themselves. Someone who is already well settled into their career as well. I want to be a stay at home mother who works from home. Let’s build a family! I want to support you. Introverts welcome :3. bonus points if you have a WFH job. Oh I love light colored eyes too <3>not looking forNon white men (sorry), NEETs, students, coomers, trans people, anyone under the age of 25, people outside of the US. Non provider types, people with no drivers license, bald people, time wasters. Ghosters. Nobody outside of The US because I’m not interested in edating.LARPers. People who won't VC. People who only want nudes.Discord: insignificantfemanon
>>33729380epic chungus bacon ftw, this dumb femcel is having sex, something I dont want to do until marriage
29M/TX. I have a lot of nerdy interests, if you do too add me and we can talk about it and see if we share any. Would be nice to meet someone to hangout with sometime IRL.pepewojak
>>33729767BasedGod speed anon
>>33727205>>33729767I want to fuck your throat
Any Inaugurations meetups going on today or this Weekend even?
Anyone in 254 wanna trade girls?Kik: poopybutt321
how come there’s only scammers and gay faggot twinks in texas i hate it here
>>33733393The vast majority of the women are either obese and/or mentally ill, so dudes lock down all of the good ones early. Any girl left after ~23 is going to be a massive compromise in one way or another.
>>33733710u didnt have to call out wita and necro like that
>>33705362I'm in DFW, and want to get some kind of tunnel/river/industrial park rave/hangout going. (30/m)Anybody have location ideas?33.033764, -97.210190 looks solid, it has a pulloff and people fish there during the day; no people living in the area to complain, or cameras, or business owners, or random foot traffic.I've got a powerful Soundboks speaker, and plan to get a Death From Below subwoofer for good volume + portability.Location scouting would need to consider probability of police cancelling/interrupting. Maybe an industrial that's not leased out?Holy grail would be somewhere in the metroplex that's all of the above, AND not within city limits. Not looking likely though.Discord is 36e if y'all have any ideas.
yeehaw chucklefucks
up you go my texas saving gemerald
Uhh Texas anon server bros….
>>33747629It exploded :(Maybe spamming the "kill them all" gif in the politics channel was very well thought through
Damn clyde you really gonna do me like that?
https://discord.gg/FtGQVuSAEMJoin the only standing Texas server, Texas anons are welcome to join in solidarity :)
Someone drop the Discord link with the #intro requiring a wall of text to get in, not >>33749757The one where a lot of people named themselves after cars.
>>33749976that server got banned bruh.
37/M/DFWI'm not gonna lie to you, I just wanna fuck some IQ points out of a few girls.KIK: FutureFather_
>>33727205>>33729767Self hating black women on 4chan are so common it's hilarious.
>>33705362everyone here is a fucking faggot. i woudn't want to meet up with any of you fucker in texas or in hell. fuck off
>>33750813You're not important, schizo.... ANYWAY. It's required everyone in Texas watch Dog Man in theaters this weekend.
>>33705362>A/S/L22, F, Texas>City/AreaSan Antonio, Texas>What are you looking for?A daddy who is going to treat me right, we can also meetup uwu>What are you not looking for?Weird people>About me5'5, played volleyball and went swimming, cute.>Contact?cindyyuwu
>27/m/HoustonPic is me from the snow day, built 2 snow men and went sleading
>>33705362>>3370536218 m satxabout yourself: im into politics, history, philosophy anime gaminggg i like smoking and stuff too i like basically everything honestlylooking for: new friends and people to hangout with irlnot looking for: people who are lamediscord: iluvlittlegirls999
>>3370536218f discord san.tero
this goes out to all the parents
>ASL27/F/SAT>About yourselfHaven't been on here in ages but thought I'd check it out. Lived in TX 5 years now. Curly brown hair, short, chubby, have a career. Super into vidya and movies>Looking forPeople to chat/game with and eventually meet up>DiscordGrunddy9634>>33713991
>>33761788Sorry discord is grunddy6934
>>33725917915 reporting in
>>33761685This is a good image, thank you.
