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File: cover.jpg (1.27 MB, 748x1024)
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1.27 MB JPG
官能教習 Sensual Training Patch (1.0.0). Contains the following fixes:
1. Custom install/uninstall/launch scripts to allow for effortless setup.
2. Bundled Locale Emulator x2.5.0.1 (https://xupefei.github.io/Locale-Emulator/) with config to allow for launching the game without needing to mess around with Windows system locale settings.
3. Registry keys to allow the game to be installed outside of Program Files (x86) so that saving functionality works.
4. Binary-patched WIN_KAN.EXE to allow it to run on 64-bit systems.

All testing has been completed on Windows 11 22H2 and 23H2.

1. To install, right click 1-INSTALL.bat and run as administrator.
2. To play, just open 2-PLAY.bat. No need to run this one as administrator.
3. To uninstall, right click 3-UNINSTALL.bat and run as administrator.

Original /vr/ thread that challenged me to get the game working on modern systems:

As a "first try" of reverse engineering an old application, I'm happy with how it came out and what I was able to learn from the process of trying to get this working.

What is this program?
It's an eroge
I'll check it out. Bump
Aw, the magnet doesn't work.
Never mind torrent on my end had an update and screwed me up.
Do Popotan next.
Incredibly based thread that is not dying today
looks cool but my game is in japanese?? thought this was a translation
Not a translation, just a patch to get it to run on modern systems. Anyone is welcome to reuse what is here for a translation though.

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