>the /kpg/ torrenthttps://kpg.neocities.org/>Library Stats6444 albums - 35367 Tracks - 922.76 GBFLAC (86.8%) - MP3 (11.8%) - AAC (1.4%)>Library Files2022.02.22 - Base Libraryhttps://www.mediafire.com/file/svuwcia7irr6vxamagnet:?xt=urn:btih:de0359b9b5af7a77190f5082a8fbf4eb946edba7>Previous Thread>>975770
>>1116511Been downloading your music for a few years now, and cannot begin to thank you enough. Some heroes dont wear capes...
>>1116511glad to see they started to mandate those warning labels now on gooks
https://github.com/Slyyxp/rsackYou can rip files from https://music.bugs.co.kr/ and https://www.genie.co.kr/ using this.
Does this have rock bands other than Day6 and N.flying?
>>1124205this but her tummy
i got 50 ratio on the little i downloadeddoing my partthanks anon
>>1117394can you help me download this one?https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/236149thank you
>>1127342I have it on soulseek
>>1127477is it in flac file format? and what keyword to search for your copies? Thank you
>>1127510yep, flac. the album's name "내 여자친구는 구미호" should bring it up. if that doesn't work, my name is "snow" and am in the /mu/ room
>>1127512I messaged you on soulseek. I keep on getting this error about port forwarding and the search yield no results.
>>1116511thats a lot of KPop.
no april update?
>>1131413cl jessi
>>1131413https://youtu.be/4gX_p1VkgA4?t=64 bigroomhttps://youtu.be/lMFRVgBRsfM?t=76 topical house (pretty common in kpop)https://youtu.be/RWeyOyY_puQ?t=55 future basshttps://youtu.be/gMe1c4UegBY?t=54 drum and basshttps://youtu.be/5rPluw_-Eb4?t=128 psytrancehttps://youtu.be/W290l8dxM4Q?t=62 psytrancehttps://youtu.be/4I2xgn6wTFM?t=92 hardstylehttps://youtu.be/E4ZbYkIwZNE?t=64 hardstylestray kids seems to have the sound you're looking for
>>1131485>>1131624Thanks lads.
>>1131624was pleasantly surprised to hear actual hardstyle in kpopnow if only the kicks were louder...
>>1132993Same. We always had low kicks in hardstyle though. That's partly why I started listening to hardcore too.
hey do you think you can get songs from an artist called 7senses. they promoted in korea a while despite being a chinese gg
>>1134111Based Kiki chad
>>1134217Oh no. I am a based Eliwa chad :)
is anon dead? reason for no update?
>>1138447OP said he was on haitus from monthly updates.Who knows when, if ever, he's coming back.
All I ask is for the Chinese version of Lion and Oh My God from (G)I-DLE ONLINE CONCERT 'I-LAND : WHO AM I' in high quality also I miss Soojin.https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18w411f75n
>>1117346too obvious retard
>>1138447>>1138546One of his discord alts is torrentanon2
>>1138933Also one of his peers is sanake~#4813 try contact her or him for more info.
>>1138546>>1138933>>1138934oh thanks for the info, though I have an access on jps, I like his compilation even more
dreamcatcher discography torrent where?
>>1142125it's here if you look hard enough
I'll grab that on an extra drive, thanks.Stopped listening in 2017 because I got a gf.Rediscovering my hard drive and all the inkigayo's .ts and flac I collected.I miss those times. Grinning like a tard listening to Orange Caramel's Lipstick.
>>1145155>Stopped listening in 2017 because I got a gfmate what. do you hide it from everyone?
