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Audiobookbay recently added a feature to disable comments on torrents because people kept making fun of the dogshit political books that get uploaded constantly
Remember, they cannot survive outside of a vacuum of censorship.
That's not censorship, you wombat turd.

I swear every conservatard thinks it's their god-given right to call people niggers and walk away unscathed.
It is. Not a conservative btw.
Nah, someone comes up and does that, it's your god-given right to knock their fucking teeth out.

And I am a conservative btw
actual me replying, not a conservative either, I hate Israel. Also you're a nigger.
believe it or not, we dont all wake up and obsess over the feelings and perceived slight of blacks. i will say whatever the hell i please. if u think free will makes u a cuckservative, then u are a simpleton. besides, conservatives are busy sucking off every jew they possibly can to rly care about anything else atm
>mutts think the concept of censorship is limited to the American constitutional definition of it
>implying liberals don't call people niggers
Don't confuse us with you faggot progressives. We were talking shit about ghetto trash long before you were born.
you're not a conservative you're a faggot
kinda seems like they should have limited comments on this thread
>service provider adds on optional feature that nobody has to use
>OP kills a thread to cry about it and thread is just rinse and repeat accusations of niggerism
muh deep and nuanced analysis on the inflations long term effects Generation Alpha's opportunities to become first homeowners and how that will mirror general populations turst in us mint in relation to Partitio terrarum imperii Romaniae has been trumped. This optional feature is censorship REEEEEEEEE!!!!
Once again we know he was right
What in the fuck do you think book burning is, other than an extreme form of censorship, shitbag?
You're a nigger and deserve the bullet you cocksucking little cockroach.
Oh no, the big brave keyboard warrior is angy. What's your follow-up move, screaming impotently at nothing again?
>What's your follow-up move, screaming impotently at nothing again?
*while masturbating, yeah.
>Destroying books that offend you
Most snowflakiest behaviour ever
Extreme censorship is good when it is against jews


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