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What software do you /t/orrenters use on servers?
t. setting up my homeserver
archiveteam warrior
qbittorent and sometimes transmission
would use tixati had it been foss and for ARM
my "server" is a RPI 4 and a 2 terabyte external hardrive
btw the RPI 4 can't have two external harddrives running at the same time so you need to use a powered usb HUB.
It runs qbitorrent, navidrome, samba, syncthing, jellyfin and a minecraft server whenever i feel like it.
all of that with a passive cooler
qbittorrent-nox with flood ui
sonarr, lidarr, prowlarr
zimaboard 432 running alpine linux with a 2TB USB HDD
Sam Hyde thread? You killed my gooning cock gay porn thread for another fucking Sam Hyde thread? Fuck you.
Good for the board
Fucking bump
why does sam hyde blow tranny hookers? is it because he's a homosexual?
>gooning cock gay porn
>sam hyde
on topic
Oh good another thread for me to be completely schizophrenic about Sam Hyde in.
Which powered hub are you using? Share the link, please anon.
Bump to kill cuck porn thread
transmission-cli with nginx proxy and dynamic DNS. I may need to switch to qbittorent if I ever cave and get a VPN. I'm waiting until I get a warning from my isp first tho
my server is a dumbass used optiplex with 12tb of storage

i use personally use qbittorrent
I am running a 20 TB server with UNRAID as the OS. I am running the following dockers/apps for the time being.


You should all become server chads.
yeah the server chad thing is a real cool thing
Has anyone used the Radarr/sonarr software? All the youtube home server shills push it but no one here has mentioned it. Is it just shill content?
I've used trueNAS scale in the past on an old home server i made out of spare parts. I ran into a ton of errors on a new drive and found out it was because of faulty ram. I'm planning on building a new one soon with new parts and was thinking about jumping to unraid. Is it better? I've seen the prices on the different available versions. If there's an upgrade option for the loicence I wouldn't mind buying the cheaper one for up to 6 storage devices and upgrade later.
What is a free alternative to this (as in free beer)
My 'server' is just a laptop with a faulty screen and 16Tb USB drive attached. QBittorrent with the web UI enabled, and SMB shares for the torrenting folder and plex library. I can add, remove, delete, and modify everything remotely.
If you dont have decent hardware dont use raid ever, i learned that in a hard way, just copy everything to another disk once you are ready.

Any program that do that job for ntfs?
Artix Linux
mdadm software raid

and idek what the rest of that tranny is using...and using docker?? NGMI
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Bump, sorry for killing a weird porn thread of yours, as a consolation here is sonic r34
real debrid worries about that shit
Transmission in a docker container, encrypt volume, run Debian, don't be a fag and rtfm.
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Guys I'd like to build a secure and as close to anonymous served strictly for seeding on a budget of approximately 1k USD.

I am here for
>redflags and
>things I will need to know or
>common knowledge that may be valuable from people with experience.

Obviously for a grand I'm not building anything too substantial, but more along the lines of repaying a community that has helped me substantially in multiple areas of my personal, professional and financial wellbeing.
Too much money dude. Can get by with less.
Building a Ryzen 5 powered with 32gb of ram and 12tb of drive for about 600
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Ok, I dont usually chime in, BUT delta server store dot com. Its run by sand naggers, but you get some warranty.. Servers are cheap off lease, but real servers. You can get a decent one for way way way less than new these are actual servers.. Not a pc used as a server, not a Rasberry pi chugging all it can but actual real servers.. I make zero in telling you this. I'd stick to dell cause I have had good luck with them, some like HP.
i just have an arch linux pc hosting plex content on an mdadm array and some other stuff is going on for backups of my work systems on my lan and in-home streaming for various steam games. it's very comfy.

on the topic of home servers, i think headless home servers will be the future. integrating an entire home iot on lan rather than gay cloud services is truly luxurious living and a cheaper alternative.
samba is all you need
it literally just werks
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>What software do you /t/orrenters use on servers?
I've downloaded almost 16000 RARBG bluray .265 rips with qbittorrent-nox. Already seeded over 30TB
it works, but the UI gets really slow with more than 1000 torrents running.... even on a system with dual 10 core xeons and 256GB RAM (qbt-nox using about 70GB RAM).

If anyone knows of a solution that scales much higher (like 50,000 simultaneous torrents for epic seeding), I'd appreciate

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