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Previous thread: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1297654 #37

1291057 #36
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1007100 #4
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972328 #2
948290 #1

Audio Pornography ComboPack (combination of audio porn collections 1-6 + FSA archive)

GoneWildAudio TeraPack:

Merged Torrent Index:

PsstAudio Age Play Archives:
Direct Download: https://mega.nz/folder/lv0y3Q5a#ZrmWA5z97uSIqKPh4qgYPQ
Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3T25UMBN7DVMZNDZ2ZQLJQQ52OCPI2H6&dn=audios&tr.1=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2F

Better Gonewildaudio & Sister Subreddit Search Engine: https://gwasi.com/

Before asking, "Does anyone have anything from this performer?" CHECK THE TORRENTS. You can download the .html file from the terabyte pack and search that or use qBitorrent file search.
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Thank you for listening to my suggestion op

my replies to the old thread:
honestly I don't have a single skitty audio
saved since i'm not really a skitty fanatic, but I did listen to most of her audios so I got it in my head. I even remember the long lost dog cock album people has been asking for ages but I would rather not poorly draw dog cocks for people. I bear the heart deamon of being too lazy to archive properly all the audios I listen to so most of it will probably stay in my memories, stay hoarding fellow sect disciples.

Nothing really it just reminds me of my age

Sincerely, C. A.
Does anyone know the name of that one girl who gets orgasms while jogging and posts it on soudgasm?
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new irl ally lewd from her stream today, god this fucking slut needs to show off her body more
>Retarded shill is back
Nobody cares about your ugly pagpag SEAmonkey
You need to be more specific
Am I the only one who can't coom to Blue anymore after seeing her face? And it's not because of how she looks, she's just an autistic girl. I feel bad now.
nope. she's completely lost me.
Did muffins stop with the "uh huh" thing?
It's part of her appeal
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>just want to jack off to audio thots
>every time I visit GWA there's some sticky about rule changes or some other stupid bullshit like no images in posts now (probably due to an assmad tranny)
Rate things are going we're going to see gwa split by the end of this year
AI Image slop was being posted
No images is fine and should have been the rule years ago. I think it even used to be a rule? Like the only images that could be in it were the thumbnails on an audio hosting site that wasn't soundgasm
well, when you look at the people they accepted recently as mods, it's only bound to go downhill
>lower body conveniently out of frame
ally sounds a lot like this Asian girl "dearpeony" to me who used to do a lot of WMAF videos
For me it's Emma Fielder.
>the new ally bikini picture
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>that thumb
>heart rate in the 200s when streaming horror games
>that drink
this fat bitch used to make good audios now it's all friends to lovers (don't forget gender neutral listener!) slop. her two (2) nsfw audios are meh
yeah she tries to hide that shit when she does IRL streams, having her sleeves right up to her hands. it's easy to tell that she's a big 'un. can't remember that last good audio that she made. it's all gone the way of the dodo bird.
Do we need a twitter account just to see alekirser pics now or what
dsp has been better than gwa for a long time in terms of not being colossal faggots about what you can post
Your pagpag shilling is very sad
>now it's all friends to lovers
That's what it's always been you lying kike. She had ALWAYS made exclusively friends to lovers
nigger I'm just asking what pics you faggots are talking about, either post the pics ITT, post a link for people to view what you're talking about, or fuck off
>you faggots
Yeah, you're very subtle. The fact that you even care about seeing a seamonkey is proving it
shut the fuck up nigger I have no idea what you cunts are even talking about, god forbid we don't spend all day every day in the same general all jizzing ourselves over our gay fucking in-jokes and need to ask what the fuck people are talking about
Dumb newfag
She's the only one that actually makes good audio content while also posting irl pics. The rest of the whores only post irl pictures because they know they're incapable of making worthwhile audios
yeah you're so cool for being on here every day and knowing exactly who posted what at what time, you got me there
now if any non-faggot anon would just post whatever fucking pics or stream >>1304613 or
>>1304494 is talking about so people who have at least half a life can keep up and see an audio maker who isn't enormously obese, that would be great
>see an audio maker
Please just tie a noose. This tranny futa banning supporting subhuman should kill herself. Nobody has posted any audio content from this whore in over a fucking year. Even her own shills know she's terrible. There's a reason she hides her hideous face
Are you retarded? The shill wants you to buy it. That's why he started shilling after not doing so for the entire previous thread
I might regret asking for this but anyone got a link to that Blue and Snakeysmut video?
buy what? I have no idea what the fuck happened in previous threads
I don't know if you notice but 10 posts could be trimmed from this thread's postcount if you would stop assuming everyone lives on here and just say what's going on
>I have no idea
>I don't know
There is zero thought happening in this retards head
https://gofile.io/d/4dC7ia venture forth at your own peril
Holy shit you people are fucking obnoxious. I ask for a source for a titty picture and here's how you reply.
You sit around being all coy and cute with your little in-references instead of just answering the fucking question. I ask a simple question: "Is this on twitter?" and you can't even answer that without posting another coy little evasive comment about something that happened 5 episodes of your general ago, or whatever. You're sitting here acting like you're king of the fucking world because someone not part of your secret club asked for a source.
But in reality what you're really doing is bragging about having wasted that much time spent on this general talking about girls who do not and will never give a flying fuck about you that you seem to think people who don't know every little detail about every little one of your favourite whores are weird. But yeah I'm sure your jokes are very funny. Have fun spending another year of your life on this general and knowing infinitely more about these girls and different anons than I do. What are you now, 30? Happy birthday in advance, nigger.
>Wrote all that
Lmao. Mad?
>What are you now, 30?
uh... no, h-haha
This nigga lost his mind from getting called retarded on 4chan of all places
https://coomer.su/fansly/user/361439191315259392 here you go. I'm sure they'll be updated there once coomer gets its act back together. I doubt she's posting them on twitter for free, because she's incredibly jewish.
all generals are cancer
Don't spoonfeed newfags.
The spoonfeeders are the newfags themselves. Anyone that's been here for more than a day knows that gatekeeping is needed
get a grip
Gatekeeping is good actually
over something more substantial yes but that entire exchange was pathetic
No. Gatekeeping is good in every scenario
would anyone like to discuss some erotic audios.
Sure. Do you anons have any favorite exhibitionism/public audios? Preferably gfe
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Anyone know why this bitch cancelled her fansly? Got a boyfriend who doesn't appreciate her being nude on the internet? Got threats?
Speculation welcum.
I can't be the only one who finds it extremely annoying that none of mycatwithclaws/mycatwhopurrs audio lists is complete.
patreon: incomplete
masterlist: incomplete
back catalogue: incomplete
reddit: incomplete
soundgasm: public list deleted
erocast: public list deleted
kemono: incomplete
torrents and other archives: incomplete
/t/'s new cat: incomplete
Anyways, her recent-ish audios that I like:
- You're the Only One I Can Trust
- Wingwoman
- Morning Milking
- A Special Night
I know they are too vanilla for you coombrains.
Her VTuber corpo is coming next month. She got that Lividly spider asmr girl and 4 others
Be the change you want to see in the world
the trannies already made their own GWA a week ago called "therealmoferoticaudio"
found out about it cause dulci posted a verification request on it
>every time I visit GWA there's some sticky about rule changes or some other stupid bullshit
>no new mod posts in 13 days
so what you're saying is you don't even use GWA but you'd like to complain about it here anyway
Yes it's totally that and not the fact i'm not visiting it every day.
Why should I lol? I have them downloaded. For me. Fuck you guys.
are you saying there are invisible mod posts that only you can see?
what are yall even yappin about dude, how about you niggas shut up and post some audio porn.
Here you go
based Bee poster
doubt it'll get any more popular than the other subreddits they've made before. it's a pipe dream that they'd just fuck off and leave. they've got more of their people in as mods of gwa proper, and they're hell-bent on ruining that.
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new muffins is out
finally she did a "I'm getting fucked in this audio but pretend I'm not guys tehee"
You are seriously a cuck, without a shred of irony
keep lying to yourself loser
>Listens to a girl fingering herself
>First thought is "She's getting fucked by someone and she's pretending that she's not"
It's ok to be a cuck, cuck
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no no, he has a point
at least she's honest about it
Do you know what a dildo is?
every gwa girl is a horny virgin princess who makes audios just for (Me)
This but they're actually just for (Me)
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This except every audio girl is lonely horny and waiting for (Me) to fuck them. It's not like girls can get any guy they want at any time. It's 100%, totally, definitely a dildo bro trust me. She's waiting for (Me).
Is this your first time using the internet?
Yikes, the boomer who loves trannies is still in the thread. Grim.
Peak Reddit naming, holy fuck.
See >>1304481
just rolls off the tongue
Is this a gen alpha slang or what
It's a slur for SEA "people". Up your racism game anon
tranny lover boomer
>Didn't even bother using his browser to search for a word
Wtf is wrong with you
What a great start to a thread, Gatekeeper anons still at it, and new anons getting mad as usual.

Tranny Talk is already on its way

Cuck Comments are bubbling up, muffin edition(She's masturbating and the real time sfx comment was made on another audio entirely)

Why would I download a dictionary if im not gonna use it

Anyway I have to finish my thesis so guys be retarted without me

Sincerely, Cultivation Anon
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>Why would I download a dictionary if im not gonna use it
What? I just asked why you didn't just simply search it up instead of going to what I presume is Merriam-Webster and typing it in there. It's as simple as selecting the text and right clicking
I have 2000 tabs opened on my phone and when I click on the adress bar it literally crashes the whole app
A bit insane but alright. You could also just use a second browser for normal use and keep your tabs in the old one
I only have brave and I only use my phone for on the go audio porn listening and as a hotspot so I dont really need it
>namefag continues name dropping himself like a faggot
Real, the boomer here who acts like a fag is so annoying. He loves trannies too. The faggot is such a loser he acts so proud every time he has the opportunity to gate keep something. The fag should kill himself already honestly.
I predate your birth disciple, you have eyes but fail to see mount tai
He will open his eyes one day, he fails to see that we need to keeps spoon feeding these new anons so we can rest easy that we don't have to do it in the future
all her audios worth saving are easily available. the back catalogue stuff and her very old audios are all shit
>all her audios worth saving are easily available
Not sure why you need to pretend she and her husband/manager and fans don't just do a very shit job maintaining a comprehensive list. Including newer audios.
Some are not posted on reddit for some reason.
Some are not posted on /t/'s new cat for some reason.
Some are not posted on the masterlist for some reaosn.
Some are not posted on the back catalogue for some reaosn.
Some are not posted on kemono for some reason.
Literally check the last 10 or so audios, and you'll see that. Each only have at most half of them. For recent ones, basically, they are only on patreon. But quite a few semi-recent reddit ones are not posted/mentioned at all on patreon.
Yes, I'm a huge fan of her audios. I had a reasonably complete collection but lost them recently. I found it very annoying to track them and rebuild my library because none of the lists is complete.
>NicholeMD's patreon was updated on Kemono
Fuck yeah
>The ass worship audio I was interested in ends in some weird pseudo-scat-play with the listener eating a banana out of her ass
Aww hell no
no money in the world is going to make a stoner hippie act organized
>irl streams
She did this? All i know from her is her retarded v tuber thing. Her kemono doesn't seem to have anything
like building legos and shit, where her hands are visible
Tell me where i can find it and I'll look for it myself
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Yeah thats a no for me. She should've just kept the mystery. Can't outimagine subcutaneous adipose tissue.
fancy way of calling her a fat hog
impregnating Sleepy
cope over what nigga it’s porn, i dont care
I wanted to like Muffins but her obsession with piss is disgusting, she was most certainly raped as a kid.
that's fair enough, but you gotta like that she told the trannies to shove it.
this is always the logical conclusion of any porn creator who takes commissions. They get more and more hyper specific and out there until it's what they get known for and all the freak scat/fart/giantess/etc people flood them with commissions
They can always decline submissions they don't want to do.
They care more about the money. Fetishists are the easiest people to make money from. The more specific their fetishes, the more captive and higher-paying they are.
having vanilla tastes is such a money saver. it's all there for free.
cuckbros will we ever find this audio

>ywn hear this audio, nor any other lost Skitty raceplay vocaroo from her first days
I long to hear her cute voice make the most degenerate smut
was it blackedshit?
I'm starting to suspect that this is a fake link. There is no evidence for this audio having existed anywhere online at any point in time.
Yeah pretty sure it's not real I dont remember her doing this on soundgasm, the only time she did raceplay was on fsa and it was either on chirbit or vocaroo
>0 archives
Yeah it's absolutely fake, even the oldest audios out there have at least 1 archive save even if it's non funtional
Genuine question: Why are most of you angry all the time?
belle is gone
I'm dying of thirst
no pussy and low T from jerking off too much
pretty much all my favorites are gone and it's all slowly but surely turning into shit
I thank the hentai gods everyday for giving us dumb coomer girls like Pom and Muffins every day
impregnating sex with Sleepy
Pom literally gets the plot of her audios from doujin's she reads, im not kidding
I know, that's why she's the best.
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Why is she so perfect
who is this and where find did you get it also context?
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also we need this kemono gods
cute, I wish that I could rape non con her in the pussy until she pisses on me.
what is this bitch yappin about
Someone who claims to have a lot of dirt on GWA performers after the paul nobody drama, where he was called out on being a bad person.
She also argues on twitter: @MHIReports
who the fuck cares about audio porn drama. Post whores moaning on da mic.
I chose to believe that this is self posting because how the fuck would someone find this, but it's making the trannies seethe insanely hard so good luck and best of whishes
My thoughts exactly. Keep making the troons seethe. Too bad reddit itself is ran by trannies so there's no way to get rid of them.
Pussy reveal soon?!
did fawniva ever came back?
Why won't Muffins ever say Sneed?
shits dead and is 80% dudes posting unfortunately
yeah I feel like with how much NSFW audios revolve around money nowadays, no-one's going to pick up things that can't be monetized well. just another casualty to the almighty green.
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here, have some shaved pussy
think piss
i should've known
muffinposters are almost making me miss the pomposters now
don't be mad your queen isn't posting
My queen quit years ago.
dgs - You Lost the Room Key Then Fuck Me in the Hallway
Before anyone asks "dgs?", it's probably dirtygirlsecret
Everyone should know DGS or be able to search the torrent for that title if they don't. The problem is when people do insane shit like calling Sleepy "ASS" as if anyone has ever referred to her that way.
Hottest GWA girl of all time?
belle by far
smol_god or miss_pretty_please
the girl reading this
does anyone have skittys old chirbit archives, those were cozy days
True, check out her videos guys.
erm you're not supposed to link torrents in this torrent general in this torrent board saar, you're supposed to act like a 12 year old girl and brag about how you have it and you won't share.
looked out of curiosity. I think Imma be flaccid for a month
curiosity killed the kitty
anyone have all of seradot's audios? the link from the last thread is dead
cry more faggot
ally no contest
terrible bait
Horsefuckers begone.
her newest selfies are lush
Ally is a perfect princess
does anyone have the outlast eddie gluskin by YSF?? it’s the audio that got me into GWA but he was canceled shortly after and I’ve never been able to find it since :’) TIA!!!!
Anyone have a pack of evillover's old audios?
what's with the search on archived.moe
What's her kemono page called?
impregnating sex with sleepy
I'm so alone
dont worry atleast a hundred people in here will also be forever alone
brittany littlejohn
What the actual fuck is this UI

some silly css script. just... why...
I created a simple tampermonkey script to control soundgasm with the keyboard - also expands the audio container

thank you anon
anyone have the new cat audios
why not
who the fuck is """"""cat""""""
Any audios where the GF, or other female family members get Blacked/fucked by the bully? Thank you in advance
I hate Americans so much
famously black people only exist in america
Same. If you go on ID boards USAnian flags are consistently the most retarded.
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>literal blacked cucks in the thread
Speaking of countries i've been thinking about what is the best country to be born in, and i've come to the conclusion most people do it's either Norway or Qatar(citizen).

Norway because of just how good the country is with it's many safety nets and welfare. Also you get to have the Norwegian genes in you so high likelihood of not being an ugly monster.

Qatar, because you have high likelihood of just being born rich if not you basically have you life set for you. And also you can take in multiple wives if born rich.

Americans just have it bad, you have a 50% chance of being obese when your an adult, your welfare programs sucks, your public transport sucks, your women sucks, you're basically the guard dog of other countries, and to end it all you have popularized school shooting.
This is either beegee or ally no need to even click it>>1305264
I miss her cheating audios, so lame all the cucks and closet-cucks ruined these
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pregnant sex with sleepy
>I miss getting cucked
lol lmao
rubbing her belly and comforting sleepy while spooning
I wish ASS groomed me as a kid...
>The audio where she's the camp counselor who let's the boy who can't sleep get in the sleeping bag with her naked and implies it isn't the first time
Yes, that was what I was referring to.
Gigachad opinion.
It's from the audio, retard.
I haven't listened to it in literally years nigga, chill. Does she say that?
>Going years without listening to Sleepy's best audio
Do you even English Audio Porn?
I love her but I unironically enjoy her artsy, poetry, sfw audios more.
NEED bambii/nyan old audios SURELY some1 saved her stuff IM ON MY KNEES
Where in the US of A would I find a girl like Sleepy? Surely there must be more like her "by the bayou" as she says. I'm obsessed with her personality, it's probably because I have mommy issues, but I love how intelligent she is while also being someone who's very goofy. I'm not even horny, I'm genuinely in love with this girl and I wanna make hee happy. But I'm not trying to be the bjork stalker. I just wanna find a girl like her.
https://gofile.io/d/fJGxMH here's what I have. not exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination.
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Anyone got the fully voiced version of this from spiritjoi?
not my link
Can we get a link?
"The Sleeping Bag" in the terapack
TM4M audios are peek, tomboys who actually exists irl
kill yourself
looking for humiliation audios
also good hfo files
listened to most shibby and lilith
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Does this happen to anyone else?

When you click on some Soundgasm users the libraries are blank or they have one entry like a verification. You can still get to their entries through searches or direct links. It that on them or the site?
Sleepy sex with Sleepy
I have always assume they privated the audios themselves. But now that I think about it, it's weird that they always left the verification audio.
Perhaps the site actually hid them? But that seems unlikely. Considering a lot of degenerate audios from popular performers are still public.
Dumbass does not know you actually need a job when your still a small influencer.

also before you say off topic she does audio porn
the acting lessons audio from Sleepy was 100% based on real life right? wasn't ahe in the drama club?
you can set the audios to private when uploading them, so they don't show up on their profile. VAs do it to funnel people to their reddit posts for extra engagement, instead of just camping their profiles on soundgasm.
this business is very much filled with unemployed people trying to make money out of it instead of it being something they do as a hobby. it's very common to see trannies post their wishlists in between creating drama, because they, too, need food to survive.
muffins patreon got banned, she's on subscribestar now
reported by enough trannies to ban it. sweet.
>Crack of dawn sex with Sleepy
I wonder how Sleepy would react while lurking here just to see all these posts about her
valentines patreon got ban lmao
>she'd backtrace it, turn up at your house during the witching hour to steal your seed, manually and say this isn't for YOU she is doing it FOR herself and HER future children brought about by YOUR seed.
god I hope you're right, the goal is to impregnate sleepy after all.
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>mfw in her stream Sleepy keeps dodging the question as to why she moved and implied she constantly buzzing people into her new house
She moved so she had more boys to milk didn't she. I wish that were me.
could someone kindly post patren files from 'soundspell' aka 'never_VA' please?
I hate trannies so much it's unreal.
don't say that the tranny love3 boomer will show up to defend the trannies.
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Any recommended handjob/milking audios?
Tfw no woman will ever fantasise about me raping her...
Why are you all talking retarded garbage

Update your torrents faggot
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I wish Skitty would do doujin stuff like Pom, there are so many petite pink haired girls for her to self insert as.
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because they are incapable of abiding the existence of people they dislike, hence their presence here
Give me your most toe curling, whisper in your ear, gentle dommy mommy audios
I don't care that it's the meme fetish nowadays I liked this shit a decade ago before it was cool.
There is an audio about you (listener) meeting up with a widow that is INSANE, ill try to find it
Lol they let Lamiacy become a gwa mod at the exact same time of her whipping up people to harass a 19 year old girl and get her patreon banned
you just have to comply with the tranny terms and you're in, you don't have to be a good person.
so what you're saying is the gwa mods have always been trannies, but didn't bother to conspire against you until now?
Here's some
And if you don't mind incest
nigger gwa has been taken over by trannies a cliques for years now. It all went to shit when Reddit cracked down on it and replaced all the mods with trannies years ago because of the age play shit. Kill yourself tranny lover. Or if you're a tranny yourself, it's okay. I don't have to tell you to do it, you'll do it anyway.
I would appreciate it if you did.
Thank you! I think I've already listened to all of Ivy's catalog a dozen times but I appreciate the effort
Does anybody have latest shibby patreon audios?
Here's some non Ivy ones. I only linked Ivy (and one smutgrrl one) because you asked for whispers which is rare outside of a few people
Does anyone have the latest dulci audios?
please schiz out elsewhere
like clockwork the tranny lover always arrives
>Doesn't like someone
>Calls them tranny
>Continues to seeth
I'm tired of re-runs.
Suppose he is secretly enjoys that content but has to lash out to fit in
if anyone is subscribed to her new account please upload her audios somewhere and link it here im down bad i just found her recently man
any of you guys use a fleshlight while listening to audios?
nah I use your mom
Used to, but now I use a dildo.
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nigga what
unemployed, living with a boyfriend on a mattress in her parents' house and an ally of the troons. tailor-made for gwa.
Thanks again Anon. I wasn't being sarcastic btw, I do appreciate anyone who answers my begging.
And yes, Ivy does those intimate whispers so well. I imagine most others don't use those 3dio mics because they're very expensive, but that shit enhances an audio when used well so much.
bros... the muffins subscribestar
Did the trannies get it banned too?
This is my go to for HFO
he is prostate maxxing.
let him do his fetish.
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anyone got "alextalksASMR" from patreon/subscribestar?
kemono bogiebogie
Oh sick, thanks. I tried searching some of the visible posts from her patreon in case it was a missmatched name like that but it must have been from too high a tier. Why do the names not always align? did she used to go by bogiebogie and then changed it?
yeah. when at first you import it to kemono, that name will stick even if they'll change their patreon's name.
Are there any audios where the speaker talks about how sweaty and stinky she is?
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Has @mo.mmyASMR on youtube ever done lewd content?
Has any of it been shared?
I don't get it?
rubbing Sleepy's baby bump
hearteyesforever deleted her reddit and Twitter
I went on a bike ride and drank Monster while I did pull ups in front of the local catholic church then bought some food for the homeless guy who lives in their park. Would Sleepy be proud of me?
I remember listening to one but forgot, just look at gwasi

just a usual day at this point ngl, i've grown numb
are you black?
sadly not one of those I archived. hopefully someone did.
her soundgasm is still up
yoinking that immediately
hustlefag making an unenforceable and desperate promise: if someone can upload jesterbells this month, i'll upload two of your choosing next month.
Taking Sleepy to meet my parents and surprising her with vegan lasagna
Not my bag so I've not listened to it but BrittanyBabbles did this-
Taking Sleepy to meet my grandparents while she is pregnant and telling them that their legacy will continue with strong great grandchildren.
Guys, pls suggest a way to find shibby's patreon audios.
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A man probably wrote the script.
Maybe... She's married to a scriptwriter.
We need more Older Sister Younger Brother audios...
anyone got a torrent of mycatwhopurrs/mycatwithclaws back catalogue?
nothing that can't be downloaded from kemono/reddit/the existing torrents. maybe someone else does.
Unless someone subs and dumps them on a hosting site then you're shit out of luck because Kemono can't scrape the shibbydex.
anybody got LillithMorningStar patreon stuff?
Anyone Sneeding?
>Sleepy will never kidnap me
>inject me with an unknown substance
>keep me locked for two years
>rape me everyday for two years(consensually)
why live
Hey this is the patreon kemono uploader. I tried subscribestar on kemono and it didn't work. Any other way other than downloading every audio and uploading it to a site?

