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Full playable dev build leak:

downloading now, will seed to at least 1:1 ratio, more if its any good
thanks anon
game wont run, wants to launch steam every time and then just crashes
apply the spacewar crack, ez fix for steam DRM on any game

anyway the test build going around is allegedly full of malware so i wouldn't run it till it's on pcgamestorrents
stuck on joining server screen not sure what to make of it

Where have you heard that?
>bro my pack doesn't have a crypto miner in it i swear just download it where did you hear it had a miner bro just trust me
got it working "perfectly" didn't know I had to select a "scene" in the scenes folder.
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>thinking this is even a risk when sandboxing has been the go-to method for the last decade
nigger you are fucking retarded.
the first build did have a miner in it but i wouldnt expect less from russian idiots
Does this haz malware?

Dont know. I havnt installed it yet. Hopefully someone who has will report back.
Worse, is filled with woke shit. :(
warhammer has always been woke, tourist chud.
>full of leftist propoganda
ghee golly gosh, color me surprised that the game that has been making fun of authoritarian rightists fir over 40 years would contain pro-leftist messaging
I have gotten into the game and started a campaign. After a cool cutscene involving the deathwatch, I am stuck on a loading screen. Will try more stuff and report back. Anyone else got it running?
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I got it working! Really fun so far. Here's how to run it.

1. Go to install folder and run build-finalizer.bat
2. Select Steam Dev and prepare build
3. Navigate to the new Steam Dev Build folder/client_pc/root/bin/pc
4. In this folder, replace the steam_api64.dll with Steam Auto Cracker/sac_emu/game_ali123/files/steam_api64.dll (https://github.com/BigBoiCJ/SteamAutoCracker/releases/tag/2.2.1-gui)
5. Exit Steam
6. Run MagnusClientSteamRetail.exe and deny any firewall permissions
I couldn't get the magnetic working stuck on Retrieving metadata anyone know how to fix this?
Just wait lol.
Does the online work?
Yes, run as administrator and allow through firewall
and port forward 22, 80, 443, and 3389 for best experience
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There are server files so maybe you could get it working and play with your friends using those VPNs that emulate LAN like ZeroTier.
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>This level of projection
LOL anon, did you miss out on the whole COVID thing where every leftist wanted to force "vaccinate" and throw people into COVID camps?
What happened to "my body, my choice" and "Mind your own damn business?".
The leftists in Australia actually had concentration camps.
How about the whole, "Fire anyone we disagree with!!!" Fascist much?
Anything a leftist piece of trash like yourself accuses any normal person of is projection.
You fucks went from screaming Nazi at everyone you disagreed with to revealing your true colors and being them.
I too am stuck immediately after the cutscenes in the loading loop.
I believe that the game file is pointing to a directory of file that is named something different than it will be on official installation. Like at the dev's location they have a "G" drive.
I too am looking through config files.
Captcha: AHH0
yeah wondering how you would even do it
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It was beautiful.
hey bro nice sperg but the human empire in 40k is very right wing and very authoritarian, just like the british government in the 80s which is who 40k is making fun of
but hey if you wanna just imagine i said something else and be upset about it, more power to ya
Quit making it political you fucking retards, the world would be a better place if you all jumped off a roof. Not everything needs to be political.

The ending was so beautiful, It brought a tear to my eye.
>Quit making my political satire political
lmao, even
Kill yourself you fucking nigger tranny.
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When the dreadnought you are fighting alongside with asks "Is Magnus here?"
anyone else used this one yet?
>hey bro nice sperg but the human empire in 40k is very right wing and very authoritarian

tell us more wrong off topic shit mr reddit man!
Ah yes the extremely atheist, anti planetary independace/isolationist, mass collectivist empire is somehow right wing... Let me guess, you thought all 6 boosters worked too cuz (((they))) told you right? LOL
>extremely atheist
*worships the god emperor and kills anyone who dares disagree with the state religion*
sounds pretty auth-right to me
>anti planetary independace/isolationist
*nationalist government that lets a few elites control everything evrywhere"
sounds pretty auth-right to me
>mass collectivist empire
*unifying the entire population into a single identity and killing anyome who asks for individual freedom*
sounds pretty aith-right to me

do you just not know what the right and left wings are?

alls i'm sayin is, 40k is LICHERALLY a leftist's satirical take on the shitty british governments from the colonial days to the 70s and 80s, where the imperium of man takes the role of the auth-right
you don't have to agree with that but you can't say it isn't factually correct that the creators of warhammer (technicially rogue trader) based it on auth-right politics when they have LICHERALLY put this in writing

tl;dr "no politics in my games!!!" is amusing to hear when "no politics" just means "none that i disagree with"
>state religion
state religion and the denial of a God greater than it(him) is atheism, commies had this and killed christoids fyi (wasn't there a chapter that literally worshipped him as a diety, and he nuked their planet off the map as punishment? lol woops :P)
>government that lets a few elites control everything everywhere
no, I said anti Independence/isolationist empire, not "elites" controlling everything, learn to read
>unifying the entire population
BZZZZZZZT wrong, rightoids hates collectivism, whether it's social or economic stop larping

this isn't the steam forums, you get no magical points for weak trolling and derailing, just sent on vacation. please try harder if you want more attention going forward, I ain't gonna reply if it's more gibberish :P

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