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File: 1718400940405_0.png (1.15 MB, 635x632)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB PNG

There are two files.

The first is adobe_creative_cloud.zip, a compressed zip archive that contains 19.9 GB of lossless PNG images. These images have randomized dimensions between 512px and 1024px in both width and height. 19.9 GB just so happens to be short of the 20 GB limit of the default Adobe Creative Cloud storage provided at their introductory level. These random garbage noise images maximize damage done to AI during training. In addition to poisoning, which causes generated results to misalign with the intent of the prompter; these images exist to reduce generated image quality. When image generating AI trains on noisy images, they become grainy, blurry, hallucinate content, or and generate random content.

The second file is adobe_creative_clod_generator.py a Python 3.10 program which generated the 12,100 images contained in the adobe_creative_cloud.zip archive. To use this software, you will need to install the relevant python libraries. If you do not know how to do this, don't use it. It also probably only runs on windows. Not sure. The c variable will change the number of image the software generated. I did not write the program for anyone's convenience. Although, it is commented.
It's on the July list of 160 trackers.
torrent seems to be dead. ive been waiting for a while and im still stuck on fetching metadata

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