As proof here's her latest one:
[F4M] watching your little sister humping your sweatshirt on the security cameras [fsub] [incest] [kinda AP] [ramblefap] [binaural] [real orgasm] [stealing and sniffing ur sweaty sweatshirt] [peeing my diaper] [self degradation] [drooling] [chewing on ur sweatshirt] [veryyyyy needy helpless little sister] [im such a stupid little loser] [whining a lot]
Has there been any archiving of scripts? I'd like to read some of the older stuff from when everyone would post to pastebin
so any new muffins?
I would assume most of that was lost in the pastebin change.
Sorry, we only chuck here.
Holy shit it's Clearstars, she's married to a scriptwriter? How do you know this?
You're such a dumb ass nigga
Tell me what you know about Clearstars right now, you fucking faggot
who even is "SHE"? you niggas are such little faggots I swear, you're always always talking like little girls gossiping.
Thank you! but yeah kemonos uploader is not working and will never be fixed
which one of you is this on r9k
Can't find this audio. Is there a link?
Nm, found it
where is this post from, FSA?
I looked through and found the post, but thank you for making sure to link the exact post. You're cute.
Sharing for my fellow cuck bros. Ellyble deleted this audio from reddit. Couldn't find it on her Patreon as well. Archive this shit, it's kino.

[2023-07-26] Breaking Your Victim's Innocent Girlfriend Into Your Bully Owned Fuckpet

Been saying it the head banging was a banger addition, also vocaroo we can do better than that.

Ellyble is my goat been following her from her old accounts

You are too based my friend
Reminder that anyone who likes Fdom has mommy issues and is trying to compensate for their lack of motherly affection during their formative years.
Yup, I agree. That's why I am a futachad.
mommy issues encompasses like 40% of audio porn categories retard
That's a lot of niggas with mommy issues mhm mhhm
not worth bothering desu theyre terrible
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Why do the all hottest girls quit bros
I'll take the blame bros.
It was me and you know what, I have no regret
even if she pisses herself before, during or after sex I'd still give her head pats and say I'm proud of her for gritting her teeth and doing her best while being railed to the ninth gate of hell only be pulled back before oblivion and cuddled to pieces as she sobs with happy tears with my seed deposited deep inside her.

What if its a Futa mommy
How do you use the link?
I tried adding it as a magnet link on my torrent client but it didn't work
Many thanks
I like fdom and had the most loving mother that would do everything in her power to make me happy, so you're wrong.
Ally won't ever quit so the hottest woman is permanently secured.
can anyone recommend a good haptics sex toy? there is a lot of them out there. alternatively I would like to test haptic files from Earesistible on my smartphone
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Who is this?
Kek. A good simulation for if Muffins ever thought you slighted her while off her meds.
freud moment
you either have mommy issues or you want to fuck your mom, there's no in between.
>if you're into fdom then either your mom didn't love you or she loved you
Great analysis, retard.
Yeah that wasn't me. You seem to be an outlier to the general consensus of mommy issues. Perhaps you like being coddled by a woman? How is your testosterone levels? Are you by any chance a söyboy?
I've never been with a woman and I lift 3 times a week and have done for 3 years now.
Interesting. Maybe your preferences will change once you actually get with a woman (and wake up to their true nature). Not trying to diss you, just genuinely curious.

I for one, also lift and train martial arts regularly and want nothing more than to rape every woman I see.
>and want nothing more than to rape every woman I see.
I want this too though, like I think about this multiple times a day. I like both fsub and fdom.
thanks anon
I actually believe poeple who say that they workout in this thread, I mean people listen to podcasts and music all the time when working out so I assume there would be people listening to audio porn while they get their pumps out, like me.
I just did my daily 100 pushups while listening to Sleepy. Impreg sex with Sleepy
Your sentence is a complete non sequitur. What does Ally have to do with the hottest woman?
She is the perfect princess, ally is /our girl/.
no, just yours
More non sequitur.
that's not what nonsequitur means
Cuckchads stay winning.
holy shit, I'm not a cuck fag but damn yall niggas are eating good.
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>DarkDreams finally started doing somewhat rated-X audio
Holy fucking shit......
I just found out last night and I already nutted to her Excecutioner handjob audio 4 times already.
Her voice is out of this world hot, especially her whispers.
The second clause has no relation to the first. The sentence starts out talking about a girl who's a perfect princess and and then immediately talks about Ally. That's the definition of non sequitur (which is a 2-word phrase, by the way).
>That's the definition of non sequitur
Non sequitur implies that something cannot be conceived as a response to the previous utterance, not that the response is wrong. You can conceive of a world in which someone answers the question of "who is the hottest girl" in a way with which you disagree.

Did one of you anons find out about audio porn from tiktok?

Slowly but surely audio porn is invading the new generation's minds, my varyana and dudetlewd tiktok audio probably got at least a hundred people into audio porn by now so im curious if you some anons are a part of those people
literally thousands get to gwa from those ironic tik toks where the guys are moaning and shit
>Sleepy talking about secrets and things she's ashamed of on stream
I wonder if playing the farmers daughter and saying the n word is one of the.
>saying the n word
you are gay
so do you guys like a genre queen or wild west posters
sleepy's face is so interesting. her smile is so wide, her eyes are so big and the glasses only make them look bigger, the shape of her head is so top heavy, I can't stop looking at her face
Genre queens can get really good at their niche. Shibby and Ivy are basically unmatched at what they do. Practice and experience can really show, so girls who do a lot of audios in general tend to be better than randos, especially for scripted audios.
But you can really get surprised with a wild west rando sometimes. The passion from a rando's ramblefap can be intense and they tend to get audibly "into it" more.

So Queens for predictable quality, unknowns for the search for a diamond in the rough.
>Non sequitur implies that something cannot be conceived as a response to the previous utterance
Correct. How are you not understanding this yet?
wild west
The only time I listened to audio porn outside is when I was driving for hours in traffic to keep me awake.
busy with her vtuber corpo.
Shibby and Ivy can act, that's the real difference. So, so many of these whores are just reading a script and putting pre recorded sex noises over it.
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often times they can't even be bothered to remove these things from the metadata. hilarious and sad at the same time.
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audio porn has fallen, trillions must sneed
>Correct. How are you not understanding this yet?
You cannot have understood what I wrote in that post as being anything other than non sequitur itself unless you understand my meaning in reference to the possibility of the interpretation of Ally being the hottest woman. If you understand my meaning, then you cannot call the idea of Ally being the hottest non sequitur because you are expressing an understanding of a hypothetical linguistic connection between "Ally" and "the hottest woman". More, when you say that I do not understand your failure to conceive of the idea, again you are, inadvertently, necessarily expressing that you understand the hypothetical existence of this connection.

By your logic as you have used it, you could not even understand the sentence "Ally is not the hottest woman" because it too associates the two principles.
Nta, but you're actually braindead
newfags arguing with the allyfag again
I would fuck ally but her audios are painfully mid with a couple of exceptions. The one where she gets banged after graduating high school is one of them.
playing right into his hands, keeping the ugly, talentless cunt relevant
Why cant a rich sexy aunt save me from my college and my thesis, does god hate me
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forgot the pic
Finishing listening to some audio whore voicefuck you then heading over to her twitch stream where she greets you (may require donation) like an old friend is one of the most erotic experience I've ever had.
Nice. Would you do us a solid and fill in her page on Kemono? None of the actually spicy stuff is on there; only lower tier I guess.

(Absolutely no obligations though my guy, just thought I’d try and ask.)
Twitch and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
I love that too
>Can you slowly say my name and trace it with your fingers after I just heard you say that you wanted me to destroy your tight little pussy with my massive cock Sleepy?
modern mommy audios are so funny, emphasizing that it's a college legal aged dude in the first 30 seconds of the audio and then throwing that premise out the window for the rest of it
is there a known script for scraping soudgasm profiles or should I write one?
these are quite the times we live in. hypocrisy runs rampant.

if you've got some sort of magic to scrape profiles with privated audios, then that'd be sweet. public audios can be scraped with yt-dlp.
I am not subbed, the one I fapped to was on Kemono too. I think it's only missing the pegging one.
The last few posts have not been anywhere near rated-x from the description. I think.
troon patrol?
Obviously not a tranny.
found Sleepy's sex tape
Why won't sleepy come back?
raceplay is banned
she's comfortably making a living off of youtube and twitch and she gets to fuck BBC on the side apparently >>1306299
Why the fuck would she come back?
Americans are mentally ill
Sleepy's mod here, you guys better stop spreading miss information about her if you don't want to face the consequences.
>F4A shit
When did your cock drop off anon?
Not gonna share, because fuck you guys.
Anyways, her recent audio kinda suck. So you're not missing anything.
please update her patreon. does she still post discord exclusive audios?
Feel free to share the classics you like. I've been checking out older audios. But they are kinda meh, and I kept accidentally finding their irl whale pictures.
All her audios are hosted on her own site so updating the Kemono won't actually scrape the files.
It hurts so much. I just want to listen to an audio where I can pretend to be like a 17 year old gigachad banging neighbourhood milfs.
Literally just shut up if you don't know what you're talking about.
Too old.
idk if tthis is a yes or no on updating her patreon. also can you scrape her discord? if you cant its totally fine

she has a discord where she post some audios
For you.
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Is there anyone who pronounces creampie properly?
>not pic related
how do you pronounce it correctly
rhymes with green tee
or at least it sounds better that way
i hope you step on a rake and it hits you in the face
Pie and tea do not rhyme
ahaha i'm funny don't it
it's like the pie in sharpie
cream pee?

anon... that's not pee...

>When you have a piss fetish but can't admit it
going to write a script to crawl through erocast post numbers (you can see privated audios this way) and save the ones that are by a specific artist
is there any reason this wouldn’t work?
I don't see why not, unless they have some protections I don't know about
Shut up, muffins.
if anyone has artists that upload on erocast and would like their audios lmk
Nope. It's fine. There is some rate-limiting though.
He'll probably change the url scheme unless it's like this now on purpose.
This is a necessity, and is essentially forced thanks to the GWA rules on this kind of stuff. If you want to write and/or record a mommydomme script, it had to be made crystal clear that there’s no agepkay or the mods take it down.
>17 year old gigachad banging neighbourhood milfs.
Anyone know any audios like this?
after I've gone up in number sequentially a few times it starts to give me click captchas, dunno if that would mess it up.
Belle in the woods FIT MILF series. There's like 9.
>the current state of /t/
No such thing. Happy to be proven wrong though.
kinkyshibby has really good scripts, sound quality and effects but i fucking hate her voice
You ignored the gigachad part.
Her titles sound so hot but I fucking hate her. She also borderline spammed gwa back in the day. I guarantee she botted the upvotes.
Same, but it's more the way she talks rather than her voice inherently for me. I hate that "le sexy voice" girls like shibby put up.
don't wanna be increasing the pedobear population do we? incest and ddlg/mmlb are already too normalized (and stale)
if you get high and horny enough you can completely not recognize or notice the annoying part of her voice. but that's not sustainable obviously who would want to put that much effort in

>her titles
yeah that's why you have people like goddess Evelyn/EllyCuddles who load up on all the hyped keywords for titles and absolutely shit the pan on delivering and just wastes people's time. a lot of people have figured out the formula for that but can't follow it up with the right vibe.
it's just funny cause it's so blatantly ap past the initial introduction very often
Give an example.
>if you get high and horny enough you can completely not recognize or notice the annoying part of her voice
i've tried that and no
telling Sleepy I'm not sexually attracted to her but that I want her to be my gf
depends on the file desu, also if you have it loaded up after another one. I've had dungarees, shibby and a few others just blend into one being
her half australian half american accent is so distracting to my brain
Name your favorite performers and audios, so I can shit on them too. Don't be a coward.
or any other audio constantly saying baby boy etc if you don't see the implied ap you're just being autistically pedantic
don't bother, I've already heard all the muffins slander
Yeah you can scrape discord muffins has one
when the sun rises in the west
Her and Beegee are the only ones who do quality hypno content so I'm stuck with them
>Sleepy's Mod
No you are not, stop peddling bullshit.
>face the consequences
of her failing to get into he stage play and is instead required to be strapped into a milking machine?
oh, poor dear.
guess I'll need to leak the sex tape to social media.
Are you underage?
only sleepy knows that and I'll never tell.
this is either the most hilarious larp or big if true.
It's kind of a shame that fieldsoflupine didn't continue that chain of audio works that involved medical checkups and regular ejaculation management. I really enjoyed that one.
yeah buddy don't say I didn't warn you, post that and see what happens.
I honestly think it's just the case of you see things you want to see.
>baby boy
this >>1306461
who calls a kid baby boy in real life?
I hate emotionalsupport_gf because she gives me the reality check that all these girls are getting fucked by actually posting audios of it. Even the ones who are openly in a relationship at least don't post audios fucking their husbands. Shit makes me wanna kms.
what happened to her?
she posts FM4M audios and that makes him seethe
oh I misread. pornographers having sex? that's brand new!
the west has fallen
billions must sneed
wtf i'm supposed to listen with a bro now??
you don't listen to audios with the bros?
I have a theory. The "best" posts these days are mainly just fake sexy voices or being emotional for 40 minutes straight and it's not genuinely arousing.
Or, people are drowning in stress hormones from too much PMO/substance use, making them irritable. And then you have the context of it being 4chan and there's basically no room to be all that positive and plenty to vent where there is no where else to about this medium.
damn, she's the kanye of moan porn
kanye makes music based on hentai?
arguably less gay than M4M
you're arguably a faggot
not gonna argue
if there was a Sleepy sex tape it would've been leaked already, stop capping.
Kanye has been a known porn addict for ages and im pretty sure he has rapped about them from what i heard dont quote on me that though

TM4M the least gay gay audio
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kys, zoom-zoom
shut up boomer. where's the sex tape?
I'm not the one who claimed to have it.
she has an airtable with links to the back catalogue audios, but its behind a password. I had the old password from kemono but it recently changed
i like her voice but hate her scripts and effects, fucking garbage
Lol, beg if you want to beg. No need to be so coy about it.
I'll still not share though. Get a job.
>Get a job.
I'm the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Every since the glory days of these threads, I'm really not missing much
rip softlygf
nigga these threads have always been trash also you're not contributing shit, shut up.
new pippits little sister audio dropped
what the FUCK happened to her voice
Like 6+ years?
Honestly I might just end it. What's the point on living without a Sleepy gf.
why would i beg to a loser gatekeeping porn? Get a life.
The best to ever do it. What a shame
>This audio is a bit different than my usual fare, as this was something that I recorded the other day for my boyfriend ;P He didn't mind if I shared it, so I figured why not? I suppose thinking about it now, this could've been tagged [GFE], considering it's literally an experience with a girlfriend... hmm... ah well XD
Jesus christ lads..
Who? I wanna block that bitch. Fuck off with that cuck garbage.
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If you think about it, you're also cucking him. Would you EVER in a million years let your girlfriend upload pornographic audios for other men to jerk off to? Yeah cuckshit is cringe, but at least you're not the loser on the other side of it.
fuck him, fuck her and fuck whoever listens to that garbage.
thank you

Is this it idk if it is I remember getting to her catalogue listening to all of the audio and never coming back idk if I saved it

-Cultivation Anon
so she's the only one that comes off good in this situation?
Can anyone please share some Astolfo from Fate stuff if they have it?
Isn't it about time for the cucks to come out and defend the cuckshit? Or are they all asleep?
inventing a guy to get mad at
I would like to know why this is considered cucking. You aren't in a relationship with them. You just have a parasocial one at best.
Shitty collection. I hope you fail your tribulation.
Get a job.
>Inclusivity Notes: Listener has a "cock", leaks "precum" and "cums", referred to as "good boy", "good gooner", "goonslut", "sweetheart", and is said to be "addicted to mommy".
So it's an F4M audio? I fucking hate trannies so much, bros.
is anyone offended by the term cum? i thought cum was pretty a universal term, especially if you have a "cock"
yes, trannies want VAs to say "girl cum" and "girl cock" etc etc
fucking kill these creatures please
It's very triggering to men who don't have penises and can't ejaculate.
I'd love to see Sleepy attached to a milking machine desu, I hope that video actually exists and wasn't a larp.
Assuming you're trying to imply that she's hiding fat, she's posted full body pics before and she's really thin

just in time to cure my sadness
>decide to tip a creator on ko-fi
>get an email days later saying that I sent money to an email account that I have never seen before
>decide to write to paypal about a potentially fraudulent transaction
>look into my records and then realize that this is the VA's email that I sent a tip to
>look up the name on Facebook
>mfw when I discover how to face reveal a VA
paypal niggas...
Is lilithmorningstarr on kemono or somethin like that?
she's black
Based racist.
Anyone else listen to Italian_maneater? I think she gave me a fetish for both Italian women and getting rimjobs, but it seems like she only uploads good stuff to Patreon now and I'm not paying like $25 a month for that.
dudes here will see a cheating audio and will call it cucking because they place themselves as the VAs boyfriend instead of the listener. It's mental illness
I'm the boyfriend by default. If she's posting an audio that was meant originally for the actual boyfriend then the main pact is broken. If you listen to that audio you're a cuck. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules.
You literally make the rules, that's what the audio fantasy is. The idea that ANY publicly posted audio was meant for YOU specifically is the work of you being a crazy person. None of these girls know who you will or will ever love you, so just close your eyes and continue pretending baby boy
nuh uh
>he doesn't self insert as the bull in all cuck audios
You niggas are missing out.
Holding hands with Sleepy at the park
>What's the point on living without a Sleepy gf.
It's not that hard to get one. Just make her stay up late a few nights in a row.
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>tfw no gf to make sleepy
This is what I do but it takes me out if the dialogue is solely revolved around talking about and humiliating the cuck, that shit gets goofy.

but mindbreak cheating audios where she turns into your whore? lord.
>Self inserting into third person dialogue
Feeling cute, might convert to catholicism for Sleepy.
they have to find some way to make it immoral or it wouldn't be "spicy", right?
what the fuck are you talking about
What is the most recorded script? And if you've listened to multiple versions of it, who had the best performance?
"your short, adorable best friend wants to dom you" comes to mind. I have no idea though, because it isn't that good to be listening to multiple times.
I'm not sure about most recorded but I've definitely listened to multiple versions of “You’re my boyfriend now. You need to cum in all my holes” and Successful_Craft_323 is the best one
felt like I saw so many recordings of "i want to be your blowjob girl"

skitty's was best. scripts that got multiple fills used to be an every day occurrence back years ago.
seems like it. i dont have these audios thank you!
making sure you headpat sleepy for a good blowjob and making sure she is put down to sleep wet.
>in other news I have a laptop and two external drives to revive which has an archive of gwa stuff on them.
Are you legitimately retarded?
1. It's incomplete.
2. The files are dated January 2023.
3. It doesn't have a lot of her most popular audios.
Imo, better to track them on your own using her reddit, kemono, and flaru.
I remember one of the succubus script was basically recorded by everyone back in the day.
That's when i got them the audios are probably much older than that

and also I think your getting the wrong idea pretty sure this is her back catalogue exclusively and im pretty sure she doesn't update it since it only contains her old old audios from way back.
>what the fuck are you talking about
when you put it like that, iykyk
right now I see a lot of
>"You Cumming to my Voice is my Favorite Thing"
SweetnEvil86 and EloraVA
>"GWA choose-your-own-blowjob button!"
since this is multiple scripts I included this one, nightfawn and the fairymary collab
>"I’ll Talk Dirty Until You Cum"
Not_Without_My_Cat and youronlynora
>"You’re so good to me. Let me give you a present. Lay back, & I’ll suck your cock."
v_silvermoon, peachesaffirmed and Successful_Craft_323 (sorry I'm not picking just one because it depends on what's churning in my body/mind at any given time. whittle it down yourself)
>"Cum for Me"
Belle and CoastalKestral_725 (who I secretly think copied belle's version the second time but it works)
>"Tell Me That You Still Want Me"
[F4M] You Have to Share the Couch, Big Brother!

had quite a few but unfortunately many of them were deleted or I can't find them on gwasi. Should still be in plenty of archives though. Clearstars and jaxy are two I remember doing it,
This is legit useful
Thanks anon
I really hope you're pretending to be retarded.
Because you're mixing back catalogue (that is still being updated until today, basically her more taboo audios), with her older extreme audios (that has a lot of rape, beast, etc., unlisted/privated on soundgasm and also short in duration compared to her current stuff).
In any case, that .rar file is not it. Looks like the .rar file is an (incomplete) collection/archive of her old patreon audios. Her old patreon that has been shut down.
then post the full catalogue or shut the fuck up, at least he contributed with something
True, that tranny lover is always complaining and never posting shit. So annoying.
Lmao. Why should I share my collection here? Literally zero benefit for me. Get a job.
I was literally trying to correct misinformation, and this is the response I get?
Good luck getting someone to update her kemono.

god you want attention so bad, does nobody talk to you IRL or something
he also says get a job a lot, wonder if that's a soft spot for him
I'm sure your family will be very proud to find all that audio porn in your hard drive when you kill yourself loser. Get a life and stop being a faggot for attention you absolute loser.
It read to me that you were upset that a particular porn audio was immoral.
Lurky Imma need you to delete that
you can listen to it with your gay bros
who wants to get together and listen to the new Lurky?
maybe in a moment. I'll first listen to her audio where she plays a literal black hole.
Shower's on bro, water's nice and hot. No homo of course.
no homo, I'll be there soon bro.
reading up on catholicism and spirituality to potentially impress sleepy and becoming genuinely interested by it. Might start a pod cast about it and be the stoic, composed and intellectual host who barely breaks character and shows his personal side so she can admit to having a crush on me on her stream.
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Mf thinks he's important to this thread lmao, oh no guys this thread will collapse without this guys "contributions" we should get on our knees and beg him to come back.
Why is this a gif
>be a desperate virgin coomer
>try to coomermax into getting a coomer gf
>end up on a path of faith discovery and spreading the Gospel
The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways.
so are we supposed to pair up to listen to that Lurkydip audio or can we all just do it together
this guy is prob lying and doesnt have the audios and why are you so mad? i dont have the audios the guy posted so im thankful
you can suck my dick while i listen to it deal cuck anon?
I have all of your favorite lost audios, but you cannot have them unless you find the buried hard drive on which they are saved. Hint: Find the end of the loop at Kortright Hills.