>>1146166Not that anon, but i do
They all look the same
>>1116511Thank you so much man :') I have been datahoarding for a long time and have been collecting my fav K-Dramas in 1080p and x265 all this time but always had my Kpop stuff downloaded from youtube which already was compressed by youtube's algorithm and then stored them in opus or mp3 like formatsThank you SO SOOO MUCH for these cant thank enoughjust had a few requests for artists: Dvwn (love his first 4 EPs)(https://open.spotify.com/artist/6WWUJGBY4ETAE22tRmgJ8b?si=SwWAMN24Qa-2G9wxMBG5UQ) and amazing band that I've been lsitening for 6 years nowNELL (love C and Newton's Apple album)(https://open.spotify.com/artist/5WY88tCMFA6J6vqSN3MmDZ?si=mlQeO6lURHu0ga3MpzfBrA)will be looking forward and will keep on seeding, hwaitng!!
>>1116511Hey some requests to add to the collection!!!Not really K-pop but moreso K-hip hop or K-trenchill but would really appreciate if you get them :)Coogie (AOMG)GEMINIPENOMECOCAMOSam KimBE'O offonoff and ColdeJUNNYGROOVYROOMBIG NaughtyDvwnPark Hyunjin (H1GHR Music)K.vshSoleoceanfromtheblueHoodyRad MuseumCHAI
>>1145155legendary collection
Is the torrent dead? Im at 87% of 786 gigs but its moving really slow, its been stuck around there for months
dead i think not, but with a collection this bit i was bound to happen, everyone downloading what they are into and some of them being left download slower
>>1159805That what I was doing originally but i figured I might as well get the whole thing and just perma seed
I'm just excited to have a flac copy of JYP elevator
If i lke b2st and ukiss who else should i listen to
can someone please SEEED. Im at 76 percent, Ill permaseed for life just please for the love of god let me finish it
>>1116511what happened to this torrent? no updates?
>>1166769OP is a FAGGOT that doesnt seed. Can someone just fucking seed this torrent.
>>1167055did you use the torrent file or magnet link?
>>1167070upon investigation it seems that the op of THIS thread isnt a faggot but of the last thread, I had a 750 gb torrent
>>1168709it's the same guy, fag. the main torrent gets updated so there's no reason to seed the outdated ones, especially since every part of the old torrent is included in the new one
before the next mega update, I suggest you reencode the filespicrel is latest flac with these parameters:flac.exe --best -r 0,8 --exhaustive-model-search --qlp-coeff-precision-search --force
New Jeans > LeSserafim > NMIXX > Kepler >>>>>>>>>>>>> IVE
>>1170638no one says this
free my nigga garam
bros does anyone have a lossless version of born pink by blackpink?
>>1172049Look no more manmega(dot)nz/file/lMVjWSBa#pDYLN6kAH1c76GGY66j_AFqIxTq0ebueuRwSmQRntUc
>>1173042thank you king
Bros, how could we have missed this? Glad to see torrent bro is still kicking, but there's no torrent/magnet link to go with it yet D:
>>1173204we are patiently waiting
>>1147853Don't hide it. Unless you're still in highschool nobody cares. It's just another genre of music
Can someone seed? i've been downloading for 1 and half weeks, with 100-200KiB/s speed. My upload is higher for Download/Upload ratio per day.
i'm in 91% with average of 200kbps, can someone seed?
>>1173204missed that too
>>1174310which artists aren't downloading? when the 2023 edition is made, I'll hold onto the least seeded artists
>>1178186not him but I use jpopsuki
>>1178186I asked in another thread and it's a mix of private trackers and music streaming services.I use bugs.co.kr to rip from and also use jpopsuki & sharemania
request: Jonghyun of ShineeI'm surprised his solo works weren't already included
anyone have the new acid angels from asia album
How come there's no links to the May or September updates? Am I missing something?
>>1170247or maybe just the hi-res files.the usual 16/44.1 sees some gains (~0.5-1%) but that's about as good as it gets
Avistaz is getting rid of its music and there's lots of kpop on there. thought you might wanna know
>>1184136so sad
>>1183136Sorry, I meant this links
>>1185980I think he's gonna put those out in the update coming next year.So he's compiling them together for updates but not putting them out for download yet.
not op but i'm the other guy that shares a bunch of korean music on soulseek. i'm getting an additional 3TB of storage. any artists not in the kpg torrent or my library that you'd like to see?current list: https://pastebin.com/dY8qNKW0
Reddit is better if you want to find content until anon finally updates it.
