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this is probably gonna be brushed off as a stupid post made by an idiot, but how come there's almost 3k seeds available but I use only around 10 of them?
Post qbit settings and your internet limits
you know that almost every single board (this one included) has a dedicated questions thread so you don't have to dump off a potentially useful thread to ask a one-reply question like this? check the fucking catalog next time nigger

anyway it's because you are a nigger and those other seeds have you blocked, either because of low ratio, third-world IP address, pozzed client, low/no upload speed or just because you're black. they could also simply have a full upload queue and the swarm is prioritising someone else, which it does when you have a poor ratio or upload speed. the more useful you are to the swarm, the higher priority you get for seeds.

not sure if it's still true but on older versions of the bittorrent protocol (nit the program, the entire thing of torrenting) it used to use a dedicated port in it's alloted range per peer, so if you only had 20 open ports you could only have 20 connections to peers both up and down. i beleive modern BT is UPnP so this shouldn't be an issue
>almost 10 times more leechers than seeders
Here's your answer
in my experience:
in these sort of torrents with thousands of seeds and 10x more leeches upload speed matters more than download speed
with an 1000/1000 mbit connection you'd realistically be getting 20MB/s down and 115MB/s up
You’re not Terry Davis nigger but thanks regardless
I'm gonna use this thread to ask.
I see a lot of torrents that have 1 or 0 seeds. Obviously I'm not gonna download the 0 ones but most of the 1's don't download at all, not even the metadata.
Why is that? Is something wrong with my settings or is that a phantom seeder?
Also are there any guides for qBittorrent settings that will take full advantage of it?
That's probably the uploader's seedbox or something.
new cracks tend to have high demand, why should you connect to a bajillion machines when 20-40 is good enough to maintain speeds
i got a similar ratio on the AC6 crack: 800kbits up but i only got 200 down which rose over the 24 hours after it went up, 500 down after a few hours
i'm the type of person that only downloads a small part to seed it to help the swarm until the gold rush dies down
so why doesn't it download? why is it even present on the list if its not downloading anything?
typically if you join the swarm and wait a while you'll start downloading eventually. the seeder could have a thousand torrents seeding at once and it'll take a bit before an upload slot rotates around to you, but it won't unless you've joined the swarm (have the download running).

don't get bamboozled by "9 seeders" either, seeds running in superseed mode will appear to not be a seed at all, but a peer, yet they have all the chunks -- they're just pretending. you also need to just join the swarm and wait. see: https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0016.html

personally i join, then abandon the torrent if i don't see any activity after a full hour.
i leave those torrents running for DAYS
im complaining because its basically every torrent ever that had exactly 1 seed
If you're running UPnP on your network then you're the nigger.
you have to look at the total seeds to peers ratio, so with a 6.82 peers to seed ratio you'd get 10.7, not too far off from 9

if you want more seeds on new games wait a couple weeks, especially if it's a highly requested game
eg i just downloaded lords of the fallen, which nobody seems to give a shit about, and the ratio is 1:1, i had as many seeds as peers
because there are lots of leechfags
because you're gay
Correct, UPNP is generally a vulnerability and if you're using a VPN it will leak your real IP.
How big are the parts on that torrent? Some clients shit the bed when they go over 8MB. If you're stuck on downloading metadata try getting the torrent file if possible, that can often make a difference.
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Not him, but you mean this option in qbittorrent? Why is it a bad thing? There's no stupid questions thread up right now
>let me just allow any piece of software running on my network to open any port it likes for any amount of time whenever it wants regardless of listen status
UPnP is a terrible idea and a massive security risk unless you vet every single piece of software on your local network
OK I disabled it. I was wondering why even though I have a random port selected in qbittorrent, I was seeing an occasional seed matching the same port I was using. It spooked the shit out of me and this was before I found out about UPnP being bad from you guys here. Why was that happening? Is it because of my IP leaking through UPnP somehow, so other IPs on the torrenting are changing their ports to match mine to try to hack me or something negative? I have no clue; nobody talks about this shit man. I'm using mullvad as well as I think I can, but I still don't wanna be compromised for torrenting some old obscure movie with only 0-1 seeders active. Do you have any other cool torrenting tips outside of "UPnP is huge security risk even if you are using a VPN, never turn it on"? I read the sticky but that's all
still no answers...
i've used torrents for decades and all i can say is that often shit just doesn't make sense. it's not connecting and downloading as it reasonably should and i don't know why.
I've always been too afraid to ask
it's a scary question, but a very good one. some may even call it intelligent
upnp basically allows any program on your network to request auto port forwards.
it's true that it can be a security vulnerability, but if you disable it in qbittorrent you don't fix anything because anything else on your network can still request port forwarding.
And your torrrents are now not port forwarded anymore, so you will connect to even less peers.