Let the games begin
Know any good ones besides those audios from beegee?
Thank god I'm better than you guys.
DM her and ask
Whats with these people like alek and Ltmv getting so many upvotes for doing nothing?
God is a snarky guy
they support the trannies, free upvotes.
are these the same "Can't wait to listen! updoot!" people? meanwhile the people who actually listen get no reply, shit's backwards
Pretty sure Ally has never made any tranny audio. She's just incredibly inoffensive, consistent, and has been in the scene since 2021. At the very least she isn't like Lamiacy
if you don't mind the accent, elly belle and fromyourmouth both have some really good ones. fromyourmouth's is on kemono (gumroad I believe), I think elly's was posted in the last thread or the one before
>inoffensive, consistent
Is he wrong? Ally's characters are all bland as fuck and she's been consistently mid since she started
They're a part of the clique. If you didn't notice, within 5 minutes of posting their post will magically have 10+ replies from all their clique friend "VAs". It's because they crossposr eachothers audios in their discords and tell people to updoot and leave a reply. That's against the reddit rules but nobody is brave enough to call them out because they love trannies. There's no reason why VA's should be replying within fucking minutes of an audio being posted. These troons are artificially inflating the upvotes and replying before it's even physically possible to finish listening to their slop
He is, yes. They're not "her" characters because she pays people to write these scripts for her. She isn't consistent either, because the output of audios has significantly lowered since she started despite there being no reason for that, and her acting quality has majorly decreased over time. And she isn't inoffensive because she's open about her support of troons
yeah bro she definitely didn't stay popular because she appealed to the tranny lgtv+ clique definitely dude trust me
you idiots are so innocent, if you knew all the bullshit that happens behind the scenes. You really think trannies driving people away forever or forcing people to make their own websites to post are outliers? If you don't comply, you will be smacked down. No one stays relevant in this tranny community for long if they don't suck the tranny cock.
sorry, girl cock.
>isn't inoffensive
>shows support
Your disliking troons doesn't make supporting them offensive. She doesn't participate in the witch hunts that troons regularly do nor does she participate in their degeneracy. She just validates their existence
>Pretty sure Ally has never made any tranny audio
literal F4TF audio my nigga
she cozies up and supports the creatures actively ruining the community with their vitriol. she's a piece of shit opportunistic whore.
Supporting and validating horrible people is, in fact, offensive.
>is in 4chan
yes we indeed are here, and I can tell you to kill yourself here. It's great. faggot.
This can be said about every organization of people if you try hard enough
kill yourself
have you guys found another way to deal with being horny since the sight of a good audio is getting more and more scarce?
>nor does she participate in their degeneracy
Lying little nig >>1306990
>Guys she doesn't support blacked racemixing content she just makes the occasional racemixing audio
This is what you seamonkey defenders sound like
ally is a perfect princess
I don't have to try at all with trannies.
I commission custom audios.
I just listen to the audios in the archive, nothing new has been worth listening to in years.
pretty much this.
Just listen to the rare kino performers left, and no, they don't post on gwa
which VA return would be like Jesus coming back, like every single person in this thread would lose their minds if she started posting again?
possible lunarhiccups, though it hasn't been that long
who cares about that tranny lover land whale
yeah lunarhiccups ain't it.
you're right actually. she pioneered some of the good stuff but also blends in with the recent bad stuff
if she dropped it earlier I think she would've been a legend
getting offended by that just makes you a faggot like them desu. different sides of the same gay coin
Get out of here with that gay shit you tranny lover faggot, you always say that garbage and you sound stupid every time. Hating trannies does not in fact make you le bad. Because what's the alternative you absolute faggot? just bending over and letting the trannies fuck your asshole? I bet you'd love that you tranny lover faggot. Kill yourself along with the trannies you piece of shit.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO you are so fucking sensitive it's hilarious. You can still hate trannies and not have a faggot emotional reaction when some VA supports them you fragile little boy
>erm I hate trannies I just love sucking tranny cock
yeah kill yourself faggot
emotional lesbian
At this point we need a counter for everytime someone says tranny. They are on you're minds 24/7 and its not going to stop.
>Just let them ban all the content they dislike! Who cares if the seamonkeys I listen to support the clique going around mass reporting patreons of people they don't like!
Very grim
This post was made by a man pretending to be a woman
which audio person synergizes best with poppers?
>Hating people that want to censor/destroy and reshape gwa into their own personal playground because it's currently a transphobic cesspit for straight men is the same as being the person doing the censorship and reshaping
Pretty good bait honestly, got a few bites
Probably shibby or anyone that's good with binaural audio
>Trannies are pretty bad, but don't you think people who are anti-tranny are worse?
not a competition, two different groups of people can be filled with faggots
Why would you eat jalapeno poppers while listening to audio porn?
>Le both sides bad
Clearly, everyone is angry at how horny they make them.
thoughts on LolaND? something's weird about when she hits the lower register of her voice
Why do you say binaural specifically?
I'm angry at trannies who are ruining a community that was never about them. I hate them for the same reason I hate those nigresses. "oh boo hooo pweese stop using 'blushing' in your scripts, it makes us nigress sad because we can't blush waaahhh" like shut the fuck up faggot, the world doesn't revolve around you, who cares? listen to a different audio and shut the fuck up. The trannies do the same, except instead of just bitching and moaning they actively go after people who don't comply with their demands to ruin their lives. Trannies should all die. And everyone who enables them should get burned alive equally.
>I will never be this seething mad at anything in my life
feels good. kill yourself as a favor to yourself bro
more like hatred really, I'm not aggravated at all. I'm just genuinely saddened and frustrated by these creatures ruining what used to be haven of straight men and women being horny for each other. Now it's about le inclusivity and talking about girl cocks. I genuinely hope all of them die for taking that away from me. But I'm not by any means "seething" I'm genuinely just sad.
>shut the fuck up faggot, the world doesn't revolve around you
Ironic isn't it? Should take your own words as advice.
don't you have a nose to tie tranny?
Why is there unironic support for the people destroying gwa?
It's almost like they can come here defend themselves
GWA was already being destroyed before we started to scapegoat. Ever since VAs started to monitise work, it has become less interesting and personal. Cliques also have a hand in this. u/Mynamemadeyousmily was the first to speak about this years back, but was silence by the community and mods. This was not something that happened quickly, but slowly.
>Mynamemadeyousmily was the first to speak about this years back
Nah he's at fault for the decline also. His scripts were insanely popular and actually somewhat good, his polish ass schizoing out and getting himself banned even if there was some truth to what he said was moronic
Actually it's Muffins fault for making such good audios then going against the trannies and being banned from patreon
>going against the trannies
what did she do/say? I only saw that she was banned
I think she literally called out the trannies out on twitter like straight up
She made a lesbian conversion audio and they took it down. She then reuploaded it and stood her ground on the audio and kinks she has regardless of what the troons do or say.
Am I misremembering or wasn't it literally a lesbian rape audio? She wasn't even getting converted
I personally don't have a problem with gays and lesbians but troons are an issue. Gays and lesbians have always been there and were for the most part doing their own thing. It's only when the troons came along that they got lumped into their witch hunts disguised as empowerment.
Exactly, gays and lesbians just wanna be accepted and do their thing without being discriminated against. Troons insert themselves into places then demand change to accommodate their insane world views.
You're probably right. I didn't really finish listening to it yet since I've been busy. Regardless it was a lesbian getting fucked by a man and the troons take issue to that.
Istg pharmaceutical companies has to have something to do with this Tanny propaganda. We went from "accept yourself for who you are" to "disfigure yourself into what you think you are". I don't even get the point. If you like men, then the person who'll probably like you back would also like a man. They just want to fool normal people into thinking that they're something that they're not.
I could die happy if this goddess returned.
I wonder if Sleepy would've bent over backwards for the trannies if she was still around
Can never get them off your minds.
>in therapy about how a murderer came to your home and murdered your entire family
>erm seems like the murderer kinda lives rent free in your head dude, have you tried not thinking about it? you're kinda weird about it desu
kill yourself tranny
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Feels good being normal
Skill issue
If thinking about them 24/7 is normal, then I guess.
kill yourself tranny
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pompchads are actually pompsimps!
never forget
>1 comment
why is the audio porn community so full of lurkers?
It's porn? All nsfw shit on twitter has super low engagement rates
at least other kinds of porn have dozens and dozens of indians commenting on it asking for pussy. In audio porn you'll have a soundgasm link with almost 100k listens and like 5 comments on the GWTRANNY post.
men would be leaving their wives if Belleinthewoods came back
That's only for irl pictures. Hentai is the same as audio porn for interaction
I want to surprise face fuck Sleepy while she's in the middle of a 30 rant about tarot
I mean to say 30 minute FUCK
Some of you seriously need to get your boypussies filled
Is there a way to filter replies with the words "troon', "tranny', and "trannies"
keep your gay delusions to yourself, weirdo
>use it on myself
>on myself
Guarantee she has a guy who'll be using it on her.
Americuck post

>if she was still around
she is still around
she isn't bending over for (troons) even though she is on the lgbt train like most people which got involved with the drama club
>the leddit tranny doesn't know
of course. kill yourself already and gtfo tranny faggot.
She's still around only in spirit, she'll never post another lewd audio again.
She would absolutly bend the knee.
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>mfw the question was a bait for people to recommend the best VAs to listen to from the archive
Sorry, your precious seamonkey isn't a single lonely virgin waiting for you to come fuck her.
pom is not brown retard
She is, in fact, both.
no shit, what you think he's going to bring those people back by asking?
you never know, maybe some of them are lurking and will see that people would love to see them back. I'm talking about you you Belle please come back please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Did we get a muffins subscribestar leak yet?
I'm genuinely in love with Sleepy and it hurts
No, someone would have to physically post it here because the kemono admin is a tard and his site is falling apart, the subscribestar importer hasn't worked for quite sometime.
If Sunshine returned to doing lewd stuff I'd die happy
Why don't these ousted girls post on fsa? Thread's dead af
Sleepy bans everyone that mentions her audios but at the same time acknowledges all the GWA girls who also stream on twitch by hosting them and what not. She's weird about it, I doubt she'd wanna post on PTA.
Im literally not him, im asking if their is a way to filter out tranny replies on this thread since im sick of reading useless replies everytime go in.
>why don't the girls who are ousted by angry, miserable people find refuge with angrier, more miserable people
Every thread is basically just cucks who reminisce about the good ole days while pearl-clutching about everything they don't like. The last best thing to happen was the 1tb torrent.
kill yourself tranny
I beginning to think you are just one person who just spams "tranny tranny tranny", do you not have something better to do?
>suddenly can tell when VAs are black, fat or old and can't listen
wtf is wrong with me, I never had this problem before.
don't you have a tree to hang from tranny?
New headphones? My sympathies.
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Allys audios are mid but she's literally custom designed to squeal with pleasure while impaled on BWC.
Half the posters here are going to tell you she's clinically obese and probably a man.
>cucking your brother
Thanks, but my strong relationship with my family prevents me from enjoying this.
I'll check them out thanks
Honestly, they should just post here. We'd probably treat them better than either community. Despite how vitriolic we are
>she's clinically obese and probably a man
No, her truth is much worse.
Ally is a perfect princess with the best audios ever made, you're just coping.
NTA but her voice kills my boner.
yeah... She's a centaur...
I wanna kiss that tummy
>best audios ever
Sadly not true but I would dominate her with my BWC.
you're brown
okay pajeet
is that her? where do you get the irl pics from?
X formerly sneeder
Meant for this anon.
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Ally would be the goat if she actually made taboo audios like everyone wants instead of the coal "step" shit
So how much do these street shitters get paid to shill this abomination?
ally makes the perfect audios actually she's a beautiful angel and has never done no wrong
Tranny post
shut up pajeet
>He says as he's obsessing over a literal shitskin seamonkey
gonewildaudio is for freaks and none of her audios are freaky theyre all tame asf
They do it for free.
Well, no, they have to pay to use her discord for organizing raids

kino time
Those legs are too human to be Ally's.
She has a nice voice and her acting is decent, but her audio quality could use some work though
>has never done no wrong
>never no
Yes, I also think she has done plenty wrong.
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>find perfect audio to goon to
>press play
>the actress has terrible tranny or jewhon voice
Coy and Carbonated...
>jewhon voice
Huh? What the hell is a jewhon?
the goat
Perfect tomboy voice
Maybe a French Jew?
>omg I was so disgusted when people posted my asmr video to pornhub it made me wanna leave the internet
>also sleepy
>literally doing audio porn at that time
why are women like this
maybe it was around that time that pornhub was getting a lot of bad publicity. there's still VAs and writers to this day that are against posting there (mostly people who aren't in it for the money)
Despite what was the current situation of pornhub, she's still being a hypocrite. If she was a wholesome ASMR girl from the start she would be able to say that. Posting audio porn on leddit doesn't make it better or worst than posting it on porhub.
sorry sleepy you're a hypocrite, I'd still tongue your asshole though.
Wasn't this back when they were pushing the whole ASMR is not porn thing? I assume it was her regular ASMR being posted? She also made slightly NSFW asmr on her Patreon so maybe it was that they were posting her paid content?
Yes it was one of her patreon audios I'm pretty sure which intentionally had sexual inuendo added to it. The fact she's talking about it on her stream like she has always been a pure little good ASMR girl who never intended it to be taken sexually and these mean people posted it on pornhub causing her to be so disgusted by it she almost left the internet forever... is cringe.
hm? is alekirser asian?
don't look at her alt account linked in her reddit profile
oh no...
Thanks for the warning, I will continue to live in ignorance
For me the perfect Tomboy voice is Nyahahn
she would make a lot of money whoring her body out
She's black and makes audios for trannies
I'm sure she will once she figures out this is the only thing she'll amount to in life.
Guys can someone tell my why Ellyble / Fawnisshy isnt in the merged torrent index?
What name is she under? I want to listen to some of her old deleted audios
Stopped at "black" that's all I needed to hear. Blocked. Yes I am racist.
because the torrent is old as fuck and niggas here just leech instead of contributing, and yes I realize the irony. fuck off.
Too much copium here nowadays.
Damn that's a shame. I will look online to see if someone has her deleted audios and update it if I find one.
tonguing Sleepy's pink asshole
mega nz file/1cIwySpQ#cMGSzRvi9xKRSq4rglr2y_nC89FiU7yrgjAS8UXSRTQ

this should be the most of it. hope you find what you're looking for.
It's either that or she finds a rich white Chad. She's probably privately educated so who knows.
Isn't she already doing that?
I'd say she's one degree removed from it, she advertises her voice with her body.
not really she does audio stuff primarily which is very niche in the grand scheme of things
yo thank you bro
does this include stuff from her old accounts btw? im new to her audios so cant tell which is which
I was right.
A pagpag, yes
bless you
check the above, it has Elly's
All of it is in her soundgasm, ive asked her before and its there you just gotta find it since she reuploaded it.

idk if that has changed since I asked though since that was quite sometime ago
>alwaysslightlysleepyy — Today at 7:18 PM
@everyone Stream will be around 3 hours tonight instead of 4 because I'm helping to drive the guy who was pounding my pussy all weekend to an airport! He'll probably give me a ring during the stream, and I'll say a quick goodnight to everyone so I can help him skedaddle. So let's make the most of our time tonight, ok?? no nerd stuff, nothing cringe, please can we stop talking about carcinization "hot takes"
big if true
Wtf I had no idea she was a vtuber
she's a whore vtuber like Melody too
Sorry bros, I was the guy fucking her all weekend. My bad. I'm a bum who can't drive either or pay for an uber. 1- hour of stream for you guys I guess.
Que the unironic cuck statements
She's about to go live, keep in mind throughout the stream that her pussy is full with my cum :)
Why didnt you guys tell me they were making good cuck audios now

Does anyone else feel like blowjob audio encourages food addiction? A study could be made about this in the future.
oh fuck, is that why I'm fat?
If you're not horny, it's literally the sound equivalent of those ads seeing a beautiful girl eating sloppy but delicious looking food. Tempting and provoking either way.
>yes guys my friend who's a FEMALE BTW is at my house at midnight but SHE is just uh coming here so I can take HER to the airport, okay now I have to end stream so I can go have hot steamy sex with him- I mean her ahah I mean what?
wow grim day for Sleppy niggas
It's such a weird excuse too, like your friend went there on a bus only an hour before their flight not a few hours so you could properly hang out but also couldn't go straight to the airport wither you had to take them there? At that point just say your boyfriend is coming over dude.
This might have been just what I needed to kill myself honestly
What was the actual message?
you really gonna kys because a mid young girl with admittedly a great personality is fucking? I'd be more surprised if she wasn't really. Chill nigga.
it should've been me
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Here's a secret: every audio girl has had sex and or is doing it right now. Don't tell anyone.
See what I mean about this being the most miserable, angry place possible
It's just the same shitskin projecting his cuck fetish onto others
It's not, and you know it's not, because you're on the angry side.
there is just not enough ff4m mom + sis stuff out there. at least, ones that are normal and not MOMMYDOM AND SISTERDOM MILK THEIR GOOD BOY (STRAP-ON) (LOTS OF PRAISE)
muffins sounds exactly like my ex who i am absolutely not over and i am obsessed with her voice/audios even though i want nothing more than to cry when listening to them. fuck me man
the mommydom / good boy stuff is so beta and ruins all these incest audios
i nutted
when the fuck are we getting another emma fielder and lunarhiccups collab. those make me rock hard like no other
What would you say constitutes a ‘normal’ audio in which you engage sexually with your mom and sister
disingenuous faggot alert
Any recommendation? I was trying to think of an example but couldn't find anything good.
Collabs also usually suck because the different audio quality between the performers is really distracting.
She's blocked soundgasm access to her profile. You can only see her content if you have the direct link. It's a shame.
I checked and I think it's missing a lot. I remember Ellyble doing a lot more incest audios than the single one that is in this pack and additionally on her masterlist.

Any anons remember Ellys old incest audios or by any chance have an archive of them?
Why should I share them lol?
you should kill yourself
Imagine telling people to kys over porn.
Niggas are gatekeeping Ellybles incest audios now? Trannys have really infected the audio porn community this is such trannyish behaviour
Yeah, this thread has really gone downhill lately.
I'm not sure Ellyble has even made incest audios other than the one step-sis one on her reddit currently. He might be trolling by saying he won't share because they don't exist.
Can any anons confirm if Elly has made audios like this?
I can't say I remember any more incest audios, either. He's most likely just trolling.
I remember listening to pretty much every fawnisshy audio back when that was her account and there wasn't any incest stuff
Anyone got cat's Time to Breed?
also looking for this
mycatwithclaws is starting to add weird cuck elements to her audios and its turning me off
A non-answer
Same but with most of the girls who have been posting for a long time. They all seem to end up doing full on cuck or cuck lite stuff. It's weird.
Yes, need more cheating audios that don't spend half the dialogue talking about the beta boyfriend
not really. bella-lune has one and the scenario is hot (https://soundgasm.net/u/bella-lune/Its-Mommys-time-with-your-Brother-But-well-share) but i don't really like her voice. other than that, there's a couple fff4m ones that aren't all that great to listen to. i have a couple mother daughter ones that are good, but aren't specifically your sister and your mom. like i said, pretty much every audio i've seen is all just fdom stuff with the good boy shit
anybody have either astrazelia's or emma fielder's newest stuff on patreon? the torrents aren't updated, whoever uploads emma's stuff on kemono has abandoned it, and astrazelia isn't even on there
oh. why is it that instead of astrazelia? that's what her patreon link says https://www.patreon.com/Astrazelia

thank you. it doesn't have the newest ones i was looking for but it still has a couple i haven't listened to
it was initially Astra, and kemono's titles don't update after the initial import

There's a decent seeming one from from_your_mouth if you don't mind the accent. I do mind so I'm still looking for an example I like. I've never listened to them but the description sounds really hot.

i do like fromyourmouth but i generally only like her mom audios (the one where she wants to prove her blowjob skills are better than girls your age is extremely hot). i don't like when she acts like a sub. anyway, i skipped over these because i thought it was fdom stuff but maybe they're not, i'll listen to them later. thanks
On the topic of incest audios, what are your guys' favorites?
The best ever (and personally I don't think it's even close) is this series by valeriethinevalkyrie.


