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Night of Fire edition

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Nick's recent appearance on Shane and Matt's podcast:

JFC, can't let the board be without a Sam rimjob for less than a few minutes, can you. I really hope you trannies are getting paid for this, because doing this for free is the most pathetic thing I can think of, short of being Pigman Sam himself
>every single MDE fan is white
Gee, I wonder if that makes Sam happy, knowing there's no cool asian bodybuilder who's into his stuff
Sammy has so many disgruntled exes that they monitor all 4chinz boards in 6 hour shifts. You are more up to date with his content than any superfan he has
how is GRIMES - Our Lady of Perpetual Chaos Shirt more mde or com98 than anything sam has made in the last 10 years
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RIP epstein shirt and this one are way cooler

Pigman's been coasting on the fact he did an Adult Swim show, what, 15 years ago? And the sequel is coming any day now, just like it has been for over a fucking decade. Sam's a worthless fucking tool who has to resort to getting people to post these threads endlessly, and the fact that people pay for this unfunny shit is baffling and pathetic in equal measure.
If you hate him so much, why are you following everything he does?
"taking steroids to fight a shorter guy"
you forgot he just got arrested for assault at his own stand up tour
silk screening on shirts found at goodwill is still cooler
Every time you open up /t/, his idiot piggy face stares right back at you, because one of his jizzmoppers refuses to let the fucking threads die and makes another the second the thread vanishes from the catalogue. because god forbid we go 20 seconds without someone trying to make him sound like his life is worth anything. And we all you it's because the other boards are sick of this shit too. It's one thing when /tv/ doesn't want your one-note mediocre act, but even /pol/ is sick of his unfunny boomer-ass shit
Yeah but could you please post thr torrent for the PGL where Sam gives advice on how to solicit a homosexual prostitute from okcupid, especially the part on price negotiation and hygiene etiquette
A very happy Father's Day to Dr. Fred Hyde and I hope he has a great time with the children that didn't disappoint him.
come on stop being mean its fathers day say happy fathers day to your dad
>dude get a skill
>dude stack money and resources
>dude your time is gold don't waste so much of it online
>get out of discord and social media groups
>get off prescription and illegal drugs weed is so bad for you Nick uses it but he built a house ok?
>avoid e-whores and bpd art hoes
>btw buy my NFT's
>and shit merch (it's shit on purpose though lol)
>buy a superchat on my stream for 50 dollars for some vague advice I've given 100 times before for free
>check out my fishtank show and buy TTS
>join my MDE/NFT/Fishtank Discords
>follow my wigger crew on twitter/insta/tiktok
>my wigger crew is made up of perc/xanax/lean/cokeheads, but it's ironic lol
>hey check out these e-whores go watch their streams and donate
>WP2?.... hmmm It'll be out soon, but come watch my standup where I do my peeing michael bit, I'm SO close to meeting Joe Rogan
>8 mins in
>nigger worship starts
it's feds all the way down
>is surprised
sir this is an mde thread
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fak you amkericunt your waifu and femboy suck on BBC
>jay dyer accidentally revealed that the rumours about dollar stream being owned by nick rochefort are true
How many of these reupload channels are owned by MDE?
I heard this is a stealth diaperplay thread... Is this true?

I think Sam and Charles will make some great stuff together, but there’s absolutely no way they remain friends for life after that move Charles pulled. I feel like resiliency to stuff like that only lasts so long until one of you slights the other and unravels all the animosity you two had
Clip channels either receive copyright claims, get an email from Sam to work for him if they're successful, or they're owned by MDE to boost visibility. It's highly unlikely there are genuine clip channels for The Palace and it's plausible Sam commissioned someone to run these channels to increase viewership.
yes this is the heart of abdl on 4chan
welcome to sam's dirty diaper closet
can someone do the needful and upload new PGL ep please sirs?
PGL_0081_IlluminatiForPoorPeople (CRF25).mp4
Is anyone able to seed the scuffed realtor episodes / house reviews? Most of the ones in the archive are dead
cute slime
>Every time you open up /t/, his idiot piggy face stares right back at you
These threads are up 1-2 months at a time. Hiding this thread takes one second with shift+left click in the catalog. Instead of spending under 20 seconds a year to hide these threads, you come here to seethe like a retard. You have only yourself to blame
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For fucks sake
sorry i dont have any standup bootlegs
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More like sit down and listen when she’s talking
couldn't stand this guy, deleted it a couple minutes in. the guy is so obviously full of shit and that's coming from a guy who'd believe some of the shit charls talks about. "oh ummmm ummmm well don't tell anybody but believe it or not the cia actually used to do psych*logical exp*riments" oh really? and then he starts talking about some "energies on a spiritual plane" shit. is sam just doing it for clout or does he genuinely think this shit is interesting/entertaining
ok sorry
Standup bootlegs are locked away in Sam's ass. The key to his ass is Edie's cock and balls. How do we make this happen?
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It’s okay you tried and that’s all that matters
So I have all the PGLs, and the Ecstacy of Car and Adult Swim MDE episodes. What else is actually decent? Is there are archive with all of the original street videos?
Sam respects Jay Dyer more than he respects Charls or Donald Trump, I don't get it either, I think Jay just gives proper fuel for Sam's own echochamber
sams original youtube was taking down

but sam has every video save in his autistic file system he just refuses to reupload anything
I've been sitting at 98.2% for 2 hours, someone seed for ten minutes please
When you realize this world is nothing but grifters 99% of the time you can either become a grifter yourself, be homeless or live in a shed waynelambrightmaxxing or live in a car or take the wagies path. Those are the suffering paths though.

Gibs option is to rely on your parents, in that case you are very very lucky because there's not many parents let alone people that would support you out of pure love. Parents that give everything for their kids even their own lives and earnings just to make sure their children are okay no matter the age have a huge heart. They are on their way to enlightenment and nirvana, huge good karma. They work for money yet have no need for it. Someone who works to give because they are not of the material world. You either work and starve for the money, reject it or transcend it to do good.

So Buddhism is at the end of everything you see.
QRD on Big Purple?
Eat my shit and asshair, /t/ isn't supposed to be a refuge for unfunny cunt-faced pigmen kicked out of other boards because they wouldn't stop spamming threads about an unfunny e-celeb.
>>dude get a skill
Nothing wrong with this
>>dude stack money and resources
Good advice
>>dude your time is gold don't waste so much of it online
Sound advice
>>get out of discord and social media groups
Also sound advice
>>get off prescription and illegal drugs weed is so bad for you Nick uses it but he built a house ok?
Nick is his friend why would he bash his friend for smoking weed
>>avoid e-whores and bpd art hoes
Good advice too
>>btw buy my NFT's
Actual scam project he stopped halfway through mint for some contract problem as an excuse to halt it
>>and shit merch (it's shit on purpose though lol)
Merch is actually good quality compared to 99% of usual merchandise
>>buy a superchat on my stream for 50 dollars for some vague advice I've given 100 times before for free
Dont buy a superchat lol
>>check out my fishtank show and buy TTS
Fishtank was disappointing agreed and the prices sucked
>>join my MDE/NFT/Fishtank Discords
$20 discord lmfao
>>follow my wigger crew on twitter/insta/tiktok
Dont use social media
>>my wigger crew is made up of perc/xanax/lean/cokeheads, but it's ironic lol
When did he say its ironic also im pretty sure as long as it isnt a serious drug habit where it ruins his work i dont think he cares
>>hey check out these e-whores go watch their streams and donate
PR to look good like he isnt treeating them like trash i guess?
>>WP2?.... hmmm It'll be out soon, but come watch my standup where I do my peeing michael bit, I'm SO close to meeting Joe Rogan
Yeah the standup is rough hate it ngl
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> Yeah the standup is rough hate it ngl
I’d like to see it.
>When did he say its ironic
Joeyy said on an og PGL episode that he buys lean ironically because that shit is overpriced and barely gets you high, it's just a flex in rap's world. Also Laker clearly has a drug problem and Ben has admitted on HK2 about having alcohol problems. Who cares I just want WP2 fuck the rest of it MDE is dead for ten years now
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I haven't seen any channel other than The New Pill create thumbnails with this exact template. It could just be a coincidence or it's one of the guys running both channels.
are you kidding look at ahgeezdood hes using the same exact assets and thumbnails as the main channel. id bet hes either sam bic/chris.for certain

and new pill is definitely sam ive thought that for years
Title and thumb i assumed this was np lol
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Getting real tired of this squabbling. Come forth with the bootlegs lest ye be slippin’
The first wave of New Pill videos were well made and had complete knowledge of older Sam videos and everything related to Hyde Wars that it'd have to be Sam himself or some kind of super fan who had a complete timeline of every clip memorized to weave a decade of videos into a coherent message
its probably just some autistic person
The Luke Smith stuff was insightful but he doesn’t look the part.
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Grifting is just another word for consulting. When you hit expertise (and you’ll know it), you see the value of your experiential knowledge and how that can supercharge another’s path. Whether they take your knowledge and utilize it determines how mature they are.

Grifter implies shell game or some purposeful obfuscation. Buddhism is a dead end and offers no solutions other than reaching enlightenment, which is best summarized as “attaining enlightenment is the ego’s greatest disappointment.”

As you can see with MDE content, helping others is the greatest service towards holiness. Do good and you’ll find life unfolds to you in mysterious, hilarious ways.
I'm 100% sure Ah Geez Dood and DollarStream are editors on MDE payroll but it's just my opinion. Rocky Stream fumbled the bag because he is an overdramatic delusional autistic guy and thought being a janny on the Fishtank website was a sign from the stars thay he was the missing link of MDE. New Pill wanted more money than Sam offered him to buy the channel/hire him as official editor and he just went with Lil Shitpost because his channel was the one driving revenue and clicks the most. None of these guys who operate the reupload channels are MDE members, they're just hired editors at most or just autistic fans.
Surely someone saved them?
Dude you figured everything out
> now what?
Now you discover Joni Mitchell with Jaco
Fuck off, Sam, you're not funny and your attempt pseudo-intellectualism just shows you up for the smoothbrain you really are.
The new pill guy is a mod maker for the multiplayer half life game Sven or whatever I remember when he stopped the original new pill he posted his main channel and everyone was telling him how surprised they were
I went to the show in Tampa and it was disappointing
yeah but how bad did Sam wreck his asshole on Big Purple that he needed all those diapers??
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Not Sam
> pic rel
Who is Big Purple?
np stopped becasue he got demonetized. his new shitty rehash channel is monetized. he responds like sam and is either another delusional prick or sam himself.
also i am sure another one of you remember the live stream where sam fake doxes np. he did that right before np started his second channel clearly a diversion for himself probably jet.
Is there a collection of Chad King's videos or is it just Mr. Hydeberg?
nobody bothers to archive franks stuff
Unfunny faggots back at it again. Kill yourselves.
Charls' credibility amounts to zero when he started believing in kiwifarms conspiracies about effina and some other retarded bullshit.
The Nick tranny porn search history still hasn't been addressed and probably never will
Sam gets real quiet around tranny topics. If you look at people that take trenbalone acetate, they all want to start fucking trannies (This isn't new information either, ask around irl or bodybuilding forums)
Charls is probably abusing meth or fentanyl.
I only watch the PGL's with Charls since there is actually effort put in rather than literally eating a sandwhich or lipsmacking or talking about cars for 2 hours
But you'd have to be autistic as fuck to not see the tension between them. They're adults, and mature enough to understand business, and Charls essentially sold his soul to Sam and is dealing with an incredible amount of shame and it shows on him.
>MK Ultra
>Alan Watts, Terrance Mckenna and co. indoctrinating hundreds of thousands with their nihilistic beliefs veiled as enlightenment
>Joe Rogan and co pushing psychadelics heavily for the past decade ruining hundreds of thousands of lives permanently severing critical neural pathways
Jay Dyer is a retard, but you're also pretty fucking stupid and have no critical thinking capabilities
>See someone getting raped
>Do nothing because it's just the universe experiencing itself
Bhuddism is gay, and you're a dumb nigger. Nirvana is a demon. (You) are not God. The Lotus Society (your pagan religions' creators) are all faggots that gargle each others semen
Christ is Lord of Lords.
what? no i'm saying that's obvious as shit. it's clear he knows nothing and probably hasn't even made an attempt to look any deeper into it just judging by what he said on pgl when they were asking him for "crazy conspiracy theories". people have known all of this for billions of years, almost literally
Psychedelics are useful for self-exploration. In fact, most experiences under these drugs mimic “peak experiences” (coined by Maslow), which are powerfully transformative. Those who can’t handle them tend to be the same as those who can’t handle high levels of stress or those with hidden inner worlds long-concealed. Personally, I was able to bond with friends and gfs in ways that induced new layers of empathy due to long-held habits. To deny this is just wrong.

