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Independent sources of news, information, analysis, and commentary

Proper apostates of the establishment media welcome.

Try posting the sources you prefer rather than hating on someone else's choices.

Past and related threads
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Behold a Pale Horse (book by Bill Cooper)

Greatest Lie Ever Sold (documentary about George Floyd)

Tucker Carlson Originals S01E1-12 WEB x264 NCSWC

With Independent Media there is a one serious tip for everybody.
Fact, there are independent media doesnt mean they will more match your point of view. They rather giving more clear and unpayed facts that develope your knowlage hwo things more likely works.
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you're joking, right?
>Fact, there are independent media doesnt mean they will more match your point of view. They rather giving more clear and unpayed facts that develope your knowlage hwo things more likely works

So if someone's getting their funding from, just for example, Charles Koch, one of the wealthiest men on the planet, individuals who have massive secretive media empires that they're dumping so much money into, it'd make your head spin, would that still classify them as 'independent'?

Relatedly, if someone's receiving six or seven figure sums from someone like that, as we know a lot of these people are, does that not automatically come with an unspoken quid pro quo behind it? How can you even begin to trust what they're saying when they're basically receiving what amounts to massive sponsorship from multinational corporations?
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There is only one person in that collage that deserves to be in it. I'll let you decide.

So outside the mainstream they have hundreds of thousands of followers are are millionaires.
absolutely not one of the bottom three
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So what are everyones' operational definitions of independent media?
>Tiger Claws (1991)

A mysterious martial artist is going around and killing martial arts masters with his unique style, Tiger Claw. Two police detectives, who arealso martial arts experts, use unorthodox methods to track down the serial killer!

>Tiger Claws II

The Tiger Claws killer is broken out of jail by a former colleague, who acquires a large shipment of weapons and schemes to open a portal to the past into an ancient martial arts temple.

>Tiger Claws 3

When a martial artist called Stryker resurrects three ancient Chinese master assassins so he can take over NYC's underworld, it's up to martial artist cop Tarek Richards to stop them. But he will need the aid of Stryker's former master.

It can be a grey area but "receives large amounts of funding from a few rich people/groups" disqualifies it.
Also, 'has more than a million followers/viewers/subscribers'. Infowars claimed to have between 15-30 million viewers on average, Candice Owens has about 5.1 million on Instagram alone, Carlson has received about 80-100 million views of his show since he left Fox, and PJ Watson has around 2 mil on Youtube. If literally millions of people are watching you and following you, by most people's metrics, that would make you part of the mainstream - a niche part of the mainstream, sure, but you're still part of it
Yeah, independent from fucking reality.

Why archive right-wing propaganda? There's a fucking fountainhead in the U.S. right now.
Independant doesn't mean non-mainstream. Independant means you have no external financial incentive to lie or selectively cover the facts.
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Because it is more likely to get censored, removed and branded as illegal content than anything lefties create, even if its fundamentally the same.

Almost any content in /t/ from hypnoporn to japanese trannies vomiting on cocks is pretty much approved without critique but (((for some reason)) right-wingers commenting on serious issues of our world today cause a powerful reaction, of distain, disgust and hatred.

In my books IM do not pander to mainstream or better yet, their audience. Funding from powerful donors is vital as nobody can promote 'radical' or conservative ideas or comment on touchy issues AND work a normal job without risk of some commies clogging the employers email with demands to fire the lad.
Funding from powerful donors makes you no longer independant. Just say you want to listen to the paid actors of the side you believe in instead of pretending they are what they aren't.
Also for your first point, you illustrate very well the issue with right wing commentators. Too busy convincing themselves of their own scenario to live in reality. Yeah anon, must be the jews who are the reason why people don't post critique on tranny threads (by the way, how do you know, i'm taking your word for it here), not the fact that most people are repulsed by that and won't click, so only the ones who enjoy it will participate in it.
Whereas people who would actually enjoy independent journalism will engage with your thread and be met with what looks more like a troll or a delusional pseudo-political clownshow.
Maybe the disdain comes from the same source as the disdain most people have for far left sources. Having to interact with sect leaders spewing whatever they thought up while brushing their teeth, being either completely idiotic, hystrionic or downright antipathic while being followed by a troupe of bumbling retards is what causes that reaction anon, not the kikes.
>Funding from powerful donors is vital as nobody can promote 'radical' or conservative ideas or comment on touchy issues AND work a normal job without risk of some commies clogging the employers email with demands to fire the lad.

