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Remember T.M. Revolution? This is HIS FATHER. GET IN HERE, FAGGOTS.
The greatest trio* of thirty-something men to do it in J-pop, with their 'canon' discography ripped in FLAC for what I believe to be the first time (at least on a public torrent)

*not including Komuro's wife
Considering this old-timey weeboid music is FOUR DECADES old, (and I'm guessing most of it's fans are pushing TWO MORE DECADES more than that in age), it's okay I guess. A lot of the music here is showing it's age. It doesn't seem any worse than the "citypop" stuff that gets posted in /t/ every so often.

Thanks Anon for this collection. I've copied it to my phone and use it as work commute music for a few days.

VHS fansubs are long gone but this music will live on.
I think they really came into their own with Carol personally, everything before that is very pick & choose in terms of listenability
I hope you enjoy it.
I think the music has aged better than the anime IMHO.
Somewhere in my collection is a DVD rip of "Digitialian is Eating Breakfast" (live concert video). That's the only way I knew who this was when I saw your post. I think the video for "i want you back" is on youtube where he crawls on the keyboards during the song... so odd, lol
Currently listening to: GetWild'89.flac
I'm a fucking idiot. I never made that connection before.
>the music has aged better than the anime
The fact that it even got an OVA, as much of a low-budget joke as it is, really places it in its time as an artifact if nothing else
>the video for "i want you back" is on youtube where he crawls on the keyboards during the song
I had never seen this fucking lmfao
Fun fact: the Swedish ballerina that played Carol in TM Network's Carol tours 35 years ago has around two thousand followers on twitter, and they're all old Japanese ladies fawning over her and reminiscing

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