Believe it or not, Buddhism is interrelated with Christianity. “The kingdom of heaven is within” (Luke 17:21) mirrors Buddhist doctrine as an inner state of consciousness. Suffering is also integral to both doctrines, as an inescapable feature of human experience. It is often said that suffering brings us closer to God. I did a ten-day silent vipassana retreat and it enhanced my spiritual understanding. You actually look forward to suffering. Embrace the suck

I find that midwits in this thread may disparage people like Alan Watts, but offers remarkable insights that don’t verge into nihilism if you understand that believing in nothing is exactly the same as believing in everything. Also, Watts’ concept of irreducible rascality should be a profound insight of “mirth”. No doubt he was propped up as a government agent, but I’ve found great comfort in his lectures. Plus he’s funny as fuck.
>Unfunny faggots
yeah its an mde thread, retard
>The Nick tranny porn search history still hasn't been addressed and probably never will
What do you expect to be addressed? Nick is a full on degenerate who just isn't PC, not unlike most of Sam's entourage.
He wants them to make a song about trannycock.
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I don't think he even does it maliciously, its just total cognitive dissonance
You wouldn't touch Sam.
andrew ayala
Why? I won’t go because I saw he’s letting his minions do stand-up, and I’m not a big fan of experimental shit being shoved in my face at the expense of some nigga acquiring XP for his dogshit career.
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sam youre a racist nazi chud and i fucking hate you i thought we were friends but not anymore fuck you
It's strange because Dyer is legitimately too fucking stupid to be controlled opposition, he's just full blown autistic. His method of communication appeals to entry level conspiratard normies that claim to not have the time to do any research themselves and rather spend an equal amount of time watching the shittiest documentaries or podcasts created by people who know nothing about anything.
Not surprising Sam likes him.
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>brain damage and opening portals to connect with demons is useful for self-exploration
Believe it or not, you're a dumb nigger.
Christianity precedes all religion, to deny this is to deny the truth (which you are actively doing by worshipping demons)
All religion mirror, and pervert the teachings of the Bible.
This encompasses your bhuddist nigger philosophy >>1313421
Continue rising the spinal column serpent and listening to the word of renown agents of chaos for your world beliefs, they definitely have your best interests in mind, faggot.
>believing in nothing and everything is the same
>love & hate is the same feeling attuned to different degrees
>for black to exist, white also must
duality ying yang nonsense
If evil didn't exist, there would be only good.
Can you conceptualize heaven ? Can you conceptualize the garden of eden ? Can you conceptualize a time when all humans were sinless, completely in harmony with the world.
No, because you're caught up in this nihilistic demon religion and your deity is a fucking lotus.
Do you believe God can make 1+1 equal to 3 if He desired ?
The concept of irreducible rascality is also from the Bible, what do you think our Lord died for ?
Mankind's endless sin. We are sinful creatures, by nature (post garden of eden, post babel, post flood, etc)
Why did Sam drop boxing after only one fight? It was by far this biggest publicity thing he's done since MDE.
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I'm a newfag, explain to me how he's wrong? People ask him for proper advice, he gives a proper advice - most of this is common sense that a father would already tell you if you had one. Meanwhile he has a bunch of alpha gen fanbase ready to throw money at him for every fart and burp that he makes on the stream or in art form. They in fact throw so much money that it covered all his previous expenses of setting up the studio. He said he does not enjoy doing that shit (especially streaming), but he does because it's free money. How is he wrong for using the retards for his own profit, if they give their money away?
he gets all this publicity from boxing

uses it to shell his nft card game that he bails on after it nets him a million
sam flip flops on so many things

he use to make fun of tim for doing stand up;"see adult swim doesn't pay and now he has to do stand up." now sam is doing stand up

most comedians go stand up to tv show to producer

sam went from being on a tv show to boxing to nft seller to producer and now stand up
It makes more sense when you remember that Sam's been a third rate Tim Heidecker for his entire career.

Also, remember that he got booed out of an open mic night at a club. The bar was already low and he did the fucking Macarena under it with his pathetic boomer-ass routine.
That's a shame. Well thanks for letting me know anyways
because the faggot paid to win a fixed fight against another non-boxer
he should stick to blowing gay hookers
probably nearly died from the training and steroid abuse, also to braindead zoomer simps he looked good he actually looked horrible, worse than a novice, anyone with a modicum of training would destroy him, and Sam's image is everything to him.
Now apply that logic to drug dealers and people traffickers
Sam's a milquetoast fence sitting faggot who's indecisive nature cost him the fame he so desperately craves, idubbz is a gigantic faggot but even a broken clock is right twice a day; but hiding behind "it's ironic" or "it's just a bit" and being afraid to commit he'll remain trapped in mediocrity forever. Some nigger streamer who has more money and fame than Sam will ever have is doing his own version of hunger games fishtank or whatever it is they're doing and basically blew him out of the water, same as Mr beast and Ice Poseidon did when they made their own interactive big brother shows.
Sam's a faggot that's sat on a lot of things tbdesu
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shut up you stupid idiot
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i watch some pgl from time to time but it's just boring shit now. do something funny samuel
He'll never do anything worthwhile, because he loves having the 'plausible deniability' thing too much, just in case anyone at Adult Swim suffers terminal brain damage and decides to get him back for another show. Honestly, if he actually came out and said 'y'know what, here's a list of my favorite slurs in alphabetical order, and, just for the record, I'm not doing a bit, I am deadly serious here,' I'd actually have some kind of respect for him, because at least he'd stop doing the 'it's just a joke, bro' bullshit. Which, for the record, also needs to stop, because he's not even smart enough to do that competently. 'Ironic' racism or bigotry needs to fucking die. Quit being a fucking bitchass coward and just own it, fucking pussies.
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POV: You're a loser nerd Sam Hyde Hater that thought he was going to punk Sam IRL, but realizes the gravity of the situation you put yourself in because he's bigger and stronger than you in every way LMFAO.

You're a delusional ass kid for even thinking this would work. Keep shaking, nerd. This is what all you faggot kid haters would end up acting if you ever met Sam IRL. Keep proving me right you weak ass pussy kids.
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You're going to regret this, kid. Sam doesn't play lol. You should appreciate that he didn't really want to hurt you. Just let this go.
Sam only hits women because he's a chicken legged faggot lmao
because they deserve it*
wtf was that last PGL? theres a part in here where Sam inquires the guy for more info and the guy asks inconspicuously "..can we talk about it?" gets the greenlight from sam and says "well idk, you know hes a rothschild, a lot of it is far back i covered it 15 years ago" cmon nigga.

on the brightside that last Charls PGL felt cozy, like theyre finally used to having a 2 hour convo together, their interests have aligned, a lot of it still pandering to Charls but idk if thats a bad thing since he's interesting

also Sam having to baby sit this chris guy because he doesnt know how to research properly, or play a video on mute lolol SCROLL UP CHRIS HEY CHRIS CAN YOU SCROLL UP PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CHRIS UP, UP!!
dude your fantasy book was gay no one was gonna buy it anyway. get a job

wow it turns out you're a faggot too? No way!
Also on the OG MDEchineseconnection YouTube channel, which Sam ran, you can see his favorites playlist which has a bunch of diaper fetish videos in it. A true MDE oldhead delight.
I'm glad Sam got out of doing the retarded prank calls on PGL.
Big Purple really did a number on Sam
hi sam. new pgl when
>the guy asks inconspicuously "..can we talk about it?"
jay dyer is used to doing interviews on youtube where your channel will get banned if you talk about the jews
>look on /tv/
>nu-mde fans are mostly brainbroken simps

>PGL_0082_Sturiveccos (CRF25).mp4


sorry, didnt think he'd upload a new one so soon
thanks. is there a guest on this ep? i dont watch those and dont want to waste peoples bandwidth if there is.
Based. Thank you
yes theres guests
There are two (2) guests
It's beyond depressing. I didn't realise it but because there isn't really an MDE YouTube channel any more most supposed MDE fans have never seen classics like "Homosensual UltraGod", the smooth series, 5 second goobies, kissless virgin manifesto, happy mother's day no peripheral vision, hard s tackle football or even fucking Antiques with it's essential interstitial text wall.

These people have a completely warped idea of what MDE is and what it once stood for.
thought this'd be dolphin porn
day ruined
thanks brehs
Sam Hyde and Nick Rochefort | The William Montgomery Show with Casey Rocket #134
The most "podcast" episode so far, pretty nice
Sam going on his OCD routine at the ending was typical, it's crazy how many people fell for the ayahuasca meme, why are so many men trapped in this symbolic death shit? Well for the same reason people go to raves, the answer is in the question
>why are so many men trapped in this symbolic death shit
Proverbs 8:36
>But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.
bassad thsnki
>sam is using ai art for fishtank shit
new low
The factions art on the site and a lot of promotional stuff. The room posters in season 2 were AI.
Come on, we all know how lazy and cheap Sam is, do you really think he'd bother to shell out money for decent art? Motherfucker's probably using ChatGPT to write his standup scripts, god knows they're bad enough.
oh geez
how will sam ever afford his 12th car, 4th truck, and 8th motorcycle?

make more nfts?

release season two of his skit show?

live stream?

sell coffee?

or do the lowest effort reality show that he outsources to jet who comes up with the challenges and tries to force plot points hours before in the goon basement
can someone tell me which PGL dan soder is on? can't tell with these titles. and has sam tallent been on? i can't remember.
Which PGL episodes have guests on them? Started on on the first few and got bored with just Sam and Bicflame. By guests I mean anyone apart from Sam and production (Nick, Charls, people outside of MDE).
PGL 0072 has Dasha from red scare. Nick was in love and Sam was basically shit testing her the whole ep
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>how will sam ever afford his 12th car, 4th truck, and 8th motorcycle?

He probably doesn't even own any of those vehicles. Remember Cribs? They'd always lease a dozen sports cars to make it look like whoever they had was drowning in cash and I'd bet good money that he does the exact same thing to make it look like he's successful. If Sam owns more than a shitty Nissan Stanza, I'll be shocked, but it's all smoke and mirrors.
based, sam is a cowardly little theater faggot under all the roid bloat
4chan wishes you much success
>uh hasan fight me i'm desperate for attention hasan please hasan why are you ignoring me hasan uh hasan's a coward discord say i'm the candyman
>won't fight a 5'9" guy because Sam's only 6'2" without the lifts
the best guest by far has been Rocco PGL 0045 RoccosRagoon (shows up halfway through) cartoonishly humungous italian restaurateur giving insights on the profit margins of dive bar

also the last one with Ben avery and his guy wasnt so bad, mostly gay LA stories (literally) but theyre able to riff a bit until Nick takes the bit for a nose dive per usual
i just found out andrew ruse wrote paradigm shift 2070 with 2 other writers one being sam. wtf is andrew ruse the actually talented one all along. been watching since the very beginning and i never even thought to look this up wtf. ant the only reason i looked this up was becasue i cant help but feel this fishtank shit is and has tarnished the brand mde.
What you don't like highschool level theater productions in the woods anon?
Lemon Party were a good guest, no car shit and they had Sam in a good mood.
Adam could've been good on paper, but only Mullen's antagonistic dynamic makes him funny funny.
Luis was a good guest too and Shane was ok.

The comedy podcast is funny when they have actual comedians on, not some culture war comedy scene-fakes like David Lucas. Vince Offer was just a novelty joke guest, who they were literally shitting on in the previous podcast as a local idiot.
I have no complaints about Jay or Dasha, but just like Adam's, they just weren't remarkably funny or good as listens.

pod with Soder is not out yet
Great news: Dr. Disrespect and Sam Hyde are going to collab on sucking tranny dicks.
I don't get it, is complaining about AI tranny shit now? Weren't people calling AI satanic and lazy?
2070 was written by Andrew Ruse, John Pelech, "Sam" and a bunch of fans from the Facebook days (Sam asked for funny things to say like he always does)
Ruse and Pelech are undefeated masters
Sam's just the mascot and the investor
Can you fucking imagine if John Pelech was writing the bits for Fishtank?
Jan rankowski wrote a lot of MDEs early stuff too. The good bits of TOTA were written by Donald Luscious Jolly (put respect on his name). Trappped was responsible for the visual elan of mid career MDE, James Price for the audio style.

Its all one big shell game.
both fuck minors
both like trannies
both have a demographic of fatherless losers
both are jewish
both used gear as a crutch
He might be a pedo, but I think even Dr. D has more self-respect than to show up on Piggy's show. At least let him cozy up to Alex Jones and Cucker Carlson first
Pelech was like 15 when 2070 happened. He's not credited for it in the document.
>I think Sam and Charles will make some great stuff together, but there’s absolutely no way they remain friends for life after that move Charles pulled.

What happened?
Charls basically told everyone that Sam has a fetish for trannies and fucks himself with a big bad dragon dildo.
Have these mfs never heard the phrase 'stop being stereotypical'? Sam, Gavin McInnes, Nick Fuentes, I guarantee 100% they'd all be a lot more chill and less hateful if they just went out, got themselves a nice boygirlfriend and got their balls played with and their rim licked a couple of times a week. Fucking themselves with dildos and buttplugs ain't scratching their itches, just give up the act, get a nice femboy and enjoy yourself
despite how little real preparation sam does for fishtank, or any brainstorming, it's still thoroughly enjoyable.
The themes are always great, medieval vampire theme currently. Really enjoying the duke and other characters
They could definitely do a lot more fun stuff for their budget, and they need to hire some competent scenario writers rather than waiting for suggestions from /tv/
Is Don Jolly a Jontron joke or something?
Sam said it was written by him, Jan, Pelech and fans from Facebook in one of those Youtube livestreams a year ago, that kid is actually talented, Sam called him a genius once or twice
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Flat Earthers don't believe the Earth is a flat disc, that is your own insecure projection and lack of understanding.
The Earth is flat, we are not floating in space. We are stationary, surrounded by a firmament dome, there are 4 corners of the earth as biblically written. We have never pierced the firmament, yet the top 4 superpower countries claim to have been to "outer space" which means all countries have been working together for hundreds, potentially thousands of years.
99% of wifi is done through underground sea-cables, or cell tower triangulation, the rest is from your "satellites" which are held up by helium balloons, hence the reason why nasa is the largest buyer of helium.
Gravity is another jesuit myth, and is still referred to as a theory, not a fact.
Objects rise and fall as they are lighter or denser than the mean they are in. "gravity" is explained by buoyancy.
Before the theory of gravity, people have been building bridges and massive cathedrals for thousands of years. newton was a freemason cocksucker.
Stay mad faggot
So why is no one making money off of it? We live in the most capitalistic society imaginable, why has no one made a 'corner of the dome' theme park? Like, I get that it feels good to feel like you're the only one who has the Secret Information THEY Don't Want You To Know, but come on, dude.
Actually, no, wait a second, I want to focus on this part for a moment:

>Before the theory of gravity, people have been building bridges and massive cathedrals for thousands of years.