If you actually want to fix it you need to disable upnp on your router and then manually port forward your torrent port on the router

If you don't want to fix it enable it back again because at least you will have port forwarded torrents
I see. Then why were other IPs in the peers list somehow switching their ports to match mine exactly?
oh shit. i didn't read properly, if you are using mullvad then you need to disable upnp for sure, i thought you aren't using a vpn
you can leak your ip if you have upnp enabled, because it could port forward directly through your router and not through vpn

>Then why were other IPs in the peers list somehow switching their ports to match mine exactly?
i don't know. there is no reason to do that, maybe you just have it set to a common port that others also use. what port do you use?
nigger nigger
>if you are using mullvad then you need to disable upnp for sure
I already have, lesson learned
>it could port forward directly through your router and not through vpn
Thanks for explaining why
>i don't know. there is no reason to do that
I got seriously spooked, like they were trying to hack me or something insidious
>maybe you just have it set to a common port that others also use
How do I check that?
>what port do you use?
I use a random one in the 20000s, why?
Is it an IP from the same country as the one you're using? Then you might actually be seeing your own old IPs. VPN providers usually own IP ranges and sometimes randomly switch you from one IP to the other. That can lead to such an effect. In that case you wouldn't be able to actually connect to such a peer. If your real IP gets leaked you might also the other in the peer list.
>Is it an IP from the same country as the one you're using?
From other countries
>seeing your own old IPs
Yeah I figured that out by now
Why do you even seed torrents that already have so many seeders? Waste of bandwidth. It is much more important to seed rare stuff that only has two or three seeders, but seed those for forever.
Go Fuck yourself fucking jew nigger :)
Can someone take this kids computer away?
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couldnt find a question thread in this board and this seems closes so ill ask here
can you recommend me some site where i can stream movies and tvshows, something similar to aniwave.to but for live action stuff
not everything feels worth downloading/keeping and itd be easier to just stream it
also some tv show are hard to find as torrents and/or have very low seeds
Please don't derail the thread
you just dont know yourself, do you?
Of course not. I just download them and if something is not worth keeping, I delete it.
>you can leak your ip if you have upnp enabled, because it could port forward directly through your router and not through vpn
but this doesn't happen as long as vpn is activated?
because niggers like you refuse to seed after downloading, so its payback time bitch.
Is this the new "roger roger"?
derail what? op has his answer, now everyone else gets a turn asking questions also
shut up
1) Your torrent settings are capping the number of connections you can make as to not make the machine completely unusable for anything else, or,
2) Peers don't want to talk to you because you aren't connectable or haven't seeded enough
bumping so this faggot's sissy thread gets dumped
bump, fuck you crying sissy
This Swarm in particular have low upload speed. The initial seeder need to be high upload speed to diseminate quickly to everyone else in the swarm.
For common people download speed often is higher than upload speed unless you are using a server in cloud. This creates a bottleneck to download speed.
Torrents with someone using a cloud server with huge upload speed in the swarm makes everyone dowload faster. It creates a chain reaction where new seeders quickly appear and even leeches have parts of the torrent they can seed to other leeches.
In the end it is all a matter of luck if someone is using a cloud server with huger upload speed to download the specific torrent that you are downloading.
part of what you said is right (the part about the "cloud servers," which i'll assume to mean seedboxes, increasing the overall upload speed), but a lot of what you said is completely false
to be honest, there are so many factors that come into play in situations like this that it's pretty much impossible to tell op exactly why he's connecting to certain peers and getting certain speeds

a lot of it has to do with connectability and "becoming connectable," which you can google. however, keep in mind that port forwarding is dangerous unless you know what you're doing, so don't do it unless you know what you're doing and actually need to do it
then there's things like peering and bandwidth speeds, other devices on the network, potentially being behind a NAT (which would mess with your port forwarding as mentioned above), torrent client, torrent client settings, tracker settings, non tracker settings (if you're going after trackerless torrents using dht and/or pex), and whatever else. moral of the story is that torrenting correctly can be a fairly complicated ordeal
general threads are for newfags like you, but seriously get the fuck off 4chan and go back to whatever shithole you came from

post questions wherever the hell you feel like OP it's free real estate and if nobody likes your stupid question the thread will die without any effort involved by anyone, the way it's supposed to be, without these newfaggot rules about posting in the "right" thread
>get the fuck off 4chan
>double double spacer
>thread will die without any effort involved by anyone
not true, i've bumped this thread (and a frew others) about 10 times right before dying just for the lolz since the mods don't bother to delete them
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Bump because I want to read the thread.
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I carried a 10:1 ratio for a long time. Now I'm down bad.

>does that make me a shitty person?

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