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the fixed link
The whole pack is 1.2gb, and most of the folders are just a few jpegs. Am I missing something?
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I'm here for your chav fold then i'm bailing
imagine being so addicted to porn that you have a whole folder of categorized porn, unironically get help for your own good
its 1.2gb dawg
those arent even rookie numbers
If you don't download at least ten gigs a day you're not even human
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So which is it
>So which is it
>don't overly categorize your collection
>make an effort to download
You should have at least 50 terabytes of porn, but not sperg out on organizing it, and you've failed on both accounts. You should have only two categories, instant intense mega orgasm (things like anthropomorphic fighter jets wearing diapers and also they have shitting horsecock dick nipples and they're 900 feet tall and eat each other), and then the other category is everything else for when you want to rub one out to some new stuff
>"You should have at least 50 Terabytes of porn"

- A normal person

I guess i am a little bit old fag for this board since i'm nearly 50 years old. I just want to say that sex drive is all about hormones. When you loose hormones you are not so crazy after sex anymore. I have enormous amounts of porn, propably much more than 50tb and find it little bit stupid now since i don't even care to fuck real woman daily anymore. So you should propably consider how sensible it is to finally have enormous collections.
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how do i know this doesnt have malware?
That's the neat part: you don't.
so this whole board is just anons download sketchy magnets?
do you trust your antivirus that much?
if this doesn't have an executable how it will be a malware baka, install gentoo
I was joking anon. If you have file extensions turned on and you see it is a bunch of jpgs and video files there isn't really a problem. Unless you are retarded enough to run some .exe file you are fine. I don't download any software/games so that isn't something I have to worry about. Only video files, audio files, books, pictures etc.... And yes obviously I scan the stuff, but again, a jpg can't randomly 'infect your computer' by having it downloaded. With normal computer permissions that isn't even a problem. If it were that easy every boomer would have his computer bricked. Your OS is trying it's best to not have it's operation altered and fucked with so it asks shit like 'ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO ALLOW THIS RANDOM EXE FILE I DON'T RECOGNISE TO MAKE SYSTEM CHANGES?' 'ARE YOU REALLY SURE BIG RETARD?' 'HMMMMM?'

I have literally never had a problem from anything I have downloaded here.
I have a need for that Gianna Michaels folder anon
Any source on these semen harvesters? From pic?
that's a bit of an oversimplification.
a jpg isnt an executable, but your image viewer is.
in theory if your image viewer contains a zero day exploit, then data could be embedded into the jpg that can cause the image viewer software to do something other than just displaying the image.
of course, it is highly unlikely that this will happen to you, but it is not completely impossible.
Wish the folders had more pics but i thank you for sharing , anyone else that can upload a fap folder of pics as a torrent? I lost mine a few years back.
Bump. Would love to know that too.
Emma Magnolia and Giuliana Cabrazia
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In my life, I've deliberately torched TBs worth of porn. Good, bad and superlative.
The fun lies in collecting, downloading and watching tiny snippets now and then.
The issue with porn is that it's essentially individual and deeply private. At any one point of time, you are only going to need about 120 odd files. The rest can be torched.
I've actually got a problem whereby I can only reach orgasm by opening new porn links in new windows ready for later use. The best part? I never watch them, I only close the windows so that my computer has more memory to open new porn links.
Most categorization I do is "Porn" "3D" "Hentai" and "JAV"
This might be a long shot, but does anyone have FC2 videos from the uploader ブリーダー? Dude's specialized in NTR-themed videos.

I've been looking all over the net for his Mesuinu Pet series, but hardly any luck.

Well put.
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Damn that sunlight put a real shine on her
EeveeLaurynn if anyone is interested.
forgot to attach pic
What is even in this?
good lord barely anyone seeding
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Serena Trommer leaked

nevermind this collection is small and fuckin sucks
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there is a bad possible explanation for the nn abbreviation. so please what is the nn folder for?
I'm sorry but, be happy that you have no idea how precise porn is categorized at some places on the internet.
I would like to compare this to pro sports, there is the average person level, and a highly dedicated level.
im interested, thank you
Does anyone have a working magnet or torrent file for this collection? https://archiveofsins.com/t/thread/1173696/
I've tried them all but they're all stuck on "Retrieving metadata".
Nevermind, this one works magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0738e8ca96672ab133390797bb8669a8b3788e5d&dn=Blender%20SFM%20%26%20Various%20Artists
60 GB of pornhub stuff berfore the "purge"

Post your collection so we can compare.
Anyone have Belle Delphine's ultimate archive torrent?
I honestly don't get her appeal. This has to be some paid shill.
> I don't like something, therefore anyone that likes it is a shill
Suck a nigger dick. I bet that's more up your alley.
can anybody seed?
I'm looking for a megapack of "old" teen Russian video like the website "18VirginSex"
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looking for kenzie reeves getting handled by a big black woman. i think it was a brazzers scene. idk
I would watch this
this is literally how my folders are organized
at first, do yourself a favour and find this exact video yourself, it isn't hard.
after you have done this, you are looking for:
Fucked Out Of House & Home: Part 1
Kenzie Reeve, Victoria Cakes
https://www.brazzers.com /video/4393556/fucked-out-of-house-home-part-1
you can find the video for example on the site https://ok.porn/video/13061/
it is a streaming site, but look up what you can do with it. ...
Categorising porn should be on of most complicated things to a coomer do. Who organize by girl, sex position, body type, style, age, race, hair. And become more complex if you consider 2d, audio porn, doujins and if you dont have source becomes worse. Tags should be used by default just folders will not solve the problem. Maybe make an IA to automatize this tags, so you don't past hours taging everyting. But I like your idea anon.
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You have to have subcategories for JAV, at the very least, shrieking or quiet. Quiet could reasonably be sub-categorized in to why they are quiet - sleeping, drunk, drugged, chloroformed, fucking in a library, fucking with the husband four feet away, etc.
no one is seeding it
i've never seen another porn master present their collection. i have one but i'm not going to either. in total i've spent maybe like 20 000 hours on it.