Would love to have an anon prove me wrong though.
I want Sleepy to sit on my face while she does a tarot reading for me
some of snakeysmut's daughter stuff
Tranny voice
Kys newfag
man i don't even give a fuck. there's only so much you can discuss about audios. inject more gwa drama into my veins
the deadline for the trannies letter begging for f4m lesbian ban is the first of June, so that should be fun.
seriously? lesbian conversion type audios are so hot. these fucking faggots wanna ban that shit?
yup. they want to burn the whole thing down for something that happens about once every two months
soon enough gwa is just going to be cuck audios and fucking mommydom shit. fuck sake
pretty much. they were completely sensible about it too, creating shitlists for anyone questioning the whole thing even a little bit, which of course resulted in anyone reasonable being too afraid to say anything. bullying is only OK if they do it, apparently.
i just went on the gwa front page. i counted 8 fdom audios (about half was mommy shit). the others were majority m4f, and a few fsub or friends to lovers type audios. grim
welcome to the future
i love trannies taking over
can anyone recommend audios in which the girl has a cock (can be futa, trans, whatever), but she is the passive in the sex scene? ty
Just use waybackmachine to get the links, these newfags I swear needs a class to teach them about the methods this old cultivator has
Only remember one from Alea_iacta_est_irA the student futa one
have you tried killing yourself?
will look it up. ty

this dude spends the whole day thinking about big trans cocks
Nigger you're literally the one asking for tranny audios, please kill yourself.
I admit being into it, bro
You're in denial. You spend a lot of time thinking about trans women when you say you're not even into it? Eh, I don't buy it
kill yourself
f4m audios have to be safe horny
2014 was 10 years ago grandpa
any muffin subscribstar scrapers? im tweaking i want to jerk off
I hate when sleppy's live ends, suddenly the darkness that was so used to filling my heart finds itself back inside yet again.
if someone can help this person upload her new stuff it would be great
i mean he can just upload it to gofile or pixeldrain or something. not sure what the issue is, it doesn't HAVE to be on kemono
At least today I learned Sleepy would still look very cute bald.
wanna start a Smut Theory youtube channel?
i haven't been around for very long. i don't think i'd be a good fit for a drama channel
selfmadewoman (trans)
lizzie_arkham (trans)
poisoniveh (trans)
>trannies infected this thread and are literally sharing tranny audios with each other
alright, that's it we had a good run.
you arent a real man if your not into futa
She was goated during this time
>you aren't a real man if you're not a flaming homosexual
Retard take.
ive busted so many nuts to this series kek. theres a certain essence in these that no one else really captures besides her and cat
beegee kemono update plz
We didn't gatekeep hard enough.
yes. like the anon said, we had a good run. The torrents haven't been updated in years anyway and now with trannies here thinking they are welcome it's over. EAP is officially dead just like FSA.
Sleepy was groomed by disgusting middle aged men with silky voices from GWA who flew her out to [redacted] to take her anal virginity.
>t. knower
stop simping for that whore
oh, to have a silky voice...
and she looks like she eats poo when she smiles
She does talk a lot about traveling to meet online friends and about how many long distance relationships she's had. And from what we know with the GWA context it's obvious that at least some of those LDR were from GWA.
so is muffins just some bitch with bpd? the way she types gives me flashbacks to every mentally ill girl i've been involved with
almost definitely
I want muffins to sit on my face and start pissing
hot though. being with a bpd girl for the first few months is like heaven especially because of the sex (ignore what comes afterwards). though she's really into piss so maybe not
yeah I can hear the highs can get pretty wild
it's great because they become someone who is genuinely obsessed with you and will do anything to make you give them attention and affection, so you just feel like the king of the world because you feel so loved. then the Incidents occur and well
bumping this (i now know astra is on kemono but it's not updated)
astra was just updated earlier today
oh great, thanks. now if only kemono wasn't down..
https://gofile.io/d/Xt4sk0 here's everything new from today
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thank you my friend. here's a cool panel from berserk
Griffith is a bitch and he did everything wrong btw

were you rich or swole to get her?
What do you think it does for our well-being to have our every fantasy fulfilled to just barely perfect by these women that we'll never be with?
Speak for yourself, I'm meeting Sleepy and impregnating her.
its jerk off material touch grass
I wonder how the eggs anon is doing
neither. a surprising amount of bpd girls are into skinny nerds, since they're into autistic stuff themselves. that's another good thing i suppose, despite them usually being ridiculously hot, they're so mentally ill they have rock bottom standards. unironically i seemed to be the only person in the world who treated her with actual love and care so our relationship lasted a good bit longer than i expected to, but it still always crashes and burns no matter what
Are you the big dick bum she had to drop off at the airport?
nah I'm the male gwa VA who took her anal virginity
Guts got cucked so hard his unborn child had their dna overwritten
he's still in the right and the chad of the atory while gayffith will forever be a whiny ass bitch
The fact another man has touched Sleepy intimately genuinely makes me suicidal. Like why the fuck would I even keep going with life?
see that's the problem with these girls. it's the same in the vtuber space. they offer an intimate experience (sometimes literally, with gfe stuff) and then you learn of them being whores and the magic's gone. even worse when these stupid sluts brag about it
sounds like it's a problem with you if you take that shit seriously. They're making porn for hundreds/thousands of dude to jerk off to, not just you
why is kemono down
because he is a retarded gorilla nigger
or just answer the question
or don't if you're uncomfortable
not this in between shit
Anyone recommend audios that have the same energy, exaggerated, or wild as Alea_iacta_est_irA and shortghurlrage?
Something that you'll commonly hear from hentai.

some examples:
from a cursory listen maybe sloth's stuff? and fromyourmouth
snakeysmut does that exaggerated moaning stuff in the second audio a lot
reality ruins fantasy
heartdamage has very exaggerated moaning
make a better site then nigga
>gwa va
>anal virginity
anon, sleepy was in the drama club
you were not her first anything.
you actually believed her if she said she had never done anal?
anons, another one fell for the sweet words of a fallen angel, which is neither fallen nor an angel.
she is an angel, she's my angelic german/dutch artsy bpd whore.
took some time to listen a few.
got hit some nice stuff from sloth and fromyourmouth, one of them did a collab with Alea (1st audio) which is funny. Might need more time to listen.
snakeysmut seems to be more of the whisperish cute side more than loud afaik, but can hit the same energy as shortghurlrage (2nd audio).

probably need to listen some more since she her energy matches like bluesky but not the two i mentioned. still a nice addition tho

Thanks for the suggestions though! let people know if you found some more to recommend
demoniadiabolic (dvrtda) deleted her soundgasm again. is there anyone who archived her newest audios?
wtf is going on with kemono i cant play mp3 or or videos the site loads fine for me
Anyone following Lola nextdoor? She recently put all her old audios behind a paywall, wondering if anyone has them saved
does anyone have the old audios of 'racehele' , from soundgasm? she's 'rachelspacedout' now

too many posts asking for shit, who linked the thread on a gay discord?
There was a girl who's stuff I liked a number of years ago but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Her name was Zantosa. Unless I'm retarded I checked all the torrents in this thread and don't see her stuff.
i actually dated a girl who did/does erotic audios a couple years ago. she wasn't very popular, and she didn't post on gwa, just literotica. i didn't know at the start, but about half a year into our relationship she decided to just drop that bombshell on me. obviously i wasn't ok with it but i pretended like i was and tried to push her to show me her audios, and eventually she did. the funniest part was that in her audios, she really tried to play up an absolute sex demon act. lots of heavy fdom stuff with tons of dirty talk, or really nasty fsub stuff with like ass to mouth type scenarios. but irl, she was a complete prude; very ambivalent about sex. i barely fucked her once a week. maybe that was just her not actually liking me so didn't wanna do anything crazy with me, or maybe she got all that stuff out of her system with the audios and nothing was left for me. obviously i broke up with her and i ended up checking up on her audios every now and then for the next couple months, and she released one about domming a pathetic ex boyfriend and insulting him a lot. i sometimes wonder if that was at all related

moral of the story: women are retarded
there's a ZantosaGhoul in the terapack and a Zantosa in the combopack.
i did answer the question it's jerkoff material if you think about any of this during your day to day life or even outside of jerking off you're a loser and should probably consider suicide
sounds like you're retarded desu, should've brought it up to her if she wanted to try that stuff with you dumb ass.
retard, have you ever been in a relationship? you think asking a girl who says "i'm not in the mood" every time you try to have sex with her she wants to try anal would end well?
nta but uhhh

> girl who says "i'm not in the mood"
> every time

I think she just didn't wanna do it with you in particular anon. Girls who record use it as an outlet. If anything, you could've been her sounding board but I guess she wasn't into you that way

I know because my girlfriend also used to record/post on GWA. We are married now
so you're a cuck lol
I know it's hard for you to understand that women are people as well - it's perfectly normal to have their own fantasies and relationships with others before they end up with you, but maybe one day you'll get there and avoid being your typical 4chan incel but in case you couldn't read

> We are married now
did you take a class on how to cope with your wife being a complete whore? lol. it's no different from a girl doing onlyfans and no sane guy on this planet would say "it's perfectly normal to have their own relationships" as if their entire online presence in being a whore is somehow equivalent to her having past relationships. looking forward to the cheating arguments in 10 years though
I'm married to her, she comes home to me, and sleeps every night with me. Not really sure how that makes me a cuck. There is no reason why any man should feel threatened by old recordings.

It cannot be more obvious that you have never been intimate with a woman. I hope you find happiness one day.
and yet you come here out of the pure happiness in your heart, is that right

so pathetic lol
no, I come to /t/ looking for porn

she has her porn too
you're literally coping because that girl wasn't into you like that and ended up breaking up with you. you literally admitted to jerking off to her audios, her literally living a fantasy that she didn't wanna realize with you. Yikes. Now you're accusing that other anon of being a cuck? Cringe projection/coping levels on your part.
i didn't admit to any of that? i straight up said i broke up with her and i didn't jack off to her audios, i just checked to see if she stopped doing them after i broke up with her. are you samefagging trying to defend yourself for being a cuck, or are you just some indian whose reading comprehension is down the toilet?
sleepy sex with sleepy
I'm afraid you're retarded, anon. She's in all 3 torrents.
>but irl, she was a complete prude; very ambivalent about sex.
I've had a suspicion for a long time that most audio porn VAs are like this. Lots of secret virgins and prudes just putting on an act for attention. So many of them barely know how penises and vaginas work to the point where I can't help but think that.
honestly i tend to disagree. i think if you're actually shy about sex it's very very hard to do anything like that. they're either whores or wanna be whores
>are you samefagging

still using native 4chan in this day and age brother?
I'm down atrocious rn. What's your favorite gfe audio? The sappier the better
i wasn't aware there were any sort of 4chan extensions like reddit has. i only browse /v/, /aco/, and come here every now and then, so i don't have much need for something more regardless
Does anyone have any age play audios that aren't already in the PsstAudio Age Play Archives folder? Feel like there was a LOT more
I could tell you but then I'd be jealous of my favorite girl.
waking up with sleepy
I feel like girls like Sleepy and Muffins only appear once every few years or something. They are like the avatar.
>but when the world needed them the most, they vanished
Does your wife know about this thread, if so what does she think about it?
muffins should start streaming like Sleepy
>muffins should start streaming
yeah, into my mouth
>Sleepy cumming non stop on that middle aged cock that flew her out
I can never tell with amateur stuff. Is this rape? She's clawing at him
Any other audios similar to these?
Sleepy canceled the last stream to be with me btw
cats kemono got updated
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The gym is really working for princesslovestotease/Princess Dulci. I need to breed.
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I know angles, filters etc etc but she's looking fine. Good for her.
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Damn, she was a lot bigger when she started. Good for her
She seems pretty chill too
the best PTs money can buy. your money.
>loses weight
I will now listen to your audios
I'm fine with this.
the way to go. if only I could get past all the mummy and willy talk.
That's the best part
Why do second generation asian girls have such sexy voices?
they don't
literally 90% of the audio girls are asian
And 90% of audio girls sound absolutely dogshit. What's your point
I meant 90% the good ones. Also why are you trolling. Are you an undercover negress mad that people hate you?
Exactly zero(0) good VAs are asian. Idk if you're some retarded newfag but asian retards can't voice act for shit. White women and latinas are the only ones capable of making something worth listening to
you have to trolling there's no way
Literally all of the classic top dog VAs are white
you're fucking retarded. asian va's are bottom of the barrel slop
Ally is good and she's asian
NTA but most asians don't sound "asian" a lot of the VAs you retards think are white are actually asian.

DGS - Our daughter's flirty classmate
You're a deaf moron. You can instantly tell if someone is asian within 2 minutes of an audio
>asians don't sound asian!
>blacks don't sound black!
>landwhales don't sound fat!
>trannies don't sound like trannies!
I can never tell if people like you are actually this incapable of distinguishing obvious vocal differences or if you're just experiencing serious cognitive dissonance over the "all people are the same, everyone should be colorblind" propaganda you've swallowed over the past few decades and spiraling into deep denial and trying to bring others with you to validate your delusions.
get some hearing aid
they hated him because he spoke the truth
The only on coping here is you, chang.
There's not a single example you can provide where this is true
Cuddling with sleepy
if only y'all knew
This is good shit, thank you.
Anyone have all of allusionscollared audios? All her audio posts are gone. Index doesnt look updated on her stuff
oh wtf. Another classic VA gone
https://gofile.io/d/ZuAMGy here's what she posted in the past 14 months or so. wasn't around much.
yoursweetangel is the only good Asian va
missarcadiablue is the only good Asian va
Skitty is one such notable case
If you’ve ever seen her IRL pictures or any of the avatars she uses it’s fairly obvious
True. A good way to see this is to watch someone like Emiru, asian, literal chinese chink. Does she sound asian? Not at all. I like to call this the canadian asianism effect. Somehow canadian asian girls sound white if you close your eyes, it's weird.
lilydanger's daughter + wife stuff
i hate seeing what the girls look like. i found lunarhiccups' voice so fucking hot when she did fsub stuff but then i saw she's fat as fuck and now i can't listen to her stuff
I love seeing how the girls look personally, I just hate when they are fat whales really.
are there any va's that are actually hot? i know a couple have shown their face but aren't actually attractive, and i know some have good bodies
have you heard about the best girl ever Alekirser?
has she actually shown herself off? i wasn't even aware she posted pics of her body/face, i never see that stuff on her kemono page
It's in this very thread, there's more too. She's also a centaur btw those pics are actually photoshopped to remove her centaur part.

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is this too much?
no. looks good.
>sleepy getting 50 subs on average per stream
zamn, being a youtube ASMR girl really pays off huh.
what's that? are you making another gwasi type site?
ah. yea that's kind of hot but she dresses exactly like every """girly""" 18 year old egirl i've seen in different discord servers and so that kind of makes me want to punch her in the face
lmao bro chill gawd damn

what I got, not sure if its everything since I havent been fetching them since nov last year
This type of behavior is why VA girls will never post here
should add a field saying whether it's f4m, ff4m, etc. i know that info is in the raw title, but just for sorting purposes
Also because they all hate the fact were all saving their audios but that's besides the point.
i do not want a single woman posting here, especially when all of them are whores vying for attention online. let me talk about how hot one girl's incest audio is or how fat some va is without a girl dropping in and trying to shill her stuff or call me out
also add a permanent filter to remove tranny audios
yeah... this is why...
https://gofile.io/d/JTIuvC hot
Knower back again guys. The girls lurk here.
She's black
honestly, i don't even care if she's fat. she's got that look that tells you she'd be really hot if she was skinny, and she looks like a slampig which is a good thing. who is this?
>he doesn't know
Blasian if you prefer
who's this again, It's the girl with the brain damage right? I'm bad with names.
even though they're both extremely tame and normie, alekirser and listentomyvoice's schoolgirl ff4m audio is probably in my top 3 audios
You have braindamage
based Ally is the perfect princess, I'd personally put it in my top one best audio ever along with every other Ally audio. Every Ally audio is the best ever.
it's okay anon, we're all flawed human beings here
right, thank you.
I want muffins to post here so I can tell her about how much I want her to piss in my mouth
she would become obsessed with you then cheat on you and pretend you never even existed all in the span of 2 months
nah I'm not into the e-dating bs. I just want her to know that there's someone out there who wants to eat her pussy while she has a full bladder forcing her to eventually release all of it on my face.
I hope she makes an audio about this
That time travel audio is pretty great. I really enjoy creative stuff like that
so does anybody actually have muffins' discord and subscribestar audios?
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>open gwasi once a day
>sort by new
>filter for F4M
>filter for audio
>there are no good audios
many such cases
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>open gwasi once at night
>sort by new
> -M4
> -4TF
> -4TM
>filter for audio
>there are many great audios
this is the audio porn thread, sir
pillowtalk is literally 10% of every audio in gwasi and in those archives. cope.
what the fuck is gwasi
dot com
check the OP.
besides the obvious trap is there anything worse than a deep UK accent?
a deep Aussie accent
Yeah, I think that's a good idea
These are the audios I've personally downloaded.
I made a webserver function to download the audios which streamlines the tags to avoid and VAs of interest
very nice
I liked Lurky for a little bit because she reminded me of that one pornstar who was 'tall' and she BJ'd this short man in a headstand position while holding him. I can't remember who it was or if it was even her but I associate it with that person. Novelty wore off quick though
Unlikely. From my understanding subscribestar is harder to leak than patreon AND the kemono importer is currently broken.
how is it harder? don't the people who leak from patreon actually subscribe to get the stuff and just upload it to kemono? why couldn't they do the same for subscribestar?
I have to be honest, I don't like fat women either but with lunarhiccups her content is just built different such that knowing she's fat pretty much increases the sexual tension in a good way. She has an actual pretty face too. plus, I've seen some of the women that aren't fat and somewhat attractive and it doesn't really add to or change anything except dealing with them wanting so bad to show their body which is a bit of a turnoff fat or not (dung, belle, elin, etc)
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Judicial admins and less people willing to sub due to the comparative sketchiness of the site.
She doesn't even claw him she's just pushing his leg, its a normal reaction when a girl gets overwhelmed mid sex and doesn't know how to express it vocally, they just push you do try and stop you for some reason. i don't really get it fully either too.
have you never had a girl so tight lipped around your dick, and when it gets so stimulating and she refuses to let go you start trying to push her off because you feel like your cock is gonna fall off? it's like that
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>ff4m audio
>each girl goes separately
is this directed at the new ivy audio i haven't listened to it please tell me its not shit
bad news
Waking up next to Sleepy
missarcadiablue is from singapore not blasian
the person who updates her pateron is looking to upload her new stuff but he doesnt know where. i think he gave up lol
why doesn't he just upload here ffs
Why should I? Use your brain. Have some patience.
Collab audios always suck.
japanese VAs have been doing it right for years, our VAs are just shit lazy.
I can't imagine an audio collab being listenable unless both VAs are physically in the same room using the same microphone.
Fat mutt.
that's what most women from the UK already sound like
found it
Every single frame of this video is utterly repulsive.
If I was lurky I'd delete everything and quit if I knew someone only listened to me because of that disgusting video
so only short kings can enjoy lurky?
i would have agreed with you 3 years ago, but nowadays every va has a mic good enough to match up in quality. they sound fine. have you never listened to a lunarhiccups/emmafielder collab? it's the best
Aren't those two literally in the same room for some of their collabs?
>but nowadays every va has a mic good enough to match up in quality
this is just not the case so many vas sound like they record with a 5 year old nokia
https://soundgasm.net/u/IvyWilde/Your-Tomboy-Bestie-and-Her-Goth-Coworker-Fight-For-Your-Cum do they now
Don't remind me of this
doesn't count sorry. i can hear their teeth bumping into the mic
It's not about the mic quality, it's about the performance being believable and having a sense of presence. If they record separately, each half of the dialogue will sound stilted and uncanny as they try to match up dialogue and responses in a vacuum (the worst cases being when they try to pause for each other's dialogue in a single recording each to cut down on editing). If they try to record together online, it sounds awkward because they have to compensate for all the delay and not being able to see each other.
Theres no way a room could contain lunarfatcupps and another person at the same time.
relax bro
I'm over 6'
also over 6" but lets not get carried away
only manlets make sure to say they are over six feet, I bet you're a coping 5'10 manlet kek
kek I was a coping 5'10 in middle school. but now I've traded my skinny n short for fat n tall. some day though...in the near future...
are there any va's who aren't mommydoms and like short guys (i am fucking 5'3 kill me)
she doesn't really care about 4chan. she's aware of the retardation and brainrot in this site so she's mostly steered clear of it her internet life
Im 6'2 in asia so im basically like 7' in america so relatively speaking im the tallest in thread.
I'm 6'3, get cucked.
Crazy, you're still shorter than me in your make believe world

This should be FM4M what is this stupid ass tagging, they should kill themselves

Ha, but 6'2 is actually the superior height, tall enough get girls but short enough to not get back problems plus i have a good torso to leg ratio. And 6/2 is 3 which is a bigger number than your pathetic 6/3=2.
Goodluck with the back problems, also being that tall is just freakish. Go away you freak monster go hangout with your friend slenderman
massive cope
Whatever you say, ill be taking my abg's and you go take those western landwhales with your height okay.
nigga it's one inch, the fact you're coping this hard about it only proves that you're lying in the first place.
>back problems
Not only that, knee problems too and I'll probably die young. Being tall is cool though
Ohhhhh big baby learned new word cope, what a cutie, he's already using the words he just learned what a smartypants you are.