Do you... do you really think that's how science works? That, until someone says the magic words, it just doesn't happen? Like, there was no understanding of fire until someone said 'aha! Heat is just the rapid acceleration of particles!' and until then, a big chunk of the world's population just avoided it and refused to go near it and ate cold soup for thousands of years? Because if so, holy fucking shit, that is the absolute funniest thing I've ever read! I knew Sam fans were retarded, but you, my friend, have broken new ground in the field!
buy a telescope and look at iss
Thanks honey.
>why dont they make a theme park or profit off the flat earth
they print all the money, and besides that they literally have all the resources they could ever want, all war is ritual sacrifice to lowercase g "gods" who love bloodshed and misery, the resource aspect of it is a red herring.
when people believe the earth is a zillion years old and hurdling through an infinite void of nothingness people tend to throw out the idea of god and creation because all they know is cruelty and photoshopped christmas ornaments. that is by design
>redditslop know it all hitchhikers guide to the galaxy punctuation
nope thats actually not what he said, he was just making a point that people have had an understanding of the way density and mass worked long before newton or einstein did their jesuit funded rigamarole.
the heliocentric model is constantly making ad hoc changes to stay relevant because eggheads in labcoats are stubborn bastards who enjoy just making up random garbage they cant explain like dark matter/energy, which supposedly makes up 95% of the total mass in the "universe" but we just cant see it or observe it cause uhhhhhh yea we crunched the numbers like 66.6 years ago and like we were totally right in our calculations so ummmm yea its real just trust the science... also dont forget to get your next booster we need to curb the numbers guys

im sorry if this message came off as rude or arrogant but i am passionate about this and it could change your life if you do look into it with a soft heart, watch witsitgetsit, or eric dubays older stuff if you want to know more, i love Jesus and Orthodoxy and only check these threads for pgl, may God bless you in understanding and wisdom Amen
you're so smart i wish the world was run by smooth brain 90 iqs like you

can you explain planes or gps or submarines or planets or moons or stars or the magnetic poles?
NuMDE poser.

It's fucking slop get some taste.
Anyone has an archive of The New Pill private/unlisted videos?
>no one is making money
NASA is making $33B a year off it, that (You) pay for, dumb cunt.
Another dumb cunt strawman argument
They couldn't build bridges or cathedrals without taking little g "gravity" into account.
This is far different than not using fire or cars because the people that use them don't understand them.
Why does helium defy your precious "gravity" ?
bet you think the images NASA takes are all real even though they admittedly tell you it's all CGI.
Look at real stars that you can observe, through a real telescope. they are all fluid like water, in motion, plasma
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>can you explain planes or gps or submarines or planets or moons or stars or the magnetic poles
you need to ask what it is you would like explained about them, retard.
A compass is a flat earth instrument, it only points to magnetic north (it recognizes the south pole doesn't exist)
Flat earthers again, don't believe space doesn't exit, that is another common insecure projection. Space exists, "outer space" doesn't. The stars and "plane"ts are observable within our realm. plane-ts are wandering stars, they don't adhere to God's will, hence they have been worshipped as Gods by pagans for millennia. The stars are plasma. The sun & moon are also plasma, and they are both 3k miles from us, within our realm, not 93 gorillion miles and 284k miles (yet perfectly eclipsing)
Ask any pilot, they will tell you that all they see flying their "plane" is nothing but flat planes.
All pilots emergency landings also use a flat earth map. If you examine flight paths on the heliocentric model you would be hysterical.
lol you retards are so dumb

keep filling your brain with goop, i can predict exactly where the moon will be in the sky tomorrow or a week from now using equations

it's not shocking at all that you fatherless highschool dropout smooth brains are sams prime demographic
>>planets don't adhere to God's will
take your medicine skitzo
how come Charls hasn't streamed in forever? they're back from touring about 2 weeks now
numde fags neva kno a real nigga like DLJ. powerful black man that was too big for sammy squirtano to thoroughly enjoy. he kept that bussy tight and clean but samuel like it slop dirt style. deuces.
You really wanna call people retards for knowing how to type properly when you're babbling absolute shit like Eddie Bravo with (even more) brain damage? Even Joe Rogan and Alex Jones don't believe that shit, and they're the most credulous human beings who have ever existed! Oh, and you think that the Earth is, what, 6000 years old? So you're not only a flat earther, you're a young earth creationist too? Holy fucking shit, you're the gift that keeps on giving!

>im sorry if this message came off as rude or arrogant

No, it came off as if you've been drinking lead-based paint for years on end. I loved the bit where this is all the result of Archons spreading their devil science to bamboozle us and make the hologram world real or whatever. Please tell me you are 100% serious about all this, because you are such a perfect encapsulation of internet-induced schizophrenia, I'd be crushed if this was all a bit.

>NASA is making $33B a year off it, that (You) pay for, dumb cunt.

NASA? The government agency? The government agency that's responsible for all the technology that powers the wars that you people love so much? That NASA?

>Why does helium defy your precious "gravity" ?

Because it's a gas that's less dense than air. There's a whole bunch of elements that do that. You would know that if you bothered paying attention in school. But if you paid attention in school, you wouldn't believe in a flat earth or that Science is trying to steal your precious bodily fluids. Or, what, are you going to tell me it's the essence of trapped angels murdered by scientists or something? Please don't tell me that, my sides would be defying "gravity" as well if you did.

God, I love you people. And the fact this is all in a Sam thread is amazing too, it's just a gigantic fuckpile of retardation, pedophilia and the absolute worst comedy imaginable. If this is Sam's core fanbase, I hope he sees the shit buffet he's cultivated, holy fucking Christ.
watch the livestreams. dont watch his trash out of context shit thats been posted 1000 times. all that shit is out there without the gay "edits"
I love flat-earthers just for making these little scientism nerds seethe.
First these FUCKING CHUDS make a fucking neo nazi sam hyde thread that bumps my cuck porn thread off, then they fucking deny the hecking SCIENCE because they’re smoothbrain FUCKSTICKS.

I love how you think other people tread science the way you treat Jesus.
gee i wonder who would lose an argument then go immediately to blaspheming Jesus.

you do realize you guys could stop seething about Christians and Catholic so much and just realize the Real chosen people are the ones who embraced Christ.
Need Charls to stream this thread and give you rubes the TRUTH
Jesus is a jewish homo and you’re a midwit who can’t spell treat. You’re not as smart as you think you are, just accept that and get over it already
where is wp2
they've realized it's never going to live up to the hype so they're delaying it indefinitely so they can soak up as much money from the fans as possible
Ohhhhhh god yes, inject it right into my veins, the self-righteousness, the smugness, don't stop, I'm so close!
why are there so many seething mde haters in this thread? dont like it dont watch? why are you so obsessed, it borders on actual schizophrenia with some of you

Spam and attempts at unpaid viral marketing are supposed to be against the rules
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>Im back
And I never left
>still no bootlegs
I still believe in based anons
>ad hom
>rebuke nothing
carry on living in your prison forges by grand architects that have you convinced you're on a meaningless "floating rock" in space that has arrived here by fluke
The stars in the firmament act as a clock. Every single one of them can be seen at the exact same times each night. Polaris, the north star hasn't moved, ever. For thousands of years. The only stars that move in a seemingly random fashion are the "planets", wandering stars.
>Alex jones and Joe Rogainal
These have been proven to be CIA agents of chaos.
Jones is so retarded that he believes the moon landing happened but that the filming was fake.
The government agency that said they "destroyed the technology and it's a painful process to built it back again" whilst collecting $33B from tax payers annually. The government agency that killed Gus Grissom when he questioned how they're gonna get to the moon when they couldn't even communicate between two buildings a few hundred miles apart. That NASA.
They don't create war technology or technology of any kind either, dumb cunt.
Birds defy gravity. Clouds defy gravity. Zeppelins defy gravity. Your mother defies gravity. I know you love disregarding the scientific method, a theory =/= a fact.
>some random seething about Sam
Cry nerd.
Do you believe you invented your own morality and that it is subjective ?
Why does your subjective morality align with the laws set presently ? Isn't it subjective ?
Why is the atom symbol a literal star of david ? why are the building blocks of life called adams ? Why does carbon contain 6 neutrons , 6 electrons , 6 protons ?
Why is the earth moving at 66,600mph ? Why is Earths measurable curvature is 0.666ft per square mile ? Why is Earths axis tilt in relation to the Sun (apollo) 66.6 degrees ?
Everyone serves something.
Without the Lord Jesus Christ in their hearts, scientism fills that void.
whomever called you a midwit is wrong. you are no midwit that would be a complement. just an average iq for you. and yes i already know you dont the actual definition of the word.
This thread is pure nonsense, so I have an actual question for the board. Thoughts on Fishtank and specifically Fishtank 2.5?
Damn, ANOTHER Jewish collab
I didn't watch the first one
But I thoroughly enjoyed season 2. Love the atmosphere and 2.5 has an even better theme
It shows from his works that Sam is very much into the occult. In the Jay Dyer pgl he said he understands that these satanic rituals do harness energy, so he knows there is a vital spiritual component to this reality. He might even be some sort of Shaman, since he can channel and manifest energy so well (often of others peoples' energy like Charls and Nick)
I just wish they had writers that know what they're doing and actually plan things out during the months of preparation time they have rather than relying on /tv/ to write everything in the spur of the moment

Just so you know: I am hard as fuck right now and I may die of dehydration from all the thick juicy loads I'm shooting. God, this level of retardation and brain damage is the absolute best, keep it coming so I can keep cumming, you fucking inbred whores, you dirty cunts, GIVE ME EVERY RETARDED TAKE ON SCIENCE YOU HAVE!
Slide to the left, now slide to the right
lol keep dancing lil monkey
you my lil monkey, bitch
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If MDE wasn’t a threat, the accusations would be unnecessary

>start the chant (blew little muzzle Matanevenoff out of the slurpee dispenser

2 for 99
2 for 99
2 for 99
2 for 99
>gematria much?
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It will be in the criterion one day
the palace is back and it doesn't look like shit anymore
does anyone have lemon party patreon episodes?
Uploading today's episode in case it's made private, if anyone cares.

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Hands sweating

Mein Gött
01: Just Sam
02-06: Sam and Bic
07: Whole wigger crew including tranny
08: Weck
18: Bic
24: Jet Joeyy
25: Shane Gillis (with Nick Mullen cowering in the background somewhere)
30: Harley
45: Rocco
53,62: Erick
57: Adam Friedland
60: Jet in the corner
70: Shamwow guy
72: Dasha
77: David Lucas
78: Luis Gomez
81: Jay Dyer
82: Devan Costa & Ben Avery

Nick appears in every episode starting from 09
Charles appears in
61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 75 76 80
based autist
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Jah bless yah bombaklaat
Hey guys! Trying to orbit my way into the MDE crew!

Do you think it'd be easier for me to get in if I was a tranny instead of a normal guy? What should I start wearing?
friend simulator for friendless losers. seeing that "shaved heads for taylay" or whoever video made me glad i stopped with this fandom. sam needs to stop this gay shit and do something funny the podcast is beyond old
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Christ is King

I despise fishtank and what it represents. It's extremely low vibrational, mean and ugly. It's clearly Jet bringing his experience of hustling e-girls with his crack head father on /r9k to bear on something that used to be beautiful and stand for something. It has honestly soured me on MDE as a whole, and that's saying a lot as I have probably watched every piece of MDE related media at least twice.
>He might even be some sort of Shaman, since he can channel and manifest energy so well
lmao is this what sam's calling sucking dick these days?
>If MDE wasn’t a threat, the accusations would be unnecessary

A threat to what, good comedy and competently-made media? I promise you, outside of a very small and very select audience, no one knows who Pigman is. He's going to die in obscurity, unknown, unremembered and unloved
I mean, how much are you willing to invest? I hear Rocky offered 10K to buy himself back in as an MDE discord mod
this was actually pretty decent
I miss hearing samuel laugh at literally everything that came out of Joeyy's mouth. Shit was real good. It really sucks we lost him to pills, he's unironically a good comedian.
rocky nooooo forward not backwards
complete trash and exactly what I don't want from MDE
same. I get needing the funds but to produce such tripe is disgusting
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> and the Pulitzer Prize of 2024 for Best New Meme goes to…

Yeah, I think the growing violence and tension in the world makes it way more satisfying to watch, as we all want to strangle and outwit the confederacy dunce influencers, especially the growing Islamic purity spiral.

My hands were sweating for the kid because he embodied the same smug and supercilious tone people get when they’re confident in their beliefs (I believe those nafri bitches are primed to join my flowering harem). You can tell he never got punched in the face—it fucking shows.

And the 4th wall breaking homeless dude as a tension breaker. Showing the kid disparaging my future Salvation Army BioWarfare Unit to not harness the power of streetshitting mercencies is just naive.
>Thank you for coming to this TedTalk.
Let people have their fun. It has its moments. You’re acting like the lady screaming at cars in the intersection.

>muh parasocial tv program
>muh moral highground
sorry bro, didn’t mean to interrupt your listening sesh to Conlon Nancarrow sync’d up to “Metal Machine Machine” while ironically watching The Room on mute.

Do you yell at the juggalettes too?

jannies don’t hold me back. this negative energy must be purged
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>Metal Machine *Music
for fucks sake, do you see what happens?
I guess the clip channels were ordered to stand down
Are you done showing off about knowing who Conlon Nancarrow is?

It's trash compared to what MDE used to be, but keep slopping it up like the pig you are. "Enjoy" yourself stupid man, you won it's all slop from here on out.
It's mad how shit fishtank and their gay new thing is.

