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File: CBBR.png (264 KB, 508x505)
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Captain Blackbeard Radio is a HIGH ENERGY cyberpirate audio adventure through the Darkest parts of the internet.
This collection brings the newest episodes, improved folder organization and file naming convention.

>Episodes 1 - 20 (Latest release 05/JUL/24)
>Episode posters & art
>Format: MP3
>Total DL: 3.92GB


Seeding has ceased on the previous collection after over 1 year, thank you to all who have seeded and enjoyed!

Fair winds and following seas!
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Correction to this
>Total DL: 3.79GB
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#20 | CaptainBlackbeard Radio | The American Dream Starring Kurt Russell & Marisa Tomei



Or How The Underworld Was Won According To CaptainBlackbeard

What would ye do if ye accidentally created the most powerful and euphoric narcotic known to man?
What would it be like to go from rags to the biggest Dark Seas vendor virtually over night?

In #20 The American Dream, this is exactly what we place ye with a one way ticket to the most action packed audio thriller in Dark Seas history! In this episode, we take ye into a simmering abyss that is the American underworld. As every organized criminal faction wishes ye unpleasantness. Join Philadelphia Narcotics Detectives Joe Friday and Bill Gannon as they desperately try to put a lid on this new narcotics epidemic with the help of the mysterious and shady Doctor Duke. Building explosions, narcotics smuggling, gratuitous sex scenes, drive-by shootings and bar brawls are just some of the things ye will experience with #20!
Bumping for the captain, 20 was fucking wild.
Improved upload speed over the last collection. Hope all enjoy and please seed!
Bumping for the captain and waiting for EP 21
This is the chad CBR thread.
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681 KB PNG

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