>>1189771JESSIpls don't hate me
>>1191161jessi added to the list. i'm surprised she's not already in the /kpg/ torrent
bogged uggo
When is update?
only 11.5 hours left to make it to 3.00 ratio
I'll get around to it. Thanks for seeding!
i did it>>1196122happy new year bro
can you include NewJeans' OMG as well?
>>1197120blame the stupid labels. most of them can't even release a 24bit versions
talking about mp3s, some guy on jpopsuki created a bot where you request an album and it's automatically uploaded to the siteI already requested something and it turns out the FLAC doesn't exists lol, neither on Bugs nor Genie
come on faggot
Give us that update it's next year already
>>1198125tranny>>1198683Please be patient.
>>1198125You kiss the homies with that mouth? Eww
i miss jonghyun
What did y'all think about the new GOT album?
>>1170638Midler and Midmix over IVE. Wonyoung antis are insane
In due time
Happy Valentines
Delayed but Someday
>APRIL>Lossy/Japanese/APRIL [2018.04.25] TinkerBell [AAC-256kbps-VBR]>Korean/APRIL [2017.02.26] Sing For You - Fifth Story I Prefer Two More Than One [MP3-320kbps-CBR]here lossless files of those from dzr:>April - TinkerBell (2018) [FLAC]https://mega.nz/folder/9YhCUYTL#MnjlYSU2nA1gBoO6N-Uv3Q>April - Sing For You- 5th Story - Be Better together than alone.flachttps://mega.nz/file/ARwyEYZB#Rcx6o5tLNE1ebiL9OaTFwIQVwXO-iU72ILwVwDPcQ1c
soulseekfag here. here's an updated list. ~6x larger now https://hastebin.com/share/ayiqejeluc.yamlpastebin hates my list and 4chan hates rentry. hastebin it is
Where is the update i literally cant even
OP where are you?
hand over the update, op
Been over a year now
It's been a while. I haven't been working on the library because I don't have as much time as I used to. I have some time now so I will get on it. Thank you for your patience and keeping this thread alive.
>>1218872thanks bro, keep us updated
>>1218872Glad to know you're still going
>>1218872god has spoken
Thank you!!!!
>>1218872thanks buddy, the update will tell me all the releases i forgot to download and subsequently forgot that exist
Hello! I can't thank you enough for uploading this library. Can you upload ZE:A's discography as well when you're free? Thank you again!
Also Nam Woohyun and Hoya's albums. Thanks a million timesㅠㅠ
Thanks for updating us.
>>1226380don't get your hopes high, he posted that a month ago.
Yeah sorry to disappoint lads, not happening any time soon. I will keep my seedbox running for as long as I can remember to pay for it. Thank you for your support and I hope that in the future I can give you better news.
Fantastic thread living for over a year!
I need Yu-Jin of IVE!
I still believe
bump when I get my torrenting setup this is the first project I will complete and perma SEED looking forward to it and hoping it will be updated with all 2023 goodies at the end of the year
Last update:2022.02.22 - Base Library (922.76 GB)F
NWJNS juseyo
How about an update, 6 months into 2023. Like, about now? We'd get 1y 6months worth of content since the last update which was on Feb 2022.
bumpGWSN will be missed.
>>1240721There already exists two updates, he just never put them out.
Haha kpoop
what do you think about NewJeans' latest comeback?
>>1246197Whole album lasts like 10 seconds
kickstartinto summer fun
mercy bump. though since OP is ded and no one seems to be taking this over, this thread might be archived as well
>>1253106You're just more on top of it than the rest of us and OP is alive to me, dammit
I'm listening to H.O.T.and i love it!
i'm not that generous with my bumps
>>1243422what a cuck
Bumping in hopes OP is alive
Is there a torrent of Twice's appearances on variety shows? Like Knowing Bros, Running Man, Idol Room etc.