My man learn how to recognize sarcasm I even added the last part for the retards out there to recognize, 6/3=2 bruv how do you not perceive the sarcasm for that alone.
need someone to update padaras kemono page
suck my cock fag
how do I get in the discords to have e-sex with these whores
verify and do a couple audios
good luck!
I'm coming muffins
anyone know who made the audio
your mom
kinda hot ngl
I love having bigu whitu cocku
I find it find the first girl took the time to finish the project beforehand
really asian if I may
lmao thats giga cringe
I think it was meant to be ironically super racist
sushi jokes broke me
At first i thought "cute voice"
But yes, then she starts to speak made up asian and shit
Are you planning to release this or making it a webapp or whatever?
Wanna dl the terapack but without a good way to search its kinda useless
anybody got emma fielder's recent patreon stuff?
Whoever it is that's updating Singmypraise kemono page should make the password available. Doesn't make any sense to update her patreon if you can't listen to the audios.
when did sass post this?
did anything ever come from it
god, just those 9 secs got my neuron's firing
we were so spoilt back then

this is also amazing
the perfect slut
holy fuck, she must have dropped 3 stone
She's back under the name "HisLoveSlaveYessa" and reposting her old work. She's done this before.
not a big fan of these sorts of gimmicks, but to each their own. I'm sure it'll rock someone's socks off.
an all time great. they don't make 'em like her anymore.
anyone have the muffins subscribestar?
I'd like to know what age group her and OhSheBops are in so I can do some hunting

They're as close as it got to real shit, but back then they were still missing something
erm what the sigma, im I reading this wrong or what. sounds like you gonna stalk them
Any audio recommendations for crippling loneliness?
most of sleepy's sfw stuff
for example:
wait, THIS is who you fucks mention 500 times in this thread? this ugly bitch?
I'll give it a shot. I just hope it doesn't leave me feeling more despondent.
not that bad, she gives girl next door vibes
kill yourself faggot she's beautiful
she's not an ogre but the way you fucks described her made it seem like she's this pristine beauty sought after by every prince across the land. she's a fuckin 5/10 asian looking girl (i can't even tell if she actually is asian or not). social media really has inflated these sluts' ego
you take that back, she was in the drama club and was filled to capacity with each role she took.
she is the one I'll be taking to meet the parents and grandparents and will tell them we have a surprise for you faggots, sleepy is preggo with MY CHILD.
That's right, how do all you faggots feel now that she is going to grow big a FAT with MY baby in her belly and her snatch and titties are gonna grow massive too.
Cope, Seethe & Sneed cunts, keep masturbating to useless whores like lunarhiccups and heartdamage
most shilling here is pretty obviously for attention/bait
She's literally what an european princess would look like with her prestine germanic genes. The fact you're saying she's asian only shows your retardation. Besides, beauty is subjective and entails more than just looks. She is a beautiful person wiith a beautiful personally and talent. She's a woman that'd be happy and proud to call my wife. You'll be forever alone because you're a superficial loser.
The only shilling/baiting is for Ally
IDK what y'all are saying but Ally is the most beautiful princess of the world
she has and she's been really honest about it.
>erm what the sigma, im I reading this wrong or what. sounds like you gonna stalk them
erm what the sigma, you're reading that wrong I'm just going to stalk their demographic for research and/or results
when they were around people used to make the audios for someone they'd actually find attractive which reflects in their attitude and vocabulary, these days they're making them for actual incels and simps; who wants that?
>these days they're making them for actual incels and simps; who wants that?
incels and simps
I barely even browse anymore because every time I try, I just get disappointed with all the disgusting cigarette smoking, tranny, fat, mumbling, gay, autists that make up 98% of all posts on reddit.

I really wish every community on the internet didn't have to be on fucking reddit or any of the other massive platforms. The internet has shrunk and become like 12 websites and they are not ideal for everything.
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>I barely even browse anymore
step further towards the light friend
i think sass was in her late twenties when she quit so your probably looking for women in their early to mid thirties
the devil in your hands and i will suck it out
>the first voice you hear is the dude getting fucked
why are women like this
what are you talking about
>[f4m] real lil mini clip of me being flirty & sucking cock
I mean even if the tag is wrong you could've simply read the title and figure out it's a real recording of her giving head. You played yourself by not ignoring it.
my bad :(
It hurts bro. I blame patreon.
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turned gwa from an amateur haven into a source of income for jobless trannies
i just want a fucking girlfriend man oh my fucking god
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>me listening to Afterschool Brat for the 259th time because there's nothing new worth listening to
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he's not wrong, it literally does say right in the title
and it's not going to get any better
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for me it's missprettyplease
link if you dont mind?

oh petalbaby's a goat, even my nsfw twitter is named after her lol
wish petalbaby would come back and read the AP version of the loli fleshlight script, a few girls on FSA have done it and I keep thinking how great it'd be if her version was also that filthy
Why would she need to come back to make an audio she already made?
that one yandere loli who only posted one audio and disappeared
makes sense because I'm in my late twenties now. that's why some of the other oldies don't resonate.
>also I predicted from elementary school that my ideal woman would be in their thirties breh...
Have we peaked in terms of degeneracy? Will we ever have someone who surpasses Confessions?
yeah she's the original, but it's not super AP explicit like the FSA versions
The magnet to the Tera torrent just downloads 1 torrent that wont open for me. Anyone else?
that's the point. downloads a torrent file for the actual folders. it's just huge so it takes a while to load. you can pick what you want to download from there
>actual folders. it's just huge so it takes a while to load. you can pick what you want to download from there
Longer than an hour? Not questioning the quality of the torrent, nobody else has said anything. Just havent had this issue before. The first torrent downloads a 15mb torrent, but I cant open that in 3 different torrent clients. I can open the file in notepad, and its not formatted like other torrents I have. All the characters are readable, no windings bs.
nevermind. Bittorrent 7.1 worked. Cheers
bruh she says like "middle school" in it
Best tag in your guys opinion, mine is [Mindbreak] for some reason it just has some good audios there my go to fap tag.

P.S. I realize mid way that I like it because im a pomgod and pom uses it alot.
>super AP explicit
Do you mean to say "extreme age"? It's very weird that you consider an [age]-tagged audio containing age mentions to not be "the AP version" just because it doesn't involve toddlers or whatever the fuck your broken pedo mind craves.
Overstimulation or just overstim, specifically with the girl being fucked. The concept of using the girl for my pleasure despite how overwhelming it might be for her is so hot. One of my exes loved it and now I'm cursed to listening to audios about it thinking of her.
I'm starting to think the fact these posts are getting worse is the universe protecting us from idealizing it too much, the way traditional porn has done to people. The potential of this content can get wayyy closer to perfection with the right circumstances. that imperfection is our way out.
if your ex liked it so much why is she an ex
I mean there's more to a relationship than sex. But to be brief, the bitch was crazy. I had to break up with her.
Discussing philosophy and religion for hours with Sleepy
what is that? where they try to mind break the listener with sexual audio chops or where they just sound like a hentai drone?
the latter
damn, the former would be sick though. hypnosis is not it with these folks. i remember when everyone was trying to do it and missed.
it would require expertise that none of these whores are interested in gaining. after gaining enough popularity with run-of-the-mill stuff, most just turn to vtubing/fansly wankathons and pumping out the same garbage on a schedule.

yeah maybe extreme age would've been better

idk if you've been to FSA in a bit but sunshine, sylvia, nyanspurr, and meimei have a super filthy version of this
>petalbaby comes back but her voice is deeper than yours, wyd
nut on the spot
alternatively, injaculate and receive a voice upgrade
I'm not into extreme age pre-teen/toddler shit. Ever since the ageplaypocalypse on GWA all new ageplay content is literal pedo shit and I hate it.
that would be quite the feat, but yes, cum
hugging Sleepy
guys what if the sleepy anon is not manifesting, what if he's narrating...
i will run around my campus naked and send it here if he actually is
if you're a va lurking here in this thread reply to my post and i will call your self harm scars cute
>ally kirser uploading a song cover
bros... what is she thinking
anybody have sloth215's latest patreon stuff?
she wants to be the new belle, it's gotten to her head
acting out some sort of fantasy where this isn't the peak of her abilities
kill yourself weirdo, fuck off with that weird shit.
did i trigger some self harm trauma or something? don't worry, a few more cuts and you'll definitely get the attention you so desperately seek and won't feel like a total loser
for me its the cool teacher
Don't make fun of what people have/has been through, it's basic morals anon. Just keep it your yourself if you can't even do the basics, and also talk about something useful than saying random stuff(That is my job not yours).

-Cultivator Anon
Does anyone know of any good audios where the voice actor is the one who's kidnapped?
It's hypno but there hasn't been any good audios with that tag in years. About 90% of the audios tagged hypno are just "teehee I put a filter on my voice for 4 seconds now we pretend you're hypnotized."
I'll never forget the one time I was relaxed and in the right mood for a shibby audio to actually put me in trance. I've never actually had an hfo, desu I don't think it's possible, but I chase that dream anyway.
Shame beegee is just doing regular slop audios now and Shibby doesn't post much anymore.

Also: does anyone know someone like beegee or Shibby that does sfw sleep aid stuff? I'm sure there's loads out there but I kinda want the cute girl putting you to sleep experience, not just random meditation.
She's doing vtubing now. So she has a legion of simps that will tell her she can do anything and she's a perfect, talented angel. Instead of the whore she actually is. I suspect many of them don't even know what she used that voice for.
cultivation anon always arrives when he has to in order to deliver the wisdom, legend.
damn, this hits harder than it should've
What the fuck, how fucking fat is Peaches? Those hands are something else...
Not that it matters to me, just never woulda guessed
>Not that it matters to me
It should.
you niggas couldn't tell she was obese from her voice?
Based. I'm sick of all these nonces.
I can't even understand why they come here.
This, the audio is already kinda cringe. She mentioning that she's 14 in the audio then reefers to herself as mommy. So goofy. If you want something more extreme than that you're an actual pedo kill yourself.
Post it please.
Fuck off nonce cunt.
Peak goyslop.
Nobody could ever replace Belle and she's not even my favourite VA. That would by Our Eternal Queen dirtygirlsecret.
Negative, my ears are untrained
Jesus christ literal claws of flab.
>favourite VA
kek can't be bothered to spell your fav VA's username correctly
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it's an audio thread, I pronounced it correctly in my head.
This isn't an audio but I honestly got so turned on by this ASMR kidnap video. Shame it looks like the creator left youtube.

do all audio trannies look like that?
nah, i will make fun of people who have cut or gotten groomed or some shit. it's a complete fail of character. i grew up in very shitty conditions while being a loser too. and yet here i am without any self harm scars or lost brain cells from drugs. they're just degenerates and should finish the job
how is sloth goyslop? the only retarded shit she does is the inner monologue that she shoves into her audios
lmfao bro. all the while having the "SEXY MOMMY" vtuber avatar and that ear grating egirl valorant voice. guys just go to a mahjong club to meet girls instead of edating it's not worth it
Nta, but it's some of the lowest quality stuff ever posted on gwa
Generic repressed Filipino audio whore releasing basic bitch script recordings of the most boring shit known to man.
This nigga gets it.
most of these SEA VAs are so interchangeable that it's quite impressive
Inner monologues are actually peak and you guys cant change my mind with your retarted opinions
better than the 30 year old woman trying to put on an 18 year old's voice that you love so much
kek. She's bottom of the barrel garbage that is worse than some random new girl recording with her phone
>30 year old woman trying to put on an 18 year old's voice
I am exclusively a milfchad.
Simp cuck detected. Go cry about it on trannycord and up your patreon pledge, faggot.
holy cope lmfao
this is an ally kirser simp for sure
your gf cheated on you and now you can't handle listening to cheating audios without dry heaving
>This anon talking shit about a SEAmonkey must be a fan of another talentless SEA whore that should kill herself
Embarrassing. You and all your pagpag dogshit newfag VAs need to rope
You're a cuck
this guy hears the girl say to you that her bf hasn't been paying attention to her and he quickly closes the tab and shuts his eyes to avoid having a panic attack
I listen to cheating audios and self-insert as the bull because I can only coom to things I've experienced with your mother.
Seething subhumans like him are why we can't have kino BWC audios anymore.
Not the poster but this is some major cope dude lol.
Elaborate then. Either you listen to an audio where the girl is exclusively talking about you or an audio where she's talking about the previous cocks that have been inside of her. You have no argument, same as all the other cucks
>Wow the girl completely shits on her current bf and calls you better in every way?
>You must be a giant cucklord! Girls are pure maidens always.
?? Have you ever had a girlfriend in your life?
Ah, so the cope continues. Carry on then friend. Your concession wasn't needed but it's much appreciated nonetheless.
>the girls are pure maidens
who's gonna tell him bros...
>Girls are pure maidens always.
This is a thread about fictional audios you inbred fucking retard. Yes, if you want them to be they are
Hanging out with Sleepy mostly in silence for a while because we genuinely enjoy each other's company
>Makes no attempt to refute anything that's being said
you're basically exactly like the type of person to pretend an online girl is completely pure and innocent when she acts like it even if she does onlyfans. it's ok because you can't see it though
>online girl
Nigger we're listening to fucking elves and catgirls and our own moms. The fuck are you talking about?
Ally is a perfect princess actually
all of you are cucks
Muffins please piss in my mouth
muffins i'll go out with you but can we keep the piss stuff contained to the shower? you're very cute but i don't really want that stuff on the sheets
Nah muffins go out with me instead we can buy special sheets just for that don't worry
big cum
forget that guy muffins i'll let you say uh huh in my ear
yeah okay you can go with the other guy muffins if you say uh huh next to me I'll beat the shit out of you that shit is annoying as hell ngl
based masochist bro
ngl i don't normally like fdom at all but something about her voice and the uh huh shit gets me so horny
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pov: dolores umbridge jerks you offhttps://soundgasm.net/u/danceswith_otters/F4M-Court-Appointed-Cock-
>Going to the carni fair for a day with Sleepy and winning her a big floof toy only to see her big smile knowing she's happy to be with you and she gets in close to whisper in your ear "tonight I'm draining you, prepare accordingly"
then she goes to the airport
why did you have to ruin that cute scene with a coomer line a girl like sleepy would never say
taking the bum fwb to the airport yet again
One day I will leak her nudes, but today is not that day.
big if true
>wHY DId yOu RuIn THat cUtE SCeNe wItH a cOoMer LiNe LiKE SlEEpY WoUlD NeVER SaY
have you seen the thread name, you do know where you are anon?
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another day of anon not posting muffins subscribestar
or even her discord audios...
you can be cute here, it's fine.
Jesus fucking christ she sounds so goddamned fat
>plot twist Sleepy posted this
nah Sleepy would bw more dramatic and use big words because she's a nerd
be the change
>sounds fat
nah, I'd make her fat with babies.
I'd make sure she gives birth to health babbies
fuck me that kid looks good in leather ! !
cumming is cool and all but have you ever had an encounter that made you go "I'm never cumming again after this"
pls don't try and crab bucket me for this anons
favorite muffins uh huh audio?
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there's so many thousands of audios to sift through from a time i wasn't around, it's such a hilarious contrast to what i see nowadays it made me laugh
is this a tranny? wtf do they mean prove it
>i browse gwa
>no ff+4m audios
>i close the tab
She's a real woman and she proves that watching tranny porn has made the listener gay. Probably something about turning on gay porn and the listener getting turned on by it. I'm only guessing because I don't listen to gay audios.
we need muffins to record an audio like this but instead just straight up shitting on the tranny clique
>everyone can tell by you man voice you're disgusting tranny
>the only reason people indulge you is because you threaten their lively hoods if they don't pretens you sound like a woman and also record you disgusting scripts pretending to chocke on "girl cock" you should all kill yourselves
How are you listening to that i looked on web archive and the audios don't play :/
FSA = sovl
GWA = sovlless
take a deep breath
one of you make a sexy audio for me
Is this a girl asking for all these sausages to make an audio for a change?
Man I wish behold was still interesting beyond 10 audios. maybe I'm just grown up now. with her and silvermoon and belle they all resemble having too much of your favorite full-flavored cake.
you don't want this, I have a decent microphone, do have sound proofing and a decent mixer but you don't want this cause if I put do this, I'll go all out and put real effort into it I'll have feemale wet panties and bras being thrown at me and cause even more of an issue for you and the communities of gwa/pta/fsa/msa up in arms.
you don't want this, I don't want to do this cause if I do, I will go all out.
I might even do it for a lark end of June / beginning of July but I'll scour the scripts of M4F / M4FA / M4TF and have a read as to what can properly make my mark when I do so.
Destiny(the streamer not the game) fucked Sleepy.
as always with this general, big if true.
works fine for me on firefox idk
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does anybody actually like lurkydip unironically? or do we just pretend we do? she sounds like she's acting out an 80s porno
yeah nah, she's the biggest offender of the "le sexy voice" problem
i like to think of her as audio porn for boomers
so real "readers letters on hustler" shit
appreciate the variety she does, but that voice does nothing but shrivel the junk for me
true. she's like the bolt ons playboy model of the audio world
>bolt ons playboy model
trying hard to get that ava koxxx image outta your head, I know.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Fuck me.
is there a compendium for all the different accounts and names mvsochst has posted under?
ain't that a microsoft windows service
>how tall are you Sleepy
>Tall enough
>I can take you
she knows what she's doing
zamn sleepy got them thighs out today
Cuddling Sleepy on the bean bag
mvsochst, AFTER____HOURS, sodomyparty, lowresviolence, LAMORTTELEVISE (current)
cuddlefucking my little dark souls creature on the bean bag right after the stream
I'm not manifesting btw
Where can I find this audio?
he’s been a little quiet hasn’t he
https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/s/yt2N3nKwe8 get ready for more screeching
https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/s/JKRfe6hwsG meant this. love mobile reddit even more than desktop.
interesting that they included race play on the survey considering it's already banned i'd love for it to come back but it'll never happen
one, she isn't her type
second she doesn't get involved with polit-tubers
third she is over the 'experimental' phase of uni.
it isn't true cause I know it isn't true.
already doomed since they added that lamiacy tranny to the mod team and i expect it to get worse over time, gwa sucks ass and it will never get better
Can't see this going badly
Cope, she keeps bringing him up on her stream unprompted and always strokes his manlet ego when she does. And like you said she's not /pol/ girl so the only reason she'd do that is because he fucked her tight pussy very at some point, there's no in-between. Cope Destructocon.
>already doomed ... gwa sucks ass and it will never get better
>Can't see this going badly
Oh by all means then, don't fill out the 3 minute survey vote so that those in power never know how you feel.
There's nothing funnier than people getting foaming-mouth furious at their own self-fulfilling prophecies.
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Just end this world already.
I filled it out but the trannies and their ilk always win. There hasn't been a single space that has successfully withstood them when they come bashing down the doors
>thinking the trannies won't use this to specifically ban what people want to stay in
where's boyceta at?
I voted 5 on everything. That's the only correct answer, everything should be allowed unless Reddit site policy restricts it.
They should just fucking ban Elby. Nothing but a shit-stirrer.
Waking up on the bean bag with Sleepy
trannies got mad for not having the whole "cis" bullshit in the options. never satisfied.

was incredibly (not) surprised that he's all over the comments again, mostly downvoted to oblivion.
Sleepy's thighs looked so juicy yesterday that I broke up with my gf
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Every time I think Elby can't get any fucking dumber they make a post like this

How anybody thinks someone like this isn't miles-deep in moral and mental deficit is beyond me.
>brings up cuckkraine out of nowhere
these leftists have mush for brains there's no way
a single F4M lesbian script a month on reddit is just like Russia invading another country. I don't think "a bit on an intense analogy" covers that.
Istg elby has some fucked up shit he has done in the backstages of gwa, I can feel it from a mile away someone gotta dig into his history
Elby fucked Sleepy
the lore is getting crazy
bro thinks a completely anonymous survey is incredibly invasive because it asks about race, really wish he would rope already
It doesn't even ask about race, that was just the insane politically-charged analogy that was thrown out to fuck up the discussion. It's just age, "gender," and various sexual preferences. All of which have a "rather not answer" option in addition to being fully anonymous.
Kiwifarms. Not that you can post audios there and I know null is a giga-autist, but they have repelled the trannies for some time now.
Does reddit have an ignore function? There, problem solved. Are trannies really so retarded and fragile that they can't hide and ignore things they don't like?
you're a fucking retard
Yes. Their whole identity is about inserting themselves into everything and being the center of attention at all times. Their narcissism tops even women's and as such everything must always cater to them.
Nobody hates women more than trannies, not even other women (trannies are men)
used to think elby was my nephew because he's that cringe but this is something else
to be fair part of this started with the mods telling people not to downvote and reinforcing that in the css
Elby loves raceplay wdym? he wrote a bunch of scripts and talked about it all the time and then hid it poorly lol

Your white girlfriend worships you to cheer you up! [AMWF] [Raceplay] [Fsub] [Brown guy] [White girl] [Misogyny]

>[Brown guy]
This explains everything.
The Elby person has now been arguing in that GWA thread for 10 consecutive hours.
typical brown behavior
I especially like how in the post they say that the comments won't matter at all, and yet he still continues to waste his time. Must be grand to be unemployed and be able to do that all day. Seems like a theme with this group of people.
Sleepy saying she only goes to the gym when she isn't having fun with her friends on her stream last night was about sex btw. You're a cuck.
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I thought Elby was a FtM but it turns out he's just a Pajeet.
His meltdowns and audio recordings about "racism in the GWA community" from a couple of years ago are something else.
why are the browns and trannies always ruining everything
Had an idea for an audio stuck in my head for the last few days, scenario along the lines of:
Listener is a (servant/prisoner?) of a magical society, premise is that the wizards/witches look down on people who aren't gifted enough to do magic so you're basically subhuman to them. You and a woman are picked to be subjects of an enchantment seminar where a haughty witch lectures on the dangers and ethics of various charm spells while showing the effects of the spells to the class. Insert a number of spells that make your cock hard, the girl cum drunk, erasing all inhibitions etc etc. You two fuck on the stage like animals while the teacher continues lecturing to the class.
>tfw bad writer
>tfw poorfag so cant comission
>tfw i will never listen to this
I would listen to it
that would've been a kino script and a legendary audio if it was filled at the peak of gwa.
>belle is the teacher
>heartdamage is the girl tied with you
sounds peak
anyone got any good dog x female audios, got a couple from mycatwithclaws but wondering if there is any others?
sleepy chads?
it seems like maybe the gwa mods will do the right thing this time
1. Is there a collection of mycatwithclaws's exclusive audios?

2. Aside from that one gwa collab, are there any good superhero rp audios (or really just porn parodies of any sort of fictional properties, I just happen to have a preference for superheroes)?
literally search hero or superhero in gwasi lil man
Hey, where can I find DTL's audios, I have a couple downloaded but I've completely forgotten where I got them from
People have posted Skitty's audios of that in this thread in the past where's she's "reviewing" pictures. She made one in her chirbit too I'm pretty sure.
winding down at the end of the day holding Sleepy tight as my little spoon after some hot sex.
Some pomgod out there has to be a higher up in sony, im begging you im dying of thirst out here our queen has left us and even my affair with uh huh muffins is getting slowed to a halt

Belle_in_the_woods also has a good Captain Marvel audio.
Everyone here is either desperate or pathetic
i hate this bitch's voice, it sounds like she's constantly constipated and trying to push out a turd. is she hot at least?
Don't ever call this worthless dumpsterfire of a whore "Belle" again
she's a fat whale
The only two performers that have actually made solid superhero roleplays are Gigi and Belle. Most others don’t fit. Belle’s is still the best.

