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File: max.jpg (1.33 MB, 2355x1810)
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Max Hardcore Collection.

335 GB

I must admit that these films are relatively boring and have never held my interest for long. The only one I keep coming back to is Jade Shu's performance, I didn't expect her to do it and it turned out to be funny :).
I mean Jade Hsus
Thank you, I was looking for this. I used to have a full categorized archive but many of the vids where not in high quality. Especially the older videos. I see some real gems in there.

Will seed this well. Any similar content is really welcome. All HQ/new content from Facial Abuse/ghetto gaggers also seem to have vanished
which scenes were the ones where they claimed to be raped afterwards? just so I can deselect and not download them
>claimed to be raped
Women do that all the time, it doesn't mean anything and is usually a straight up lie as recent years have shown.
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Where did you get such a hi-res image? It looks like even the official website doesn't have the photos at such a high resolution.
I get it
Just tell what the video is so I can pick them
Sorry, I mean, not pick them
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Any good BLACKED content for me?
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I can't download that much, wanna recommend me a couple?
the mirage/briana banks ones are my personal favorite

if you're looking for max just being plain nasty then id go jessie/anita blue/trixie

if your looking for the prettiest id go jade hsu/jaena/cristina agarve/ jessie vega, but i have a thing for latinas
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does anyone know which scenes were shown in his trail that disgusted the judge soo much he decided not to put forward the whole evidence as to save the jury the psychological damage

i saw the list on a forum years ago but i never saved it and cant find it any more, it was a list of about 5 scenes
>Just tell what the video is so I can pick them

also want this list
thanks anon I needed to get the keeani lei videos a couple more i'm missing. You're doing gods work.
How do you access these links, is there a website to insert them or want as I can access the url
these links are not webpages. they are magnet links.
you are on /t/.
/t/ is for torrenting.

if you don't know how to use magnet links, check the sticky thread. that's what it's for.
Yeah it's like hardcore to boomers but just regular porn now.
This one complete?
Max Hardcore Pack 2022
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its only 216 gigs so no, its not the full absolutely complete pack, but its pretty damn good.
My faves are Anastasia Blue cuz she looks sweet and she got depressed afterwards and eventually killed herself. So her vids are special.
I tossed all the others and I'm never downloading them again.

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