Jet needs to go. The ugly little freak is spending all of Sam's money and wasting everybody's time.
I hope he does spend all of the money so they can go back to making something honest again.
Yeah like the Edie (male) 10 year retrospective
An apology to indigo child and enlightened thinker Don L. Jolly would suffice.
>but keep slopping it up like the pig you are

Pigs attract pigs. Pigman Sam keeps putting out worthless garbage, his little paypiggy fans keep lapping it up.
Well quite.
What's the # of the PKA with Sam Hyde discussing fishtank 2,5?
> 666
Evil detected


> Are you done showing off?

>this music is only for those that denounce the Talmud and have a soul

>and for my nigga in the struggle, baby baaybee
Nice picks but let's keep it to orangy and vearvaf deep cuts ok pal
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> pal
Not your pal, buddy
Someone gives their opinion when prompted by a question.

>make screeching noises in a desperate attempt futile attempt at humor.

crawl out of sam's ass. fishtank sucks deal with it tell your daddy when you get his dick out yur bitch ass mouth.
Don't listen to these haters, Sam. Fishtank is good, just keep up the good work.
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dont forget to donate, sam needs another jacket!
>screeching sounds
That's actually the sound of me fucking your mom at light speed. You can call me "dad" and you'll be taking care of our new child (your new brother) when the last drop of cum falls out of her asshole (the hole in which you were conceived, obviously)

>new house rules
you will pee sitting down exclusively. no standing

now sweety
>the adults are speaking
pgl 83 pls
you dont need to write a book chomo just kys..

>adults speaking
talk more about your piss fetishes of men
Basic brand
>honey what did we say about being silent when adults are speaking?
Now go clean the toilet because we heard you make a mess in the bathroom. Wipe the peeps AND the poops (your mom's poops, which should be familiar to you from before you were born)
Great Value brand
hey pedophile shouldnt you be taking more pictures of children to post on 4chan.

we all know who you are gay pedophile. now let the board go back to non chomos with an iq over 70. before you kys you can post on the tranny discord about your gay fantasies. this board is full up faggot.
>we all know who you are gay pedophile.
we all know you speak English as a second language. Let me tell you this in a language you can understand, chico

> no se habla cuando los adultos esta hablar
limpia el baño. no us tu lenga otro vez
canada goose is for faggots/niggers
go figure sam wears it
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investor bros how we feelin?
Who got it
it's late, I'll post it tomorrow.
It's tmrw in Israel. let's go.
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beat it, slime
This guy should go back to playing with his neighbours kids, that's more his speed than defending nuMDE for free online
my nigga you have much to learn. may you never return to the reddit videogame subreddit from which you came inshallah
With comedy like this, you can see why Sam 'Pigman' Hyde is the number one comedian in the pedophile and zoophile community!
> neighbours
Maybe you should get your assgaped on The Curry Mile by devout Muslims?

I moved out, faggot. but thank you for remembering.
>The Curry Mile

Mate come down to The Magnet and I'll put your head under a brick.
>former Oldham resident
oh yeah, I bet you fluff Shaun Ryder's balls in some Salford chippie every night.

Mate, I'll see you at the Arndale tonight while we... shop together for great deals due in complete brotherhood as a testament to the magnificence of modern commerce.
>yo fooking wot m8
I said, let's grab some Gregg's
>simple as
Lol, alright youre sound mate
You tell Stockport finest Gemma and H I says hello
> muh The Magnet
Arden Arms muh uk nigga
Sars please do the needful and upload pgl 83
Fuck you, faggot.
Sam's problem these days: hired zoomer minions to build himself back up after WP 1 fallout. Stuck with them due to loyalty/sunk costs, needs to do grifting projects like Fishtank to pay their salary, which he needs the zoomer minions to produce, for whom he needs the grifting projects to pay the salary of, on and on in a death spiral. He's stuck with this timeline.

IMO steroids compromised his decision making faculties, possibly already on the decline for the decision of abusing drugs to begin with. But that was a long time ago now. Between that whole side of nu-MDE and the selling out crossover attempts with guests like Lucas, Dasha, Soder & whoever those Cumtown wannabe knockoffs were in PGL 82, and WP2 looking like it's shit/will never come out, Sam is melting down worse than the democrats these days.
Dude's on steroids and he still looks like shit? Jesus, if that's not the best anti-drug PSA out there, I dunno what is.
yeah dude he should've stayed pure and subsisted on the goodwill of the double-digit count of paypigs willing to fund real™ content like Charls (for which in 2 years of these threads we haven't even had one paypig share his gumroad content)
False equivalency. Sam had no problem making far more money than Charls makes now even being back in the MDE saddle when he was doing KSTV season 1 on Patreon. Sam always had the capacity to make enough money to fund projects with artistic merit (unlike normie stand up tours and fishtank) and hire talented collaborators without selling out like he’s clearly done now. He’s let the greed and slovenliness get to him because he wants cars, clothes and property more than he wants to make good art. And he’s incapable of letting blood sucking leeches like Jet go. Seriously, imagine thinking that guy should be the brain behind the direction of everything Sam has built.
kstv also was normie bullshit with no artistic merit yet it kept the lights on, the fuck are you on about?
"Art"? Fucking seriously? Bad enough that you think Sam's capable of making anything remotely entertaining, but you must be absolutely cooked if you think anything he's done remotely qualifies as 'art', even by the most generous definition.

Fuck me, what's your favourite show, the Jangling Keys Power Hour?
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omg a $1500 parka in snowy conditions who gives a fuck poornigga
yea for 1500 he shouldve just went full wigga and get actual designer
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I’m getting moist from all this drip
sar pleaseeee i want to seee the sam and nick do the talking on my laptop pleasee show some respects to us as fans
I like Sam's new alliance with the gay Republican mafia, I'm sure it's going to end as well as everything else did.
Have you seen the HWD graphics?
I have fans - 2 for $7
gudmorning sars. sorry for delay

>PGL_0083_HyperbaricChamberExplosion_r1 (CRF25).mp4

Does a $100 investment get me in the shareholders discord or telegram or whatever bumass shit
No idea why anyone would bother
thank you sir for doing the needful now I will do the seedful
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Does Sam really have a net worth of over $10M like he said on matan's podcast
How the fuck ?
I know he took out tens of thousands in loans for bitcoin in like 2014 which he probably still hasn't paid back and never will but that would only put him at around $1.5M ish
I guess he scammed $2M from anyone retarded enough to buy his NFT shitcoin (no idea how this isn't discussed more instead of that retard kike posting shit about sam wearing expensive jackets)
Does he just pocket literally everything ?
How deep do paypig pockets go ?
thank you for your service
This is getting old and we are starting to worry about your health. It seems you’ve passed from the admiration phase to the green-eyed guzungas of envy, which is now metastasizing into this current display.

Please get help
>we are rooting for you
>$2 mil
more like $1m. you can look up the prices and idiots that bought
p.s. he was calling it a scam a month before he release his nft
If he actually had any money worth talking about, do you honestly think he would look and dress like he does all the time?

Dude probably has some cash, but no way in hell he has millions, unless he's paying waaayyyy over the odds for those car leases (which I could believe, because, like his fans, he sees a conspicuous display of wealth and thinks 'ah yes, this means I'm successful')
bitcoin and fiat money aren't actually worth anything and neither are the cars, thank sam's usury relatives for that
sam misses that point of wealth so 10m is about what he'll peak at before it goes towards servicing multiple lawsuits
He has some money but not what he claims and if bitcoin ever gets rugpulled (spoiler: it will) he might have to be visiting Peter Thiel's dick on a more regular basis
also: if sam had $10m he could hire people to make him a lot more money with a lot less risk (not the nitrous wiggers)
"blacklisted" is a fake horseshit excuse
may vishnu bless u sar
thanks honey
If sam had 10 milly we would have heard more about Joyride universe than this absolute turd of a teaser:


This was when I realised he had completely lost it and everything would be low effort from then on out.
The Sam/Don Jolly/Frank Hassle/James Price era was when MDE was at it's best post WP cancellation
Fellow brits did you remember to vote straight ticket Don Jolly today?
Wasn't that mostly the work of the wiggers and his asian baby mamma?
Why are your question marks spaced like this ? For fucks sake, write a better bot
based /tv/ having a thread critical of sam deleted again by sensitive mde faggots for going too negative
I feel so inferior when I see Sam, I've been thinking of transitioning because of him
You know you can get tits just like his by eating nothing but Taco Bell for a month, right?
I think he has a networth of over $3mil purely from the fact that he has a $800k car collection. I don't think its over 10 though
So you can finally get a blowjob? LMFAO
If you think he actually owns any of those cars, you're deluded.
>Sam just played broke saying he only has 2k on his bank account and is in big trouble
Stop lurking, Sam lol
>bitcoin getting rugpulled
By how? By who? Satoshi's agent? The government? United Nations?
Sam didn't even make World Peace 1 graphics
Probably the best Hyde content in months, physically pushes a crackhead in the neck for getting near him lmfao https://youtu.be/Fc9pStHJ8SY?t=1011

the goblin freak is supposedly Matan's (host) "manager"
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wtf lol
wtf 1 hour? I'm blaming Chris Lynch for this one.
Lynch is a good kid guys, don't make fun of him
At first I thought you meant when he grabbed Matan's arm and was pushing him back a little bit but then the crackhead shows up.

Fucking hilarious, looked like Sam was about to go off.
Sam being physically large isn't all that funny. Very low vibrational content, but what did I expect?

This is it, the first video I ever watched by MDE more than 10 years ago, sparking a truly psychotic fan obsession with it. Jan Rankowski (nuMDE fans may know him as Xavier or The Commander apparently...) makes an appearance.

It was like someone made a video specifically designed to appeal to my encylopedia dramatica reading 14 year old ass. Lets all enjoy this video together, Kanpai.
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What's it like, never having evolved or changed in any significant way since you were a literal child? Good?
>blurring his hair
You didn't notice Pigman's going bald? Why do you think he's always wearing hats these days? He makes Tim Pool look like Cousin It.
>low vibrational content

my brother in christ its mde look at the current season of fishtank if you want to see real low vibrational stuff
Yeah and that sucks too.

What's it like not making a little space to savour the things you enjoyed as a child? Of course I've changed, but sometimes it's nice to look back on some old things. How presumptuous. Never respond to me again.

This was the second one. Sam's anti-sex rant seems pretty ironic given recent events, Nicks Thom Yorke impersonation is and remains hilarious.

Hey Channing I know you're in the thread (pigman is such a tell), was Sam talking about you in the second half of this video or what, enlighten us, we need the MDE lore.

Anyway golden level vid, makes a nice double feature with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOmBrRYo4iU

The outro to this was great, crazy looking at the anti-consumerist posturing in the description now too. Easier to be that way as a sprightly late 20s man I guess.

Impeccable. There's nothing to say, for me this is what MDE is, crystallised in time.

Francis E. Dec kind of had a moment back in 2013-2014. I think Jan was probably partially responsible for this one, as well as the tactical talk video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plLUEWAIovM)

Chillwave. Nuff said.

I always felt the satire here kind of missed the boat a bit. This was back when Sam had more of a touch on the visual style of MDE, before Andy Ruse and later trappped brought a higher level of artistry to it. Very Tim and Eric during the period, probably best typified by the extreme bassfx video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx4O5hsoOgM) or the cnet review video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUo82OIDDmI). The dell dude section in that one was and remains totally perplexing to me, what the heck was Sam's beef with this guy? Yo cupcup care to tell us?

Highly influential into turning me into a misanthropic hateful resentful little worm. Looking back maybe letting a guy who edierocks determine how I felt to such a degree wasn't such a smart move. I probably would still do just about anything to see the unreleased remaining 5 videos. Does anyone else remember Sam posting a screenshot of a folder with loads of unreleased material on Facebook?

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I wish my mother was hot so I could pork her. I wish I had a cool space-suit with guns for arms so I could blow up John Cena with my handspeed. I wish Manslave was done so I could upload it.

At least one of those things is true.

A hotly-anticipated, year-long trial-by-fire for America's Next Top Heroes, Doctor Manslave is finally here. Whether or not it was worth the wait probably depends on your sensibilities as a man and as a poet warrior.

Our personal take on the situation is that this video is Exhibit A in the case against perfectionism. "The perfect is the enemy of the good," and in this instance, the two blew each other up with Predator drones and IEDs and returned home to receive inadequate medical care. Fold that flag into a million pieces.

But it was worth it.

The two hours we spent shooting it--that fateful November, 2010 night--were worth it. The 200+ hours we spent editing and re-watching it--scrutinizing it--were worth it. The color correction, the phony commercials, the graphic intro and outro, the ass-brutal VHS transfer process...

...It all worked out in the end, and the end justifies the means, because Pappy's mean and Pappy said so, end of story, because this is a unique contribution to the world. A new mode of filmmaking, a new style of acting, a new philosophy--and we'll be God-d*mned if this isn't almost as good as some scenes from some of the less-good Jonah Hill/Michael Cera movies.
XXX-Vin-Diesel-Secret-Only Classified Plan: Manslave 2: Origins ###

The idea behind Manslave 2 is an origin story where Doctor Manslave (Charles) is a well respected and perfectly sane doctor throughout.

He is sent, along with Dr. Badtanman, Cobra, and Dr. Thessaloneous Assman (pronounced "Asman", played by Will Sasso), to deep Africa, to find some sort of artifact. We will shoot this anywhere in LA where we can find some trees and just pretend like it's a jungle despite the fact that people will be walking by.

At long last we will find the artifact buried deep within a Sumerian dungeon (an alleyway) and have an argument amongst ourselves about what to do with it. Manslave will weigh in on the side of caution, suggesting we take news of our discovery back to the commission, but Dr. Assman, having waited his whole life for a treasure of this magnitude, will be unable to resist temptation and meet with a gruesome end at the hands of the glowing, deadly artifact.