F4M/[F4M] Captain Marvel and Spider Man Team Up to Fuck.m4a
"gigi" hasn't made anything worth listenting to
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do male vas have the same type of big names that female ones do?
there's a few who do always do numbers but seems like half the ones who get sorta popular either nonce out or become an abusive mini-cult figure until they get banished from the community
Looking to clone some voice models for personal use. Whos got the best training data?
ask muffins shes sending titty pics to all of them
Waking up on the bean bag deep inside of Sleepy, rock hard with morning wood
begging for someone to update endearins kemono page
it's kinda crazy to me that you can have some completely desperate mentally ill girl like muffins fawning all over you and the only way to fumble it is to be some abusive faggot and that's exactly what you do. male vas are seriously retarded
Hi Sleepy
holy shit it's great seeing that pajeet elby get shit on by the masses in that poll modthread
I've got a feeling that their relationship was based on that kind of behavior and he just took it over the line, at which point it was easy for her to come up with the necessary material to turn that into public favor. Not that I want to be defending some nobody shithead, but that's just what I think happened. She seems to live for that kind of attention.
it's just discord drama
Did something happen to tinybambii? I can't find her stuff anymore.
oh she's definitely in the same class as girls who find a fault with all their exes and never stop to wonder if they're the problem. and i'm sure the relationship wouldn't have lasted as long. but as the guy, it's so easy to not fuck it up for however long you're going through with it, and you have a cute slut obsessed with you. why on earth would you let your hubris overcome you
wait a minute, last time i was into audio porn, her face got leaked via some video shit and she nuked her stuff. now she's double downing on it? qrd, what happened?
you got it pretty much
I wouldn't say she's doubling down on it, if you mention her naughty audios he pay pig mods ban you instantly. She's more like takong advantage of the positives of keeping the same name without facing the downside of doubling down completely.
>she doesn't need to double down cause internally she'll always call you her house nigger / casual blackie
she can take the good with the bad as long as you stay on the plantation and do your part especially during harvest season.
the content only works if you're frustrated
easy to be frustrated if you masturbate
if you develop frustration from your everyday tasks then the pull towards finding the appeal in this content becomes greater
so perhaps people are sustaining frustration unconsciously to prime themselves for arousal and ejaculation. it's a cycle of self-sabotage/abuse
anyone not in these mental shackles would be far from this thread
>listening to an old sleepy asmr
>the first analogy that comes to her mind to her brain "firing up" is
>the confederate soldiers firing their guns
>she's constantly avoiding progressive lgtv stuff on her stream
>is catholic
She's racist isn't she
you mean she's based?
what was your first clue
kill yourself, she's a beautiful princess.
>what was your first clue
she's southern
As a mixed guy, I want Sleepy to spit in my mouth and whip me while she steps on my face
>browns and trannies
Please do not lump us in together sir. I just want to fap and goon in peace like everyone else.
yo Drake chill she's not a minor
thinking about Muffins pissing in my mouth while I impregnate Sleepy
the /EAP/ special
Ear ass penis?
close, but no.
is there a niche for guys with soft and very slightly nasally voices on gwa. i want to have a va gf and the only way to do it is to become a va myself
send a vocaroo, let's hear it.
Extra Amorous Piss?
any other audios of the girl getting fucked by the dog? I know, mycatwithclaws, Jaye wilde and skitty have done some but looking for others
Just Fell to My Knees In A Walmart. I knew she was a whore from the start, that is evident by the context of me finding her in the first place through these erotic audios. So why do I feel like I just got cheated on finding out Sleepy dated a polyamorous guy? Maybe I didn't expect that from her, idk. Don't hit me up. The real ones know what's up.
she deleted all of it. some anons on here claim to have backed it up but won't share for whatever reason
ngl the catholic girl being poly is kind of a curve ball so I get you
I'm still tonguing her asshole though
i thought i saw her post an audio just a few days ago. or maybe i'm thinking of someone else
Is it, though? I've always known Catholic chicks to be depraved sluts.
yeah but not poly type depraved. It's all about monogamy over there. But I guess when you have a religion where people can just ask for forgiveness then recite a default prayer an X amount of times to get it you'll have people abusing it to be absolute degenerates.
dude this girl posts audios of her moaning into a mic pretending to have sex for a bunch of guys to jerk off to and you think she's a good catholic girl?
>being poly
Is there a worm inside your brain? Her fucking someone who is poly doesn't make her poly
that's what I'm saying
she basically said she is though not just that she dated someone who is
if you date someone who's poly you're automatically poly because they're gonna be fucking other people
Shut up Sleepy. Just own up to the whore you are, that's why we love you.
>you're automatically poly because they're gonna be fucking other people
No? That just means that it's a one sided open relationship aka you're a cuck or cuckquean in this case
it's just non-monogamy which is synonymous with poly if you don't wanna be a massive faggot about definitions. now go run back to jamal
How about we hear what she actually said
jesus christ this bitch is ugly
If you're exclusively fucking a poly dude you're still monogamous, the other person isn't because they're cucking you. Otherwise every woman or man that gets cheated on is now "poly"
>I do not care if they are poly
>if they are into other people I'm quite chill with it
What mental illness is this? Surely it's not normal to be okay with your partner being with other people right.
She's a cuckquean
you're consenting to it. that's what makes it a poly relationship you fucking retard. if she wasn't consenting to it she would've just said she got cheated on
>Otherwise every woman or man that gets cheated on is now "poly"
They would all be if they are okay with it happening.
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>fantasies of cucking Sleepy with Muffins intensify
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She is not poly under the defenition. Her partner would be, she would not. She only wants to fuck one person
it's the same thing. keep coping queen of spades
Zamn, I wonder how her pay pigs cope with the fact they are literally simping for a whore who will be with a guy who isn't 100% committed to her before she gives them a chance.
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>cope with the fact they are literally simping for a whore
WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Where the fuck are you toddlers coming from? This is thread for audio pornstars. They're all whores you dumb cunt
nta but I think he's talking about her twitch simps who most likely have no idea about the porn side of things
Twitch normies don't give a fuck if you're a whore. The most popular women on Twitch openly talk about their boyfriends
there are people itt that quite frequently post about how mad they get when they learn a VA has a boyfriend
There are also people in this thread that go on literal 100+ reply argument chains about dumb shit nobody cares about. What point are you trying to make
I think it's different for asmr though, it's a more intimate medium. Plus, "people" on twitch don't care because they are all mostly kids. They just wanna watch the onlyfans girl on a bikini. They don't give a fuck if she has a boyfriend. I doubt Sleepy's audience is comprised of kids though.
>Plus, "people" on twitch don't care because they are all mostly kids
You'd be inncorrect. I said "most popular" for a reason. Kids aren't donating crazy amounts of money to these girls
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Unrelated question but how do I find myself a intelligent and cultured girl who will genuinely be okay with me fucking younger and hotter girls than her after we get married? Asking for a friend btw.
if you want a legitimate, serious answer, you have to find a girl from some sort of sex circle (either a forum-like site that focuses on sexual stuff, or some irl group that you'll have to meet people to find). she's gonna be a slut, but you're just gonna have to deal with it. girls like that will be fine with picking up some girl from a bar for an occasional threesome. it'll be very rare for you to find a girl like that any other way
Well if we're talking about the donators it's a different story. Again, asmr is different and more intimate than watching a half naked girl with her literal asshole taking 40% of the screen while you got your dick in your hand. The coomer brain works in mysterious ways. These mfers would donate to those whores even if they had 20 boyfriends.
Sleepy's paypiggies for example go there for a more intimate and personal experience, I doubt they got their dicks in their hands while asking for a tarot read.
>go there for a more intimate and personal experience
What are you basing this on? If she literally openly talks about relationships during streams you're completely wrong
Thank you for the genuine answer saar. Though, I'm ngl. As a guy who had one gf only in the past, this whole conversation makes me deeply melancholic. Is love not real? How can these people genuinely be in a relationship with someone knowing they are actively seeking other people and giving them part of what they could 100% give to you. Shit genuinely makes me depressed.
>If she literally openly talks about relationships during streams you're completely wrong
How? She talks about everything on stream pretty much. That doesn't mean anything. Besides, if you watched her streams you'd know that she clearly tip toes a lot around the topic. She makes sure to always preface it with "heh I only had like not uh that many partners guys"
>proceeds to talk about how she's cool with being cucked
what are we talking about?
it's called being a whore. go outside and there will be a million normal girls who just want to date a guy they think is cool. if you try and make a good girl out of some egirl you've already failed
>That doesn't mean anything
You're stupid. You wanted to portray her as some innocent asmr angel that gets paypigs because of her innocence, and now when I said that she's open about her sexual experiences and isn't innocent whatsoever your only response is "uhhh It doesn't mean anything"
yeah, she just a fucking whore. Love IS real. Thank you. I'll be doing extra reps at the gym on monday I'll tell you hwhat.
read the rest of the post dumb ass that's not my point at all. She does portray herself as a innocent little quirky asmr girl, otherwise she wouldn't tip toe around these topics making sure to not reveal her whoreness(and failing) and or ban people who mention her gwa stuff.
>She does portray herself as a innocent little quirky asmr girl
>While talking about poly relationships she's had
You're a retarded faggot
You're actually mentally impaired there's no way
>She's le innocent please ignore the parts where she talks about her old boyfirends though!
I knew sleepy was a souless whore when she didn't get Blade Runner 2049
>this post
>destiny is poly
>sleepy dates a poly guy
the lore being dropped in this general is insane
You guys are so stupid. She's saying that she still likes the guy and would be okay going back with him even if he wants to fuck other girls. He's probably the one who broke up with her.
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Steven(destiny(not the game)) here guys. It's true, I fucked the hoe known as "Sleepy". on god fr fr no cap.
Can't be racist if you are naturally adhering to your place as beneath her.
you won't be spat on/in or whip you, you'll be buck broken though.
>I fucked Sleepy as well as I fucked my own wife, Steven Bondello II don't forget to like and subscribe
Someone please update beegee, ellyble, daisy and sloth kemon
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Anyone got Jade ASMR's "Home Alone with Your Flirty Tomboy Step Sister" ?
It's not on kemono, iwiftp, coomer, or any other site I know
they must've been updated by the same person, and I completely understand if he got tired of them. they've all peaked.
sometimes i download solo pov porn videos. and convert then to audio.
well said friend
>the archive
>the "other" archive
>the "other" "other" archive
>the torrent(s)
>The GWATeraTorrent
>Soundgasm Torrent
>Testfolder Torrent
awaiting psu replacement for a laptop & server to bundle everything into a nice & neat single server with offsite backup.
how does it feel to be so based?
>Testfolder Torrent
If this is what I think it is, there is nothing here that isn't already in the Terapack. It was just one of my tests I was doing to check my seedbox and server's connection to DHT and trackers last summer.
noooo sleepy spit on me please
I'm thinking this too, shw even says
>maybe if we had a family I'd want him to stop fucking other girls but idk ahah
she's 100% still in love with that guy
So Sleepy isn't a hypocrite catholic whore, she just got good dick from a poly guy and is still in love? I'm glad we clarified that.
it's the important things.
ally is a perfect princess
shut up loser Muffins is /ourgirl/
when is muffins opening up her twitter again ;_;**
the piss princess arrives just when she has to
omg I can't believe the audio whore is also a whore irl, i'm literally shaking and crying right now.
muffins message me on discord i want to make you happy
Somewhere, in this thread or just somewhere adjacent, I found the name of an audio that was something like "Hacker becomes your cumdump" or something like that and for the life of me I cannot find it again what the fuck.
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>sex with Lamiacy turns you into a tranny
what do they mean with the real life sex scene caption
gwa mod btw
Update peaches and afterglow
People are going to read shit like this in 100 years and wonder what the fuck was in the water. That last paragraph is especially fucking mental
Everybody ITT should fuck Lamiacy, it'll turn you into a man finally
nigga it's pretty well explained right there, it's a recording of them having real sex.
>real-life sex scene
>at no point does the tags refer to any kind of 'sex' happening, it's just describes beating the absolute shit out of someone else.
This is why I stick with 'normies' and at most piss princess which pisses all over my cock while it's inside her.
>at no point does the tags refer to any kind of 'sex' happening
[Real sex]
[Face down, ass up]
[Permission to cum]
[Real orgasm]
is the kemono patreon importer not working? tried to import beegee but still nothing after 2 days, gallery-dl also throws bootstrap error tho I wouldnt know if I just configured incorrectly
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this is unironically so funny to me cuz it's just kind of admitting that trans girls just wanna rape women
Shouldn't that be TF4M or is that also bigotry these days?
She isn't trans. She used to make essentially only futa stuff, but now that she's forced to used the term "girlcock" instead, her fdom futa rape audios are now pretty much categorized the same as a TF4x audio. There was a good reason the futa genre existed seperately. Mods and the clique who wanted this change were told this would be the result and didn't care.
subscribestar importer for kemono doesn't work, best you'll get is a gofile upload or something
someone get https://www.patreon.com/stellahoneylips on kemono please and thank you
yeah it comes and goes. spaghetti code at work.
It's so weird that they basically just decided to apply this "slur" to themselves so they could cry oppression. Futa has never meant tranny but now that's all I can see when reading that audio title
they're very good at pulling sides apart, just like with the F4M lesbian thing they turned into an issue. not a thought given on how it'll actually fix anything, but let's just scorch all the earth for the fun of it.
>kill yourself tranny
I never said that. Who are you quoting?
My bad. I'm telling you to kill yourself, tranny.
This is probably the worst reply I have seen in a while while, pure rage bait made purely to anger people for absolutely no reason at all

-Cultivation Anon
sup cultivation anon, whatchu been reading recently?
TF4A girlcock audios
I love this trans inclusive thread :D
Based futa enjoyer.
Does anyone have audios any audios from VAllure?
Just wait for someone to post their shit on kemono
fixing the hoe side of Sleepy
get off her, Steven
I'm sure he's getting off to her plenty.
that's true. what was I even saying...
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Iis true, I love going to oregon to pound Sleepy pussy. It's the only way I can cope with my wife cuckong me with a swedish twink tiktoker.
At the end of the day though, is it really wrong to be in love with a whore if she is your whore?
Alright so why is Kemono direct downloads having connection errors?
>sleepy would rather fuck that guy than (You)
>1550 posts
goddamn /t/ is dead
Anyone have the new Sugarwaifu stuff?
https://x.com/sugarwaifuXXX/status/1796298182453796871 Especially this one.
Coming home to my lovely girlfriend sleepy after a threesome with beautiful girls(she's okay with it). I love my girlfriend and she loves me. :)
hiding in the closet because sleep's bf just got home (i needed a "ride to the airport")
you're in the closet again you bum?
her bf repeatedly doesn't get the hint so she wants to hide me
erm we're actually pretty open with that stuff, that's why I said "again". She's just messing with you bud. You should probably get a job though. I can help you with that.
Impregnating Sleepy while she streams
Impregnating Sleepy very quickly during her break instead of live so she doesn't get banned
being loving and caring to muffins while she cries about her abusive exes and tells me i'm the only guy to ever show her love (she breaks up with me 2 months later)
just girl bpd things
>sleepy straight up admits she started working out at 14 to get a bigger butt
You won't even catch only fans whores admitting stuff like that. That's how you know that catholic southern belle is a freak.
demoniadiabolic (dvrtda) deleted her soundgasm again. is there anyone who archived her newest audios?
seriously though is there really nobody who can provide emma fielder's latest stuff..........
she still makes audios?
dumping phat loads inside muffins as she clings to my cock and pisses all over it.
yea, exclusively on patreon though afaik. still as good as always
now that's just crude. do you think muffins would wanna edate you if she saw that post?
vas who just cannot perform a certain niche? for example, i can't handle lurkydip performing fsub audios because her voice is almost more masculine than mine
there's such a shortage of proper fdom voices vs fsub that it's incredible that she doesn't just lean into it, hard. to answer your question, there's too many to count of these early twenties VAs that try to do fdom that just can't. it just sounds ridiculous.
the piss princess wants what she wants, all that matters is that I turn up with flowers and chocolates before we get down to business.
she'll still be pissing all over my cock by the end of it.
Ivy wilde?
aw that's so cute
Edging endlessly while Sleepy streams so that I can simply walk in, lift her dress and impregnate her during her break. She goes back to stream with a slightly messy hair and makes up some lie about her cat.
I'm just realizing that I've downloaded a terabyte of porn and I don't have the time nor energy to consume 99% of it. I'm just archiving out of habit now when I could be spending that time working out and getting a real woman.
>he doesn't listen to audios occasionally while also working out and getting bitches irl
skill issue
There is some potential here for a first recording. How long before the patreonbux ruin her?
by the amount of comments, she's probably already thinking about it. we'd be lucky to make it to five audios.
how long until the tranny clique corners her into making dogshit "inclusive" audios is the question
Holy fucking rent free
she's fat
It's literally what happened to every single girl you faggot, you force them to make dogshit "girl cock" audios validating trannies or else they get shunned and a banned from everywhere like you did to Muffins. Kill yourself tranny nigger faggot.
>He listens to people that make futa content
Why would you out yourself like this?
why do you support trannies ruining the community by literally forcing these girls into indulging their AGP fetish or else get banned? Why would you out yourself as a tranny?
I'll take what I can get at this point.
>Doesn't answer
okay tranny
>forcing these girls into indulging their AGP fetish or else get banned
Not a single fucking VA has been banned. Schizo retard
you banned Muffins patreon tranny, please kill yourself.
>forcing these girls into indulging their AGP fetish
Where did muffins get banned for this? Oh wait, she was posting incest content on Patreon like a tard
That had nothing to do with what she posted on patreon. Muffins was banned on patreon the day she went against the tranny clique on twitter for her lesbian conversion audio. You're a disgusting creature, please kill yourself. No one wants you here or anywhere, ever.
>the day
It was a week later
She got banned because gwatrannies reported her en masse.
>That had nothing to do with what she posted on patreon
It quite literally did. She would not have gotten banned if she didn't post incest content
if disgusting subhuman perverted men with axe woulds wouldn't have mass reported her she would never be banned. Just like many other VAs post that kind of content on patreon but aren't banned since they post the mandated weekly "girl cock" audio so the perverted creatures can fist their axe wound to. Please, kill yourself.
>Muffins Patreon gets banned a week after Lamiacy and the Tranny squad complained on Twitter
>Comes to the conclusion that they aren't related

Are you fucking retarded?
Literally everyone on Patreon has made incest audios. It's only ever a problem when the trannies take issue with you
Muffins is a beautiful princess, she has never once done anything wrong.
She's into scat but other than that she's perfect
Retarded newfag. People don't post incest content on Patreon
Patreon literally made incest against their TOS and all incest-related mentions a bannable offense over a year ago.
does anybody have that muffins lesbian conversion audio? i've never seen it but i like muffins and i like the fetish
Thank god for making mentally ill girls like Muffins, they make my cock hard.
Does anyone have alexbunnyy's audios? All this muffins talk reminded me of that drama but I lost the audios and she deleted her soundgasm.
hot voice and a quick turnaround from verification and first post, must've been working on it before verification
Based Muffinschad.
I think most new girls record something before they realize that they have to verify themselves
maybe, i feel like when i add new verified vas it's a week or more until i see them post, sometimes never again even
oh, it's this one? that's not even really lesbian conversion it's more like borderline rape. lesbian conversion is way hotter
sleepy Sleepy
who is on your "instant download" list as of recently?
Why does she type like a 13 year old on AIM in 2002?
because she's a bpd egirl dumbass
Thank you.
i only download if it's a niche/fetish i actually like, but the only vas whose posts i really pay attention to are: emma fielder, daisy4dayz, lily danger, astrazelia, and listentomyvoice. muffins doesn't post on reddit anymore and mycatwithclaws (or whatever she goes by now) posts really weird shit 90% of the time nowadays
I just want a Sleepy to love
BOYS I found out about the amazing world of audio narrated doujins, my mind has just reached a new peak. Why has no one informed me of this before

beegee updated
what you have is an inability to min-max with time management.
I'm able to archive, listen to, work out and have free time to go chase tail.
Nobody cares
I'm also in university with extracurriculars. So, whatever free time I do get to myself, I opt to spend it resting. Graduating soon tho so hopefully that changes things
Thanks Anon
is there a way to search for only audio ones on this site?
nvm i'm blind
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my coquette piss queen
that's muffins? her room looks exactly how i thought it'd look like, but she doesn't
on tags but you found it so who cares, i got bored after 10 doujins, my reading is way too fast and I dont wanna look at a single images for almost a minute while jacking off
This nigga is speedreading fucking doujins
frontline /EAP/ soldier
I read every single english doujin since 100000-400000 on nhentai of course i speedread that shit
Sure you have
Our Queen Muffins is so perfect and pure that it actually hurts to gaze upon her beauty.
Well it's painfully cringe and annoying.
>painfully cringe & annoying
look at that notice corkboard so full of hopes, dreams and godwillingly soon covered in piss and cum.
I quite literally have, ive only missed alot after 400k. I also skipped most shitty art, gore, scat, necro, etc.

