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Need a slut to goon with when my gf is passed out
Don't cheat on your girlfriend with random women online. Talk with her to help get your needs better met and she should be happy to accommodate given that your relationship is actually steady.

If you're asking for random sluts online, I'd assume your relationship is on rocky ground, so hope for the best for you anon, but you need better morals.
This would be solid advice if women worked like men but women most don't. If he asks for more sex he looks like a sex addict and loses status with her. Probably causing even less sex in the relationship. Seen it many times.
>solution to retard problem: cheat
Although that does happen, and I've had it happen to myself, that means that there's a large incompatibility and it should most definitely be talked about. In a *healthy* relationship, each party should be able to communicate what their issues are and work on a solution. His needs are not being met sexually and there needs to be a solution to it.

If he's too afraid to talk to her and decides that cheating is the best option, that's on him and his shitty morals. I'm only saying that it should be talked about healthily and communicated. That's definitely something I want to work on moving forward myself when that time comes.

Just don't be a retarded cheater and break up with her if you want sluts.
I'm gonna gooooon

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