Manslave immediately passes out in a coma, and Badtanman gives Manslaves limp body a piggyback ride out of the dungeon, followed not far behind my Cobra, who is drooling and making baby talk.

That night, Badtanman falls asleep by Manslave's side, and we are treated to Manslave's inner visions, terrors, if you will, visions of a shirtless or lyrca-clad Assman dancing like a demon over hot coals. Badtanman wakes the next day to find Manslave missing, along with a cryptic note.


Manslave in the jungles of Kujoji

fathering ronnie goldman

professor is martin sheen-like guy sent to kill manslave
close-up of Manslave sinking a knife into Badtanman's stomach, close up on Badtanman's face with a voiceover explaining in slo-mo, that he is experiencing the ultimate pure pleasure and pain at the same time.

A scene of Badtanman jerking off (not graphic) shows what he's thinking about inside his head, and his inner jack-thoughts are really innocent, like balloons

groin-covering object changes each time.

A scene where Manslave convinces Badtanman to whip him across the back

The end.
(Time Has Expired (but) Extreme Neverreally Dies)

Extremely Don Jolly-esque video description. True donheads never die.
https://mega.nz/file/U6kQUZST#r2A8v2IwRqtlrulOYS9R6LTbRlVC3u27dIiDBsSIbhY. Sam Hyde standup
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It’s about time but we DESERVE more
>Never respond to me again

Or what, you'll cry?
I actually might... you'll make a grown man cry, will you feel big about yourself then?
Rough stuff truly
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Keep ‘em coming. I knew my efforts would pay off.
Why did you have to edierock
He was calling nfts a scam, not his own project
he's been shilling bitcoin for a decade, he built credibility when it comes to any type of finance and made many people wealthy. Why would he throw all of that away for a quick pump and dump, directly on his entire fanbase. Doesn't make any sense, especially when he claims he was already worth 10x what he made from his scam.
Yes, unironically.
Take a look at what SBF was wearing before he was getting pegged by Tyrone, or Sirgay Nazarov, or anyone worth over 8 figures
>crypto, fiat, cars worf nufing
Guarantee you're poor as fuck and peak at the center of the bell curve. Fiat is backed by nothing, but it clearly has value and is being exchanged in the trillions daily. Lambos only ever depreciate, but they depreciate from the price it was purchased at, meaning it will always have value.
Sam's a Jew so he's good with legal bullshit. No idea what his relatives can sue him for that would cost him $10M or even $100. There was some bullshit with his Dad he tried to claim completely cut off contact with him because he owed him 5k or something (even tho he paid like $300k for him to attend university so it makes no fucking sense)
So you understand fiat is a scam and so is bitcoin, but you're too dumb to capitalize on it ?
When fiat collapses what do you think will happen to crypto ?
What do you think the Jews have planned after their banking systems hold no power, they're just gonna sit back and let it happen ? Lmao
BTC in its current iteration is unscalable, Sam has faith in the Lightning Network but it doesn't solve BTC's fundamental problem. Since it's the only crypto most of the world knows and will know for some time, BTC will always act as the "digital gold" store of value, until crypto shifts from its era of non-utility, to global essential infrastructure used daily. BTC will never go to zero.
I've always written question marks with a space because it looks ugly when it's directly beside a letter
I feel this is more accurate, probably a bit more tho
90% of his net worth is in Bitcoin and he owes like 100k to debt collectors so he doesn't use banks
why do you think it looks ugly?
You'd have to be a fucking moron to find this shit amusing pull your head out of your ass wood
The level of discourse enjoyed by your average nu-MDE fans
>its not a scam its a project
>made many people wealthy
do you really believe yourself sam?
i've only watched the 289mb one so far but compared to his old standup it's not that different to be honest. don't take this as a guarantee of "world peace 2 confirmed to be unfunny"... (although it probably will be) where's andrew ruse when you need him
watched the second one jesus christ that girl laughing was brutal lol. he's had sets before with a similar level of going on for too long with a bit in a way that isn't funny and not in a "so bad it's good" way but this is pretty rough. the part where he was serious afterwards was sort of funny though
The standup is good. Throaty bitch probably gives good head, so we can at least give thanks to our surreptitious recording friend.

Now where is the rest of it? Why are you slow leaking like the cheeto + miller lite slime out of your ass. WE TRUSTED YOU AND WE WILL CONTINUE TO TRUST YOU WHEN YOU PROVIDE THE ENTIRE SETS. Charge your fucking phone damnit, I don’t have the patience. And edit out the sounds that disturb my autism. DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE? You’re in the jungle baby you’re gonna dieeeeeeee.

>not really
Appreciate my guy and I hope your lady gives deep head while licking your balls. Real ninjas know the move
>marry her
His old standup wasn't good either,i t was always the weakest shit he was involved with. This obsession with doing standup is completely mysterious to me, standup fucking sucks.
>This obsession with doing standup is completely mysterious to me, standup fucking sucks

it makes money because you can double-dip on live events and streaming deals and maybe eventually do movies

many of these third-grade stand up comedians in the Texas Roganosphere are multimillionaires
Ah of course and he needs to make the money so he can continue not making joyride universe.
This Dan Soder fuck is insufferable. I wish they would just stick to their immediate social circle, Rocco Erick and Charles
Sam's got to kiss the ring if he wants to make it in the standup podcast world
Some of the 'famous' guys he had on were pretty good in my opinion. I liked Adam Friedland, the Shamwow dude (even though he's not really in that circle anymore), Luis Gomez and the PGL 82 with those two guys I never heard of. They fucked up with Dan Soder, David Lucas and most importantly Dasha where itjust felt like two college guys trying to one up on one another to get the lastgirl standing at the party to choose her hookup for the night. What a pathetic display, both from Nick who's married and with kids and Sam who pretends to be this stoic in front of whores deal. It's like they age regressed to horny university guys, and that girl doesn't even have that much sex appeal
I don't like that MDE and skanksfest are crossing over. Meeting Adam friedland is whatever but this made/skanksfest crossover is a BIG problem for me.
But yeah watching them simp hard for dasha of all people was not appealing.
Also that Jay Dyer ep was alright until Jay Dyer tried to dive in conspiracies. He was basically parroting Dave McGowan and adding the subtle touch about occultism/Gurdjieff/Aleister Crowley about energies and satanism which is what gets the supernatural part of the human brain hooked. I didnt know Jay Dyer prior to that but I thought his work was really not serious for someone who's such a polarizing youtube celebrity. Maybe they try to bring on who they can. I do miss the sort of fringe independance MDE had which was the core part of their ethos. But I guess reality kicks in at some point and if they want to keep making sketches and fleshed out work independantly like World Peace 2 they need to get out there and mingle with the various crowds
>The standup is good
being this dishonest with yourself and others
Honestly I didn't even watch that one. I don't know who most of these people are and i'd rather maintain my impression of MDE from the past than have to face what it's morphed into.

I will say though that I think conspiracies, lifting weights as a personality, all this manosphere shit, podcasts... It's all tediously millenial coded for me. I'm ready for something new.
> millenial coded
My god, how gay are you?
> I'm ready for something new
I bet you are… is there something you want to share with us?
Theo Von, is that you?

Face it, their standup is funny. There’s only so many times I can hear Shane Gillis, Doug Stanhope, et al.

So let’s recap:
>I win again
your opinions continue to suck
Basically, we’re gonna need you to play the silent game. The longer you don’t talk, the more you win! YAY!!!
>tediously millenial coded
your mom told me to tell you it's breakfast time
Listen to your dad
Damn looks like I touched a nerve with rapidly aging millennials, make sure to use my promo code TheInevitableMarchOfTime for 20% off at keeps.com, hair loss is no joke guy
Rapidly aging slimelennials lol. Show slime bro! Kek it's based!
you should go back to sams kiwifarms thread. they allow sucking his dick there
>you should go

Could've just ended it there
>I'm ready for something new.
like what? getting AIDS and trooning out?
Honestly that would be more entertaining than Sam's stand up
Yikes, do other men’s penises and sexual proclivities occupy a bulk of your time? You seem obsessed and deeply closeted.
> I feel 1% having engaged with you
please stop and seek God
This is text book projection
>Another great post from me
Let's keep it rolling...
I just think post WP sam kept on making money moves by looking at trends. The surrogate father figure, being alt right adjacent and pro trump etc. was just a clear income tap once he fell on his ass after the cancellation. At some point he just started to believe in his role. He's like an internet age Andrew Dice Clay if you will, he just got caught up in his paternal character shtick. He's an art school kid who hung out all his twenties around that sort of crowd, this is just like theater class for him
We all ended up being natisha getting shot with the finger guns...
>a true classic MDE cut
Basically you're gonna need to watch this...
Its being 9 months I could have got another nigga out a mine babe momma in dat tiem, shiet
Post standup or be nothing
Here ya go bub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkPx0gk6LE&pp=ygUgYmVybmllIG1hYyBpIGFpbid0IHNjYXJlZCBvZiB5b3U%3D
>damn thats funny
You know what it is...
Its crazy how upset people get when an MDE oldhead comes in and starts spitting that preWP truth.
You’ve been demoted to lv-1 ooze.
>imitation is the sincerest form of gobbling my primordial nutslime
Are you still peeing sitting down like you were told?
is this @sicko hunter or @noble redditor?
I'm on a slime level you can't even comprehend.
>ain't no shame in my slime game
You still laughing at peeing michael bits like Sam told you to?
Not only do I comprehend your slime game, I’ve ascended to the Florida Keys, where I’ll spend my days getting my slimedick sucked by ladyslimes and drinking Conch Republic rum while I watch your struggle to make your slime bills and your slimewife is forced to sell her slime holes so you can eat.
>it’s NOT fine mess with the slime
Cannot be confined

Now walk on home, boy. You get sloppy seconds again
Dude... You slimed all over me...
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> grok the fullness of my slimesack

Alright, enoughs enough wheres my standup bootlegs?

Chris Lynch, post the bootlegs and you shall spared
As an aside I hate the term grok so much. I work in machine learning and you hear it all the time. Why not just use the word comprehend? Why do we have to use the nerd words and let every one know just how big of a dork we are?
>Why do we have to use the nerd words and let every one know just how big of a dork we are?

>I work in machine learning

Answered your own question there, sporto
Yeah but it's like, cmon let's have some propriety here. Just because I'm at the orgy doesn't mean I have to be salivating like a dog.
if it's cool for Sketch get fucked by men then it's cool for Sam Hyde to get fucked by men too
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> I hate the term grok
And you tell us, why?
> machine learning
Ahhh you prefer the company of men
> I’m at the orgy
You will never be it never have been invited to an event like this. I wouldn’t even invite you to Cumby’s

Let’s recap:
> me: invited (pic rel in Köln)
you: whining (not winning)

Go fix ChatGPT so I can make more money doing nothing (or are you going to screw that up too?)
Incredibly swarthy physique there matey
Are those the "neighbours kids" we've heard so much about?
You haven't migrated to Claude yet?
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> tan lines
swarthy? try again, you bozosexual

I came to hear standup and yet you are still acting like you’re allowed to stand up in the bathroom. You were told (until the rights to you were sold).

We’re in a niggative feedback loop. More standup and PGLs, less about what YOU don’t like. How ‘bout dat?

Now, if you’ll excuse, I’m going to use your “muh machine learning” and actually produce something for my clients.
> Oh you work for someone else?
And you always will
All you produce on here is deranged posts, maybe you should get chatgpt to draft your responses he Ahmed.
>Yeah I'll have a kebab over chips, plenty of chili sauce, all the salad and a mango Rubicon cheers
If this guy is the average nu-MDE fan then it explains a lot...
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> are you taking the piss?
I moved out last month and miss them ringing my doorbell everyday to learn music (and eat pretzels and fermented olives).

You only wish you had cool neighbors and built a fun community where children felt safe and could have fun.
> pic rel after we built a case for my piano music

Now, go down to Tesco’s and buy me those French beers.
The jeffery epstein of oldham.
> jeffery
Swing and a miss
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Please speak English
>no AMERICAN English, not your mushy pea babble

I see words but I don’t see my beer (or torrents of any kind). Go guzzle some Carlsberg from the haji shop and get to it.

> The Tesco Extra on Huddersfield Rd is open until 12.
Hurry up, limey
French biere is piss whats wrong with you?
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I was trying accommodate your dole-based budget, but get me Old Speckled Hen instead now that you mention it
> I’ll wait for the standup…
Why not just kill yourself?
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I heard Channing's going to be on Ice Poseidon's Hunger Games competing for $100k
Groksisters... Why so sensitive?
Starring alongside Don Jolly?

Upset he can build things you only know how to consume?
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>Upset he can build things you only know how to consume?
no, zir was being pedantic and thought zir was cool. Zir will get a vizit from the zlime zhey deserves zoon enough. enough zaid.

> Don Jolly
Don Jolly's claim to fame was how much he's in debt to a useless college degree (muh prescience) and his brief "controversy" almost a decade ago. If you listen to the recording between him and Sam, he's really just the same pedantic losers he criticizes. Oh geez, I was stoned and freaked everyone out. I dunno, stop smoking weed (which makes you fat).

Plus, he's obese and has been obese. Knowing how people perceive his fatness and how that works against his "ideas", why wouldn't he use his superior intellectual powers and endless streams of "gotchas" to eat a salad from time to time?

fuck this biuse, I need to clear my slimed:

Don Jollys claim to fame is being an indigo child with a beautiful soul, writing daggermag, writing about world peace in penthouse and most importantly being an inspiration to us all. What are you on about? Sam's cowardly recording of their conversation in contradiction to his own edicts was one of his first major misteps in losing the support of the true oldheads.
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> losing support from "oldheads"
> gaining millions from new fans and a broader audience
Hmmmm... maybe you should have given him more money, then you could have your widdle pweshuss clown all to your wonesome. NOW HE'S ALL OWAHHHS

> contradictions
Again, you obviously don't run a functional business.

