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This is a thread for compilations of individual Milf and Mature JAV stars. Censored or uncensored does not matter. Will try to post regularly and seed as well as I can. Unfortunately it takes quite some time to fetch most of this data to my seedbox due to their size

Can not start with anyone else but the megastar Yumi Kazama. Lovely fat face waifu dream IMHO


Title Yumi Kazama Collection Vol.3
Size 121gb
File list too long to post here but you can read it here https://www.akiba-online.com/threads/yumi-kazama-collection-vol-3.1600694/
Damn, she's ugly.
She is so fine. Asian fat faced dimple girls are the best Her sales numbers prove it. Biggest JAV star ever

I will provide more. Just trying to find good healthy megapack torrents, or I will make them myself. My idea is that this thread should live for a long time.
OK,correction. Maybe not the biggest jav star, unless one correlates physical size along with productivity. But she is huge.
As a challenge, does anyone have fujiko kano?
How about some JAV Grannies? Maori Tezuka is a personal fave, but I'd love to find a trove of women north of 50 years old.
This the new jav thread?
As long as the woman involved consistenly pretends to be a MILF, mature or granny in the movie "plots", yes.

Sure. They belong. Grannies are very mature.
azumi mizushima?
OP here. I wanted to post only megapacks of individual girls, but I simply can not help posting this Center Village megapack that I found. I just love this mature series. This pic shows covers 1 through 30 of the 40 videos

I will add the magnet in the next post (2000 letter limit, really?) . It is a very old magnet with some dead trackers in it, but it should pick up your DL request pretty soon, especially if DHT is working as it should

If you have a problem with content of what looks like normie suburban commuters getting fucked, please feel free to post some hottie mature content. Me... I love this stuff too!
File: covers.jpg (484 KB, 1696x1044)
484 KB
484 KB JPG
>this pic
this here pic
Fingers crossed...
Any Anna Hoshi?
Ishino Hiromi 石野裕己 Yuki Ishino
Got a "crush" on this cute petite small boob MILF. 9/10 would marry. You probably wouldn't. There's no accounting for taste.
She made 5 solo movies and had a scene in another movie before she retired.
Then she had a scene in MBM-005 (only added the relevant part of that movie)
Have fun

Addendum for internet archaeologists:
She also had a small scene in ROSD-68. This is not part of the torrent
any uncensored?
any javstars with yaeba teeth?

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