Somtimes i dont even zoom it and just read it in the gallery.
>goes on /t/ for the purpose it is there for
>getting into audios so wanna see if there's anything i like
>find audios thread
>not a single fucking torrent
what the fuck are you niggers doing. stop bickering and post some download links not the sources that have paywalls. this is /t/, not /b/

oh my fucking god she's the most beautiful little princess in this world
Man I had multiple dreams about Sleepy tonight and I remember a lot of them. I never had this happen in my life before, I usually only remember one of the dreams. Some of them I was happily in a stable long term relationship with her, in another I find out her youtube member videos are actually videos of her getting fucked by 2 tall buff dudes daily, in another I was cucking her, then in another she was cucking me... I need a girlfriend again man. This parasocial shit is fucking my brain.
cry more fag
>muffins fans are pedos with piss fetishes
That explains a lot.
shut up newfag
>>find audios thread
>>not a single fucking torrent
Try reading the OP?
are all these muffin pics from her discord or twitter?
They are from princess heaven actually
Sloth kemono got updated but it's missing two exclusives. Is it something that usually happens?
Do you guys think Sleepy justifies it as her playing a character so it is okay?
>I was just playing the character of a girl sucking nigger dick and saying the nigger word guys there's nothing wrong with that
well, I guess she doesn't think it all fine or else she wouldn't have deleted it and banned everyone who mentions it
she's so beautiful
>piss fetish
erm its called squirt actually
fuck off faggot, a cute princess in a cute princess dress is a cute princess in a cute princess dress. You're the one protecting your pedoness faggot. Kill yourself.
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>erm its called squirt actually
>none of them are purple
you haven't been listening to /ourgirl/ anon wtf?
I'm not a pisspedo, so...
Me neither, I a piss chad though.
She's a fully grown adult, tranny.
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I'm genuinely in love with Sleepy, but I know she wouldn't want the man I am now. My love for her motivates me to better myself.
BOY now that's the shit
Somebody update dulci on kemono
I used to wonder why muffins would even try to make fdom audios considering she's a retarded 12 year old and couldn't dom a fly, but her fans are a bunch of sissy, piss-drinking faggots so it makes perfect sense
>Why would someone make [fictional content]
A real mystery
thanks anon
project harder and you'll end up on the moon
don't forget that the best of it is never in this public shares
No one can match IvyWilde
And I am not even into the creature crap she does.
missprettyplease is underrated
being like this is why you'll never capture your own piss princess and make beautiful piss children with them.
cope, seethe, dilate & rest in (not) piss.
well she hasnt posted an explicit audio in 3 years so unless you're really into gfe stuff there's no reason to care about her anymore
Is she? She's almost universally liked when she gets brought up
>you wake up and see this wyd
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she's built for(lovingly) facial abuse
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bold of you to assume I wouldn't face fuck The Baufs
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interesting how muffins transitioned from retarded league streamer to retarded piss girl.
thebausffs is a low T male, Muffins is a perfect princess.
Cum in fear.
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i was doubting whether that account was really muffins or not but seeing this i think i can safely say it is her retarded self on some random account
I love my dumb princess
it is insane just how dime a dozen she is. holy fuck man every bpd egirl is the exact same person, but they're either in two categories: this one, or the ""goth dark edgy black makeup"" one
does muffins even have anything on her subscribestar we haven't seen yet? i went to look at it but all her posts are past stuff from patreon
that's how they all justify their kinks they play out on audio
This is everyone.
You're not wrong, it's the same with porn actresses
>noooo guys I don't like eating nigger asshole and having them piss on me I was just doing that because it was my job stop judging my character as a human based on that you're so misogynistic omg stop judging me I was just acting
>you look down and see this
nerdy art hoes usually give the most heavenly blowjobs known to man, I'd nut so hard it'd put a hole through her head.
What are you talking about?
you know
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if only these whores would understand what tags are for and how to best use them
>tummy and thighs combo on Sleepy's stream tonight
I'm not worthy
that looks horribly uncomfortable
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yeah but she's doing it for us. also, tummy spotted.
Holy fuck I forgot how bad beegee actually was. I made the mistake of thinking that my last memory of her wasn't that bad. She can't edit for fucking shit, she somehow clips the mic in every recording I've heard, every single script is made by the same guy that can't write for shit and her acting is fucking Lillithmorningstar tier. How did this absolute slop get any attention
She's for cucks. It's known
That campfire nigger writer is her boyfriend. You can tell
The bar is very low since the golden days anon, there's a reason we still give the most attention to girls that don't even post anymore. Bottom of the barrel like beegee rise to the top because there's literally nothing better. Heartdamage please come back.
cuck and hypno shit. other than that it's just nostalgia and rose-colored glasses.
>because there's literally nothing better
But there is??? Pick literally any random fucking retarded that posted an audio in the past year, they'll be better. Ivy still posts too
>nostalgia and rose-colored glasses
For anybody to be nostalgic over something it would need to be worth listening to in the first place. She was always bottom of the barrel garbage. Unless you mean something else by nostalgia
Okay, nothing is an exaggeration. Muffins posts after all. I love my piss princess.
well, just based on old reddit numbers. I don't think you see many people here clamoring for her.
She's not even good at that. She just puts on an mp3 of a droning noise and then talks like normal. She's like if Shibby had a grating voice and didn't know what triggers were
Based on reddit numbers absolute slop like sloth is "popular". Updoots don't mean anything when these girls abuse their groomcord servers to mass upvote each other shit to artificially jack it up in the algorithm
yes, I know that and you know that. however, if you're the average ledditor and click Top on GWASI, that's what you'll find and that's how they stay relevant.
Personally, I think Ivy is shit.
As someone who has been exclusively fapping to audio porn almost every day since I discovered it in 2019, and which I now bake these threads, her voice is genuinely painful to the ears to listen to, and this is coming from someone who takes a daily sample of basically every gwa upload each day for the past 5 years. She does that common VA thing where as soon as you start reading something your voice changes from your normal speaking voice to "acting mode" and it's legitimately the worst one ever. She sounds like a retarded fuck that needs an inhaler, and not in the endearing retard way like muffins does. A few others put on the acting voice like Snakey or even Skitty sometimes, but those two can make different emotions and tones pass through that script reading mode. I could name certain Ivy or Skitty audios simply by hearing them say a few words because they can do distinct voices for different audios. Beegee sounds the exact fucking same in every single thing she has posted on the internet, whether it be her reddit, youtube, cucktreon, or cuckroad. The other thing is that she has an obsession with cuckolding after that one audio got popular. You can't even cope with the "Oh the listener is doing the cucking!" because, besides the fact that she has audios where the listener is explicitly the cuck even in the ones where you're supposed to be the one doing the cucking, she ends up talking directly to the cuck more than the fucking listener. The same cuck writing all her scripts makes it so she ends up spending more time shitting on the supposed cuck than talking about how good the listener is. She doesn't help her case that in one of her patreon posts, she said that making cucking content brings her "catharsis" to create. Her other problem is that she posts less than fucking Ivy, the girl that's having monthly seizures and visits to the hospital.
TL:DR Beegee is a combination of the worst attributes a VA can possibly have in the audio porn industry
i like sloth's cheating audios. i think she's very good at them. i don't care if you call it slop.
ain't nobody reading all that buddy
well put
based taste tbqhwyf
the duality man
Slop quality still varies on the scriptwriter. She makes sslop and slightly less sloppy slop, but there's still a difference when the writer knows how to use a keyboard
>calls it slop
>most definitely likes a va he wouldn't consider slop but absolutely is
>N-no you like slop too! You have to!
This is sad
name 3 vas you like right now
Ivy, Skitty, missprettyplease
>brain damaged slop
Alright newfag. Have your delusions
>aneurysm slop
>dog fucking slop
>gfe kino
>dog fucking
This just shows how much redditors use this thread nowadays. Someone like confessions would just get called "edgy slop" nowadays
bestiality, along with ntr, will always be the lowest of the low slop because the degenerates into it will consume it no matter how garbage it is
>He doesn't self insert as the dog
Your problem
>>He doesn't self insert as the dog
>Your problem
how's his doggy cock?
>new poster
>discards the OP
>goes to the bottom of the thread, reads about piss
>complains about not a single torrent being posted
>more than enough content to go through on the OP to last them at least a year
have you tried not shitting in your pants.
More than a terabyte of shit for you to download and COOMSUME.
but you'd prefer to bitch and complain.
She's so adorable. I wish that I had the necessary to make her happy.
now that's some funny shit even from the precious piss princess.
I regret ever making the bausffs comparison
would you face fuck him though
update dulci
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so which are the best?
can someone make a top 10 or top 5?
>1. Alwaysslightlysleepy
>2. Shleepy
>3. Alwaysslightlysleepy
>4. eepy
>5. debate sis
>6. Always
>7. Slightly
>8. Sleepy
>9. The farmer's daughter
>10. Sleepy
>Sleepy if she ever lurks here
Everything after 2015 is not that great

GWA was bangin every day, we were in the golden age until all the best people left in the end of '15

You guys missed out on some quality, we had so much more variety and no discord/patreon subscribers to manipulate upvotes

It was the best of times
and also the worst mics + mixing known to mankind
Honestly, I miss those days

Everything today is over produced and edited, with terrible scriptwriters and no soul

Give me a girl from back then with a phone recording, I'll take all the mic pops and raw unedited filth. Shoutout to goldyloxxx and femmefemoral
hello anon are you still here? any updates?
newfag tl;dr
Yes I am so looking forward to listening to tsundere friends to lovers, gentle fdom to fsub, virgin listener, no size mentions audio 9,001 edited to within an inch of it's life, where a chick who can't act reads a script over the same royalty free blowjob sound effects again.
I could not agree more. Minor flaws can be forgiven if the acting is good and the voice is hot.
Honestly this sleepy shills are getting more annoying each reply, I get like shilling every few days but every time I look here its always either sleepy shills or muffin shills, one doesn't even do audio porn anymore so I don't get the point of it and the other posts once in a blue moon.

So basically what im saying is, tone it down a bit can you. And im also concerned if you guys have actually form a parasocial relationship with these girls.

-Cultivation Anon
There are some I don't mind. So long as I like both of the performers on their own.

Pheonix ruins every audio she's in that disgusting pig chimney
>no new mommy shit on kemono
>it's all gfe
It's over!!!!
I've always loved you anon. You... you've loved me too? Why haven't you said anything?! *schlorp schlorp schlorp*
She's fugly.
that's why she does audios
t levels have never been lower here
oh anon I lover your perfect cock you fuck my tight little pussy so good *plap plap plap*
This is all about archiving and she's part of the archives and unlike other girls she still posts, just not audios. It's an interesting situation so naturally people will mention her. Don't seethe about it cultivation anon, have the smut you've been reading recently been low quality?
>This is all about archiving and she's part of the archives and unlike other girls she still posts
She doesn't "still post". There has been no audio porn posted, she doesn't even post regular audio content, she makes videos you dumb faggot. He's completely right. Nobody is doing any archiving with their spam
She does still posts just not audios. I don't see why that makes you mad. If heartdamage suddenly came back and only did asmr for example people would post about it here too, I know that I would. 99% of the posts here aren't about archiving shit anyway so what's your point. Let people post about sleepy, muffins, ally, pom... Who cares. If those people didn't post it'd just be "hey guys update the kemono pwease" over and over again. And it's not like those people are preventing you from making those posts. Chill the fuck out dude.
>If those people didn't post it'd just be "hey guys update the kemono pwease" over and over again.
Yes please. That is much much much better than 1 man spam and would actually be on topic to the thread. Please kill yourself you stupid newfag
It's not healthy to care this much about an audio porn thread saar, have you tried going outside recently?
>Let them spam about non audio porn content that doesn't relate to the thread in any way, who cares!
You need to hang yourself asap
What is this redditor meme
No matter how mad you get, Sleepy will always be on topic. She's in the archives as an audio girl. Cope.
It's a 4chan meme, new fag.
>Who cares if the quality of the thread has massively decreased from the past year? Let 2 anons destroy the thread with their off topic spam? Would you rather have the thread be people asking about archives and audio recommendations?
You are subhuman
In the entire history of /t/ it has only been said 9 times in total. Good job at showing how much of a newfag you are
>kemono update?
>can someone give me new audio
>where can I find X girl audio guys
man I miss that quality, I miss when the thread was just that... oh wait, we still get those shit posts anyway so you're literally mad for no reason. Stop jerking off, you're seething like a woman over shit that doesn't matter you low t male.
>newfag as 2 separate words
Good bait
I'm not sure if you're aware but /t/ isn't all of 4chan
shut up new fag
>we still get those shit posts anyway so you're literally mad for no reason
So on top of those, we also get posts of 2 faggots constantly spamming the thread about sleeply on cooldown, and not about her audio content, or even her videos, but just larp about how they want to fuck her. You're a dumb little tranny
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>Who cares?
They're not even talking about her audio content you dumb chimp. They're just spamming whenever they have the time
>Half of those were from him too
erm I just love Shleepy what the frick
>trannies mad that sleepy and other audio girls get attention and not them
She's a tranny though
Sleepy loves trannies you retard
Love is content, and in love one is content.
saar please calm down
>attention seeking fag that signs off his posts feels the need to comment on the quality of the thread
bro is a retarded 3rd worlder that got a shred of attention which is more than he probably received in his life so he stuck to the bit, you should also kys gayboy
isn't it hilarious
favorite AP audios that aren't 'extreme', but ones that mention age?

more along the lines of petal and dgs...less along the lines of giggle_chan...
man I miss those "you're the teacher of this teenage girl who will most definitely let you fuck her for better grades" type of audios that aren't either a 19 yo girl or a extreme age little girl. The in between is the most natural and the hottest but now days we just get the extemes.
I wake up everyday and all I can think about is striving once again to become the man that could make her happy
She looks like she smells bad.
we know you certainly smell bad tranny, no need to project it onto others you disgusting creature. Sleepy is a perfect princess. She smells like apples.
>no u
Well, I'm rubber and she's glue.
I know you are, but what am I?
hey guys pwease update the kemono
where would you even find an audio like this? i have serious doubts reddit ever used to allow underage play like that
It did. Ageplay wasn't banned until early or late 2019
certified newfag moment, reddit used to have a jailbait subreddit back in the day, that website was barely moderated by admins
jailbait was also banned in 2011. i doubt the anons here have been going on gonewildaudio for 13 years (it was made 12 years ago). fag
ok? i'm talking about the history of the site and how ap audios isn't out of the question. idk why you're so keen on arguing about nothing you retard
Nta, but that's because jailbait was legit pedoshit. Ageplay was just roleplay, so it was allowed until 2019. I believe that the sub ageplaypenpals was also banned at the same time
you're such a pedantic faggot holy shit
can we has sommodat behold-the-beauty patreon posts please
you're talking about the history when the conception of gwa exists post pedo shit being allowed. so yes, it would be sensical to think ageplay is out of the question in the mid 2010s. dumb fuck. follow the conversation

ok, thank you for the lesson
keep calling me a dumbfuck when you're a certified newfag speaking like you have any authority on the subject, literal windowlicker shit lol
>le newfag le newfag!!!
and yet, you're the retard here. very humorous
new fag
concession accepted. have a nice day. make sure not to go to bed too late otherwise your bones will start creaking again
>Guys I seriously doubt reddit ever allowed lesbian conversion or futa audios
this general in 5 years time
the trannies certainly didn't allow it
Guys I think pedophilia is the same as futanari. Guys I'm also 14 and don't know what a false equivalency is.
Check the torrents, there's TONS of ageplay content from before the agepocalypse in 2019. Just go into the index file and search [age] or [ageplay] and you'll see droves of the stuff, all originally posted to Reddit, going back years. Unfortunately, ever since the sitewide ageplay ban on Reddit the only new ageplay content that's being made is extreme pedo shit rather than the comfy 13-17 range that was seen as acceptable on GWA pre-2019.
i'm not really into it so i won't bother. i'm ok with just "le 18 year old daughter"
I wish the girls would interact with us like they do or used to do on FSA. Do they hate us because we archive?
Any "sex ed" audios? I really like the scenario where a girl teaches another how to do sexual stuff. Favorite is mom teaching her daughter, but I don't think there's any of that out there.
You really don't
I wouldn't mind a vocaroo from muffins
yeah its like "painfully cringe" in that its incredibly hot and makes my cock twitch
> i doubt the anons here have been going on gonewildaudio for 13 years

Not much to talk about when you archive everything from back then. It's rare that you see someone else from back then in this thread, because if they're like me, we are all very set in who we listen to and no one new can convince us things are better today

Maybe one or two standout audios every now and then from new people but I basically just go to my archive for the heavy hitters
i don't even listen to new vas. they either do gfe stuff which is just pathetic to me or they do heavy fsub stuff but have deep voices that don't fit at all. i genuinely cannot think of a time in the last year i clicked on an audio by a va i hadn't seen before and actually liked what i heard
sad but true
Feel what you want anons, I only started it because my GOAT Klein Moretti did it first, Speaking of Klein Moretti go read Lord of Mysteries right now available in anywhere just pirate it already.

Im not even saying to stop, Im just asking them to tone it down since i've seen such a rise in that kind of posts didn't knew it will brew hatred, guess some people have been hating since I sign my posts that started when I finished lotm, and my esl when im sleepy and dont proofread my replies classic westerner.

DAMN 2014 is 10 years ago almost at my decade anniversary with audio porn, im getting so old now.

Anyways im going back to my daoist cave and nurture my ginseng garden with my jade beauties, cya you curly haired baboons

-Eternal Cultivation Anon
forgot to add this but no im not reading some low quality smut slop, im rereading pinnacle of webnovel smut Pure x Insult. And don't ever mention seethe in my face I have long forgone that emotion ever since the novel debate incident, my reply was so neutral that I don't even know how people got mad about it, I just asked sleepy shills to tone down amount of times they shill.
I have searched and there's a ton. That's why I asked earlier about stuff with age mentions. Whenever I grab something on the torrent that isn't a known performer (petal, dogs), I end up with high pitched toddler shit which is not what I'm looking for.

Was hoping some anons knew some VAs or specific audios I can listen to that I didn't already know about.
rinazaki is not very good
it's all just very soulless. from the fake voice to the storebought sound effects and most her audios falling in the realm of "horny slut acts like a slut". no thank you.
I miss Lavendearie...
Anybody have an archive of Tinylitchi's stuff? I just remembered this existed and I find out that she deleted her shit
It depends where you do your search. The TeraPack has almost excllusively of the classic ap content, the PsstAudio archive is full of extreme/pedoshit, and the ComboPack kind of has a mixture because it has stuff from FSA and Chirbit. I'd recommend searching [age] or [ageplay] in the index of the TeraPack specifically.
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I got shleepy on my mind
why are name fags always the biggest faggots without fail
I think this chick is pretty good. Not top tier but still a hot voice and not overproduced, quality not amazing but it doesn't bother me. Posh British accent so not much use for anyone who doesn't like that. She is Chinese apparently so her voice is a little bit exotic, anyway I like it but perhaps not for everyone. Also she's not fat.
She doesn't get many updoots so I was wondering what /eap/ thought of her. Not sure I've seen her mentioned. I also fucking love cheating audios where you're the bull or cheating on your wife and she does them.
does anyone find it hard to listen to audios without wet sounds?
she's not too bad. I like the no frills approach and the tolerable voice. cheating doesn't usually do well on GWA and she's very clearly just doing this to market herself, so maybe those aspects hinder her updoots.

depends on the acting. I'd rather listen to a good VA without wet sounds than an average one with them.
I think you've got potential.
I personally would rather have none of those kinds of sounds if they aren't real. Like some of the girls you guys call slop at least are making their own sounds or straight up gawking on a dildo while recording like listentomyvoice, and I respect that shit.
Given the option, I'll always listen to a version without wet sounds. I just don't enjoy sloppy smacking wet sloshing in my ears.
Depends, if it makes sense for me to hear it at that distance then ye. Otherwise, it's just something I overlook
I only listen to real sex audios, miss me with that fake shit.
So you're a cuck?
Do you think people who watch porn are cucks?
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Do you not?
for me it breaks my immersion and all i can imagine is a fully clothed woman moaning into a mic like a retard
*the absence of it breaks my immersion
that's fair
I think it depends on how it's done. Subtle wet sounds in the background are one thing, but when it starts to sound like someone slapping and wringing a wet sponge into the microphone I get turned off by it.
When they start pretending they're getting fingered and it sounds like the Hoover Dam has cracked.
i wish i was in the gwa circles so i could live off the insane drama that always pops up when sexual stuff is involved
>when sexual stuff is involved
so always? It's literally about audio porn my brother in christ.
yes, that's what i was saying. drama always crops up in groups based on sexual stuff. reading comprehension maybe
The fact I never fail for these argument baits has shown me that I have beaten my heart demons.

Go Read 'Turns out im a great cultivator' and open your eyes little one
Ugh, another Asian queen to worship
How do they keep getting away with it?
she is so mid do better
mid is the new high point
you're a faggot
sleepy cuddles with Sleepy
And this one is a Chinese Goddess instead of a SEAmonkey or japmutt. Sinobros we eating good.
I've been around that long, even before when they were curating a list of audios on blogspot.
> inb4 Have I tried?
Its okay anon maybe in the near future you'll reach my state of enlightenment.

-C. A.
I'm sure if we saw them doing it we'd die of laughter and give up on the vice.
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Give me your best tomboy voices. I have been hooked on nyahahn, she has maybe most perfect tomboy voice/acting I've heard but she doesn't work anymore so I need new talent to check out.
Bonus points for quality audio mic and good production.
check out Melusines on the archives


It's a trolling retard
I always wanted to ask why tf is there a bully kink trend on gwa
is this some late zoomer cartoon network vibe?
alex asmr talks
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if a show from 2007 counts as late zoomer then yea
I want to lay my head on Sleepys thighs
I don't know if it's a return or what but check her soundgasm

real ones remember
I'm not gonna be a faggot gatekeeper
still sounds as good as ever
Gives me hope that my favourite will return one day too
This proves god is real
I KNOW!!!!! WHERE THE FUCK IS IT??????????
has /t/ been painfully slow or has this thread just been really active, maybe both? 2k replies is crazy.
muffins should do more gfe stuff. I'm lonely as fuck nigga.
just an active general in a slow board
this board is so dead
I fucking kneel.
Have faith bro.
She needs to do more "nerd girl gets brutalised by Chad"

who are your favorite performers that make AP content in the 13-17 range?
>power gap
She has man voice now.
My personal top 10
1. Petalbaby
2. Nyahahn
3. Emmafielder
4. Muffins
5. ChainedBunni/Bambiru
6. Roboneko
7. DocileCreams
8. Eggs-n-bennie
9. Maple_Mumbles
10. SerinaBunny

This thread has its own top 10. I don't like mommy audios but from what I've seen, people here do. I also don't dislike Beegee and Alekirser like everyone else. So take my opinion with that in mind I guess.
Petalbaby / cry--baby
daviejay / daviejayne

I think those are all a good start. Some have more than others.
LittleMissAphrodite is another good one
it's fine man wine to me bro
>you WILL suck the girldick
just one more reason not to listen to this slop
These people are so brainwashed jesus christ. They all say the same shit.
One 4TF audio in the past nine months. Big support going there. Surely not just gesturing on Twitter for tranny clout. Surely.
>the real birbs also donate to me on the 5 or 6 different platforms I've spread my content on and are deep into sunk cost fallacy. yay girlcocks!
My fucking nigga, I'd forgotten all about her.
Explain why you're on twitter following around the people you hate so that you can post about their bad tweets here. I thought this was an audio porn thread?
This is a insane record though the most we had before is like 1.1k and we're on track to double that
I thought this was a thread free of faggots and yet you're here
They love twitter and reposting tweets. It's common tranny behavior
The muffins and sleepy spam by the same 2 faggots make up for 15% of the posts. If you removed all the faggotry relating to that we'd have the average number we always get
only a retard would think this place isn't full of faggots
you're the ones spending every waking minute thinking about and looking at trannies instead of listening to AUDIO PORN in the AUDIO PORN THREAD
it's because they're lonely and this is the only place someone will actually humor that sort of talk. Can't get trannies out of their heads and need to use us to vent about it instead of jerking off or reading a book or something useful
shes so fucking hot
we had no idea just how good we had it back then
amazing vas left, right and centre
Trannies are inescapable, even in audio porn. Just today I was listening to some audios in the TeraPack and opened one from a user called DrippingKittens only to be blasted by a tranny voice.
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DGS made an audio i am manifesting a belle return
DGS made an audio i am manifesting a belle return
DGS made an audio i am manifesting a belle return
DGS made an audio i am manifesting a belle return
DGS made an audio i am manifesting a belle return
doing lord's work
Has anyone subbed to alea's fansly?
I want to love her. She's has the pretties voice I've ever heard. I wanna be sleepy with Sleepy.
Anyone tried commissioning a va with a self written script? I thought it was going to be perfectly tailor made to fit my kinks but I couldn't even get off to it and stopped listening half way through. Shit was cringy listening to my own words spoken back to me. How do other anons approach it?
I commissioned one with like bullet points to a scene I had in my mind, and had her do the writing. After the initial discussion it felt like she understood exactly what I wanted. The end result: my switchy ropeplay story turned into an ode to feminism and strong women where she barely came.