If you did, you'd realize you must deal with losers who try to undermine you at every turn. Some losers try to pin stuff on you that you won't have recourse for (which is what Don did with some woman he worked with, probably to get pussy that he'd NEVER receive).

Yeah, I'd certainly never record someone I trusted, but once you know someone has a vendetta against you, all bets are off—especially if you've been dragged to court and realize that they were documenting/recording YOU the entire time.
>When it happens, you'll need to slurp my slime-taint
And I won't use my bidet solely in preparation for youuuuuuuuuu

> See pic rel.
This person "forgot" how much they paid me last week, and thought I was overcharging.
>I already have otter.ai transcripts and plenty of screenshots to keep this dumb business person from pulling shit.
>Plus, I just like abusing her because they're low IQ.
It's basically Cognitive Behavior Therapy, but they need me. So, each time this person pulls this shit, I reinforce how stupid they are.
> This is just 1/7 clients I have, so it's what you have to do to be antifragile.

> You can't stand change (that's a sign of depression)
Don Jolly is a bitch and shouldn't be in the public discourse until he hikes the entire Appalachian Trail
> Sam and Nick's advice is actionable
Adults can hold two contradictory ideas simultaneously
> I offered value and real-world experience to appeal to real slimes, not primordial ooze like youze

MDE used to be art, now it's all scraping the bottom of the barrel business. No wonder you love it so much. I'd tell you to watch Wake up call for ad men, creatives, art students, but it would be wasted on you. We all knew it was over and they'd never reach the heights of MDE whypz again once they sold out.
Couldn't be more of an election world peace tourist if he tried.
> sold out
it's called buying in, dum-dum. See SLC Punk

I've played shows and met people IN providence pre-2010. My ex went to Johnson and Wales back in 2003. My buddy's friends with the Lightning Bolt and Load Records losers. I've probably accidentally ran into Sam and co. by that human statue chick by WaterFire. Stop talking, you know nothing.

>election tourist
At what point does a tourist become a cosmopolitan?
>don't answer that rhetorical question. You'll end up saying something stupid again

Key point: Sam's output ethos isn't as exclusive as you think.
>Stop "gatekeeping"

2nd Key point: "It used to be art, maannn..."
> baby's first epistemology argument
So art = serious.
Standup = not art
Spoken word = not art
Satire = not art
Books = not art
Shirts = not art

> why are you here?
No, really... are you trying to relive the halcyon days of yore?

Here's a song dedicated to "people" like you:

BONUS: I've already made $400 today while bantering with you. Thank you and make sure to double-bag the meat.
Is slimeyanon that guy who's a big fan of Rocco?
who me?
oh you
got ya


>anyone have standup bootlegs
Ashley Jones pictures are also acceptable
Does anyone have the full pgl episodes? Like the one with Dan soder is that posted anywhere
>burning local? try freezing global
Channing+Don Jolly+rockystream+Jon for Hunger Games
One thing to keep in mind on the networking era of PGL is that at least Sam stopped with those outbursts of rage on the smaller things
Even stuff that I've agreed with him, like hating on the keyboard guy ages ago, it's never something substantial, it's always a spergout over nothing sometimes followed by his self help guru script
look at the op you fucking moron
stand up is hard man
Yeah he's had to soften up a bit to get along with others.

None of this has anything to do with MDE. Did you blow your brain out with whippets or something? Why can't you talk straight?
>Ashley Jones

This explains a lot, very election tourist core too.
lol you aren't beating the aging millenial allegations with that history old man
this sounds funny if it was on PGL or a livestream, but this is rough to have as part of your act, oh well the crowd loves it apparently
>None of this has anything to do with MDE.

Yes it does. Dumbass mentioned how old MDE was "art" and now it's "not art". Zir/zhem is wrong.

I explained a very common argument - "What is art?" - which is Epistemology 101.
Essentially, art is a catchall term and suffers from the "problem of classification". You'll blindly run into edge-cases, outliers, context, classification overlap...

In other words, what you perceive not to be art is actually art in another's perception (or intent, or simply just any form of living - ex, your moms bjs are pure art and your ree's are not).

Further reading can be found in "Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", where Pirsig tries to define "quality". It's a fruitless pursuit, and similar outcomes can be with John Nash (et al). In other words, you'll become schizo and start listening to John Cage.

Also, Korzybski covered your perception error in his Theory of General Semantics. Which means you should stop offering your opinion to public discourse.
It's embarrassing and very unslimelike.

> Did you blow your brain out with whippets or something? Why can't you talk straight?

I was hoping that you'd be intelligent enough to realize the error of your ways, but instead, you go for ad hominem attacks while continuing to miss the point.
I may be a slime, but you'll be stupid forever.

I like smart, short-haired attractive tomboys.
> simple as
"election tourist" is just gatekeeping...
>why did the hipster burn his mouth? because he ate his dinner before it was cool.
that's literally you, but I'd rather your family died in a house fire and your mom signed your inheritance to her favorite slime because i hit dat pusssssssy sooooooo gooooood.

>literally assaults Muslim kid on his own podcast
gettin' along just fine

That's a lot of words to cover up for the fact that you're nuMDE through and through.
I’m more nu-nu-nuMDE
> and there’s literally nothing you can do about it
be useful: post standup bootlegs
Heres an old cut from the good old days, from an oldhead to a young initiate:

Eh needs more workshopping and less pacing.
> the JCVD bit is better
His jcvd impersonation on their album twat is very good.
Are you associated with Brainblast Productions, formerly known as Mr. Heck?
> looks up trivia bar game…
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Anyone got the full recent Scuffed Realtor with Nick in the HUM shirt?
I'm not paying for it, why else would I come here
It worked on my desktop…. Sheeeeit
Oh god, is that Sam?!

Sam, if it is you, I just want to take the opportunity to say, I think you absolutely need to kill yourself at the earliest possible opportunity! You're an unfunny comedian, trading on boomer-ass shit that was unfunny even to the boomers, and your life has already peaked. Adult Swim won't want you back any time soon, and Tim Heidecker will never return your calls.

Once again, because I know you struggle with getting the point: kill yourself, you depressingly pathetic pigman.
anyone know the which episode of PGL it was when Erik and Charls were on?
This is a fairly low vibrational angle of attack against Sam. The most damning thing about him is how he sold out. Everything he does now if exactly the kind of shit he used to mock.
Also it's obviously not Sam, it's some deranged aging millenial chatgpt prompt jockey who lives in Manchester but who, for some bizarre reason, seems to know everyone in the north eastern American music scene from the 2000s. He doesn't seem to know very much about MDE at all. I will admit that his love of short haired women is extremely high IQ however.
If I had to guess this guy was in a noise rock band circa 2007 or so and had someone drop a tube amp on his head, which would explain everything about how he types.
Even if it isn't him, I had to shoot my shot, and we all know he checks these pages religiously.

So, once again, Sam, if you're reading this, you need to end your life. Walk into the sea with bricks in your pockets. It's literally the best thing you can do. No one will miss you when you are dead and the world will be an objectively better place when you go. You know this.
seconding this
the roger stone/peter thiel steroid boy rape arc is really cringe and desperate, even for sam, lowtax couldn't live with himself and I don't see how someone as unfunny and derivative as you could either
Not Sam

>Slime casts "You're Stupid"
You wasted about 5 minute of your life on this post. You could have flirted with a lady, developed your business, built a garden, emailed a friend... and yet you're here...
> Alternate theory: Laker is stirring controversy

Slime casts "You're Poor Forever"
> sold out
haters gonna hate. I think his content is better than the old stuff and it takes money to have the quality of output he's got. I think you're just bitter because he isn't a relatable loser like you and casts the onus on you. Maybe you should "sell out" and find a new career. Instead, you're here...

Slime casts "Assumptions?"
> Manchvegas?
Nigga, I lived in Seabrook, Portsmouth, Keene, and Hampton, NH. Try again

Slime casts "Swipe your card again"
>ChatGPT prompt jockey
I've worked my career for the past two decades and I make $200/hr (base rate: $50)

Slime casts "Muddle"
> for some bizarre reason
I dunno, actually working on a music career. I've played 16 countries; you probably haven't left the county line.

Slime casts "Sour Grapes"
>seems to know everyone in the north eastern American music scene from the 2000s
It's a small scene (and you're not in it). Do you know Frank Hurricane? I played a show with him at the White Haus in Jamaica Plain. He's still going. What about Abertooth Lincoln? They reached out and said we played one of the best shows at their house. I emailed Henry Rollins and the dude from Xiu Xiu (and got responses). Had Geddy Lee sign my bass off Newbury Street. Smiled at Bjork at the Bowery Ballroom. You've done nothing and I hope you grow a soul.

Slime casts "Judgment?"
> someone drop a tube amp on his head
I played mostly acoustic and busked 40 states.

Slime casts "You've Wasted Your Life"
> seconding this
false consensus.


Anywho, the slime is going to go make money now. Go look at your bank account before you reach the cash register. No, we don't take EBT.
>Henry Rollins
cool did you suck this mamzer fag off too
No, I tried to get a an interview of his show in NYC. He said he was too busy for press. It meant a lot to get a response.
> gay
probably bi from the roids and ritalin, but I think he fucks his assistant Holly on the regular. He also fucked Kira Roessler (the tomboy bass player) and Diamanda Galas (mannish but talented), not to mention all the slags featured in "Get in the Van" (good read)

Slime casts "Slip It In"
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piggiesssssssssssssss pleeeeeeeeeeeease
I didn't like Soder either, he's just ugly and not fun to look at or listen to, no swag.
One thing that's kind of a shame is how both Sam and Nick say how they really like KillTony and they seem to be buddy-buddying with comedy "scene"-fags blatantly

Really wish Redbar or Mullen would pay a visit (besides the Shane "appearance")
I mean look at this guy, he's bonkers
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> not fun to look at
> buddy-buddying with … fags
something on your mind?
> blatantly

> look at this guy
jesus who are these gays?

> my raison d’etre
>PGL_0084_AlienAmbulancePortals (CRF25).mp4

>Nick & Charls again
kino's back on the menu boys
oh shid already?? thank you anon
Do these people know that there is more than just Sam in MDE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaZh7ME1w7E
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Slime casts “Thank you, real one”
>IMO steroids compromised his decision making faculties, possibly already on the decline for the decision of abusing drugs to begin with.
We know now that steroids damage your brain and lower IQ, especially from prolonged use.
cheers brotha
thanks NIGGA
Lol this guy is the stereotypical guntuber that Sam and co hate but he's trying to be ironic about it to appeal to Sam. Gay!
These people don't know MDE full stop. Not one of them has even a little bit of of an idea about, say, Dr. Winkum Dice.

But with enough positive Vibes and Don Jolly reiki healing crystal energy we can bring about a new dawn.

Who can even stand listening to these guys anymore?
Look at my mans tactical pants and shirt, hes all gussied up like a sicario.
>Who can even stand listening to these guys anymore?
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First you were like
>These people don't know MDE full stop.
And then you were like..
> Who can even stand listening to these guys anymore?

I’ll let ChatJeetPT show you the symptoms of cognitive dissonance:

Cognitive dissonance, the psychological discomfort experienced when holding two or more contradictory beliefs, values, or attitudes, can have various health effects. Some of these effects include:

1. **Stress and Anxiety**: The internal conflict caused by cognitive dissonance can lead to increased stress and anxiety levels. This discomfort can manifest as physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, and digestive issues.

2. **Mental Fatigue**: Constantly trying to reconcile conflicting thoughts or beliefs can lead to mental fatigue. This can impair cognitive functions like decision-making, concentration, and memory.

3. **Emotional Distress**: Cognitive dissonance can cause emotional turmoil, including feelings of guilt, shame, and frustration. Prolonged emotional distress can contribute to mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.

4. **Behavioral Changes**: To reduce dissonance, individuals might change their behaviors or attitudes, sometimes leading to unhealthy habits like substance abuse, overeating, or avoidance behaviors.

5. **Impact on Self-Esteem**: Struggling with cognitive dissonance can affect self-esteem and self-worth. Individuals may feel inadequate or incompetent, which can lead to a negative self-image.

6. **Physiological Responses**: Chronic stress and anxiety associated with cognitive dissonance can trigger physiological responses like elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, and weakened immune system, potentially leading to long-term health issues.

Addressing cognitive dissonance typically involves resolving the conflicting beliefs through rationalization, changing one of the conflicting beliefs, or seeking support and counseling to manage the psychological discomfort.
is 21:08 a joke?
idk because i closed it as soon as i saw the child rapist in a beanie
what Sam had with Marky was true love... it wasnt even sex, they were making love. they loved so hard she gave birth to a poop nugget. stop talking about Marky.
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God bless you pay chad
thanks boss
there episode names our turning more rick and morty as the years go bye
Good episode, Sam's getting less and less negative. Charls is happy, he's wearing a big hat like his name is Timmy. Nick is funny enough. The stand up tour is doing great to their mood!
Pretty good episode, but lots of overlap of old episodes (ie. fake Indian moon landing cargo cult, Boston Dynamics is fake, the early internet was cool, etc.).

It's getting pretty close to nostalgia territory, too ('member Geraldo? 'member Sally Jesse Raphael? CKY? AIM? I 'membah)

The cheese stuff and Nick's story on the alcohol-urge suppressant were good. Blowing up the fat financial dude Don Kiliam was good, too, because that dude's being boosted like every other damn huckster. It was also good for talking shit about the Roomba (2D device) and works as a good metaphor why tech is stagnating. And yeah, the Biofire smart gun is the dumbest shit I've seen in a long time.

