I’m new to the dating scene I need help. I think I’m a 6
>>33706610I’m 2sd above mean in penis
>>33706610king you are a 10
you look good dude, just walk up to hoes
>>33706663>>33706710Thanks anons
>>33706610Bro youre indian and you look like a chubby 13 year old, if you walk up to a hoe shes gonna pepper spray you
You look middle eastern are you Jewish?
>>33706773cool show what you look like these anons are saying im a 10 and im 2sd dick
>>33706773where the fuck are you? stupid nigger
>>33706787>>33706885wow insecure much? a real 10 wouldnt need to get this angry of defensive over some words on this faggot filled board on a mongolian basket weaving forum. if youre getting this angry over someone online i cant imagine how angry youd get if you get rejected by a girl irl. thank god for pepper spray and tazers!
>>33706787>>33706885also i pictured you bobbing your head as you said that in a typical indian accent and honestly that anon is right youre definitely a street shitter lmao
>>33706909I’m not insecure poo I’m confident let’s see how you look dysgenic retard
Lmao my phenotype is mixed fucking ai thinks I’m Indian
>>33706909>a real 10You just admitted I’m a ten lmfao
You're about average facially, somewhere around 4-6. You're a normie.
>>33707068Nah hes a 10 bro
>>33707071How is he a 10??
>>33707072The ears, nose, eye separation. Are you blind dude?
>>33707068Lmao this is a 5
>>33707076>Ears stick out a little, but that doesn't matter much>Normal nose. Normal mouth. Normal philtrum width.>Normal eyes. Neutral canthal tilt. Eyes are kind of large, vaguely boyish / feminine, but nothing particularly repulsive.>Jaw looks okay. Not small, not big.>decent hairline.>More or less inoffensive, more or less unremarkable.He's normie, he's average.
>>33707078That's very below average. Where do you live where most guys are that ugly??
>>33707088Do you know how a spectrum of attractiveness works? A 5 is basically dysgenic lmao a 7.5 is 1-1.125 standard deviations higher than mean Learn some fucking statistics retard I’m a 9-10
>>337071101.6 standard deviations***
>>33707076You can go to heaven
>>33707110It's a bell curve and 5/10 is its midpoint. Where do you live where half of all people are dysgenically ugly?You're not a chad. You're normal looking.
>>33707007The AI is right your def a paki or poo
>>33707127Lmfao you’re retarded as shit. Now you’re using “dysgenic” KEK
>>33707140You don't have a chad-tier face. No woman will ever feel lust after seeing your face, because it's normie-tier. You're a normie. You're not a chad.
>>33707151Post it on Reddit link the thread we’ll let the public decide
>>33707127Lmao. I’m hot as fuck go fuck yourself I just asked someone
>>33706610You are very average looking. Like a 4-5/10 If you lost weight, dressed better and got a better haircut then you would probably be a 6-7/10
>>33707273Lmao this is a 4
>>33707046I knew people with darker skin colors have a harder time reading and understanding words but god damn bro... he said a real 10, which implies you're not a 10 because you dont act like an actual 10. tl;dr hes calling you and ugly raging poo that will get pepper sprayed instantly, and he's right.
>>33707110>Learn some fucking statistics retard I’m a 9-10You're delusional lil indian nigga. People with shit skin cap out at 5, 6 max if you're some giga fit bollywood actor or an indian who owns a working toilet (aka a billionaire). To think someone like you is anything higher than a 4 is insanity, and its much more realistic to agree that mtf trannies are real women and not just men wearing wigs. You need to come back down to your poo filled reality and realize you'll never be above average. The only way your looks ratings will ever go is down, just like a turd swirling down the toilet when someone flushes.
>>33707256>mommy am I a good looking turd??Holy fucking autism bro
>>33706610You look goofy. I can't see a woman taking you seriously
>>33707370You can’t reason lmfao. I’m a “fake 10” because of my behavior which is irrelevant to my looks lmao retard nigger probably <110 VIQ
>>33707301I would say he is a 5-6/10 he is more fit looking, dresses well and is groomed well (nice beard and hair)
>>33707551The pose is also irresistible
>>33707551hes a 5-6? lmfao hes a shitskin poo low caste sub human with a 4 incherim a jatt paki with a 6.33 incher 96th percentile and fair ish skin lmfaoooooo
>>33707519to elaborate using my 146 VCI (wais construct) saying "fake" then a "10" is still implying I'm a 10 since you didnt give a clear inner reason to the direct topic which is being a 10 which is the original topic of conversation lmao retard nigger
>>33707731Why did you go lowercase chad
>>33707734on computer
>>33707736Getting down to business no matter the weapon
>>33707738lol yeah
>>33707519Nigga are you stupid? Youre not anywhere close to a 10. You have extreme autism and are extremely delusional, which knocks you down another like 3 or 4 points putting you at a 2, which is on par with your native street shitters. It's that simple, shitskin. You will never be considered attractive. You are way below average. Why do you think there are so many white male x indian female couples? Its because indian males like you exist, and no one wants to reproduce and make ugly deformed kids with some freak like you. You're not even a good color of brown. Black men are nice shades of chocolate, you are literally the color of shit.
>>33707893Lmao. Let’s see how your dysgenic 5/10 ass looks I’m a gem to most white women
Imagine getting this ass blasted over people pointing out you're not exceptional. Be glad you're not ugly and accept what you don't have.
>>33707924>I’m a gem to most white womenUh..
Lmfao I’m 100th percentile girth I mog all of you retards
>>33706911top kek
>>33707943I just measured my FFMI its 22.5 LMFAO IM A 3 SD MOGGER
>>33707893Lmao the IQ of this paragraph is like 105 you are a retard you probably think this was a smart reply
>>33706909>a real 10 being a 10 isnt subjective im a 10 to the average person so I am a 10 lmfao
>>33711454Quit bumping your shitty thread you 5/10 Indian.
>>33711499show how you look like this is a 5/10 .33sd in India in europe to a pretty women hes a 3 with a super dark dick that looks gross with horrible metabolism genetics and low iq
>>33707943Right, now lets you're BMI
>>33713823its 25
Not at all
>>33706610Yeah I’d say about 6 is right. You should try to make your neck thicker with any kind of neck exercise; I think it’d really help with your facial structure. Thick necks are underrated meta.
>>33706610you're a solid 3.1/10 if anything>25% bodyfat, low definition in face>doublechin clearly visible>frog eyes>nasolabial folds (yuck, fat and aging) and they go down PAST your mouth (eeww)>good hairline (your only REDEEMing quality)>fat (ew)>trophy handle ears, you sort of resemble an elephantyou're not hideously ugly nor are you attractive, god forbid a 6/10 which would imply that you're above average (you are not, at ALL)you could be decent looking, like probably a 4 or so if you weren't such a big fat lardass fatty fat fat fucking fatass big fat faggot nigger and lost weight then put on more muscle, and grew your hair out to hide those repulsive wings on the side of your head though. your best bet is to try to resemble a lean mexican instead of a chubby indian shitstain of an individualbest of luck fatass. try not to redeem too hard SAAR
>>33725258Yes, you seem honest. I need you to review my picture, I am the 3/10 shitskin.