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Previous thread https://archived.moe/t/thread/1149167/

Having a single thread dedicated to answering everyone's questions seems to reduce the number of "please help" threads on /t/. Post your question here, rather than making a new thread.
porn-packs-magnets net is down. Do you have any similar site to torrent porn packs ?
Is there a better way to acquire TV shows than finding and downloading individual episodes? Torrents of whole shows, whole disc rips, and whole seasons don't seem as popular
rip doge
Look for TV packs. Torrent Galaxy has a setting in the search bar that you can select to only download tv packs.
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how do i go on torrentgalaxy without a vpn?
It works fine when i use a vpn, but now that i found out that i dont get in trouble for torrenting without one, i cancelled my vpn subscription. Only problem is that this message pops up.
Get an free VPN such as ProtonVPN, it'll allow you to browse rhe site though it turns off immediately after it recognises you're doing a P2P connection.

Although you should have a VPN that supports P2P stuff, just in case. My personal choice is Mullvad for it's cheap pricing, and it not being subscription based.
any advice on vpns? both proton and air seem good due to their ability to port forward, not sure which one i should go with
doesn't have port forwarding anymore
I'm trying to find audiobooks in German. Has anyone here come across them? I've been searching for a while but all I'm finding are in English.

I've seen one(Hexenfanger) on Audiobookbay but it's been removed for some reason.
Do any of you have that classical music torrent thread saved?
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>To answer your question, walk over to >>>/t/
im here, now where do get cracked adobe lightroom?
the monkrus version kept getting disabled even after following the faq

Not very hard to find.
what are the current size drives that give the most bang?

also is see a discussion about wd vs seagate, what if i buy the same amount of both and put them in a nas.
so that they cant be of teh same batch
Anyone has dump of Udemy practice tests for AWS i.e. Maarek's? I DON'T want an exam dump, I mean the practice tests. I'm looking for SAA-C03 but others are ok too.
I know too use a VPN when downloading movies and stuff, but if I'm downloading a porn torrent, should I still use it, or am I alright without it?
Porn companies shut down torrents more than movie studios shut down movie torrents
Looking for an alternative myself, seems porn-packs-magnets is down for good
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Very simple, dumb question
How do I make a torrent?
I tried a few years ago but it didn't work for whatever reason
>How do I make a torrent?
What client are you using?
Where do I pirate sports? Especially fights like mma and shieeet? Is there a nice streaming site or torrent one?
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Did 1337x just die?
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It's over torrent bros...
HDD vs SSD vs microSD, 1TB each for simplicity's sake.
What is the proper use for each, as far as downloading and storage?
HDD - actually storing data
SSD - 20gb for operating system because you are running Linux, the rest for more storage.
Microsd - backups, shove it in your peehole for safe keeping
Sorry if it's been asked before but where can one go that isn't the pirate bay for general tv shows and movies?
1337x, Torrent Galaxy, EZTV, Lime Torrents. Just google "best torrenting sites" and you'll find some sites
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Probably a stupid question, but why do people use blender instead of torrenting zbrush and maya, especially since many blender plugins are behind a paywall anyway (x-muscle system, etc)
I only use torrentgalaxy and torrentleech (if you do get this, best to setup a torrent program you can run in the background with ninety 11mb or higher torrents, they'll never upload anything but you get TL points to exchange for keeping your ratio up to avoid bans and for buffer when you actually want to download stuff from it) and I've rarely needed torrentleech anyway.
using cracked programs will always, always, be far more risky than just getting the thing that's 100% free. if something goes wrong with blender you can just look it up or even ask since everyone's on the same level of ownership of it, but with a cracked program there's always the chance of a crash or a bug and now have to wonder if it's a maya/zbrush issue or you just got a bit unlucky with a poorly-optimized crack.
also, even if some plugins are paywalled there are way more that aren't, and blender is FOSS so it's much easier for people to do their own scripts or changes or whatever.

another thing is that there are many people who just prefer open source alternatives because of the community and because they (have more of an opportunity to) know exactly what they're getting into, even if the overall thing isn't as versatile or widely used as the bigger thing, like with linux, openBSD, krita, gimp, and so on.
Do people still use blocklists and if so, any links to them?
Thank you, I went with blender after I found a way to make it work on Windows 7.
No problem, and yes I should also have said blender is far easier on resources than the alternatives. Don't have any stats on it but I had a shitty $100 laptop from 2018 that could easily render out most anything I did in the default blender renderer and this was before version 3+ came out when it wasn't as well optimized. Though, if you're working on a real project and not just fucking around then your mileage may vary!
Is this thread still active?

