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What would you do to me?
pepper spray is too mild, i would use the cc
Beat you
Nah unc,to death
stop being a pussy and show cock
why can't i find any like OP to play with?
also this >>33713559
You realize that your ID sticks and we know you're OP replying to yourself? Fucking retard.
>being this retarded
What do you look like
Newfag detected...
Kill yourself you sexual deviant. Being a degenerate is why you are homeless.
Crunch. Bone crunch.
look like shit, basement dweller, no social skills
it was more a rhetorical question
OP has a tard locker
Nothing at all
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it sucks to be homeless. the streets make people do things that they would never have if they were homed. youd do the same after being on the street for so long. then again most people wouldnt be on this board. im a pariah in my town. the unsaid elephant on the block. give the guy some hope man.
I'd pull your pants up

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