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I'm in the mood to watch some war movies.

The first one for tonight is this one:

The Beast / Beast of War (1988) 1080p 1.82GB

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The Battle of Algiers (1966)


Another one about the Soviets in Afghanistan:

The 9th Company (2005) - 1080p x265 2.16GB audio is in Russian but it has subtitles included

Rambo I
Rambo II
Rambo III

Let's see if it's any good. I hope Feynman makes an appearance.

Anyone got the movie "Kandagar"?
It's a Russian flick about IL76 pilots during the Soviet Afghan war that got kidnapped by the talibans and how they managed to escape a year year later by stealing back their aircraft to flee.
I can't find any torrent or ddl link for this movie
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Salyut-7 (2017) (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 7.1 Russian r00t) [QxR]

It's a very unrealistic and cheesy movie, but probably worth watching. Some of the CGI manages to look ok (especially the space shots), some of it is bad. Especially the "TV footage" is obviously HD with a filter. All the displays in the movie look fake. I suppose the 2D and 3D effects were done by different people, since the 3D scenes are mostly fine, while in theory they should be harder to make.

If found this one but the quality is shit and it doesn't have English subtitles.

Thanks, I'll take it
I watched the first hour on an airplane and it was boring as fuck. And I read Surely Youre Joking Mr Feynman like four times because I loved reading every word about the Manhattan Project.
The Deluge Redivivus in the hard to find 1080 HD version.

One of the most successful Polish movies ever, about the Swedish invasion of Poland in the 17th century. Among enthusiasts this movie is renowned for having what are probably the best sword fights ever filmed.

I heard so many praises of the beast of war. I watched it for 15 minutes then couldn't handle the retardation.

>opening scene shows a small hostile village
>filled with insurgents
>3 fucking tanks move towards it, all 25 fucking meters apart from each other
>tanks don't start firing their canons until they are only 100m away from the village, to give the insurgents a fighting chance
>they of course get hit with RPGs
>after blowing up a few buildings, the crews hop out of the tanks and start fighting amongst themselves like women, about how the feel and shit
>nobody fucking clears the village, even the MGs on the tanks are unmanned
>they of course start taking fire

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