"Funding from powerful donors" makes you independent? Motherfucker that makes you THE EXACT OPPOSITE! At that point, whether you realise it or not, you are beholden to that wellspring, unless you want that gravy train to suddenly stop. If it turned out, I dunno, Jimmy Dore was being funded by Soros, you'd have a fucking field day, but Benny Shaps suckling from the Koch brothers and Alex Jones getting 8 million in bitcoin from 'an anonymous donor' is totally fine and dandy? Are you going to apply the same standards to your own people or do they get a pass because they're /your guys/?

Once you get that kind of reach, people start funding you. Once you get offers of funding from third parties - not viewer donations, I wanna be clear here - there comes expectations of what you will be expected to do. No company gives 5-6 figure sums without expecting something in return, be it pushing an agenda or what you cover. You can say 'nuh-uh' all you want, but we all know all these folks are kept on a shorter and tighter leash the more viewers they get.
>Funding from powerful donors is vital

Okay, but here's the thing, chief: if you're beholden to ANY kind of master, you're not independent any more, are you. That's what 'independent' means,you understand that, right? If you're funded by a 'powerful donor', you're basically part of their PR wing. Or is it acceptable as long as they belong to one political end of the spectrum and everyone else can eat shit?
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>Because it is more likely to get censored, removed and branded as illegal content than anything lefties create, even if its fundamentally the same.

Wow, literally every word of that is wrong.
- Right wing ideas dominate all fucking media, fucking look around you find me one pro-marxist (actually Marxist BTW, not "HeRp DeRp LiBz R CoMmIeZ" right-wing propaganda crap) show, video, book in the mainstream.
- fundamentally the same, are you out of your whatever dog-shit-based substitute for a mind you have?
you can tell who is wrong based off of how angry they get.
also hasan you girlyboi
>Right wing ideas dominate all fucking media

There is no way any one person can be this brain dead.
lame thread
It should simply mean not being told what to do/say/report by the source of funds, be it subscribers, advertisers or some billionaire "philanthropist".
This doesn't preclude getting money from such, as long as they don't get to dictate content.
The definition is vague because people will inevitably feel pressured not to bite the hand that feeds them.
Well then by that definition, there is no independent journalism, and certainly not the people who claim the title, because no way in hell they're doing anything that's going to jeopardize the, frankly insane amounts of cash being thrown at them by billionaires.
"independent" then proceeds to show a pic with only retarded alt right jew founded pieces of shit
It is true. The only ideas the jewish media fears is marxist/anarchist theory. Look up the "Tarnac Nine", "Tiqqun" or "The Invisible Committee" for example. Also, check up Alfredo Cospito and other anarchists like that. They are the ones our governments fear, not some retarded far right pieces of shit that have a platform everywhere and are founded by or art themselves millionaires/billionaires.
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Let me guess, you're the kind of person who thinks CNN is a radical left-wing platform because they bother to fact-check Republicans on occasion, right?
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>The lost tomb of Alexander the great

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>Ultimate Cock Photos Compilation

Black Power, A British story of Resistance.

Nice cock pics, bro
alt right types love cock.
I thought we were just using the term 'fascist' now? Matt Walsh cheerfully refers to himself as a fascist quite frequently, Cerno said we need to reclaim the term 'fascist' the same way gays reclaimed 'queer', etc.

Also, Alex Jones absolutely loves the cock, if you saw his text messages. Him and his wife would text each other BBC stuff all the time and he's been caught watching tranny porn in the past.
This is bait. Has to be.
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Why try to get the actual truth when we can just troll each other in ignorance all day? Trolling each other while being controlled and manipulated is enough fun for anyone. Meaningless fun and maybe establishment-dictated outrage are all anyone should ever aspire to. Take THAT Emmanuel Goldstein! Be sure to eat your poisonburger while chugging your diabetes-inducing soda with a full day's supply of fluoride and brominated GMO basedbean oil while laughing at and/or being offended by anyone trying to do anything else.


Radio Bikini. Just how wonderful and glorious our Pacific nuclear tests were and how happy our vets are about being exposed to all that radiation. The Bikini Islanders felt honored to have hosted this historic event.

