Does this kind of thing prime men into pursuing the woman who complimented him?
>>33711853Not when it comes from a troon like you
what do you thinkare you really this oblivious to how lonely men can be
No. It needs to be more direct because we won’t know if you’re just trying to be nice or actually flirting
>>33711853You have to compliment himKiss his lips or cheekLock arms with him all nightTake him back to your place or go to his place.Stay the night wake up in bed togetherOnly then can he be sure you are flirting with him
Nah.I'd like to say it works, but it doesn't. Last time one gave me a compliment, I got the impression she wanted more, I appreciated it, but wasn't into her, or really feeling like dating at the time, I was (and still am) pretty checked out of it. She was a coworker, we were both deployed to the same base for only a few months, she wasn't the greatest looker, and while she seemed sweet, I didn't know her real well.Also, guys get compliments from chicks so rarely, that they have a much higher rate of doubting the authenticity, and are more likely to think it's some kinda trap or manipulation. This is actually backed up by a few sociology studies on the subject, Aydin Paladin has a video on the subject.As much as I'd like for women to make the first move... Last time one asked me out and I said yes, she was one of the worst most manipulative people I ever met. It was 3 years ago, the last time I went on a date with anyone, and now, I'd hesitate to say yes to anyone asking me out no matter who they were.I'd like it if women learned how to make the first move more often, I think you'd find guys would really appreciate you for it, since it takes a huge amount of stress out of dating for them. But they may still reject you anyway for the above reasons. My advice would be to treat it like guys do... Make compliments, make the first move, but 100% expect to be shot down and rejected anyway, and don't take it personally when you do.Also guys are hesitant anymore to pursue women than ever before, even when given signals like compliments to do so, it has backfired so often in a world where even looking at a chick in the gym is enough to catch some kinda allegations... So if you're gonna do this with the goal of actually dating the guy, start with compliments, do it consistently, then escalate. Don't treat it as a "bait" for *him* to *start* pursuing you. Some of us do actually know it's bait, but are so done with headgames in dating that it's not enough anymore.
>>33711853There is not a single man on this planet who deserves to be complimented or find love. If you compliment a man, you are either a faggot or you self/hating valueless run-through skank.
Try it and find out
>>33712394this is why you will die singleA girl who refuses to give me any complimentsthat is a girl I will never date or marry
yes it doescompliments are nice. when the nice girl at the front desk compliments my shirt or says I'm looking good, it usually makes me have a good session. it's not rocket science man
>>33711853When a guy gets complimented by a woman his immediate thought is that she's trying to prank him or scam him.
>>33712418Agree. It's even heightned more due to socials
>>33712402LMAO. I am not the one who has a male loneliness epidemic on my hands, faggot.I am not the one whose entire life revolves around using women's compliments as a way to feel better about myself or as a security blanket, you feeble-minded closeted narcissistic robotfucker.Unlike you, I do not settle for the lowest of the low or need a man to be happy, successful or complete.You have some powerful teenage energy, Are you sure you should be on 4chan and not studying for your exam tomorrow?Men have done nothing to deserve love, compliments are the right to exist.
>>33713528Damn who hurt you
>>33711853Compliments wash off me like water off a raincoat. I only ever see people once, so even if I wanted to, I couldn't pursue anyone. So, maybe try being direct, huh? What's wrong with that? Chicken? Huh?
>>33713528>male loneliness epidemicI don’t really feel like that’s a thing. I mean if it was it would apply to women as well, since 1 single man in any given country equals one single woman (besides a few rare lesbians maybe). Sounds like you’re buying into the whole weird gender/sex divide thing that certain bad actors promote. I hope you get over that hatred soon, very few people are genuinely happy alone and having a spouse and children is often a necessity towards living a happy life. Not just for women but men as well in my eyes, God bless.
>>33713661Moron, multiple women are just fine being in a situationship with one man.Female freedom is hypergamy, which is the cause of irl harems.Modern women are just in digital harems.
>>33713563I just state the facts. Men could be capable of so much more. But they are too busy either biting the pillow getting pegged, face deep in another dude's ass or jerking it to Trump. Men have shit the bed, now it is their time to sleep in it til they die of sepsis.You can throw all sorts of clown-worthy shitpost at me about men and their so-called achievements, but you do not belong to the hivemind. You are a singular entity who will wither to dust alone.>>33713661Sure thing, man. Just because you shut your eyes and plug your ears doesn't it make any less of a fact.Woman are finally waking up and seeing how worthless men are and are out there seeking their own happiness and winning. There still are women out there, too dumb and weak to overcome, pity them, do not herald them as an icon for your your monolith. >Buying into the whole blah blahKeep crying about male rights, old history of toxic patriarchy and heralding another mans accomplishment as your own. I will never get over my hatred for malekind. I am so over you and I hope that each days passes another man dies, is left alone or kills themselves. May Lucifer removed the rock goggles obscuring your vision soon.>>33713665This is bait. Men are larping simps with zero money in the bank and little to no neurons firing.