How do I join a private group?
I have a VPS from OVHCloud with 100mbps. I'd assuming using it as a seedbox would be a no-no. Has anybody had success using a VPS as a
seedbox without getting caught?
can anyone please get me this course?


I'll buy you a soda
Torrent Galaxy is down for a few days, does anyone know other sites that I can find packs easily?
Which VPN do you guys use?
Port forwarding that much of a deal breaker?
Mullvad is good and cheap
Is there a "best place" to get obscure, unlikely to find, rare, never been re-syndicated or put in a box set TV shows because they got cancelled or sold off or something went wrong with them?

I'm looking for:
The Odyssey
Breaker High
Student Bodies
John Doe
UC: Undercover
Black Sash

and several others, but a good place to start would be great.
Which thread do I go to request an onlyfans to be ripped before it gets deleted?
I'm looking to share the Smiling Friends season 1 DVD commentary but I don't know where. 1337x, Bitsearch, Torrent Galaxy and TPB have a broken registration system, and I'm not sure about other torrent sites. Honestly I haven't uploaded a torrent in like 10 years, can anyone help me out?
Elden Ring DLC coming out and i am broke. i already have the base game on steam. can i use a pirated version of the dlc on my steam copy without getting banned? or is it better to download the pirated version of the game with the dlc ?
Anyone got a VEGAS torrent? My install started acting up and I think I deleted the installer for it sometime ago.
It's a bit larger than the version I have. It's still loading the metadata after a couple hours, and the .torrent file is nowhere to be found on that website or the ones it links to so I don't know what its contents are, but mine has both the commentary and original audio, plus chapter markers I added since it's a single continuous video.

I still don't know how to add it to trackers, but here's the magnet link for what it's worth:
And a wetransfer link because why not:
Find someone who is a member of private sites, you should be able to find a lot of them there, so maybe he/she would be helping you!?
(Had a look at r/trackers?)
what are some good legal torrents to seed to get my ratio up?
official torrents
Think Linux ISO images or games that offer torrent downloads
Try seeding the latest versions of software like Libre office or blender.
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How do I maximize my upload speed? I'm seeding tons of media and want to help as much as I can
I've been seeding a Lain collection Torrent for God knows how long but it doesn't seem like other people are actually downloading it properly, as there's a 3 digit amount of peers and not a single seeder, how do I help with properly seeding it?
Still no option to porn-packs-magnets is up ?
As someone who moved from Maya/zBrush to Blender
>Blender simply has more resources now. Who cares if Pixar uses Maya when there's no real way for you as a hobbyist to learn those tricks or use those proprietary plugins
>Even if you were hell-bent on rendering like Pixar, Renderman has a Blender plugin now
>Sites like Open3dLab run mainly on Blender
>Blender can do everything these two can do, and in many ways is surpassing them now
>No cracks to jump through
>Eevee shits on anything non-raytrace competitor, and it uses the same materials as cycles if you ever upgrade your GPU
>Rigging, sims, etc in Blender are a LOT easier (and a LOT less susceptible to pitfalls) and just as powerful as Maya and BiFrost or whatever

tl;dr Blender started gaining the momentum to surpass shit like Maya and zBrush a few years back and hasn't stopped. Anyone you see married to Maya in 2024 is simply coping.
Where the hell and how the hell do I even search for stuff similar like in https://www.happydownloads.net/ ?
I know where to get movies, audio, books and shit but not this type of stuff.
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i got american dad a while ago but noticed a lot of episodes were missing per season. must've been a bad torr yes? same with frasier, didn't notice episodes missing but it said the index was messed up and the videos hang on vlc
Not specifically torrents, but a piracy-adjacent question. I use Freetube to download music from youtube, and to get around their shitty anti-adblocking, but the video-downloading feature is total ass. You can only download either video OR audio, but not both. This works fine for music, but there is a series of videos that I want to rip for a project that I am working on and none of the full-video downloaders I used back in the day seem to still exist. Is there a way to download youtube videos in more than 360p quality, with sound?
Nvm I discovered Jdownloader
i mean that's cool for now but i really think you'd be better off using the command line and ytmdl for music, and yt-dlp for everything else.
This shit is pretty impenetrable, why is there not a GUI with a button I can press instead of fucking around with the command line? I cannot be the only person demanding this product, how can no-one have built it yet?
is there any chance for TVPaint to be cracked? I'm not paying the studio price. Also CSP is suck at animation.
Had no problem accessing nyaa.si a couple of days ago but now I just get errors, tried VPN as well.
Anyone with the same problem or is it just me?
well on mobile newpipe does what you're asking with just a few buttons, but on desktop i'd assume it works well enough for most people that the only people who would know how to program a gui for it are already terminal wizards, sorry lol. for what it's worth, it'd be for the best to learn some terminal basics anyway.