>>1149288>K-DramaYou got a torrent for them k-dramas mang?
Best website to torrent fancams in a bulk?
>>1279839HAHA what a fake cunt
dead thread
>>1246839And yet still the best gg
>>1116511it's only been a couple years, thread's still good
hello frensjust bought a pair of moondrop chu2so back to this blessed place to take them for a spin
bumper sticker
>>1291325OP died and forgot to tell anyone
anyone knows where I can download some older k-shows or varieties in high quality? Can be even raw. Everything I can find on the webs are shitty 720p with hardsubs and the only torrents I can find are dead (no seeders).
>>1295389avistaz and jpopsuki are your best bet
>>1218872idk if you remember me but i made "the website much more presentable. love seeing it still up after all these years but can i have one little favor? can you change me in the credits to sanadoomer? i know it sounds weird but it would be cool if some of the mu/kpg guys recognized me lol. i also changed my dc username so the credits are outdated. anyway, thanks for keeping me up there after all that time :) if not then that's also ok
Bump before i forget
Stan woo!ah!
Stan Min Heejin
>>1116511this is just audio how am i i supposed to fap?
hi everyone! seeing as the original torrent anon either died or got a life, I've decided to start maintaining this project myself. I've spent the last month working on a huge update and it's nearing completion so I thought it's time to let you all know about it.currently, the update contains: >every new release for existing artists up until 2024.05.15>complete discographies for all new artists that debuted since the 2022.02.22 torrent release>complete discographies for many older artists that were missing from the torrentand the stats are as follows:>size - 300GB>new artists - 137>albums - 1685>tracks - 7402 (100% flac)>lossy -> lossless upgrades - 154almost everything was sourced from jps in the highest quality available, with just a few releases coming from soulseek. the only releases that have been left out are some remixes and ost songs which the original torrent anon seemed to ignore, so I decided to do the same.the last big thing I have to do before the update is ready is double check the artist / album artist tags and make changes where necessary. since I wrote scripts to (mostly) automate tagging, downloading hq cover art and renaming directories / files to fit the torrent standards, there are some minor stylisation errors that need fixing. once that's done, it's just a matter of moving the new files into the torrent directory itself and applying some small changes to existing files. I estimate it'll be another 1-2 weeks of work depending on my free time and motivation. hope you're looking forward to it :D
>>1304129With your imagination, anon.
>>1306752Can't wait bro
>>1306752kill yourself loser
>>1307873NO U
>>1306752You got this! I'll be cheering you on!
>the kpg torrenthttps://dpaste.org/VGYkm>library stats8038 albums - 42031 tracks - 1.16 TBFLAC (91.40%) - MP3 (7.85%) - AAC (0.75%)>library files2024.05.27 - 5th Genhttps://files.catbox.moe/ypfolz.torrentmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:d7d8a1da91144027db656be6c0f18207a27574c6&dn=Korea
nice one champ!
In a week i'll have a new HDD. I'll perma seed if i get the new torrent at 100%
>>1308634good shit, thx anon
I'm retarded, how do I grab certain artists/albums or whatever without downroading the whole gorillian gigabytes? currently have qbit installed, haven't touched this software in ages though so am clueless
>>1319817when you open the torrent with qbit you'll see a metadata window pop up like picrel. click select none at the top, then go through and check all the artists or albums you want to download.
Are we getting update this month? Lots of bangers have been released recently
>>1321515I was planning to update in september but I can do it sooner if you'd like
You can take your time OP, just don't want to hurry you, but if you feel like updating it earlier, go for it
Does anyone have link or torrent for My SHINee World (2023)?