>>33713951Waaiitt, they don’t love you like I loovee youu
>>33712394>>33713528>>33713951hahaha they're a pissed off left wingerthat clearly failed history class
>>33713951You’re really not living in reality here as far as the stats are concerned, young women are dating older men more than they were decades ago and compared to pre-pandemic numbers more and more single young men are spurning relationships. Which isn’t a good thing either for the record. I’m sorry if you were abused by your father, uncle or what have you but it is not possible to live a truly happy life alone for the vast majority of people unless you’re some Orthodox monk living in the countryside in Eastern Europe. Nobody wants to die alone, it’s natural to desire love and I feel sorry for you for deluding yourself that you don’t want it.
>>33714089lol when all else fails, just apply weird political stances at them, that'll show em!You sure showed me, Mr.Incel never-touched-a-woman-before alt-right sycophant! Look at every country that has been ruled by man, it all ends up collapsing, let me list them for you, since you clearly failed History class yourself, faggot.Roman Empire: Eventually fragmented due to internal strife, economic challenges, and external pressures.Ming Dynasty: Succumbed to political corruption, peasant uprisings, and external invasions.Mycenaean Civilization: An early Greek civ run by warrior-kings, which collapsed around 1100 BCE possibly due to a combination of internal unrest, environmental changes, and invasions.Maya Civilization: In Mesoamerica thrived for centuries before declining due to factors like environmental degradation, warfare, and social unrest.Hittite Empire: A Bronze Age empire in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) ruled by kings, which collapsed around 1180 BCE, likely due to invasions and internal strife.Those are just a few, you absolute oatmeal-brained inbred Plaidean reject. >>33714077Don't strayWell, my kind's your kindI'll stay the samePack upDon't stray>>33714238I live off facts, a plethora of personal experience, documentation of other women's experience and data, statistics and the current state of the world. You can try to yap and say what I am saying is illogical, but you're speaking out of emotion. Calm down, no need to get hysterical. Your stats are so twisted through the veil of your own agenda that you cannot see beyond the barbwire fence you claim to have put yourself behind. I am sorry you had a father figure who was just as dumb and emotionally infantile as you are. >No one wants to die alone.Everyone, in fact, dies alone. keep them coming, moids, I can do this however long you wish.
>>33711853Females should stop being such conservative bitches and shouldn't need men to be the ones to pursue, its current fucking year so you pigs can be the ones to pursue now. Fuck you
I get called handsome alot on dating apps and occasionally irl but more often cute or hot in person
>>33714667I've never gotten a compliment beyond cute
>>33714647All matriarch societies african and american native tribes never evolve past stone age.All instances of female team survivor reality shows the female teams had to be rescued All societies that collapsed failed when feminine left wing politics were introduced.
>>33714647Civilization founded by women: they be shopping.
>>33714897Try it sometime. Maybe you won't look so drab bb.
>>33714918Mommy does that for me….
>>33714924Cute. I hope she keeps the tag on your new pants when she deepthroats you in the changing room after you just couldn't wait the 10 fucking minutes to get home so she can return them if needed.
>>33714930This might be worst thing I’ve ever read on this site, and I used to browse blue boards…
>>33714647>Look at every country that has been ruled by man, it all ends up collapsing, let me list them for you, since you clearly failed History class yourself, faggot.>Roman Empire: Eventually fragmented due to internal strife, economic challenges, and external pressures.Way to be vague as fuck. I actually know some of the roman problems and here's my favorite.Never mind the many problems Rome faced like nobody knowing lead plumbing and dishware was bad for you and the leadership all having new pools without the protective lime deposits that the common pools resulting in the leadership becoming mad as a hatter. Never mind the play Assemblywoman where it was evident even the Greeks who lost to Rome knew what was up.>Ming Dynasty: Succumbed to political corruption, peasant uprisings, and external invasions.Oh man more vague shit.Shang Dynasty as well, because of Daji. Daji was the favourite consort of King Zhou of Shang, the last king of the Shang dynasty in ancient China. She was an evil bitch that liked to torture people and have them cut apart to see their insides, like a pregnant woman she had cut open to see the insides and how babies were made. She also had the uncle of a more powerful lord killed which served as a good excuse to invade, take over and have her ass executed.>Mycenaean Civilization: An early Greek civ run by warrior-kings, which collapsed around 1100 BCE possibly due to a combination of internal unrest, environmental changes, and invasions."possibly">Maya Civilization: In Mesoamerica thrived for centuries before declining due to factors like environmental degradation, warfare, and social unrest.more vague shit>Hittite Empire: A Bronze Age empire in Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) ruled by kings, which collapsed around 1180 BCE, likely due to invasions and internal strife."likely"If you wanted to post some examples with weight you could have mentioned the Roman Emperor issue and other specific kings, but you're retarded.