I have something like 60 to 70 tb of adult content.
I'm trying to concentrate best content to something like 20 tb to guarantee eternal erection. It would be nice to share some of it but it's simply too hard task at the moment.
It's never enough bro, trust me. Just curious - where do you keep it?
Yeah that's what you gotta do. I currently have around 25TB, and that's a tiny fraction of everything I've downloaded, I'm still gradually condensing it down to the best stuff.
X-Art site rip:

I have a 45gb collection of only images with no sauce on any of them, so yhea
Im gonna guess like a hard drive.
So one drive has 20tb more or less and it costs 500 bucks on amazon.
Storing 70tb worth of porn is 2000 bucks for 4 hard drives, just to store porn
This guy goons
Sooooooo I guess nobody is seeding this anymore.
Hot Ukrainian girl , and spread everywhere !

no, you catagorize JAV by studio and that's it. maybe by lead actress, but that makes any compilations or multi-girl movies hard to organise.
you let stash add all the tags to it.
tags >>>>>> folders in folders in folders, brcause you can have as many tags as you like. you can only put a file in one folder.
>you catagorize JAV by studio and that's it
What good does that do? You do it by girl most importantly and by category. But not using folders. It just makes you never see it unless you're specifically looking for it.
categories are a retarded way to sort anything, because of the amount of things that belong to multiple categories. you add tags to each movie and filter the tags depending on what you're in the mood for.
you sort by studio because a given studio tends to produce similar content with the same girls, so you can find something new while expecting the same sort of content.

same thing should be done with anything, really. sort music by record label then artist, genres in the idv3 tags. sort movies by studio then director. porn by studio then (maybe) lead actress. ametuer porn is a little different, sort by their name then the site, eg tweetney/manyvids, tweetney/onlyfans
everything else should be done with tags so you can quickly find anything with a few clicks. make screaming a tag. make lesbian a tag. boom, now you can find screaming lesbians. oh but you also want one with a gyaru and squirting? you can't do that with folders, gyaru, squirting and lesbian are three different folders and one file can't be in all three. but with tags, it can have as many as you like.

tags make any other kind of organisation useless. i don't even have to tag anything myself; all my porn gets it filled in from stashbox, all my music from musicbrains, movies from IMDB, and so on. makes life so much easier than digging through folders, "oh was that one in the lesbian folder or the squirting folder...?"
>filter the tags depending on what you're in the mood for
But then you have to know what you're in the mood for. You should also have a good presentation.
By the way, one thing I'm looking forward to with AI is when it can categorize everything a video contains and you can search that way, for looks, actions et cetera.
>But then you have to know what you're in the mood for
if i don't know i sort by random or look at the tag list until one jumps out at me
why, when a the hard work was already done by autists and you can just scrape all metadata with one button press? theres no need to have an overly-complex solution when a very simple one already exists. JAVlibrary exists. JAVDB exists. ThePornDB exist(ed until yesterday). Boorus exist. they've already sorted and tagged anything you could stroke to. just scrape that data and be on your way.
There are categories for JAV yes, but they are generic and not even labeled well often. Imagine if you could search among all videos in the world, not just JAV, for very specific things. Boob size, shape, eye type, personality type, acts, words spoken, anything you can think of.
Anything about Rosella Extrem??
anon I think the other guy doesn't know about stash

if you collect JAV (double digit TBs), you really owe it to yourself to use stash or javinizer. Half the fun in having your own collection is building your own server and sorting everything neatly, before you know it there's a server rack in your basement and oh my god help me I can't stop looking at serverpartdeals
yeah i can do that with stash
each video gets tags for things like categories, director, type, studio, performers, and so on. each performer gets tags for all sorts of stuff like three sizes, eye color, tattoos, cock length, etc etc amd all of this is automatic, i just click a button and it handles everything for me
i really don't think you understand how a database works or just how autistic porn hoarders are. theres no reason to have some half-assed folder organisation when you could just use someone elses pre-configured database and have all the info you could ever need
as the OP of this thread tho long ago and many gb's later, i have seen stash popup more and more, and im curious, how in the fuck do you use it, is there a guide for porn, or am i just retarded
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can anyone provide just 3D porn? I got an occulus for dirt cheap and im trying to get some use out of it
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Hot Colombian Girl



we appear to have different definitions of the word 'hot'
is there a category for hotel maid amateur porn?
anyone leads here??

https ://nudostar com/forum/threads/ghodly-ph.92858/
never mind I found it

kek lost
any SFM/animated porn megapacks? you know like 2b tomb raider getting railed and all that
Who's the other lady in bottom right?
based Rosella appreciator
came to /t/ for a kenzie reeves pack. anyone got?
looking for Goddess Farrah
How do I use magnet?? I'm new here
if only someone had put an FAQ in a sticky thread for you to find. alas, i guess you'll never know

>imagine making the feds job this easy.
nn and dp did you switch out the c for a d?
nn = non nude
dp = double pen
Hot Ukrainian pregnant girl

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Hot Ukrainian Girl

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Hot Katastrophic Pregnant

any 4k stuff?
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Creamy Spot Onlyfans and Vid collection

Forgot to add the trackers lol


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