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For those who don't know, Operation Animes is an offshoot of Operation 404 and had cooperation from the Content Overseas Distribution Association (Coda), based in Japan.

Operation Animes is from Brazil. Operation Animes is coordinated by the Directorate of Integrated Operations and Intelligence (Diopi), through the Cyber Operations Laboratory (Ciberlab), of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) and aims to put an end to websites that include anime illegally.

It's going on a moment where to take down pirated anime website. In last year civil policy during this operation took down some websites such as O-Pex and Mangalivre, this year, the police carried out 11 warrants to take down those pirated anime websites on Brazil.

I know that Piracy is ilegal, but in Brazil many people consume pirated products like games and Animes, The reason for this is the excess tax burden that the Brazilian state keeps placing and to make worse, brazil's tax don't has return because of the corruption, brazilian politics are selfish and miserly whit thier people. Instead of drastically reducing taxes and ending crime such as robberies, homicides and assasination, nome, Brazilian Politics prefers to increase taxes and increase state spending. Furthermore, has currency devaluation, excessive regulation, restricted access to technology. ;/

A price of the original manga is R$ 37,90 (US$ 7,41) this year, please note that a minium wage of average Brazilian is R$ 1.412,00 (US$ 279,98). To buy Nintendo Switch on Brazil, you will to spend R$ 2.299,00 (US$ 449,35) (358 worked hours) and to buy Nintendo Switch on USA, will to spend US$ 299 (41 worked hours). In Brazil, having 2 video games per family has become something of a luxury.
nobody cares plus kys
The prices are puzzling, one can get a new Nintendo Switch Sports Set for 299,95 EUR (320,95 USD) in a european country. And this country has a different average wage!
fuck those nigger sites + you're poor
I hope fenix gets taken down next and all members arrested (hopefully raped/killed in prison)
feel sorry for ya dude but y'know what when they close a site 10 new ones pop out
Nice thinking shitbrain
What minium wage of europe? Portugal?
die faggot
stop coming to Portugal, brazilians! fix your country instead
Eat shit
why you asking? you're going to drive an Uber anyway
Nyaa.si you retard.
non-eglish piracy sites were never good for anything
the only thing you can find there exclusively is subhuman language dubbed/translated shit
learn english monkey, if you can't you don't deserve to pirate anything

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Brazilian websites are pretty trash though, you're much better served with Nyaa(.)si and Aniwave(.)to. Honestly blame the nipponese, they're cracking down on a lot of pirate weeb websites as of late.
Do the L
>guy literally translated "policia" as policy instead of police
Faça um favor para o mundo e cometa suicídio anão
just move the servers to argentina or some other shithole nearby
Good post, OP. I'm Brazilian as well and agree with everything you said. A bunch of high-salaried funça faggots cracking down on anime piracy when it's their very wages that make media so expensive in our country.
Eu tava sabendo de uma ação recente que teve esse ano, que derrubou o vision e o aria de novo, mas não sabia que insisitiram mais uma nisso. É de fato uma pena, porém meu Better segue intacto qualquer coisa.

Como disseram, use torrent.

esse seu inglês tá bem ruim também então não tenta entrosar, não. além de que nenhum gringo deve ligar pra tradução de polícia.
>elects a leftwing president
>sudden crackdown on intellectual property based trafficking
I know it happened before, but it is always funny how these contradictions keep repeating kek
>some other shithole nearby
That would be Peru. I'm unaware of a bigger shithole on the continent.
I thought you guys were mainly involved with gore videos
you trannies voted for lula communist's, you got what you voted for.
>I thought you guys were mainly involved with gore videos
Plus bestiality videos

seu inglês é uma merda + você não sabe procurar por pirataria decentemente na internet + poderia estar baixando qualquer merda no nyaa ao invés de vir reclamar no mar de mijo + toco todos os instrumentos


first of all this >>1315688 fuckin' Just Cause (the first one) needs to happen to free your country from that shit
second, there's tons of usable torrent sites not hosted in brazil just use one of those
Learn English or Japanese. Problem solved. Brazil is not a worthy place.
E teu Português é asqueroso.
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Portugal? 820 euros.

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