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H.265 for smaller download. Over 1000 videos.
Great, that saves over 500GB compared to the old rip and seems to add a few extra videos.
Is it the same resolution or different?
Should be same resolutions as the old torrent (mostly 1080p), plus whatever resolution the new ones are. I didn't check those or convert them in any way, just added the new batch to the old torrent.
Malibu Media’s (x-art) copyright trolling
>Malibu Media didn't invent the art of filing mass litigation with the hopes
>of shaming porn aficionados into settlements, but in the past few years,
>the studio's lawsuits against thousands of individuals have become notorious.
what is the chance their stuff is only posted so one could send cash demand letters?
if you want to get near to this, maybe you should ask yourself if torrents is really the protocol one should use here.
Ok got it, will seed this one forever on high speed then. Fuck these niggers and fuck america.
Also it's the exact reason you use torrents and not something centralized - they can't stop it.
x-art was so great back then, it's really basic nowadays, so sad the quality went down over the five years or so
File: Hermione_meme_face.png (888 KB, 852x827)
888 KB
888 KB PNG
so does this mean i can torrent this without a vpn?
Does anyone know if a siterip exists for MC-Nudes? This thread made me nostalgic for that site and I see it's now down too.
Mullvad VPN is 6$ a month tho. I tried torrenting a couple times without vpn but nothing happened. I hate the fear of having to take all the extra precautions tho.
which one is this?
I'm not gay but that's a nice cock
Real Debrid is cheap and great for downloading torrents, magnets and dozens of different file share sites, the only shitty thing about it is you can't share seeds.
what happened to this site?
I fucked that girl.

I always mention it cuz no one ever believes me and that makes me laugh
I don't believe you

Based on this, it looks like they gave up early into 2021: https://www.iafd.com/distrib.rme/distrib=6779/x%2dart.com.htm

There are similar studios. I'm blanking on the name right now, but I remember another Euro-based site that used lesser known girls. I want to say they were Southern Euros, not Slavs. I distinctly recall it having a review section that you didn't need to login to see and the reviews were actually more articulate than, "I came, 10/10."
I was thinking of the very similarly named ... Sexart.
even Sexart went down for the last years with its lame creampies
there's WowGirls/WowPorn too
I seriously doubt it is, but this chick looks almost exactly like a chick I used to date. Kinda creepy actually.
So it's only in that shot, in the vid itself she looks nothing like the chick I dated. Still weirdly similar in that one picture though.
Any in 4k?

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