Haven't commissioned anything since.
That's probably the way to do it if you want to enjoy the audio for yourself. Next time I'll try and find a girl who's good at improv or writing her own scripts
I wonder how many people in here just lurk sleepys streams and how many are names wed recognize. Faraom, greeninja you here?
Can someone spoonfeed docilecreams' stuff? Please?
Do you have any of Bambiru's audios? All the links I find are dead
Hey, thank you!
you're welcome
Do you have docilecreams stuff, anon?
nothing that isn't on the terapack
I can't find it sadly.
Not that anon, but I think this is all there is
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Did you try looking in the folder called Docilecreams? It's under D for Docilecreams. Pic related, it's Docilecreams.
Thank you very much, anons.
Appreciate your help.
I think I like dumb girls with a valley girl accent. I find incompetence adorable. I also like when they're mentally ill and susceptible to gaslighting. Anything like that?
nice try Sleepy

Something bimbo sucking your cock

Great valley girl ditzy bimbo feel
this >>1309430 is 100% that mexican who's in her chat
Gentle warning to anyone searching this keyword that Blonde_Bimbo_Brianna is a tranny.
I want Sleepy to hold me, I'm so fucking lonely it hurts.
>daviejay / daviejayne

thanks anon. good finds here...had never listened to these two before. the others i'd heard before. came across this one and it's pretty hot. wish she had more..


still looking for specific audios that have age mentions in it...anyone have any favs?

basically any of petal's AP stuff is tops...
Does DTL have any audios with her normal accent?
her new vtuber thing is scottish, so maybe that's going to be a source for them
The scots one? Yeah
fast replies! thanks bros
Based tranny patroller.
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>best friend helps you last longer
instant cum (i guess it didn't work)
The guy Sleepy plays darktide with is her bf btw for your simps.
You're welcome, from The Knower.
this is a good fetish. any recs?
Is that even a secret? Why else would an artsy hoe play fucking Darktide, a game literally not even 5k people play around the world if it wasn't for a boyfriend? She even admitted to not know shit about Warhammer before. It's pretty clear.
why would i care about a girl playing garbage like darktide. call me when you see a va playing brogue
wtf is brogue
look it up my friend
you can also add the descriptor "game" to your search to specify what you wanna find
I know, just memeing. I never heard of Brogue but it looks interesting. Thank you for making me aware of it.
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of course friend
now upload muffins subscribestar content as thank you
Sorry brother I've been praying for that too, I can't provide unfortunately.
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>tfw you'll never introduce Sleepy to Darktide and force her to play with you then have her talk to her simps about how much fun she has with you
why did you post that picture of me?
that is quite literally me who are you?

Would you guys like me to upload more of these? I have her whole fansly downloaded
no insertion and never shows anything. How can people fap to this girl's videos.
god is real
nani nani
If someone can tell me how to download a straight MP3 from subscribestar I can get the "sister sweatshirt" one
is that one different from her other sweatshirt one?
also you can probably find a direct link to it in the html with inspect element

This audio
Diaper is crazy. I'm out. yall niggas will burn in hell.
I didn't read the tags, maybe that one's better off not being downloaded HAHA
ah it is different. but i'm not into her pissing audios so idrc lmfao
can you upload it? please?
how so its so tame? ap mfs reading this. and they'll probably say oh no its actually teenagers we like lol.
Sure, here you go: >>1311356
>diaper pee
Porn has broken your mind.
because she says "anon" and "knows 4chan memes"
What's your favorite audio posted in the last month?
muffins fdom? I think I'd rather listen to lurkydip fsub
I wouldn't mind, if you're up for it
It aint there

Tame compared to other stuff, also dont act like your better you are here afterall
Piss and scat fetishists are the lowest of the low.
nah if you're diapers it's too late for you
does anyone have lola nextdoor?
i have comissioned a bunch of audios, both written and improv - improv is waaay better
in my opinion, if you have written a script then you already have envisioned how everything is supposed to be said, so when they differ from it you gonna be disappointed, youre better off requesting an improv with simple points, themes you want to touch upon, etc.
they also either cannot read writers cues (intensity,loudness,voice timbre, etc) or just simply decide to ignore them
2000th for belle returning
belle was an okay performer. She has a pretty voice I'll concede, but nothing special

I doubt she'd be as popular as she is if not for the pics because dudes be thirsty
she had the right mentality too that a lot of others lack. but yeah when she was around she was seen as the "full bodied voice, excellent audio quality" person like behold is now
please say who it was so I can avoid that
>like behold is now
who? or maybe im not understanding
Which VAs do fdom and fsub equally well?
interesting i have literally never heard of them guess ill have to check her out
I like muffins fdom. I lovw her "uh huh"s. No I will NOT apologize.
Really? I feel like she's always decently popular, and she's been going for years. Although she isn't talked about here as much
She also didn't monetise her nsfw content which I think deserves credit.
>Although she isn't talked about here as much
she's too vanilla and wholesome for this thread
slop merchant
Vomit tier slop merchants:

Beholdthe beauty
Ally kirsir
Looking for my blue sky
nice story. list the opposite now
add sloth and fromyourmouth
that's a good point, I can agree with that

desu, I enjoy fromyourmouth's audios. Yeah the sounds are unrealistic and too over the top, but there's just something about them that makes me feel primal. They have this self-aware quality to them that says "it's porn, might as well go all out". Sometimes I just need that kind of freaky, you know?
this is how groomers talk
>Makes slop list
>Enjoys one of the biggest slop makers out there
It writes itself
That nigger isn't me
God Tier:
Ellyble, Daisy4Dayz, pompompuppy, and Sloth215.

They make fappable audios that I can jerk off for 10 minutes and get it done so I can do something else with my life. Pom might be a stretch though since her audios are long asf.

Pom not doing patreon or anything, she got burned out though.

I'm never above some slop, sometimes you just gotta go
Yeah pretty much. Got excited writing the script imagining this VA saying all this stuff but was kinda just felt embarrassed listening to the end result. Expensive lesson to learn
Shut up Muffins. I know it's you.
wouldn't telling her off help her achieve orgasm
Desperately looking for the deleted demoniadiabolic (dvrtda) audios.
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Ellyble used to create such good stuff before this current slop stage. Now that's all she does (along with wasting money on the stupidest shit that nobody gives a fuck about). Money ruins everything.
>Every popular VA is a vtuber now
What happened? Is it a money thing? Are they bored?
probably a pipe dream for some of them to leave all this behind and a money thing for the rest. still waiting for the VA to pump that money back into making higher quality audios rather than this shit.
Audio stuff used to be the only way to become semi-famous online while keeping your face invisible. Streamers with no facecams are never successful. Now you can become a vtuber and have all the benefits of streaming with a facecam without actually showing your face.
I know im literally a Day 1, I even cried a bit when she got banned
Does she actually do an audio like this? I'm into this shit nigga
Good vtuber models don't come cheap. Hell, not even the bad ones do.
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elly has always been a dumbass, she tweets like an idiot. Makes her getting bullied audios that much better
>Fucking tags, how do they work?
>I don't want to talk to an archivist, they all lyin' an' shit, and makin' me sick!
"stealing my glasses"
I personally know a tranny that spent over 3k on one kek
>belle was an okay performer
name your favorites then
bunny chan
trash taste, as expected
Commenting about the whole spending thousands on a vtuber model, I have a question. Is it more stupid to be a simp for a girl and see all your money being spent on pixels, or is it more stupid to be given money by simps and thinking that the best use of that money is pixels on a screen? In my opinion, both sides are retarded
it's called building your brand
Muffins please piss on me I am begging bro please
I can't believe Sleepy cheated on me with a Warhammer nerd
The one getting money is objectively smarter than the one spending it. Regardless of how they in turn spend it.
Reminder that simps of any description are retards. The only acceptable monetary interaction with a whore (and streamers of all types are whores) is transactional. Commissions or straight up prostitution are the only money you should ever give to a whore.

Simps are the root cause of the state of modern women
I would give a kingdom for standardized tags that actually helped finding shit. Not this shit where VAs show their lack of intelligence by writing the absolute stupidest shit on them.

That's very true. Opening up her Twitter for the first time ruined her audios for me. She's that stupid.
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depends on how many more thousands you spend on your pixels
why the fuck do vtuber avatars even cost that much? It's not like the tech to rig an avatar and make it work with motion capture isn't something that crazy to do. Are the artists the ones over charging or the fags doing the rigging?
Art commissions are already easily in the thousands. Now imagine that you're drawing a full body character with at least 7 different expressions and 10 different clothing related toggles. It's not that hard to understand
Not to mention that every body part has to be drawn in separate pieces from multiple angles.
it always baffles me how so many VAs commission all the art that they do (and that people pay for them to). what's the benefit to the listening experience? unless of course the endgame is always streaming.
artists are spoiled assholes, that shit should not cost that much. I hope AI takes over.
its more of how long it takes, artist sometimes does 1-4 weeks on 1 commission alone and highly detailed and top of the line vtuber models takes months. I doubt you'll understand though.
touched a girl's stomach today guys(With Consent), lifes good.

steady on anon. don't get too wild on us, now.
how do you just touch a girl's stomach and nothing else, what was the context lol.
I asked if I could and she said yes, what is there to tell?
>lily danger kemono hasn't been updated in months
be the change you want. also, she's quite shit.
Another one for the slop bucket, lads
who posted another audio sucking a imaginary girl cock?
she's pretty good i find. she's the only va whose mommy stuff i like, since it's not filled with dom + good boy shit
I love this website because it's entirely possible this autistic retard walked up to some girl he didn't know, asked to touch her stomach and she said yes out of stock or fear and he just wanted off after awkwardly groping her tummy.

Nowhere else is this something someone would admit doing.
bets on whether there's gonna be some elden ring themed audios in a week?
I hope not, but probably likely
the common slop girls will 100% make ER audios
something something [maiden] tags
you have no concept of economy or skilled labor. why do you think so many millions go into video game production?
they might send me to the ER if I'm not careful
Is it me or is muffins slacking. She hasn't done a new audio for a whole month now wtf
she's too busy pissing in my mouth, sorry.
she frequently takes multi month longs breaks, she's busy getting chatted up by the "chad" vas
does anyone have a link to that one suicide forum? I can't take life without a Sleepy gf anymore.
Okay sleepy posters, I get it now. You're valid
I guess going to the gym for extra cake is working
zamn dat white girl got them buns on her
the destiny workout plan
>listening to sweeetbabylettuce audio
>starts talking about getting spanked
>says the phrase "tan my hide"
>instantly think of that dumbass will sennet oppenheimer tiktok and my boner deflates
after seeing her face i don't even understand why. sure her voice is what you'd want out of an egirl but there's undoubtedly hotter vas out there. she's like a 5-6/10. pissgirl next door vibes
she plays the mentally stunted 18 year old act pretty well and people love that shit
I generally like the audios she makes, but that whole daddy kink aspect makes me afraid of a patreon swing any day now
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Destiny(the streamer) was in that?
put some sheets on your mattress bitch
someone said she looks like she eats poop and genuinely she really does
you're not sneaky
I request audios like these please
she's been doing it for awhile idk i think she just likes those, hope she upgrades her mic though
her and bunnyghostie are two of the newer vas i like
we'll see. I still have to be optimistically cautious, because I'm afraid of the almighty dollar.
>muffins is private on twitter
shit I should've followed her
shes been privated for months(?) at this point after the tranny brigade harassed her
this one wasn't private for a while
muffins accept my follow please, I'm sorry for replying to you asking for you to pee on me.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. She's exactly my type. I've never really been into Hollywood's standard of beauty
does anyone have a copy of alekirser's college little sister ph video? seems to be taken down
I also love girls that look like chimpmunks
Ty for accepting it. This is why you're the perfect princess.
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she's the cutest chipmunk
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>new ivy audio
>48 minutes long
i do not have time for this shit
cope harder buddy
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>crying because too lazy to download his slop before it gets deleted
>c-cope harder b-buddy
did you finally realize you tagged the wrong post?
How is lillithmorningstarr not on kemono?
That's the one that's been private for months.
If you can remember the title I'll try to find it in my archive
it was something along the line of "Girlfriend's Little Sister College Girl"
Alright drop the audio. I'm not afraid to admit I don't mind diaper stuff as long as it only involves piss not shit. Muffins makes it tolerable by playing into the humiliation side of it
https://gofile. io/d/eY2pDQ
yeah, thanks
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she's the prettiest princess
>google finally forcing the new ui down my throat with no workarounds
muffins did this. i don't want your piss muffins.
nobody's her patron
i will look for it if i can. i like ally kirser's stuff too friend
I want her to sit on my lap while I kiss her neck
she has the bladder of a puppy dude if she gets even the slightest bit stimulated she'll wet herself right on your lap. don't fall for it
nigga wtf are you talking about
guessing he's talking about the youtube layout or something idk. i saw people complaining about it months ago but it's never showed up for me
new google chrome ui. it's called refresh and it looks like modern minimalist bullshit
i see, firefox wins again
I can't believe Muffins did that
she's a whore what else did you expect
you watch your mouth when talking about the piss princess you bum
Sounds like an excuse for a spanking.
I love goyslop.
I love alekirser
I love fromyourmouth
I love princesslovesteasing
I love muffins
I love catwithclaws
I love shibby
I love dungarees
I love the cia
I love lab grown meat
I love šoy
I love biden
t. guy who thinks he doesn't listen to slop and has patrician taste but actually just listens to slop as well
Muffins sitting on my lap while I play the new Elden Ring DLC. She's not allowed to leave in order to use to bathroom. She can leave to use the bathroom once I beat the DLC.
it doesnt even come out for another week bro calm down
enough time for her to hydrate
>princesslovesteasing’a kemono hasn’t been updated
It’s over
>2136 posts
What the actual fuck is happening on /t/?
Faggots spamming the thread. This isn't even a remotely long time for a thread to stay up. A few years ago these threads were staying up for multiple months at a time
all me
Does she even post these days?
>A few years ago these threads were staying up for multiple months at a time
Bump limit was hit over a month ago and the thread is still here. You're complaining that you have to move threads once a month?
>You're complaining
You say that like it's a bad thing
who is genuinely just a terrible va? not some girl you think is "slop," just a va who you think is extremely bad at what they do
>Faggots spamming the thread
Implied to me that you cared.
every single trannie
am I the only one who thinks muffin's pics doesn't match her face? I can't imagine the voice coming out of her, it just doesn't fit. I need to see a video of her talking to believe it.
intense eye contact joi from muffins with a cum countdown
The baby little girl retard voice she does doesn't match, I agree. But if you listen to the ones where she's using her natural voice like in that older cousin one it's easy to imagine it coming from her.
I want muffins to sit on my face
I want to put a collar and leash on muffins and make her crawl around for me.
how the FUCK does muffins have an audio with 400k listens
because niggas would rather listen to the same audio a billion times than hit play on most of what's out there, aka slop.
here its been posted
Because the slop to kino ratio is now so skewed. Basically this anon is right >>1311986
Muffins please do more of this stuff. You're the piss princess yes, but I'd love to hear more of you just being cute.
you niggas are down horrendously
that's why we're here
>You will never eat goyslop with Muffins
>You will never vote together for Biden with Muffins
>You will never wake up drenched in Muffin’s piss
>You will never drink her goyslop-tasting piss
>You will never eat lab grown meat with muffins
>You will never drink onions mixed with Muffin’s piss
>You will never tease her by calling her your little piss princess
It’s so over…
me when I found Muffins
you'd think muffins was actually hot based on how these 14 year olds fawn over her
ikr, they don't know the days when megan fox and jenna jameson was absolute the gyatt of the beeznees /s
so any news on the latest drama? anything to get away from muffinsposting
a shitshow in a week and a half when the poll gwa are running ends and they share their findings
can't wait for the tranny contempt toward all the listeners again
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I hate calling them va's but here's an opportunity to make a collage of the ones who are washed. keep in mind this doesn't show their plus values, I liked them all at some point
pretty much same. I never liked sloth but liked the rest initially. that's all gone now.
Nothing short of banning all trannies can save gwa at this point.
I would love nothing more than for them to allow everything possible again and watching the trannies melt.
Respectable slop list, brother.
You're talking about a total of like three people each of whom has commented tens of thousands of times, it's really not that interesting.
Muffins is the prettiest princess
what are YOU talking about nigga
I saw a mod comment on a "gwa charter" that was basically "we're all adults and by entering this sub you agree to seeing things you might not agree with" which is how it used to be
the dream.
That would mean mentally ill people wouldn't have an excuse to be mad and victimize themselves. We can't have that. I want to be oppressed.
There's wildfae, ellyble, and who else?
lamiacy, one of the new mods
Wtf did ellyble do (besides turning from kino improv into generic slop)? You're thinking of Elby the streetshitter
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average gwa mod
found the Muffins hentai. The girl looks exactly like her and we could live this story but she's playing.
I'm so glad I live with my boyfriend at my parents' house, am unemployed and fuck trannies on the side!!

I think you meant elby, although thinking it's ellyble is a funny thought
>I'm so glad I live with my boyfriend at my parents' house, am unemployed and fuck trannies on the side!!
the west has fallen
billions must worship the pee princess
Right, forgot that one. So that's what I said, three.
i'm sure there's more but i'm not about to go back to the futa thread and stalk their twitters where they circle jerk about this shit. but sure, it's only three people
These people are so demented. Imagine virtue signaling online that you love getting dicked by AGP men while being a bum, in a relationship, who lives with your parents.
>jesterbells has new mommy content
for the love of god is kemono back yet
people don't talk enough about how most of these troons on leddit are just men who fetishize that shit and women only wanna indulge that shit because it's also their fetish to fuck feminine men while also virtue signaling as an "ally" for the lgtv+ community.
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which va would you want to give you a blowjob while you play the elden ring dlc?
>their twitters where they circle jerk about this shit
so, not GWA users, but random insane people on twitter
current posting: muffins
OG: Sleepy
cutesy art hoes give the craziest bjs
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>trying to quit porn
>break down and check kemono
>emma fielder released an hour long sequel to "emma calls her bio-dad"
i'm done for. i am not strong enough to tell myself never to listen to something like that.
phone sex as an AUDIO is so incredibly lame
Currently posting, funny man you are
normally i'd agree but she sells it. anyways, this new one in in person sex (supposedly, i still haven't listened).
Is lolapepsicola the new muffins?
check out wendyslostboys
Now all audios should be realeased:
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She's certainly showing some promise but we do not yet have concrete proof of her mental illness.
I think it's crazy that rape and blackmail is encouraged but shit like blushing and futa are at risk for getting banned
Any link?
does anyone have the newer files of Eve's Garden (eraudica) ?
it's almost like when they first started banning things and people called it a slippery slope, the people were right.
You don't quit porn little grass hopper. you don't stop jerking off either. Just slow down on it. And audio porn is the best for taking it slow and building up that libido to a point where you don't need to look at something.
why am i so drawn to something i know will hurt me...
There's no new muffins, the princess is one and only.
cuz we all gonna die eventually
You mean you're not interested in these future classics: "Listen Roomie, I'm Becoming A Succubus! Hurry & Let Me Milk Your Cock !!" and "Listen Dude, You're Supposed To Help Me Study, Not Stretch My Tight Pussy Open"?
I hate her because she's french
nta but when she cancelled "Hate Fuck Me If You Want, I'm Still Going To Be The Throat Goat", I was pissed
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bruh moment
she actually posts audios, doesn't seem to be retarded or a piss girl, so for the time being she's about 100x better
I don't know what it is with every lola on this community they all have some weird voice thing going on. This one sounds like they use a pitch mod
They aren't even trying to hide the brainwashing and indoctrination anymore. I find it funny how no one wants to talk about how much GWA and audio porn blew up on places like tik tok that are full of kids which resulted in audios getting hundreds of thousands of listens and how those same kids are the ones seeing shit like that being posted now.
>Muh kids
Yes, they(specially girls) are the ones watching the tik toks and youtube videos of male VAs saying naughty shit that in a memey video then finding gwa through it and later getting pipe lined into trannies. It's always the kids with these people. It's always their end goal without fail and they don't even try to hide it. Sick freaks.
Nobody cares
As you guys seemed to like it so much an update has come, filled with courage I have now touched a girls thigh for the first time in my life(again with consent), lifes good me happy

2tytmt(so close to tmnt :{ )
Of course you want people to not care you tranny, you want to run around grooming kids and mind fucking retarded people into indulging in your sick fetish. I genuinely hope you get cancer and die you freak.
Now say it without crying
>hide the brainwashing and indoctrination anymore
it's gone full circle. before they were actually the antithesis to those sissy hypno dommes and decentivized that content from engaging with the subreddit and now they're becoming them
Ugly pagpag eater
I would destroy ally's tiny pinoy body with my fat cock
Why are you so obsessed with hating Ally and Filipinos in general? Did you get rejected by a filipino girl or this some third world shithole ethnic resentment?
yeah I don't get the hate. She does slop, yes. But pinoys are hot you can't deny that,
I'm pretty sure it's only 1 mentally ill guy that is behind all those posts.
her simps itt are obnoxious, so by relation she's catching a lot of hate
Ally is a perfect centaur queen
They eat food straight from the garbage can. Literally on the same level of trannies
Please kill yourself as soon as possible
I consider you guys my friends

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