Post>age>favorite literary genre>book that you're currently reading>books you want to read>contact
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28/M/Canada>favorite genreI read classics and poetry mostly.>currently readinggreek mythology + collected poems of robert frost>books you want to readall of themI write as well>contactchucksneed5026 on discord
>>33711771you're full of yourself and you're writing is pozzed
>age36>favorite literary genrebiography>book that you're currently readinga country of vast designs>books you want to readronald hutton's cromwell books>contactno
>age22>favorite literary genreSci-Fi/Fantasy>book that you're currently readingBurning Chrome + The Black Lizard>books you want to readall the good onesspecifically want to read more discworld soon>contactmogg00
>age30/M/USA>favorite literary genreHorror>book that you're currently readingHaving a light novel phaseRe:Zero Light Novel volume 19Roll over and Die volume 4>books you want to readthere is... so many...I have stacks that I haven't found time for. I just bought Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky>contactkalk_kogan
>age23>favorite literary genrefantasy / scifi / nonfiction, i cant choose >book that you're currently reading history book about supersonic flight>books you want to readmore of the classics >contacthalogen450
>>33709912>AgeOld>Favorite literary genreLiterary Fiction>Books that you're currently readingNone, just finished Moby Dick.>Books you want to readList is long>Contactkuzylim
> age18 f uk > genreClassics / general fiction / poetry > currently readingBonfire of vanities> want to readeverything Mariana Enriquez has ever written> contactRobinred06 kik