not sure what's wrong for you because it works on my machine, with and without vpn.
qbittorrent keeps crashing my computer when trying to recheck large (~1TB) torrents. i've even done a full re-install of my OS (ubuntu-based) and changed out my GPU (yes, i have the right drivers).
is this a known issue for qbit? or am i doing something wrong?
I have qBit 4.2.3 and it does just fine with large torrents. I downloaded and am currently sharing the SNL pack. 1.681 TB. No issues with sharing or rechecking.


If anyone cares I am using ProtonVPN and it was easy to setup and did not need any tweaking for me to use it with my torrent client. Everything just worked. And they have a one year package thats like half price or slightly less than half.
Whats a decent VPN to use? Im looking to get cracked versions of software cause im too jew-y
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Here's a stupid question. /r/ is for ADULT request. Where do you go for normal torrent request (NOT porn)?

My cracked Photoshop CS6 torrent no longer works (the register trial step fails to open Adobe webpage). I'm yet to find a torrent that does work. Anyone have a working photoshop torrent? Doesn't have to be CS6.
Have you checked M0nkrus or GenP?
Use MediaDownloader, get it from github. It uses yt dlp
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Where do you guys get your movies from? For example, this nice site t0rr3ntg4l4xy still not showing actual rips, and there are on 1337. Are there any other with a nice layout?
download more internet
if you want port forwarding, airvpn seems to be the only good option, not the cheapest tho
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HMmm... torrent only trough Telegram.
Yet another stupid social media app.
what happened to the language learning general?
My ISP is throttling my torrents HARD. Is there a way to circumvent this?
Try changing the default port, forcing encryption, or using a VPN. Maybe a seedbox.
What's the largest French tracker? I'd like to download some movies or TV shows to practice
if i make a site with servers and domain registration in a country like sweden and let people upload movies and tv and shit like that, are there any legal problems i could get in? or would i have to host the site in russia or vietnam or something?
basically i'm just asking if there are any servers i could keep a website on where a company legally couldn't do much as long as i don't openly say shit like "hey everyone look at me i'm the new pirate bay!"
Tried changing ports, forcing encryption, disabling/enabling router NAT and port forwarding, even installed NordVPN.

I was able to reach high speeds with a single downloader who only had the U and X flags. Maybe that's a hint?
It would make more sense to host the links and not the actual files
is there a difference legally? for the record i wanted to host links only anyway to save on bandwidth, i just didn't specify since i assumed it would be the same thing.
so when i set qbittorrent to use my vpn there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY it will download when the vpn is off, correct? sometimes i need to switch it off. Right now I always totally exit qbittorrent which is annoying because sometimes it stays running in the background.
I imagine it's the difference between selling someone crack and pointing them to your friend who sells crack.
Is uTorrent any good?
It's listed in the sticky and I'm too cheap to pay for a torrent client
if you've properly set it to stop on vpn disconnect, then yes it will fully stop with no chance of starting again. if you're still paranoid about it then you don't have to turn off qbittorrent though, you can just click the pause all torrents button when disconnecting your vpn.

no it's shit, absolutely stay away. use qbittorrent (probably the best), transmission, deluge, ktorrent, or pretty much any other client. i'm also not really sure which paid clients you've seen since all the good ones are free, but you'd still probably be paying for a vpn if you don't want to risk your isp sending you letters when you torrent something by a litigious company.
is thepiratebay accepting registrations right now? there's a thread about jannies manually creating new accounts on the piratebay forum but it was locked a year ago
Is there any real reason to get a seedbox over just a VPN?

What VPN do you all use? All Google results disagree with the /t/ sticky, so I'm trying to narrow it down.
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So I downloaded The French Connection off RuTracker and it came in this "wholesale BluRay" form instead of one .mkv file like usual. How do I run this properly? When I tried opening the entire folder with VLC, it sort of worked, but it just played the movie instead of opening the menu like I expected it would (so that I could access the settings and additional material).
anyone got the olympic opening ceremony 2024 recorded? I hate the post livestream cuts they shoved us after the ceremony. some details might been loopholed on purpose.

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