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Are any of these actually infected with viruses? I need DiskGenius to save an important external hard drive but I can't afford the paid version right now. I get warnings on all of them but I wanna know if they are false positives.
They are all perfectly fine to download anon, nothing to worry about.
NO he's lying, everyone on the internet lies
Or you could grab a good 128 gig usb stick like sandisk ultra and install ventoy on there:

And then get all of the big boy power tools in one ISO and stick it on the ventoy usb and boot into it:

I have a slightly older version of HBCD, but for safety's sake you should make sure to use the updated version. Ventoy can be used for other OS installation ISOs too.
>you need to check the exe, crack and patch with a better service. virustotal.com is pretty good.

win defender and most other antivirus will mark cracks as malware.

>or you could run the software in VM environment before installing on your rig.

>also there is a thread for questions like this. you just killed a thread on this board that was probably of some value.
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my magnet link was too long to fit in post. this the files i ran through virus total.

>it had the potential to be adware but its not a virus.
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8mm (1999)


>magnet was too long
Pff. No antivirus, blindly downloading torrents in partial Cyrillic for 20 years.
I have been robbed 5 times.

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