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i prefer DDL instead of torrents to be honest
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hopefully that horse is a girl or it's massive cock and balls are getting squished painfully
Is usenet better than public torrents for old media? Think 30+ years older films. I hate the very idea of "interview" for private trackers, and the idea of paying for usenet indexers AND providers. But is it worth it?
I've been thinking about making the switch to usenet.
It was inevitable, it already hit the bump limit. You can make a new thread.
American media is easy to find on public trackers, even old stuff. Asian and european media, not so much. Is this any better in usenet?
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Same here, I'll take full speed DDL any day. I used to pay for Rapidshare because they're pretty widely used, then I found Real Debrid, $20 for 6 months and they host about 50 different file sharing sites, as well as secure magnet & torrent downloading
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Use Yandex with browser translation enabled, the .ru sharing sites host all kinds of Euro & Asian media. You won't see any of these sites from American search engines. I find HQ versions of most anything I've ever looked for on rutracker.
>Is usenet better than public torrents for old media
I use both, but prioritize usenet since it just werks and doesn't rely on who's online, who has it stored, etc.

>the idea of paying for usenet indexers AND providers
You can get both for dirt cheap, I think I paid $25 or so for a lifetime sub at an indexer and pay about $40/yr for an unlimited provider. That's worth it for me to have two places to look for anything, one of which doesn't rely on some nerd wanting to keep it around on his hard drive.
same I use both. It's not even about the money for me: I still pay for some streaming services from time to time, I just don't watch them that often.

Mostly cause I can dl from usenet at better quality and imo playback is easier. I can scroll through a movie and response is better with dl media.

Also even if I pay for streaming and get no ads, I'll still be tracked as to what I watch, when I watch it etc.. forget about watching porn without being recorded what kind a perves you have.. fuck that shit.
Depends on how big the download is (not downloading a 200GB file trough DDL), speed of the server the DDL is hosted on, how many seeds the torrent has, which is more update, etc
I meant up-to-date. Fuck.
me too
Bump cause me too
the only bad part would be the multi part archives that some sites do.
>pay 20 a month for premium or else you get only one file download per 24 hours and 1kbps download speed
>whoops you didn't do the captcha within the 5 second time window. come back in 6 hours
DDL could win if faggots stop cucking for stone age shit like rapidgator.
you can try USENET ... You will be hooked.
to try out some sites. dognzb, nzbgeek
for more /r/usenet
yes specific usenet indexers has more European contents like omgwtfnzbs or there is a German indexer forgot the name.
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>>1302750 (OP)
honestly me too so bump
also that 200 GB file would be split up into 12 parts
just restarted to seek torrents this month.
i have been out of this for 10 years
streaming is a pain and searching for french torrents...
what happened anons?

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