>39/M/956>Discord:otakutexasLooking for nerdy girls down here who want to meet up, hang out, and chat. Into anime, vidya mostly prefer you like the same. Will cover ya for food and shit in person but I dont send money online im not stupid.
Is anyone doing anything for the Superbowl?
Name:shaquiaAge:27Gender:fDm status: openHobbies: music, journaling being a momAbout me: love cooking, stay at home mom married for 3 years just discovered that my husband is having an affair. Love to sing and dance I lactate sometimes >contact telegram:creamy_juliette
Sins of the father
>>33705362I'm from Europe and I wanna fuck some hot latino women. How can I join?I just checked and plane ticket from Riga to Dallas costs around $500.
>>33768384Are you actual female?Can you post face. We can do picrel.
>>33727205>>33729767Hahahahahaha. This is 99% of the hoes here. Looking for some hero to come save her, meanwhile she's a disgusting, mediocre whore
I'm looking for some friends to play games with, read books with, learn stuff with, talk with. It'd be great if we live nearby and could hangout sometime IRL. Interests and hobbies focused around nerdy things and also the outdoors. 29 yrs old. No coomer stuff or dating please, not looking for that.lunarrr11
>>33709939Hey whats wrong with whales>havent seen my dick in 2 yearsNevermind...
37F. Married teacher here. Looking to chat with some younger studs. A huge plus if you’re sexually experienced. Love chatting with bulls. Must be fit/muscular. Kik miatallard or telegram kss3022. Must send a photo for a reply…
>>33774991Your reddit post history says you're from California and Chinese. EWW...
>>3375664418/m/satx with the exact same interests as well. pls add me on ur new account.disc: dulcima.dulcima
Don't get green skinKeep contact Don't say GoodbyeSmell you laterLaaateeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr
26/m/DFWJust a slightly chubby/built autistic socially anxious person with a career wanting to cuddle with cute people. Twinks or femboys.discord: coloneluuugghhh
>>33711734Changed my username. Its pumpkin.marshmallow now. Still looking.
>>33729767>meanwhile, she wants to have some perfect guy come take care of her and settle down with Funny because I remember talking to this girl ages ago, and one of the things she excused her OF with was "but it's only solo content!" And you people act like men are disgusting.
>>33778564She can do what she wants. It’s not like she’s gonna settle down with you, but someone will appreciate the whole package.
>>33779303Nigga, you're a catfish. Bold of you to reply to this, TomorrowNeverKnowz.
up you go
>>33729767Chat, do we think the head was gas?
NEW TEXAS SERVERhttps://discord.gg/u8Bv9NEM
I rarely post on /soc/ but here's a free bump for the group.41/blk m/Central HTXI'm a bit of an antisocial normie. I got a stable office job, have my own place, work out, pack 8", and generally have my shit in order but I'm not looking to date right now. Looking for someone who has an oral fixation and wants to practice it regularly, preferably on call.
>>33785435You are FAKE NEWS. There's zero mention of Texas in this server from a simple search.
>>33785435aint no texas server you lying ass nig
>>33783710The dick is like 4 inches and she can't even fit it all, certified stinker
>>33785614youre just jealous ur not getting that world class gas head
21 f dfw i just want friends. no sex/fwb stuff. i have a bf but we are in an ldr and im neet so i just really want to hang out with real people again. ideally we would talk online for a good while before meeting if ever. i am autistic and very mentally ill so i am not the best at carrying conversations but i will try my best. i like anime and manga (only shojo sorry), horror, and vidya from time to time. kik hallowedbethywrist
>>33709106i think im good ice cream does sound good tho
>>33788548are you a tranny?
>>33788560im sure jonathan wishes i was
>>33788548Welcome back pilgrim. How was the nomy tranny farm?
