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File: SouthPark AV1.jpg (139 KB, 1024x637)
139 KB
139 KB JPG
Hey /t/

I recently started dicking around with SVT-AV1 and ended up encoding the entirety of South Park and wanted to share it with you all.

First of all, this would not have been possible without Joy, who originally encoded and seeded the files in H265. Secondly, the main goal of this repack is size reduction. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look like shit, it's almost the same quality as Joy's repack, but at less than 1/3 the size. Thirdly, I did this on my own and it's my first time doing this, so if you notice anything to improve let me know.

Hope to see you soon /t/

bump desu
Wait anon, you encoded this from an original source like the Blurays or did you transcode this on top of Joy's existing h265 transcoding thus further losing quality?

AV1 can reach you the sizes you want at better quality, but you can't do it on top of a lossy transcode.
Fuck me then. I transoded it using Joy's H265 encoding as source to AV1.
Grab a Blu-ray remux of Season 1 for example, then re-encode that to AV1 and compare to your old one. You should see a difference. If you want to archive stuff at good quality / low file size, that is the way.

Lossy codecs, as the name imply, keep losing quality every time they are re-encoded. As an example, when people want good quality MP3 they use a FLAC/WAV source, not AAC or another MP3.
Yeah it's not a good idea to re-encode something unless it's at a really high bitrate that's visually lossless. By the way, with ffmpeg libaom-av1 this is crf 23 and for x264/65 this is crf 19. The typical release that tries to be a good file size is definitely not going to be crf 19 so it's not a great idea to transcode unless the ONLY thing you're concerned about is saving space.
i will be seeding
I don't mind if it's a re-encode. First southpark episodes I dl'd were realplayer 35mb/ep ones. So you can't really get worse then that..

I kinda stopped looking around s20, and recently started again. I opened magnet, but I'm not seeing any seeds yet, so no real info on how big it is now.. I mean 1/3rd of an h265 don't say much does it.. But hey I'll bump you for effort. Tnx OP

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