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I couldnt find much free links to the monroe tapes, most are scrubbed and behind a paywall nowadays. I collected all ressources and packed them into a torrent.
All waves in .flac, including the handbooks and manuals and some further ressources on Remote Viewing and Astral Projection

Illumination should be free


Torrent ID:

Also this is the first time I set up a Torrent. please tell me if something is wrong.

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>remote viewing
Might as well get straight to the source and go full Ed Dames


I would appreciate if someone could help me seed. Already have 6 Seeders for which I am thankful :)
All right, let's give it a go. I'd appreciate the same in my thread >>1287717
Ay thank you, just started downloading yours. :)
i'll seed these for a while, thanks anons
and with my new remote viewing skills i'm watching you read this, in your underwear, wiping that booger onto your sock. i c u
I always believed this was nonsense, why the US would use their own quake weapon against themselves? And then Trump happened. They will do anything to stop him.
that's HAARP
>They will do anything to stop him.
We're still at the stage where the smarter ones think they can kill the idea he represents by hurting him. That's not working. They're looking for exits.
The stupider ones, left without guidance, will just try to kill him. And then models on all sides will be tested by the introduction of volumes of new data.
bump and still seeding
would love to hear if anyone has tried these resources out yet
Any1 have anything from Farsight Institute?
>Any1 have anything from Farsight Institute?
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
Crap sorry, I'm a newfag here, thanks for the heads up.
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bump, would also appreciate if anyone could share more regarding the topic
Asking in threads is fine, making a thread just to ask a question isn't. Idk what that anon is talking about.
Everything I have from the Monroe Institute. Sorry in advance, it's in MP3 format. Got them quite some time (years) ago from who knows where.

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i don't understand
I'm gonna download and test it, because it seems like it will be a lot more detailed than that pdf guide that gets spread around. But does this shit even work, honestly?

I don't mean some placebo "I think it worked stuff", I mean practical usability, like you've used it in your real life to great benefit.

Because if this works I don't see how everyone that claims they can do it aren't millionaires or something. Because is like unlocking a cheat code in a video game if it works.

There has to be some exploit for this that could quickly make you money if it actually works.
Remote Viewing ESP Psychic Spy Training Course

The Occult Content Leaked Part 2: Lucid Dreams and Astral Projection

could you do info hash or URL i cant download this, won't work

Must be region blocked or something, file is still there. Try this: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:V3CZ2VXII4RPPUKQMBYEU6IKE6R6IIP6&dn=The%20Monroe%20Institute&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80%2Fannounce

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