Oh wait. It got picked up by PBS and MTV, therefore it's exactly what the establishment wants us to believe. And the creators got recognition. And someone funded its budget. unforgivable.
Slavoj Zizek documentary films 1993-2013

>Laibach - A Film From Slovenia (1993)
>Liebe dein Symptom wie Dich selbst! (1996)
>Predictions of Fire (1996)
>The Reality of the Virtual (2003)
>Žižek! (2005)
>The Pervert's Guide To Cinema (2006)
>Alien, Marx & Co. - Slavoj Žižek im Porträt (2006)
>Examined Life (2008)
>Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution (2009)
>Marx Reloaded (2011)
>Catastroika (2012)
>Balkan Spirit (French Dub) (2013)
>The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2013)
Then answer him. If it's that easy to find genuine left-wing media - and I don't mean 'has a gay or a trans or an interracial couple in it', like so many people claim - give a few examples.
The smartest conservatards you're going to encounter today.
How we doing today, Mr. No True Scotsman?
Doing fine, Can't Answer A Straightforward Question Boy, you?

certified retard

Still refusing to answer the question.
What's dishonest? You're dodging the question: if there's so much actual leftist mainstream content out there, it should be easy to name multiple examples. I don't see why you're having any kind of problem, unless a) you're so in your echo chamber, you refuse to look at anything which even has so much a hint of non-right-wing thought in it, b) you just pulled that statement out of your ass without even thinking, making you an idiot and a liar or c) it's a harder question to answer than you thought because you're so deluded into thinking DA LEFTISTS are everywhere and have taken over every media outlet, so everything is Woke, when it's performatively inclusive at best 99% of the time.
I didn't bother answering you because you're obviously (a) a projecting, seething idiot and (b) going to automatically dismiss anything anyone posts. I have waaaay better things to waste my time on than your sorry ass.

Refusing to answer the question but replying mutltiple times. Yep, you're sure not wasting your time answering!
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>I have waaaay better things to waste my time on than your sorry ass
Tucker Carlson tried to be a nazi and was too stupid to succeed. No, I do not need your horse shit.
>Because it is more likely to get censored, removed and branded as illegal content than anything lefties create
Prove it.
Link here to evidence of your claims. All of your claims. I promise I will read anything you link.
Amazing how much "leftist" butthurt this thread has produced. Is "independent" now a trigger word for you fags?
>Greatest Lie Ever Sold
>George Floyd
so this is an obvious grift, we are well aware of the actual greatest lie to be sold to the public

Indeed, that the Republican terrorists who attacked America were just sightseeing.
Hey, remember when Infowars was like 'the Capitol has fallen to the Patriots' and saying that the Second American Civil War had begun and that it was a good thing?

And then all of Alex Jones' friends and associates who were there all received jail sentences, but Alex himself managed to skate by without a problem? And then Alex got an anonymous donation of about $10 million in bitcoin?

I mean, sure, the timing is suspicious as fuck and he's refused to discuss anything to do with it, but I'm sure there's a reasonable and rational explanation, right?
Hey, I think there's a footballer taking a knee during the national anthem, shouldn't you be having a reasonable, rational response to that?
Butthurt? Yep, butthurt.
OP should feel bad lumping someone like Bill Cooper with grifters.
Coward? Yup, coward
lel, more lefttard projection
do the Young Turks count as independent?
Don't think they're receiving the same corporate/billionaire largess as Infowars, Shappy or any other others (otherwise people would've made a huge stink about it being Soros-funded or whatever), so there's a better argument to be made for them being independent than basically anyone else mentioned.
Possibly. I ignore them for multiple reasons, but independent isn't a guarantee of good, informative, and useful -- just that they're probably not reading off of the establishment script.

The responses to my quick and dirty montage have definitely shown me that not everyone has as broad an idea of independence as I do, but at least a discussion is happening.
So if we can't agree on what counts as independent, can we create more specific terms to use that we can agree on?
the people pushing unfounded conspiracy theories always seem to have the most bullshit going on outside of the spotlight. I am starting to think thats not a coincidence.
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Les gay jewish blather and more torrents
op is an idiot
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anon, right wing does not mean your specific, far-right brand of "white genocide" brainworms.
> you are using words wrong

lmao. right wingers repurposed the word "woke" as a category of things that make them piss and ugly cry. all the media they consume is just listing things to be mad about. youtubers become millionaires making channels that just have red trigger words to set you off screaming. and then you have the audacity to say it's left-wingers are all triggered snowflakes. uwu are you feelings hurt.