The skater stuff is annoying. Once you're above 25, skating is kind of lame (even as means of transport). I figured this out when I realized that anywhere after sundown was illegal to congregate in or do any type of behavior in "public" besides loiter in downtown areas near bars. Skaters tend to have the attitude that they don't recognize private property or that maybe not everyone in public needs to accommodate their behavior (like the black kids who pop wheelies in traffic or the sidewalk).

I get it, it's lekking, but it's run its course. And yeah, when a city builds a skating bowl to give kids a place to do this, it immediately kills the urge for rebellion.
what is it about Sam/MDE that attracts the most schizo unemployed autistic untalentedos?
The video we are discussing has NOTHING to do with MDE, properly defined.
We don't want them happy we want them deranged and hungry.
Like attracts like.
Watch any of their content and it becomes obvious?
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I dunno, ask these homos


Ask them which auction hand signal they love jammed up their loose booties.
> 7 is the prostate tickler
> 1 is the stinkfist
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found the paypig
how much have you donated to sam?
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hey sam...
Finasteride when?
oh my god this is fucking awful no wonder why he didn't want anyone filming
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he learned from the best
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>I'm not taking any pills
jets bitty be fitted doe
Bro it's not even called World Peace any more...
I thought he used to make fun of these "guntubers" is he that desperate to get on Joe Rogan?
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be nice, he does good things.
Ladies and gentleslimes... A new don jolly for your delectation...

I love Charls gay little genie in a bottle shoes here
It's over, guys. Don Jolly got stuck on his toilet. Stop talking about him.
Don jolly stuck on a toilet is at least 10x higher vibrational than current MDE and that's a sad fact.
Uncircumcised genius Don Holly's foreskin got caught in a ceiling fan and he was whipped around the room like a whirligig
*Don Jolly's

ADIDAD - all day I dream about don
Yeah people calling it MDE2 (doubt they even know what that stands for...)

How can there be a second million dollar extreme when the first one lives on forever in our hearts?
He hasn't had any real relevance in well over a decade outside of his little echo chamber. He'd literally murder people to get a shout out on one of Boogie's streams, let alone Rogan.

Actually, why hasn't he done a collab with Boogie yet, they have so much in common: wasting money, lying to fans, getting in on crypto scams, taking the money and running... only difference is that Boogie lied about having cancer and Sam looks like someone put a shitty beard on a tumor.
I've been thinking about trooning out, I'm a loser and I can't be saved

I fantasize about Sam being my abuser. He reminds me of the person that touched me when I was younger, he just gives off the same feeling when I watch his content, especially when I see the way he pushes girls around... Being in a abusive relationship with him might give me some sense of security. Being powerless might even feel safe, like I wouldn't even have to worry about anything because he would decide everything for me

I pretend to laugh and smile when I watch his content but deep down I feel some sort of Stockholm syndrome. I don't know what it is about him that makes me feel so unstable yet stable at the same time

I feel disgusting for even having these thoughts but I can't stop, I'm sorry Sam
Sounds like youd be a perfect addition to the nuMDE wigger fishtank parasocial cruelty squad
>Don Holly
put respect on Don Jolly's name
you'll be on fagtank s3 and fucking sam's mouth in no time
I apologise, from one donhead to another.
If Sam can reconcile with Charls after Charls called him gay, how come he can't reconcile with Don Jolly????
Don's moved on, he's so far beyond the fetid miasma of fishtank-era MDE. Besides, the relationship between chuck and Sam is very odd now.
>take steroids that fuck up your hormones for life
>"finasteride? nah isn't that some tranny drug"
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I see morons but no standup bootlegs.
> c’mon kings, send that sheeeeit this a way
Any idiot can see their "mended" relationship is forced due to financial reasons. People wouldn't shut up about a reunion so Sam made it happen, but he wants to cash out on it big time.
That's why WP2 is so delayed. He wants to extract maximum profit from his paypigs for forcing him to reconcile with a man who completely exposed him and who he despises.
> C.R.E.A.M.

If you've every accidentally fucked someone over and had a conscience, you'll do everything in your power to restore your previous relationship and pay restitution. Last PGL was kino, so why are you so gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Mind your own business.

I'm just here for standup bootlegs, but then I have to read your bullshit (I just scanned the first five words and said "homo"), so could you be useful or be nothing?
Back at (You), person who enjoys feces on their genitals
>I'm just here for the absolute bottom of the barrel nuMDE sloptent

Yes, and it shows.
how do you have the time to post here, post in fishtank threads, post on kiwifarms and listen to podcasts?
we talked about this.
Are you okay?
If you need to talk, I'm happy to discuss issues that may be embarrassing? leveloneslime@proton.me

It's okay, we all falter, no judgement
I am surprisingly efficient and I don't do half of what you're saying.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
If any of you posted a tired "he can't keep getting away with it meme" today or on any other day for that matter I wish nothing but the worst for you.
I'm sorry but it's a powerful vector for nuMDE, and that's unforgivable.
What are you talking about? It's super funny.
Its really not at this point, and it wasn't even that funny to begin with.

I'm sentencing you to five full viewings of the creative fork in the road for my white bitch:


OG sam advice content, not good! but at least hes talking about something he has some experience of
Maybe I take it back, hes kind of a beautiful soul in this one. Don Jolly-esque... Before the money and "success" came to ruin everything.
-.- .. ... ... -- -.-- .- ... ...
Has anyone saved S2 E4 of The Palace from a few hours ago? Upload it if you have it, please
laker is sooo soo soooo cute
I had a beautiful dream last night that I was on holiday and sick, showing my girlfriend early MDE cuts. I dreamt there was a video in the same vein as that aborted livestream sam and charls did immediately post WP cancellation but it was all three of them hanging out in a rented house over the christmas holiday.
The "he can't keep getting away with blowing tranny hookers" meme?
could be anymore English? yikes
I told you, get gaped on the Curry Mile (and post standup bootlegs as your last saving grace, guv'nor)
I went to the curry mile and all the Bangla boys said they didn't know you
>went to the curry mile
That was your first mistake
>and all the Bangla boys said they didn't know you
I don't associate with losers

STANDUP BOOTLEGS. English motherfucker, do you speak it or do I h ave to put it in Paki for you to understand it:

اب بوٹلیگ

Do my bidding
People were too busy rolling out the door laughing to peeing Michael they forgot to hit record
> why didn't they hit record before then?

Please, I know English is a hard language for you people, but let me see if I can help you.

in water closet
> talking
> funny
not you. requires subtext that foreigners are not privy too. auslander raus and fuck off to the dirt hut that spawned you.
Why don't you go out to see him perform, if you're such a big shot
What did we say about talking? You bring me bootlegs... and then you can talk (maybe).
Are you afraid of what might happen if you stood toe to toe with Sam?
will sam be wearing his lifts or not lmao
He'll be in timbs and a cowboy hat
>MDE is Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort, and Charles Carroll. We are three regular XBox LIVE-playing dumbass fucksticks just like you, but we think that the "culture" you are consuming is pathetic in profound ways that we could fill an entire book talking about.

I have no desire to meet Sam and co. I just want the standup, you dingus
Do you know how to use the filters on this site? You can make these threads go away forever.
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Don’t make me do it. Be nice and provide standup bootlegs.
What’s the direct address for your mom’s basement?
go easy with the ad hominem attacks. Here's an exercise: post your footwear. Or, like I suspect, you come from low vibrational space and just like to get wet (no matter how stupid your opinions are)...

> be better
we're all rooting for you and you seem to know the right path

anyways, I gotta buy some beer
Being an MDE oldheads is pure Babylon rahtid sufferation. One love.
Sounds more like you're experiencing lead poisoning. Which would explain why you like MDE.
Bumbaclot post
>raid shadow legends twitch streamer
>omega grifter reality show with mentally ill people host
Nick is the only one that doesn't resent his fans
>good news: i'm taller than sam
>bad news: i'm taller than sam even if he wears lifts
>more bad news: i don't feel any need to present photographic evidence to one of his gay discord orbiters
another loss for gay zionist child rapist and literal cocksucker Samuel Whitcomb Hyde
> you don’t value your own life and time spent
Sounds cool, but could you show bootlegs or just leave? How does what you said do anything?
>explain your motivations or we use DIGNIFIAI to show you your wasted potential
> no no Ill wait
That's Channing man, cut her a break, she had to spend time with Sam Hyde. It's enough to drive anyone mad.
There are no other bootlegs you dunderhead nuMDE poser fuck off
Just stop. I know you get paid for this, but just ease it into neutral, take a breather, and reassess your life. Like, think about how you got here doing this. You had dreams, hobbies, and now? Would you be proud to tell your grandchildren about your behavior here?
> I know there’s more bootlegs
Make it happen and cast these fools into the abyss
There won't be any grandchildren because I've been driven barmy by the existence of fishtank.
I think Sammy boy’s Legion of Skanks episode goes up at 8 PM EST, does anyone have a GAS digital subscription?
You let entertainment ruin your genetic line? Hmmm, carry on…
is this like a tranny blowjob thing or what
schultz is bringing too much normalfaggot cringe. we need that illitarate blank piece of a paper back
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anon cant handle the STAR POWER
His wigger persona was good, sure. He just doesnt work on scuffed where hes his boring normalfaggot self.
Lots of faggot kids in the tv threads. You're all fucking obsessed but you still follow Sam. Losers like you will never fucking do shit.
Say that to my face faggot
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Kissy kissy, so gay

Fucking post standup and stop being children. They don’t pay me nothing for nobody.
What shit do you fuck do
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Fucking tired of this shit
Now you are starting to understand one tiny fraction of the pain of being an oldhead
sam seriously can't stop giving money to troons lmfao
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Nick Fuentes faggots making Sam dirty.
Is Charls never streaming again? Where is he, where is Effina why is he so repulsed by his fans when they're his..? Oh... His perfect reflection...
Chronically unfunny vantablack coal dust, an early indication of the tragic "meme-ification" of MDE.
Fucking hell, when Nick Fuuentes is making fun of you, you need to kill yourself.
Can someone please upload a clip of Sam's streams where he says he doesn't like Aphex Twin? A donator asks his favorite album and he says "the quietest one" because he thinks RDJ sucks. Thanks.
What made Sam Hyde so self unaware?
getting molested by his ashkenazi relatives as a kid
this shit stopped being funny 5 years ago
shoutout nick flentes
hey sam
how much moral lassitude was involved when you got on your knees to suck off gay hooker "Edie?"
Where are you when we need you most, Chundoan Briscoe?
More good forecasting for World Peace 2! Or, I mean, MDE 2 Presents: Extreme Nazi Porn. Great title! Konzept was unavailable for comment.
>extreme nazi porn
I don't think sam even fell off, but all his new ideas come from his talentless zoomer crew
Sam Hyde? More like Sam Hides the hotdog!
btw you faggots and your discord raid on /pol/ over sam's gay cocksucking twitter manifesto was really sad to watch
>MDE 2 Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
>for some reason
because they hate you. retard.
It was clearly sarcasm.

I guess allowing AS to have World Peace as IP was a massage to get their deal to go through. But given how little money they were contracted for and how things went, what a mistake to sign that over.
Just call it the “Jelly Bean Hour” sponsored by Portuguese Dog Owner Brewing
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
Million Dollar Extreme Presents: Extreme Tranny Porn
3rd-world peace: Extreme now with more flavor
sam dont worry if you ever get canceled i still love you and care about you dont worry ill always be a fan of your content. dont let the haters get to you
What PGLs would people say are the funniest to watch with someone not that familiar with Sam? I've got them all downloaded already.
If you don't have a parasocial father son relationship with sam and nick, PGLs are tedious.
The clips channels are good with Nick. The Rocco one.
>JCVD bit
>ON MY WAY tech complaining
not really funny ngl
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It's a meta cultural/art/media criticism podcast which has devolved into bros watching tik tok for the most part, the funny bits are too scattered to name a specific episode. I think PGL was good up to about episode 50 or so at which point Sam loses steam. Best episodes are from when Joeyy was producer, before Stuttering Chris took over.
The reason why Chris is so valuable to sam is that as his more talented zoomer employees all move onto bigger and better things, he will always have someone there to fetch coffee and order mcdonalds.
>It's a meta cultural/art/media criticism podcast
Jesus, dude, it was a bunch of idiot edgelord fuckheads sitting around talking about whatever shit came into their heads, don't try and sell it as something it's not. You could get the same level of 'cultural criticism' hanging around under a bridge, listening to schizo junkies and not have to subscribe to a Patreon for the privilege.
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Didn't read past the first few words You have a pea sized cranium and your ears fit into a snapback on the tightest setting very easily. Don't worry about it. See the shaded area in the attached picture for where you sit given your cognitive ability. Thanks!
>Sam gets super salty & jealous of Jimmy & Letty

what did he mean by this
baiting donations with fake drama?
> who is PT Barnum?
> what is the art of money-getting?

Notable quote: "Without promotion, something terrible happens... Nothing!"

Chris is great. The Joeyy era was good, too, but I was getting second-hand opiate poisoning listening to him. Joeyy is naturally funny ("overdose of swag"), but having someone that laconic kind of kills momentum in a talk-based for mat whe enn youuuu areee try ing toooo get a pointtttt acc ross.

The "host" serves as a punching bag and helps keep the momentum flowing. Plus, Chris isn't too quick witted, which leads to some incidentally funny moments. Sturiveccos instead of Stir of Echoes is case in point. He also offers bad TikTok/Instagram recommendations, which enables the Sam and Nick to just branch off into their respective wheelhouse (or just shit on some societal issue).

In reality, I'm thinking Chris has sleep issues from being overweight (sleep apnea) and is most likely prediabetic from alcohol. Looking at the transformation of Jet to his current state from where he once was, the Ben dude, and Joeyy, I think they're all being overworked and drug themselves to keep up with TRT Hyde and Coke Rochefort.