>the /kpg/ torrenthttps://kpgtorrent.neocities.org/ (new site)>library stats8614 albums - 43969 tracks - 1.23 TBFLAC (91.78%) - MP3 (7.51%) - AAC (0.71%)>library files2024.08.23https://files.catbox.moe/uw5g2s.torrentmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:7995999b897adc23a17b7f3772948ae681d334b6
>>1325406>hynn>shinweeeee>that iconI love you (no homo though)
>>1325406I recommend using uploading the torrent to nyaa. Having a tracker really helps.Some songs have leading zeros in the track or disc tagTWICEcoaster : Lane 1 has the incorrect release dateDuplicate Hyuna&DAWN releaseDuplicate Moonset with KozyPopCould you please add any artist that appears on Kpopalypse.com favorite k-pop songs and honorable mentions?Keep it up! I love the new site!
>>1325787Some Albums are in the genre K-Pop when they're Japanese releases. Same with Chinese releases.Could you add "instrumental" in the genre tag for any instrumentals.
>>1325787i'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed that almost every song from his lists are available in the library. hope new torrent anon continues it
>>1325407<3>>1325787>>1325789thanks for the feedback. those tags and dupes will be fixed in the next update.>Having a tracker really helpshow so? dht works fine>Kpopalypse.com favorite k-pop songs and honorable mentionscan you link them for me? I'm not going to trawl through a decade of blog posts myself>Some Albums are in the genre K-Pop when they're Japanese releasesI feel stupid for missing this lol. what do you guys think the tag should be for english releases? k-pop or just pop?
>>1325819>trackerMy seedbox doesn't seem to find anyone on the dht. It's all up to you especially if you want to avoid extra attention.>linkshttps://kpopalypse.com/2022/12/31/kpopalypses-30-favourite-k-pop-songs-of-2022/https://kpopalypse.com/2023/12/31/kpopalypses-30-favourite-k-pop-songs-of-2023/https://kpopalypse.com/2022/12/27/honourable-and-dishonourable-mentions-for-2022/https://kpopalypse.com/2023/12/29/honourable-and-dishonourable-mentions-for-2023/>eng releasesmaybe just k-pop
can I request to add Stella Jang to discography?
>>1326166yep will add
>>1325819kpop is kpop regardless of the languagethe musical genre scene matters more than the language
could I ask for some Huh/Rose De Penny? I see some other khiphop, and in SMTM11 the song Way Up is there, but there's no results for any combination of his name (previously was Rose De Penny, but he changed his name to generic ass "Huh")
can you pls add TAN.
>>1116511shit music
>>1333709thnx for the bump
Is it ok to request some stuff here?I just want some songs from these artists to be put here:-Son Dam Bi-Mamadol-ChocolateJust noticed that there's just a lack of these artists in the torrent.
update will be ready soon >>1326254>>1325879the original torrent set different genre tags for japanese and chinese releases so I'll continue doing that but everything else will just be kpop.>>1326627>>1329233>>1336125couldn't find any flacs for chocolate but added the others.
>the /kpg/ torrenthttps://kpgtorrent.neocities.org/>library stats8933 albums - 45052 tracks - 1.27 TBFLAC (91.98%) - MP3 (7.32%) - AAC (0.70%)>library files2024.10.20https://files.catbox.moe/8csxsg.torrentmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:ec8373ceaf0ec7ad7da5cd673ad5072c8dfec26f
>>1336292thx for uploading all the artists I requestedI was fortunately able to find chocolate in their deezer page and their only release was "What to do" since they disbanded really early
fyi the site now has an rss feed if you prefer to get updates that wayhttps://kpgtorrent.neocities.org/feed.xml
Any possibility to add Space A and J.ae to the list?
Hi~ Can I request some of these artists in the torrent? I've been trying to find them online but it's so hard.- Bae Seul Ki- Naked Girls- Bebe Mignon- Park Jiyoon- CatChuuuuThank you so much~
Is it just me or is the torrent sometimes not really running well for me?It may take me days or weeks before I finish even downloading a single song. There aren't many people who seed the downloads
>>1340535>>1340865yea hard to find and most of it's lossy. I'll add what I can.>>1340965I'm the only 100% seeder but it shouldn't be that slow lol. I've uploaded ~3TB in the last month so I don't think there's any issue on my end. make sure you're using the latest update and have dht enabled.