>>33788548>>33788656post ass you pretty haired twink
28m 512looking for someone to meet up and jack off together / trib our IRLs. I've done it a few times off these soc threads and it was awesome. hmu on Kik if your interested: jor1432
>>33706585sorry but white people dont live in el paso
>>33788548did you dump you know who yet
so when will there be an actual meetup?we need an actual 4channer meetup instead of these bullshit retard-tinder-esque threadssimps and egirls KYS
>>33788548Uh oh.. looks like someone's getting backstabbed by someone he thought he could trust!
>>33790302spill the tea sister
>>33790302ooooooh do tell
>>33788548Uh oh mr. rincon!!! Not good not goodI don't even remember taking this picture but I look good in it :) Montfort and Bowser really looking hot rn
>>33709106>>33788548How many fucking hetero twinks are there. Whatever, BTW I deleted my 'cord account as I usually do but I guess the texas server got deleted too.
>>33792004>>33792072What the fuck is going on?
>>33792004homeboy youre being manipulated. no one in txcord had that picture of you.
Even the fruits are poison. Berries reign supreme.
Rate the fit, ladies
>>33795452alice gear goes hard
Back at again with Texas Anons Meetup, nothing will stop /soc/'s steers and queers. Anyone is welcomed here, both old and new. Come find some new irl's and have new experiences in /TAR/ where we organize meetups in the major cities of Texas. ;D (No doxing is allowed, anyone who does will be banned immediately) https://discord.gg/jS3Ca8KmSU
28m 512 looking for someone to meet up and jack off together / trib our IRLs. I've done it a few times off these soc threads and it was awesome. hmu on Kik if your interested: jor1432
>>33705362>asl30/m/west houston-tx>what I'm looking forFriends, maybe more. Looking to hang out, hit up some retro vidya stores, I make some good cheese burgers. Bonus points if you're a >girl (male) I need someone to take on dates Discord: kaban_tan
30/m/Dallas Fit white professional. Wanna see someone with a really big dick, at least 7 inches. I just wanna see it, compare it, measure it and then jerk kik: rsf1911
>>33796670Anna is a power tripping tranny janny who is banning users without explanation, not even breaking their rules. I saw him barking at the owner of the server multiple times. I'd be careful posting too much, you might be mislabeled suspicious.
>>33796670that anna character needs to take a chill pill
>>33799143this poster is the former owner of the server upset he got banned, anna is a good admin. the former owner has been banned from this iteration of the server for joining on an alt and doxxing previous users. the new discord has no doxxing and all previous members associated with the drama are not present.
>>33799143>>33799715>>33799932>Texas discord dramaffs can we have a normal server ever?
>>33799932No, I was banned without explanation. Anna, you did not explain why MY account was banned along with two others. The alts, you had specifically stated why, but ours, nothing. Explain, or you're submitting to paranoia. I only found out because I asked another member who's currently still in if the server got deleted.
>>33799932I think anna has good intentions but theyre too trigger happy.
We're so close... To the center....
>>33806585ohio ass bot reply bruh
24m bi in Dallas areaDown to meetup and just hangout or jerk off or get down to whatever
>>33806924Forgot my Kik lolalexchurch.
>ASL30/M>About yourselfFucking TTRPG and Outdoors nerd, very creative and antisocial, think of a good bartender at like Slackers. Some gaming too but mostly casual stuff. Big into music trading though.>Looking forNeed to work on making less short-term friends, and also going through a really rough emotional time at the moment so someone to talk or connect with would be cool since I'm feeling super isolated.>Discordmonochromaticsoul
Texas Anon Reloaded is the BEST new Texas server.Mad Thad won.
y'all ever bump into this nigga in dallas?
Hill country best country
Never used /soc/ before, but I'm interested in seeing if there are any other anons who go to school at UTSA. Am into reading and vidya, my groomercord is airpods_
>>33706950>>33706950Lol this. Server full of jobless, incel, sub 5'8 guys pretending to be white, and literal torta goblina 3/10 roasties. People begging for rides, or trying to bum food/drugs. Dont join if you're semi attractive or have any sort of job, they will try to use you, or run you off.