they gave a transwoman you've never fucking heard of a single can of shit, saltburn bathwater tasting beer, and you collectively shit yourself for six fucking months about. smashed up shops, shot it with guns. you are dumb, reactionary hicks.
Shit, trigger warnings came into use initially to help soldiers coming back from war who may have been dealing with PTSD. But all the e-celebs people simp for never mention that part of the story. So much for supporting the troops and all that bullshit.
Fairly sure China uncensored is a cult mouthpiece and exclusively funded by the Falun Dafa cult

Not exactly independent

Also if you consider Paul Joseph Watson standing in front of his map "News" then something is seriously wrong
>Utter fucking retard says something mind-bogglingly retarded and wrong
>"You are retarded and wrong."
>HA HA! Libz pwned! Look at all the lefty butthurt!
It's such a simple formula, it's practically an algorithm. You're not a bot running on a 8-bit PIC are you?
what do you think the word triggered means?
Thanks for proving the point.

Bait. No one is this retarded. Just have the balls to admit you want right bias media to match your baser world view.
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Jimmies status: Rustled
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Dont let it die


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"""Independent""", right.


David's Twitter feed is very good in general, it's worth checking out. Try https://nitter.esmailelbob.xyz/davidicke if you don't have an account.
He's not wrong. Every single one of them is worth, at the very least, tens of millions, hundreds of millions in several cases. But they're fighting the Global Elite, they'll tell you all you need to need to do to win, and if you give them all your money and let them put chips in your brain, if you're very lucky, you'll get to live in indentured servitude on Mars!

Remember when Alex Jones used to be against that? And then he got all buddy-buddy with the richest man in the world and said he was one of the Good Guys? Must be so neat to just throw away your principals for cash, huh.
MAM doesn't smell too good. https://twitter.com/libertytarian/status/1733989061973479496
Oh yeah, I remember Stevie P talking about the blockchain ballots. I also remember him saying he was the first person who ever caught covid and that he cured it... in about 2010. He also claimed he had been poisoned with polonium, which, if that's true, he looks great, absolutely zero long-term side-effects, unlike what happens with polonium poisoning.

And, as he says, Jones has long boasted about his CIA connections, the amount of time he's spent with people he claims are his enemies... but he makes the Libruls mad and he supports the right people, so let's just ignore the ChiCom cavalcade of red flags and continue to shovel money into his offshore accounts.
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shots fired
imagine putting bill cooper alongside these jewish rats
>bill cooper
he was a satanist and an infiltrator and all americans are retards
gay thread, op
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"its not the jews" - Bill cooper
"black people have been treated so bad" - bill cooper
"the real nazis, are white British people" - bill cooper
Still doesn't make it any less true: if it's bad when CNN does it, but totally fine when Ben Shapiro or whoever your guy is does it, that makes you a massive fucking hypocrite *at best*.
Let's try some independent media that isn't just pure fascist propaganda then?
Crimethinc: Police

Crimethinc: Fighting for our lives

Emma Goldman: Anarchism and other essays

Bakunin: Conquest of bread (aka the Bread Book)

I'm actually curious if any right-winger in the thread will take their own advice and give a go to media that might challenge their views.
anyone got the daily wire side of all the jordan peterstien discussions
>I'm actually curious if any right-winger in the thread will take their own advice and give a go to media that might challenge their views.

You don't become a conservatard through a reasoned evaluation of the facts, so you can't cure conservatardism through a reasoned evaluation of the facts.
>You don't become a libtard through a reasoned evaluation of the facts, so you can't cure libtardism through a reasoned evaluation of the facts.
Empty-headed ad hom posts made by empty-headed posters are easily shown to be empty-headed. Enjoy your utter mediocrity, anon.
Hey, Pee Wee Herman, the 'I know you are but what am I' bullshit should've left your debate repertoire around the point puberty kicked in, come back when you actually manage that simple goall.
85 IQ confirmed
>unpayed facts
Yea. Tucker Carlson got President Putin to meet with a neet, then Tucker booked a flight to Russia for his whole crew on his own dime.
Start here
>based Bill consumer
It's so refreshing to hear him.
Most of the Hour of the time is rooted in fact that Bill would cite. He knew the laws and civics.
Meanwhile you listen to Alex and it's 2 hours of
>they want you to believe
>they don't want you to ___
>you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes
>they've attacked me
>they don't want you to know
Who? What? That's right. 2 hours of bullshit.
Still higher than you, room temp.