Thank You So Much - Please add XG - Awesome Job!!!
>>1341527>xgnot korean
Could you please add KHAN (duo) and JIAE (former Wa$$up member),please and thank you.
>the /kpg/ torrenthttps://kpgtorrent.neocities.org/>library stats9984 albums - 49256 tracks - 1.46 TBFLAC (92.58%) - MP3 (6.79%) - AAC (0.64%)>library files2024.12.03https://files.catbox.moe/no4ql8.torrentmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:f51754e9461ed4af96eb260bb8773c04106d98ce
>>1343246I love you bro (no homo)
hello, could u please add MYTEEN discography, they have good music, thanks for this wonderful work :)
>>1343246Doing Gods work.I'm an irredeemable Running Man fag, so it's be amazing if you could work your magic and try and get some Kim Jong Kook/Gary/HaHa
Firstly, sincerely thank you for your work!Secondly. I noticed that you started adding FLACs in 24bit-192kHz. I beg you to reconsider doing this, thank you. I was unhappy when 96kHz started to appear. But now... I don't know about others, but if 192kHz overtakes the torrent, it's going to make it unusable for me.And like one wise person said, "Insisting on files with sampling rates higher than 44.1 is like insisting on a TV with a color gamut that includes invisible UV radiation."Hope it won't come across wrong. Cheers!
>>1345804>it's going to make it unusable for me.why
>>1343246t-ara absolute first album only has 2 tracks nowapink pink revolution has track number in track titlesame with lee so ra bestmissing sorn sharp objectswonho white miracle (japan album)treasure the second step chapter 2mp3 files don't seem to retain their full release date (YYYYMMDD) in the year tab only the year (YYYY)artist tag is not organized. Lots of artist aren't aren't properly separated and consistent with their artist name tag. This is particularly noticeable albums with multiple artists e.g. the show me the money 11 episodes, SMTown albums, queendom albumsLots of albums have cd exclusive/bonus tracks that aren't present here. jps is pretty good with having them but I'd like to see you try adding them in the libraryrecheck for double spaces eg. (S:INEMA track 21: (bonus track) Summer In Love Solo ver.)₩ present on tracks over ₩chinese track title on korean tracksunmi pporappippamchungha gotta goThese were some things I found fixing up my playlist with the library.Great work this year! Keep it up!
>>1347010thanks for all the feedback.>treasure the second step chapter 2this one is in the library but I'll add the others and fix up those file names>mp3 files don't seem to retain their full release datefor some reason this is how they were all tagged before I came along. I've been thinking about converting the tags to id3v2.4 and fixing dates etc. but it's not a pressing issue atm. it'll happen at some point. for now I'll just make sure any new lossy files are tagged correctly.>artist tag is not organizedyea I've noticed this too and it was bugging me. next update will have artist name stylisation synchronised across the library and any collab releases will be split into multiple artist tags (except for lossy files as they can only handle one artist tag as far as I'm aware).>Lots of albums have cd exclusive/bonus tracks that aren't present here.I've been trying to add the bonus track version if I noticed there was one. if you have a list of what's missing I'd be happy to look for them.
Hello! Can I request for Secret (that 2nd gen gg) to be available for this torrent? I want to get some high quality version of their songs that I couldn't find yet. Thank you!