>>33812762soul obliterating truth nuke
i'm from texas but i would never want to physically meet any of you in real life. i cannot even wrap my head around the idea. normalfags are something else. no hate though, i wish i had the personality that would let me do such a thing.
>>33812762>sub 5'8 guysNo Country For Manlets, it would seem...
:3 hewwo, >///<
In Amarillo for work this weekend and looking for a hookup with lady.M/34 6”3’Snap is esidi_89
I miss her guys
>>33813824dont worry it only gets worse over the years :D
Anyone want a ticket to the Justice concert this upcoming Wednesday in Irving? My work fucked me over and now I can't make it. First one who responds with an email address gets it (make sure it's the email you have attached to your ticketmaster/livenation)
35/m/936 arealooking for friends or gals to talk to, maybe meet up. Aint shy and open minded so if you are degen or not, lets talk and see how it goesDiscord: Neo0796
>>33814089Hololive English Justice?
>Asl 28/m/SaTx>About yourselfI enjoy fighting games, rhythm games, live shows, shooting the shit, and just hanging out not doing anything. Anything with arcades is a plus. >Looking for honestly work two jobs and live in the middle of downtown. Looking to either chat and make friends or something else. I kinda get bored of people easily so if we click that'll be cool but if not I'll probably just slow reply you. >DiscordMeowiekinsAlso idk what happened to the texas anons thing but I wasn't active but it was fun to lurk in it.
30 M 30 F Bi couple in AustinEnjoys watching movies and TV, checking out local restaurants and shops, having a couple drinks. Into some gaming and sports. Really looking for new friends to hang with on the weekends. Possibility of something in the bedroom is there.Discord Rspex
this thread suck ass
>>33815900planet destroying truth nuke
Looking for a girl to have an affair with in DFW.Teleguard: L5PRNBSJXKik: netmelt033
>ASL26/M/DFW Area>Describe YourselfI’m a 5’8” (go figure) mixed guy. I’ve been described as having a very calm demeanor and temperament, I can be a bit shy at first but I really enjoy talking to others who aren’t mean and callous in nature. Slim build, kinda lanky. I wanna work out more but lack the motivation to do so. I may be a bit slow to warm up to you at first but I struggle with trying to make meaningful connections, so please be patient. I recently got out of an extremely toxic relationship, so I’m not looking for love at the moment. I just wanna make friends because I have none. I recently moved back to the DFW area last week but I grew up here. (Came down from Seattle, if you’re curious.)>interestsI enjoy a lot of creative interests like pottery, reading, painting and playing video games! I also enjoy going out with someone but I usually shy away from a crowd, I prefer to spend my time with a maximum of 2 people, I don’t really enjoy being a third/fourth wheel. I love bowling, going to bars and arcades, trying new food spots and taking little road trips! Ask me what kind of video games I like if you’re interested about that.>looking forA genuine friend to talk to and hang out with! Maybe it can blossom into something deeper but I’m not particularly looking for a relationship but I’m not one to shy away from something if it is something.>not looking forWeirdos, Nazis, older men, people who just want to hook up. I’m not a political guy but I don’t want someone in my life whose whole schtick is revolved around hate. Thank you for taking the time to read and have a good day! Discord: seapunksoda
>>33819361uhhhhhhh jannies hello? this has been up for 3 hours
Finally able to have a garden again chat. Posting updates about it here on the best txcord serverdfgBjtmDWq
Hoping to chat with someone from Arlington and potentially goon to sluts we both know Kik iwtfsp7
it begins soon...
The pathetic simps in some of these servers haven't been made fun of enough
>>33819944Joined, I better not be disappointed
>>33822988nah nvm fuck the server
>>33823045Does he know???