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Soph stopped making content in 2023 and has since removed most of the posts from Subscribestar and gone dormant. So here is an archive of the Subscribestar Videos.

General topics;

Conspiracy Theory
Christian Apologetics
Current Events

The content is categorized to a point. Most of it is what would be called 'Main Videos' on current topics or shorter ideas and those are listed in posting order numerically.
There are also Series that are named separate from the numbered ordering of Main Videos: 'Optical Allusion', Grand Unifying Theory Of...' and 'The Official Narrative'.
Finally there are some BTS, edited Stream Highlights and Podcast style videos on various topics named Tidbits.
I have a text file with the posting order for information on that.

she’s so hot desu
no seeds
It should work now.
Is this the same Soph whose image was left up on Ethan Ralph's screen while he slept during the infamous "Pillstream"?
She didn't stop making content. She just writes for Turkey Tom now. And by writing I mean prowls kiwi farm threads and piece together timelines which make up a glorified low effort recap video.
I heard she stopped working for Turkey Tom a year ago. Did she talk about this? Why delete the majority of her body of work though?
I think that's wrong.
Tom did do a video on Soph, maybe that's what you are thinking of.

Soph was working for 'Censored' ( Gavin McInnes Premium site ) but was removed in some belt-tightening a short while before the Subscribestar content stopped. Possibly related.
All of the Censored content was also posted on the Subscribestar btw.
I expect the reason is more religious, not wanting to stare into the abyss all the time. There hasn't been a clear statement on it though.
i don't care about your schizo tranny. worthless data
gtfo then
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Seeding should be close to getting much better soon. Here is everything that's in the torrent btw.
anyone got an archive of her streams too?
>anyone got an archive of her streams too?
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
>high IQ girl enters /pol/ by accident
>becomes a complete chud retard
>ruins her life
>now makes content for retarded people like her

yea, the underage girl Ralph jerked it to.
you will never be a woman
Seeders add another tracker like opentracker

ok thanks, I'm very bad at the little details on seeding.
I kind of assumed that something would go nuts, it's not like you can be 13 and making political videos and not be completely off your rocker within five years.
>high IQ
when is the next soph guy life?
I'm still amazed that this person exists. One of the most interesting girls to ever come out of the chans.
Will be consooming this archive, thank you very much OP.
only subscribestar i ever paid for, thanks
I don't get her. Is she a nutjob or not? Is she for or against vaccines? Is she normal or empty in the head? I mean what is the red thread through all of that shit? It's so unclear.
Watching the content she has a very clear and consistent worldview. Weather a given person finds it agreeable is another question.

Off the top of my head some of her hard positions is agreeing with 'Argumentation Ethics' (Hans-Hermann Hoppe) as a very specific kind of libertarian position. Strongly Roman Catholic, this appears to me as a result of looking for a unifying theory on conspiracy and truth, take that as you will.
Thanks for this torrent, I just found out she exists and so far I absolutely love her opinions, choice of topics and eloquence. Does anyone have the video descriptions archived? For instance, on the Gender Theory video it feels like she'd link the studies she mentions in the description.

Did an extended video description for such things unlock itself on subscribestar after payment? The descriptions on freespeech.tv are mostly advertising blurbs, but still quite charming. Most of the ones I clicked here were dead links in the wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20191105223950/https://freespeech.tv/watch/show/soph
I got subscribed a while after that video got published and I am very fuzzy on the state of descriptions on Subscribestar at the time.
She published google docs with videolinks that mostly consisted of link to to subscribestar posts themselves, and some old videos have descriptions in those documents, but it is not very useful now, with Subscribestar posts being purged.
At the bottom of that document there are a few links to some of their research though, and you may find related information in them;

Vaccine Research - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1opNPI_LbKi25LdLsASjut159Xcv1HBKqV-0Je-J1Lxg/edit?usp=sharing
Pizzagate Research -
Zelda Research -
Protestantism & Marxism Research -
MKULTRA Research -
Monarch Programming Research - https://docs.google.com/document/d/15qdnhm8lxJGIOh_POilK0xltZNpZB4veRoZZHPP1Ajk/edit?usp=sharing
Civil War Research - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l6H9JN1T4yba0IuLzvjcnLMkuwc8jzsCLd2uJnazp6o/edit?usp=sharing
Trans Research - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cm4dSBJVMyCJNDXpN-HORZSjX8LBUuLCltbyX8AQ5YY/edit?usp=sharing

There are
Thanks friend, exactly the kinda stuff I was looking for.
just looked though the trans research and it's basically all cherrypicked bullshit.
- She shows individual cases of complications with no statistics on how many times or the chance that those complications occur.
- She shows individual cases of alternative treatment methods for gender dysphoria but no statistics on the percentage of people they work on. example: they got ONE person to take pimozide and that "fixed" the gender dysphoria. The conclusion is that physicians should *consider* using pimozide.
- she directly refers to non scientific sources such a conservative alt-right news outlets, a movement that is associated with a lot of misinformation.
- she refers to non peer reviewed surveys and data: namely the reddit survey on r/detrans. (this also stinks of sampling bias)

You can literally read through her research without clicking on any links and find several serious flaws that destroy her whole argument. I could go on and on about more serious flaws but why keep trying to set fire that ashes. The main question is: Why are people this stupid honestly?
>it's basically all cherrypicked bullshit
Including the NIH cites? Seems to me you suffer from a serious case of confirmation bias, which - ironically - is exactly what you accuse her of.
There is a lot of junk studies holding up this particular house of cards. If you align with the current consensus, I do feel sorry for you.

It should be noted that the research is a reference to a video that elaborates and comments on it, it is not a thing itself.

The Official Narrative, Ep 27 The Trans Report
>The main question is: Why are people this stupid honestly?

People want someone they can point to and go 'see? This is an Authority that aligns with my biases that I can point people to and feel very smart indeed!' It happened with the Cass Report: everyone was like 'see? Trans healthcare is bullshit, we should be hounding these creatures back into the shadows where they belong' and now, people are actually looking at the report critically and going 'huh, it's actually complete bullshit, why was anyone fooled by this in the first place?'

An appeal to authority is one of the strongest cards you can pull. You see Alex Jones, Steven Crowder and the like do it all the time: the MSM is nothing but lies and bullshit and they hate you, personally, but the second they see something that aligns with their interests, it's all 'see? Even the MSM is reporting it!'
hey try not being a faggot, thanks and remember you were asked nicely
Hey look, the pot's calling the kettle black. Does it never disturb you that you and your ilk are equally guilty of all the sins you ascribe to rightoids?
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need muh sneeds please

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