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What software do you /t/orrenters use on servers?
t. setting up my homeserver
archiveteam warrior
qbittorent and sometimes transmission
would use tixati had it been foss and for ARM
my "server" is a RPI 4 and a 2 terabyte external hardrive
btw the RPI 4 can't have two external harddrives running at the same time so you need to use a powered usb HUB.
It runs qbitorrent, navidrome, samba, syncthing, jellyfin and a minecraft server whenever i feel like it.
all of that with a passive cooler
qbittorrent-nox with flood ui
sonarr, lidarr, prowlarr
zimaboard 432 running alpine linux with a 2TB USB HDD
Sam Hyde thread? You killed my gooning cock gay porn thread for another fucking Sam Hyde thread? Fuck you.
Good for the board
Fucking bump
why does sam hyde blow tranny hookers? is it because he's a homosexual?
>gooning cock gay porn
>sam hyde
on topic
Oh good another thread for me to be completely schizophrenic about Sam Hyde in.
Which powered hub are you using? Share the link, please anon.
Bump to kill cuck porn thread
transmission-cli with nginx proxy and dynamic DNS. I may need to switch to qbittorent if I ever cave and get a VPN. I'm waiting until I get a warning from my isp first tho
my server is a dumbass used optiplex with 12tb of storage

i use personally use qbittorrent

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