>>33714946Fuck I should have proofread and trimmed the greentext more, the grammar is shit.
>>33714736It's not even worth a response outside me saying that your attempt at a rebuttal was pure fabrication. Kill yourself. :)>>33714897Civilization was founded by men, widespread war and death, famine, pollution, global warming, endless plagues social injustice, and inequity. Try harder, or I am not even going to bother responding to you heehee.>>33714918 >>33714930Men are incapable of fashion without stealing women's ideas or help. Also lol, that is his dream. All men have an Oedipus complex. >>33714946Because I wasn't going to write a fucking dissertation on the subject, a quick Google search can provide all the further information you need, you fucking nigger.Disregarding everything else as inept male-minded unfactual bullshit. Roman fell because of men.Ming fell because of well, men. Women blaming taintlicker.Not possibly, it is once again, fact. Maya fell due to tribal war, exo and endocannibalism, ritualistic practices, and the refusal to nullify of passing rule of sacramental nepotismNot likely, facts. Typical for men to expect you to explain to the letter why they are, without a doubt, wrong.These are not supplications to emotion, these are heavily researched histories.Way to go malezoid, uneducated, lazy, and blaming women for everything despite women having never had any power, control, or run fermented pisspants babies try to rebut but end up even dumber, somehow.>>33714949I am not going to be pedantic about grammar or spelling, that is a tactic of the inferior minded
>>33716551The verdict is in: women do indeed be shopping
>>33716599Let's go shopping together. Your biological mom isn't doing right by you.
>>33716603I’m gonna get a tapout shirt, basketball shorts that go way below my knees, and a Padres hat
>>33716639Let mommy buy you a chain
>>33716644Fake gold with a big ol cross at the bottom
>>33716647That's my boy. But I'll get you real gold to go inside the fake gold exterior. Form and function, yin and yang.
>>33716650Give me a contact and make it happen?
>>33716661mppark at proton dot firstpersonpronoun
>>33716551>quick Google searchYeah ok I'll build your half-assed argument for you, that's gonna happen.You could just name drop some of the key figures responsible for the decline in each of these examples but you were to lazy to even do that so I'm inclined to believe you have done zero research yourself and you just parrot what you hear.>Disregarding everything else as inept male-minded unfactual bullshit.Sexist and further indication of laziness. Likely indicating lack of accountability.>Roman fell because of men.>RomanYou ESL?What did "men" do specifically do to contribute to the fall of Rome AFTER men built Rome?>fell because of well, menbroken record>Women blaming taintlickerI only said Shang fell because of a woman, who tortured men AND women. I gave a good example of it too.>Not possibly, it is once again, fact.then why did you write "possibly due to">Not likely, facts.and why did you write "likely due to"These last two reinforce the notion that English is not your first language. Are you Korean?>Maya fell due toAgain, no specifics given. The degree to which you don't cite sources or reference figures I could make a stronger argument that "the sky is blue because god made it so, and he told me himself.">These are not supplications to emotion, these are heavily researched histories.Provide literally any citation to support your position. A researchers name, anything. You don't even have to link it.>women having never had any powerFALSE. I can easily name Queen Elizabeth the second as a recent example.>I am not going to be pedantic about grammar or spelling, that is a tactic of the inferior mindedHoly shit I was commenting on my own shit grammar, you really don't speak English as a first language.
>>33717153>quick Google search>Proceeds just to repeat my original rebuttal to his laziness.Not even gonna read the next, you've bored me, zzz. sneed, dilate bussy, cry to mommy, etc>>33716599 lmao, that genuinely made me laugh.
>>33717199Then my work here is done.
>>33711853If you want a relationship with a specific guy, you need to pursue HIM.If you want to be pursued, it'll be a dice roll of various factors. How okay he is with being rejected, how likely he thinks it is that you'll react negatively to being asked out by him.I think many guys have taken the message of "Being nice/compliments is not us flirting with you", and internalized it. To the point where anything short of a direct and clear communication of romantic interest will all get filed under "They like you/are comfortable with you. But not in that way. Don't jump to any conclusions." Even physical contact!
>>33711853No. Not at all. I would assume you have alterior motives and want my money.
>>33716551i genuinely wonder if you realize how mentally ill you are. i hope that you can get the support you need to do something meaningful with your life anon <3
>>33719834when I was younger I would have girls literally cuddle me and I didn’t realize they were interested until they either kissed me or grabbed my dick