bUT thAtS an ad HOmiNIm aTTacK
If you're 'raising money' for something, that, by the absolute virtue of the fact that you don't have the money to do it yourself, means you're not using your own money. And if you don't think Russia would happily foot the bill to get a recognizable name like Tucky over there, you're another useful idiot.
regardless, the point is the same. They aren't altruistic, independent, honest journalists.
They're bought and paid for and told what to say.
Wow, what a snappy comeback. Your friends on the short bus help you with it, Skippy?
If you're interested in hilariously retarded Tucker interviews, check out the one he did last week with race-baiting black separatist Omali Yeshitela. Many chuckles to be had.
Nah, if I want to see a retard like Tucker try and fail to understand basic talking points and wildly rocket off in the wrong direction every time, I'll just reread your posts.

Captcha: VPPKKK
Can you count to potato?
Can you take two steps without shitting yourself?
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Wow, some rich prick flew his entire crew to Russia and then jerked off the leader of a "Super Power" for nearly two hours. Neet.
I don't disagree with what he said, but you could have countered what Musk said with "Those stupid Leafs have multiple carbon taxes, and their GHG emissions haven't gone down. The only time their GHG went down, was during the covid lockdowns, when people weren't allowed to leave their homes."
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leftists/pieces of shit arent human, prove me wrong
Why? Because they have different opinions? Who stormed the capital based on cry babies lies? Just because you disagree with something, watch and listen to crazy misinformation and conspiracy theories doesn't mean you should threaten people. The only people that tried to steal election was donald trump and Republicans and yet you call democrats pieces of shit but I guess you only like people that break the law and spit on the constitution in your party. Hypocrisy flows like water on the right. It's insane just how gullible on the right people are. Fox news lied to you the entire time, they call the viewers ignorant morons but told you whatever you want to hear because it made them money.
>Chris chapel
He lost this status for me personally because of his reporting on the palestine israel conflict, he's become much more biased since then, it makes me sad
would you consider election interference 'stealing it'? why does the afghanistan withdraw barely get more time on the spotlight than 'cofveve'? MSM pushed the """storming""" way harder than any conservative media could dream of
Go back and watch the Infowars coverage from that period. Big chunks of it are devoted to Alex Jones giving speeches and when the assault on the Capitol actually happens, Harrison Smith, who was presenting that day, is pissing himself in glee at what's going on. He says, and I'm directly quoting here, "The Capitol has fallen to the Patriots". The next few hours of the show are talking about this being the start of the Second American Revolution.

This is the channel that's meant to be at the vanguard of the Patriot movement, and they were hammering that narrative hard - but saying it was a GOOD THING, saying Ashley Babbitt would be up there with Thomas Jefferson and Sam Addams as True Americans, and many other right wing pundits were saying the exact same thing. It wasn't until the arrests came in that everyone pivoted to the 'it was Antifa all along', which, if it was true, Antifa infiltration of the Oathkeepers, the 3%ers and others must be complete, because they all got caught on camera, storming in.

But sure, it was only MSNBC that was talking about it, that also makes sense, I guess.
Who's this whore?

Does anyone have George4Title youtube channel archived from the late 2000s
Did you rip this? If so how? I'm trying to download her show "A Shot in the Dark" and yt-dlp isn't working for it.
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>Fox News
>China Uncensored/America Uncovered
>Falungong cult funded programs
>Candace Owens
>Formerly owned by Daily Wire who happens to be black as well as a woman(plus 100 for attention) and regurgitate shit she heard on Fox News
>Two literally who in the top left with one literally who sucking Tim Pool's dick on a regular basis
>Bottom right faggot
>Checking out the vibrant gay scene in London. Imagine my cock. Actual tweet from PJW minus the cock part. That was just a play on his imagine my shock catch phrase.
Lol, these faggots are the furthest from independent and are a bunch of shady fucking grifters. No better than the mainstream but only just barely more tolerable than your average butt fucking ugly bread tuber. Seriously, fuck politifag YouTubers and dumb ass news outlets. Nothing but fear porn anyway on the internet.
>Wag the Dog

After being caught in a scandalous situation days before the election, the president does not seem to have much of a chance of being re-elected. One of his advisers contacts a top Hollywood producer in order to manufacture a war in Albania that the president can heroically end, all through mass media.


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