Still, what other Thiel-funded podcast are you gonna listen to? Red Scare? TAFS?
Awww skizz skizz


>hanging around under a bridge, listening to schizo junkies

I used to live in PDX and had many schizos on a first-name basis that'd get a shift burger from me.
> fuck you I am burger mother Thersa

"schizo" gets tossed around, but the real deal shit is bad and incoherent.

Alot of them come from abusive backgrounds that fractures their minds (especially da joos).

They cope with drugs - that's why you see the dude wiggling his hand around face at 5am by the Lloyd Center.

When you say "schizo", you mean incoherent, correct?
You can get close with weed edibles but they never get to come out of it. Stick that in your vape.
I understand, reading is a hard skill for Pigman fans, you have my thoughts and prayers.
The way jimmy insists on having his hands around her like that wanting to cop a feel at all means is so pathetic
> gossip
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It was SGI, Sam, not Sun.
Big Purple was referring to a computer this whole time?
>dude get a skill
>dude stack money and resources
>dude your time is gold don't waste so much of it online
>get out of discord and social media groups
>Charls and I just drifted apart
>get off prescription and illegal drugs weed is so bad for you Nick uses it but he built a house ok?
>avoid e-whores and bpd art hoes
>btw buy my NFT's
>and shit merch (it's shit on purpose though lol)
>buy a superchat on my stream for 50 dollars for some vague advice I've given 100 times before for free
>check out my fishtank show and buy TTS
>join my MDE/NFT/Fishtank Discords
>follow my wigger crew on twitter/insta/tiktok
>Charls is back just don't ask questions ok?
>my wigger crew is made up of perc/xanax/lean/cokeheads, but it's ironic lol
>hey check out these e-whores go watch their streams and donate
>WP2?.... hmmm It'll be out soon, but come watch my standup where I do my peeing michael bit, I'm SO close to meeting Joe Rogan
watching mde orbiters report threads hostile to sam in /tv/ is serious avant garde hypocrisykino
I can't believe one of the jannies is a literal discord tranny mde orbiter. actually, I can.
>dude nick is a one in a million guy, he worked construction and in a car dealership
>if you smoke weed you'll start jacking it to gay porn for the rest of your life, don't ask me how I know
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I like Sam and think he's funny but you did kinda nail it there.
>write, film and edit WP2 and only then realize we don't have the rights to use "world peace" so what shall we call it?
call it competency crisis, that's what it is
haha you got played
>I like Sam and think he's funny
My most sincere condolences
Hasn't Chris stopped working on their streams now though?
>sam hyde sucking tranny dick is a win for the right in the culture war
riveting kiwifarms analysis
Happy Sunday everyone.

> it's time
Most of that is sound advice, minus paying for his grifts. A lot of what he's warning against are things he's fallen for, which is evident from Marky/Channing. Are you a butthurt dude-weed or something?
>unamicably give Sam the boot and put as much distance between Adult Swim and Sam/MDE/WP as possible
Fucking slimy kike cocksuckers, lol. That said, it's pretty retarded to (supposedly) go this balls deep into the project without securing the name. I'm more convinced it'll be shit now. The absence of Ruse's style will also hurt.
>A lot of what he's warning against are things he's fallen for,
Sam Hyde didn 'fall for' sucking off trannies, he chose to do i willingly.
>he also doesn't warn against it for some very important LGBT reason probably involving Peter Thiel
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I mean, he did create a video exposé on all the weirdos working there.

Also, it’s good press
>they stole my freedom
here’s how we underdogoyim fight back, gang
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paypigs!!!!!!!!!!!!! is this a new ep or is nick just posting the old one due to brainfog from beerswill gutpains and zesty weed coughings
new ep. it says ep 85 if you look at the description of the post.
I cancelled my subscription after taking sammies own advice.
>PGL_0085_buckmelter (CRF25).mp4

thanks anon. can these asshole not treat pgl like a fucking lunch break. i cant believe people pay for this low effort insulting bullshit.

i mean even the male piss fetishist pedophile that plagues these torrent boards doesnt even pay. and he a massiv sam dick rider numde fag who is a chomo.
thx anon
They wouldn't make it if people like you wouldn't keep asking for it. If everyone just told the Pigman to fuck off and get an actual job, he might actually put the barest amount of effort into, I dunno, anything for once in his life?
new song just dropped

hey that's one of the black guys that fucks sam hyde!
danks bruv
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Thank you. The party has recognized your selfless efforts.
This sucks so bad it almost rules. Almost.
This one's pretty low-effort (an hour and a half) and from April (when Mark Cuban sold the Mavericks).
I give it a 5/10
from lazy gay jew sam hyde? never
Eh they did have a packed standup schedule, so they get a pass. I find it hard to believe Nick didn’t know about the Killdozer, but hey, I felt the same sense of wonder and possibilities from modding a beast of a vehicle worthy of to enact justified revenge.

PREDICTION: In due slime, I expect more dozer dudes and maybe even some dozer gals. You’re already seeing it at airports.

I’d be guilty of it myself, but this slime confirms to all containers in which it is subjected to…
Freakenomics tier theory.

>muh family name is Cooper
I guess I became a barrel maker
>muh family name ends with -er
I am jooish and I seek to belong
>I come from a long line of Browns
I commit crimes
by this theory sam should be called shlomo lazygrifter
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Uh oh, looks like someone needs a new diapey!

Are you Prince Shilly von Buzzkill? I outrank you, so do my bidding
there was no effort put into the material, no pass
Bernard Trannyblowjobfarb
shuddap youuuuuu

Value Props of PGL 85:

>passive aggressive cunt business practices in Rhode Island
>the value of buying commercial vs home equipment
>dancing with the stars (hood rich vs. ghetto fabulous) pipeline
> gay druggie politicians ("nipples protruding...")
> rating lesbian "studs"
> humpback lesbian rapper (AGAIN)
> NBA vs NFL (sign of social changes..., Larry Bird)
> not-WWIII talk (psyops)
> the brilliance of Brendan Schuab's tax strategy
> killdozer tribute

Nah, it was aight
every episode it goes like this
>chris brings up his links
>they're all horrible and unfunny/uninteresting
>topic quickly gets changed to sam shitting on AI
>nick talks about how much money everyone has
>check in on mk ultra'd celebrities
Imagine Sam Hyde's asshole giving your cock a fartjob
>Imagine Sam Hyde's asshole giving your cock a fartjob
tranny porn extreme presents: pax mundus
“What is formatting?”
“Alex, I’ll take Famous Slimes for $500”
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Imagine if you were funny.
I'm sorry. It gave me a giggle. I hope to spread happiness to others
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we’re moving culture forward
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it was not the worst, just wish they would put a bit more effort into them
>eating uber jeets for half the episode
>"time to wrap it up" after 90 minutes
>episode is months old, no talk of current events
I get that they want to have a buffer of work so they don't have pressure, but fucks sake people (not us) actually pay for this. if they want more PGL subscribers maybe try to give it more than the absolute minimum of effort.
> people (not us) actually pay for this
That’s the joke
> eating on mic
Also joke

It’s metahumor. Sam knows that a good portion of his audience is autistic and annoying, but the Venn diagram of those people and those who hate the sounds of eating on mic is pretty much overlapped.

He’s also fucking with expectations (irony). The fact that it seems he does the bare minimum of effort is betrayed by the fact that he’s sitting in front of thousands in AV gear and you’re getting high-level info aggregated from disparate people and sources (which is why I’ve been on TEAM ROCCO since day 1).

Any self-aware person knows this. That’s like giving a girl a wedding present and inside the box is a single piece of broccoli.

PGL also has a lot in common with EARLY Rogan and even Opie & Anthony. It’s a salon for men or shit you used to see at bars. This is lost on autists because they’re so used to being confused by life that they sperg out when they can’t get the joke (which is at their own expense).
I love cock
> t. Imposter

We've been over this already (pic rel) -> I love women and their mercurial ways.


I just got off the phone with my grandmother's downstairs neighbor, where we talked for an hour about her life and I helped her with her nephew's recent overdose. Do people call you for help?

Your life isn't important enough, and no one seeks your counsel. TRY HARDER.

The girls at Panera love me when I abuse the Sip Club and know my order before I even come through the doors. I leave them funny reviews on GoogleMaps so they get a raise.

After that, I gave the workers at this hotel I'm staying at this week some nice supermarket donuts.

>What have you done for others?
Probably nothing involving cream, cinnamon, and maple bars.

That's what you could do.
That'd be nice.
You're in loosh-harvester mode and contribute nothing to "MOVE CULTURE FORWARD" (such as the high-IQ tomboyangel that is Ashley Jones).

Is Sam a pedophile or what? I've seen the bloody nose photo with the texts but literally nothing happened with it.
I also watched the MATI interview with Marky and she just sounded like a SSRI-fried, drunk retard who wanted attention.
>Is Sam a pedophile
he also sucks off men sometimes
lol holy shit i didn't know there was an interview. wtf, have the allegations been completely neutralized
judging by Marky being a banned word and the histrionic response every time it gets through as "marquis", no
it's not the sort of lampshading you do if she really wasn't 15 and Sam Hyde didn't really make and distribute cp
100% compromised by feds
can't they just do a pgl every week wtf, why does sam talk about hard work so much when hes the laziest guy on the planet
he's got big paws
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this Nick photo gets me every time
>compromised by feds
I just like watching them dab on undesirables. If Nick, Sam, and/or Charls are feds, all I care about is if they offer actionable insights. So far, they've been pretty spot on and I could give a hoot what they do in their personal lives (muh purity spiral).

Compare this to that Mr. Beast tranny, who seems like he actively groomed youngin's, regularly participated in a show that actively sought this demographic, and went the full distance to troondom, even going as far to start grooming his own son. That's orders of magnitude worse.

I'll listen to Red Scare when I do housework even though you can tell they're obligated to pay lipservice to Islimereal. You can still glean good information AND actively spot where their opinions are hamstrung (ie. BAP is good, Steve Sailer is a god, gays are people worth listening to).
you hate schultz because he brings the flayva to the scuffed realtor kitchen
Charls has black person swag. He's most DEFINITELY getting invited to the cookout!
Schulz is a bad choice for co-host. The whole dynamic is off, where Nick is the dude who knows shit and the host is the naïve stand in. You can see several times how Schulz steps on Nick’s toes or drops the obvious punchline before Nick gets to it. Schulz is still funny, but Chris actually has an affable charm
>I'll listen to Red Scare when I do housework even though you can tell they're obligated to pay lipservice to Islimereal. You can still glean good information AND actively spot where their opinions are hamstrung (ie. BAP is good, Steve Sailer is a god, gays are people worth listening to).
no. It's called you've been utterly mo
mindraped by pedophile faggot Peter Thiel. I was going to say get help but just kys instead.
listening to podcasts is critical thinking? just go do some pushups
I listen to content aggregators to anticipate their moves and telegraph what's around the corner.
>know the language of your enemy. If German, speak Russian
Plus, I've worked in the entertainment industry. Seeing a talentless hack like Dasha get acting rolls reinforces the compromises and impossibilities of that career path unless you're willing to play ball... and play ball means 10% of your content.

why you wanna kiss me bro? Maybe you're the one who needs help UwU

thank you for your contribution.
>do some pushups
I will, on your mom. Instead of bracing my hands on the floor, I'll just grab her wrists and each pushup is me savagely penetrating your mom.
> how many pushups should I do?
Until she wakes you up in the basement when she does the sheets, where her scent wafts through the air as she passes you on the way to the dryer. I told her not to wash the sheets, just dry them so that you can smell her pheromones waft throughout the house.
If you detect another smell, that's because your mom likes to be peed on (and I "aim" to please on the same breasts that you used to breastfeed).

>inb4 gay
Getting invited to a black bbq, most likely to least likely:
>Frank Hassle
>charls in 2nd
Hi Chuck!
Invert that list. I’ve been invited to numerous cookouts, drink sessions, and get-together with black people. They’re fun but leave before the hard liquor comes out.

> Jet
Lived in the south. You get wasted with your neighbors
> Chris
Literally lives in the hood
> Sam
Joos are like half-black and blacks also respect brute force
> Nick
He seems to love everyone and black people pick up on that
> Bicflame
Basically speaks in Ebonics
> Charls
Has brown wife but too thin to be taken seriously
> Frank Hassle
Has bad energy
I would tell you to kill yourself to your face
To anyone reading this who understands people like quoted need to be killed or at least tortured in public but are afraid to pull the trigger...these people are cowards and when you see one in public (physiognomy, intuition, gut feeling does not lie) just start insulting them viciously even if they are in a group...I have been walking up to scum like quoted in public and with all the sincerity i can muster telling them to kill themselves (do it calmly to avoid police attention/reasonable suspicion)...it is real deal holyfield, they are inferior spiritually, mentally and even if bigger physically and will not harm you, they are pussy, it's the weekend, i recommend doing it tomorrow. peace and love to anyone who follows this advice...1 love
Ask your mom permission to use the car tonight. Just be careful about the steering wheel because that’s where your mom left my cum so she can remember how much I “drove” her crazy. Seethe, homosexual, I mean , “son”. Haha!

> muh gut feeling
The only gut feelings you have are your colon being rearranged to a fraction of their former shape and the cum being digested in your stomach.

> start insulting them viciously even if they are in a group
I’m impervious to insults and I don’t travel in groups (what, am I in some Yoder toter?). Even your threats are weak.

>this waiting room is full of stale farts like you

Let’s clear the air of you:

>you mess with the king, you best not miss
Is there a similar podcast to this? Something funny but also where they have based thought and opinions, not your typical NPC normie. I used to listen to cumtown but that's over now.

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