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I'm a maplenigger hanging out in Kyiv. this is a longshot, but is anybody else in God's land right now?
yeah i'm a volunteer in toretsk
ти мocквич?
Hope both of you get blown into fuck all for being in this gay ass fucking shithole.
no lol america
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The swastika with the Cuckrainian flag is hilarious. Those retards couldn't get Hitler's approval even after Volhyan Massacre, because guess what? They're still fucking slavs, no matter how many cultures they try to adopt.
all slavs are subhuman and retarded, but russians most of all

disgusting noviop, i hope a churka slashes your fucking throat and castrates you, brics shitskin loving retard
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You mad bro?
Keep donating your tax dolans top kek
post maplepenis
slavs are descendants of aryans, they literally come from the proto-indo-european homeland. They may have rapist admixture from huns and other invasions, but they are descendants of Scandinavians after berig lead the goths to ukraine through the baltic region, then Filimer who lead even more goths from scandinavia through Oium, they are descendants of a few different empires but aryans are a major origin.

I don't know why people seem to act like they are pro-white but leave slavs out, they probably retain a special kind of ancient aryan dna considering they still occupy the aryan homeland.
>this was posted by someone who is most likely not even a russian

first one to care loses
no one cares about your retarded mutt rant
ok lol
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keep donating your entire female population to BBC while your 90iq eurasian horde army dies against a 90iq eurasian horde army bro

>slavs are descendants of aryans, they literally come from the proto-indo-european homeland
means literally nothing, they're dysgenic subhuman retards who adopted communism and jews wholesale
they're the product of eurasian miscegenation and subhuman alcohol retards. if you think russia represents anything other than a dead society youre fucking retarded. acting like pro-white people should care about russians is fucking retarded. putin is a bloated noviop jew faggot who is sending slavs to die while importing bbc and indians.
>they probably retain a special kind of ancient aryan dna
spoiler alert, they fucking dont
yet here they are you fucking idiot, stop with these words they make no sense. Dysgenic things don't exist because they die out, you don't know how evolution works. Eugenic today, dysgenic tomorrow, that means you're next bitch. These words mean nothing.
harris? hope you get blown up, tranny
>Slavs are descendants of Aryans, they literally come from the proto-indo-european homeland

No, slavs are what we refer to as east-niggers
It's spelled Kiev. Since when did kikes get a say on the English language or the ability to change white founded cities names?
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you not being smart enough to understand what "dysgenic" means doesn't mean it's not a real word that applies to slavs you fucking subhuman mutt. russians ARE dying out

enjoying having "saviour of the aryan race" putin importing bbc and indians for russian women while the men die in a retarded static war

i hope a niggers rape every single russian woman in russia
no, you're not smart enough to know what dysgenic means. You use that word however you want and suddenly when someone calls you out on it, you claim it's being misunderstood but it's not. You think people are dysgenic just because they have brown eyes, you're fucking insane.

>russians are dying out
im gonna cum
o yea? shutup westnigger
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im sorry that you dont know what dysgenic means and think that a country of half mongoloid alcoholics with hiv is not dysgenic, even though their later generations are actively ceasing to exist in real time
>You think people are dysgenic just because they have brown eyes
an obvious freudian slip that youre a brown eyed noviop eurasian
tends to be true if theyre not white, keep trying and maybe you'll get there eventually, slavic retard
whats it like in Kiev right now? are ukrainian women easy? found any traumatized orphaned daughters willing to fuck?
>Dude BBC bro
And that's why you're a faggot.
Notice that they have to travel to faggotland zoomercontinent to interbreed with bonobos. Niggers aren't god and ruler in Russia, neither are kikes.

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