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/pol/ torrents thread
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Is this worth an intelligent person's time or is this some stupid shiter brains niggerlove bullshit? Niggerloving goatfuckers have absolutely no fucking cred of any kind to be making documentary of anything except their own 0bamas in the toilet somehow unshitting themselves up through their assholes straight to their near nigger like dimple skulled brains.
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Why wont it bump anymore? Its not old or full.
anti-Semitism is not welcome here.
Oh please!
Do you not actually read ANY threads on this site?
It's pretty legit though not really an anti-israel film. Made by jews, so you know it's not really gonna have a strong case against Israel let alone be anti-semitic. Still, it does have some interesting viewpoints and couple of new observations.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel, JIDF?

That aside. Great topic. Will contribute. Could simply make B'tselem compilations. Settlers behaving badly vids are available in the thousands.
What's that?
it's good retard. watch it
Anyone got link to the movie Tantura? The one where the Israeli soldiers talk about raping Palestinian girls and executing them and burying them in mass graves?
Palestinians are semites. So..shut up.
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what a failure of a thread.

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>Oh neat, he's crying again

why do you hate Israel?
true, they whine and kvetch even more than the jews
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Because Israel is the homebase for the Synagogue of Satan. They aren’t Jews. They’re Edomites/Cannanites.

Revelation 3:9

I will make those who are of the Synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
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They hate us and the Talmud allows child rape.
Based knower
holy crap, take your meds, anon.
anybody have any footage of the tunnels in a torrent?
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"why the hate, we're your friends"
>also, remember anon that genocides are a serious thing and should not be made fun of.
>your holocaust jokes are hurtful and should be legally banned
>what do you mean palestine
>uh, anon active genocide is okay when commited by the right people
>no anon, holocaust jokes should still be banned because genocide is wrong when done to the wrong people
>no we are not two-faced and just trying to limit your freedom of speech, how can you even suggest that you anti-semite
>Made by jews, so you know it's not really gonna […] be anti-semitic
Source? You're just saying shit without proof. Antisemitism is an idea; Jews are capable of holding ideas in the same way compared to every other ethnicity on the planet. Unless you're racist and believe in pseudoscience?
take your meds, anon
>A tikkun olam production
Jew movie about jews.

"For some Jews, the phrase tikkun olam means that Jews are not only responsible for creating a model society among themselves but also are responsible for the welfare of the society at large.[35] This responsibility may be understood in religious, social or political terms and there are many different opinions about how religion, society, and politics interact.

Jane Kanarek, a Conservative rabbi, argues that discussions of tikkun olam in the Mishnah and Talmud point to the importance of creating systemic change through law. She concludes that contemporary tikkun olam should also focus on systemic and structural changes to society.[1]

While many non-Orthodox Jews have argued that tikkun olam requires socially liberal politics, some have argued for the validity of a conservative political approach to tikkun olam. Michael Spiro, a Reconstructionist Jew, draws on a conservative tradition that emphasizes free markets precisely because they believed that was the path to the greatest public good. In addition, conservatives have always emphasized the importance of private efforts of gemilut chasadim (benevolence) and tzedakah (charity or philanthropy), and Spiro argues that tikkun olam should be carried out through such private efforts rather than through government.[36]"
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Defamation is hilarious.
thx for this anon!
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> https://archive.org/download/defamation_202401/Defamation.mp4 (573.4MB)
> Video: h264 854x480 @ 740 kb/s
> Audio: aac 44100 Hz stereo @ 128 kb/s
fuck off gaslighter
I believe in the Kingdom Of Israel.
I do not believe it is a patch of land in the middle east. That is a blasphemy against God.
The true Kingdom Of Israel is in every church and synagogue across the globe where His people gather faithfully in His name.
I am sickened by the genocide of Orthodox Christians in Gaza and Ukraine / Donesk / Russia funded by the political state of Israel. I am also feel sick the Jewish people in Israel being controlled by a government that uses fundamentalist Judaisim for political power and war mongering profit. Even many of the Israelis are against their government because a number of them are waking up to how they are being used for the power of those at the top.
Both Jews and Christians should reject the false government of Israel and its lies.
Thank you for reading my blog. Hit like and subscribe and don't forget to hit that bell.
Anyway. Bump.

>Occupation of the american mind

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good torrent
>survived nine different concentration camps
so do you guys also hate blacks and other minorities or not?
nope, just the jews
I only hate most Israelis, I do not hate the jooz
Here is why. All B'tselem videos

Somebody with time on their hands should maybe DL all and make a torrent
kys ameritard
Virtue signaling, are we? You're as worthless as the progtards.
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Help me hack!
It's unwatchable. Them Jew fuckers and that sand-nigger language is unbearable.
This is the single most retarded lie I've ever read on Wikipedia, and that's really saying something.
>The Empire Unmasked - Ryan Dawson (2017)

>The Other Israel: The Whole Story of Zionist Conspiracy

>anti-Semitism is not welcome here
One may be called an antisemite but never a liar
Stfu nobody likes Palestinian sand dirt niggas. Fuck them palestinians bro if you know real history then you’d know Jews always been there. The PLO is just an organization like Al-Qaeda Palestinians are literally Jordanians and other Arabs. And they have their rat looking ass leader. Palestinians look up to Osama Bin Laden as their daddy. I’m sick and tired of this retarded narrative that Palestinians are indigenous. Say what u want abt Jews idc but stfu with this Palestinian lie. Sorry for yapping. Ok yeah “Palestinians” are semites but I gotta get this out there…
Also- for the people who say Israel kills babies: well not purposely. And only liek a couple hundred or little to none. It’s disgusting no doubt but did you whine when the German people of Dresden were bombed during WW2? no u didn’t so shut up and go back into your basement
Always "antisemite", but never "liar."
Jews simply cannot stop lying
>so do you guys also hate blacks and other minorities or not?
Blacks are way too violent and steal way too much but the only ethnicity I outright hate are the jews
>why do you hate Israel?
They're a whole nation of sociopathic liars
They run the banks ruining the world economy
They run the media that spreads outrageous lies to the world
They're largely responsible for the impoverishment of the working class and rising cost of living
They run the american government and are responsible for most of the awful shit that it does

Those are a good starting point
you should go back on your medication.
and you should name at least one thing where anon was wrong
Prove he's wrong.
Come on, pussy. Prove him wrong.
No, no name-calling. Pick up everything he said and, backing up your words with facts, prove he's wrong.
Do it. While doing so, denounce the talmud, too.
>ask why people hate israel
>get plenty of points
> [insert le meds response]
after anyone has told you why we should hate Israel, can yout tell why we should love it? Is iot because muh holocaust, which is the go to answer you faggots have for absolutely everything. OP posts a film that is critical of Israel and the first defence is calling him antisemite, like it always is with you, like it always is.
Israel is a terrorist state that hates the rest of humanity.

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