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German Goo Girls Megapack 500 GB

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In for the german
Newer GGG vids Megapack

64 gb

Used to watch these back in the day, are there any creampie videos or are the all bukakke?
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Great torrent, thanks for sharing.
Can anyone list out GGG movies where POC are on the receiving end of the bukkake stream? That's literally my fave fap material.
Sounds like you want the cumbang series from dogfart network.

Yes post it.
Best girl was Dani (Daniela)

I don't have a pack. Good luck with these.
Fuck this slow posting. Just get the magnets here
Is anyone trying to seed this? I'm stuck at 91.9% along with a few other people.
You'll stay there until you uncheck the files that are not 100% available. There's like 12 files that were never properly uploaded.
That's not how you spell 'Betty'
Stuck at 91.9%
stuck at 99.6%

could someone please seed these torrents
>stuck at 99.6%
bruh I'm stuck at downloading metadata
Thank you. Do these contain the trailers from the website as well? Those were really well made and for me in some cases were more interesting than watching the entire dvd
There's 58 videos either not available at all or stuck at 95-99% available.

No internal creampies that I've seen, although jerking off onto the womans pussy is sometimes labelled as a 'creampie'.
> German Goo Girls
> German
> turned out that not every girl is german
dig at spermastudio for internal, it's also german
>> turned out that not every girl is german
it's made with girls working inside German Bordellos, so they can be from anywhere
what was the deal with this series? what was the appeal or the point that made it so special? i completely missed out on it, but remember seeing thread after thread about ggg back in the day.
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>what was the appeal or the point that made it so special?
if you like to gang bang a bitch for a ticket that the place to go IRL.
Did any American or Canadian girls end up there? I cant find sources on nationalities.
there was one with glasses. blonde, can't remember her name, it was something stupid like sexy foxx samantha or something. american accents are a real turn off for me but it was kinda funny listening to her purring over german cum.
using women like pieces of meat, filling their mouth with cum and making them eat it while they are getting fucked and pounded. there's a bit of an old school dominant kink vibe too. i like how in the orgies they have a dominant female who is ultimately there to defer to the men and their pleasure.
I guess legalporno came next but it still doesn't really scratch the same itch.

I have downloaded all GGG collections, Max Hardcore and just about everything hardcore related. I just wonder how other data hoarders hide their stuff from their girlfriends. I mean women in real world dont show very much understanding for men who collect this kind of stuff.
as long as you don't make any excuses and are confident in who you are, it won't be much of a problem. 60% of women consent to being strangled during sex according to new studies. men and women have evolved together and are compatible, there is no reason to be ashamed of your evolutionary instincts.
I want to see her filled with cum
>put on NAS
>keep access behind username/password

You obviously have assumption that women can't be computer experts, lol.
does anyone know which is the hachiku vid?
If she hacks the protection of your NAS or sticks a keylogger on your PC without you knowing, you have bigger issues than her knowing what type of porn you watch.
do these include lauras vids?

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