>>1347757their entire discog is already in the library
>the /kpg/ torrenthttps://kpgtorrent.neocities.org>library stats10542 albums - 51936 tracks - 1.53 TBFLAC (92.28%) - MP3 (7.12%) - AAC (0.60%)>library files2025.01.12https://files.catbox.moe/tx94p2.torrentmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:7e16f2618614ad0fdb8cf4cfa065af0a60f6c95e
>>1348706What is the standard for the folder name with artists who end up changing their names? eg. Elris becoming Alice. Do you think the releases as Elris should be reflected on the folder name?the rmxs: vol.1 bebe yana album title on track 1 and 4 are different than the rest of the albumbigbang "m" album loser inst is actually bae bae instHigh School Rapper 4 - Episode 0 change various artists to: The Quiett; Simon Dominic; Nucksal; Jay Park; LOCO; pH-1; CHANGMO; YumDDareplace basick "₩on It All" with "₩on It All"leading zeros and missing year on the followingbebe mignon even though I'm small and not pretty bebe mignon the ywho voice #1double spacehaha hangover (reggae ver.)sol MOVE FEAT.TEDDY -KR-missing releasestan w series '3tan' (world ver.)show me the money 11 episode 2Alan Walker, Yuqi, JVKE – Fire!the wind hello: my first loveKerrigan May – DaddyGwangil jo – CompensationLOVE X STEREO – Future Unknown015b - Memory Washersorn - sharp objects
>>1348706please add the following artists if you have the chanceBE’OmsftzMiss JungSagongSynsnakeVincent ParkGriffyE SENSfrom20RiaOff The MenuBandUniYurisaRyu JihyunShin EuijinLee Ye RyoungMAYLIZKAVEfilmsoundGood stuff as always. Great job on cleaning up the artist tag
>>1349648>What is the standard for the folder name with artists who end up changing their names?eh it's tricky. ideally folder names for individual releases *should* reflect the artist tag (not album artist) so I've preferred to not update them to use the new name, but in some cases this meant that releases would end up out of chronological order (as in the case of alice) so I did end up changing them.
>>1349650>msftzshe goes by sinae now and is already in the library
Hello, thank you so much for all your work. I just have a quick question. How come some songs are titled in Korean rather than English like spotify/Apple Music has them label? Also some artist have the same song just different bit rate. For example, there's 2 versions of palette from IU, one being 16bit and the other being 24bit.Thank you again for all the work!
>>1349743>How come some songs are titled in Korean rather than English like spotify/Apple Music has them label?because 99% of rips come from genie, bugs or cds.>some artist have the same song just different bit ratethere shouldn't be any duplicates at different bit rates. there's only one version of palette in the library so I'm not sure what you're looking at.
>>1348706thank you so much!files are big, but it's worth it
고마워 100% Seeding
>>1348706just want to say thank you for this and specifically thanking you for not having exo-k, exo-m and exo have three different album artist names. saves me a lot of time on editing <3
>>1348706thanks bro, great job. I think there's something wrong with the Twice subfolders structure. Everything seems to be a subfolder of MISAMO.
>>1351231It looks fine on the latest release. The [MISAMO] folder on top goes to those releases and the Loseless one below it has all their other tracks. Did you fully download the Twice folder?
>>1348706I know its not "k-pop" per se but no lay? exo member :(
Please add 87dance, Band Nah, Silica Gel, The Volunteers, Ohiorabbit, Qjinjin, The Black Skirts, June One, We Are The Night, offthemenu, OOCarpet, evenif, Jackingcong, wave to earth, basically every Korean indie band please haha especially ones from POCLANOSGlen Check x t1 is missing also, thank you again
please update se so neon and add hyukoh, oh hyuk, offonoff, jun.k
Is there any option to download these without torrent like with soulseek or something, I want to download it all but it keeps saying connecting to seeders or peers or something and is stuck at 0% :(
>>1352077do you have dht enabled?
>>1352121Yep since before I downloaded it, it finally started working now I don't know why
Huge thanks for maintaining this collection. By any chance do you have "boy. - Offonoff (2017)" album.Much appreciated!!
i love you please seed
still stalled and 0 seeds :(
>>1353178is your client configured correctly? do you have dht enabled? are you using the latest release? >>1348706I'm seeding to four peers right now so there's nothing wrong on my end
>>1353196i guess now it works <3