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Large collection
Many tunes are medium, but includes all the gems and classics

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sadly, you will never be a woman
(or white)
every op is a non-white trans woman in the eyes of the cells
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thanks for posting anon
moonman really needs a best of archive. good moonman songs are hilarious. bad moonman songs are really, really bad. maybe 5% of them are good and it's a lot of crap to wade through to get to the good stuff.
I'm convinced absolutely no Moonman media will ever top 49 Faggots and 1 Dune Coon.
that is a good one
i like this too
thanks anons
let's make a list

post best names! and path/file

I have these (not 100% sure are they in the torrent and under what name, poke me if can't find) :

**** cool! "Eugenics"

**** cool! "Northwest Front"

**** cool! "Put Your Quarter Up feat. Sun Man - Deadly video game"

*** good "Jewtreon by Emily Youcis" - interesting lyrics

*** good "Choices"

** ok "No Thanks Faggot"

** classic lol "Moonking"
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Based. Have a bump Fren, do you have a MoonMan torrent?
Here is a Skrewdriver torrent (6GB), it has most if not all albums.
*Mr Bond torrent
You can say that again. It has a great flow, lyrics that fit the beat, it tells a great story and you can imagine listening to it while cruising the city at night, watching out for socioeconomic factors (they can be anywhere).
Old MEGA link is still up.
This one is called "Just call them niggers". The instrumental song is very good and I wish I could find it but Moonman's lyrics are good. You should listen to it. It's catchy.
Most of this is already on Vidlii
>Most of this is already on Vidlii
what's that? url?
complete archive of moonman music is on archive.org. It tops at 2021 so of you want newer songs you'll have to find them elseware.
Vidlii is down for me.
some of those songs are a bit racist.
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>these songs are heckin racist!11
Anon, I think he is merely attempting to be humorous through the use of understatement. You might be autistic.

lol triggered ass nigger tranny

great torrent op
interesting, but have you considered the following:
I have placed a concealed landmine at an undisclosed location inside of your house. every step you take is a risky move.
Great - thanks!

Are you a ni99er?
Cope, seethe and dilate newfags.
Anon, you can say nigger. This isn't Reddit.
go fuck urself worthless worm
You must be 18 or older to view or post.
Surely more exists
I have a big collection of Moon Man songs. I was kind of obsessed from about 2015-17. Here, start with "uploader's favorites".

This and Deathsquad (after midnight) are my favorite
>This and Deathsquad (after midnight)
pretty good.
Check out also this HITs:
- Choices
- Northwest Front
For me, it's "Moon Man - just call them Niggers". It's really catchy. I wish the author did more or if he did, that I can find them too. This one is as good as Notorious 3K tbqh.
Oh no
This video is unavailable in your region.

you know what to do
does anyone know which song I keep remembering but don't know enough of the lyrics or the name to find it. It was some slow kind of origin story song about Moonman working at McDonald's in his youth and becoming the nigger killer that he is after some nigger did something. I've been trying to find it for a while, it's got to be at least older than 2020 but I have 0 clue what to do aside from hunting down every moonman song I can find.

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