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Includes the anime in better quality ([2048x1152), manga, novel, and soundtrack.

I found someone that recently made a remaster of this classic, and I decided to help him spread it around. However we didn't have luck registering on sites, they are either broken, we don't get verification mail, or the rules prohibit only uploading a single torrent. As a last resort I'm posting it here so you degenerates can judge it for yourself.

Some words from the author (full info in file info.md):
For this remaster, I’ve painstakingly upgraded the visuals to bring them up to modern standards.
Gone are the old-school blur, noise, and visual artifacts; instead, you’ll experience crisp, clear visuals that let the narrative shine even brighter.
This is more than just a touch-up - it's a full revival that lets the series' unique atmosphere and messages come through with renewed clarity.
Why did I do this? Simply put, "Welcome to the N.H.K." deserves to be seen in the best possible quality.

Here is the magnet:

Note: I'd appreciate feedback, and if someone likes it we would appreciate if you could upload it to some torrent site and share the URL here.
Thanks for sharing this shitty upscale, you colossal faggot. Please kill yourself.
Ah, standard 4chan greeting, fascinating behaviour. You're welcome :)
My nigger this looks awful, please apply a shotgun shell to your head
I can see the ratio, when you actually see it feel free to comment again :)
>amateur upscale that has over-animation and broke the subtitles
>made by a narcissistic 23yo Valorant player in a few days
Regardless of its quality it is disingenuous and disrespectful to call this a remaster
it looks like the characters are cardboard cutouts. you removed the soul of the anime
will give it a look its a 23gig torrent files are around 800mb each usually i go for smaller files size but will take a look
afte downloading and scrolling through an episode everything looks fine to my eyes.
you probably do have working eyes, it's just that you are ignorant
>>1322110 (You)
>>1322113 (You)
>>1322187 (You)
(You) might want to get your eyes checked
It's look really bad https://imgsli.com/Mjg0Nzk0
1. imglsi stores images as lossy jpegs, so use slow.pics in the future (I know imgsli is getting the point across)
2. this is a re-encode+upscale of ohys, so no wonder it looks extra shitty
Thank you, I didn't know about compression on imgsli.
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O god, that is some Hot shit. plz post more Anon
the noise in the image, compared to the fat lines and smeared surfaces. id stick the original.
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Holy fuck, I figured you fags were just shitposting until I saw this. Legitimately stripped the soul out. Is this a troll? Does anyone actually think this is an improvement?
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He's a blind sighted moron AND the best part is he isn't even done yet (picrelated from his shitcord)
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I could keep posting examples forever holy shit... not to mention the subtitles being screwed up in addition to a lot of added movement, this has to be a troll
I talked with him on discord and gave a few pointers, but I guess he's still stuck on the notion that a higher resolution means better quality. AI niggers cannot stop losing

Talked to him again and he's not budging. V2 will have (poorly) upmixed audio, interlaced video encoded as progressive (combing artifacts and wrong fps). All frames were somehow extracted and upscaled alone, leading to insane temporal instability. Crazy how it'll still be 100x worse than a decade old 720p upscale by Urotsuki. This is why we should require IQ tests to buy computers.
Your mistake was reaching out to him (vi-on/lvl1000slime) - one look through his discord should've been enough to see it's a waste of time.
I tried to talk with him regarding issues with the current version, and he refused any form of feedback or criticism despite the very obvious issues (like the subtitles in the opening just as an example of a very explicit downgrade due to now being fucked up)
He doesn't actually like anime, and this is just something quick he cobbled together to farm attention on reddit/his discord since the "average" """person""" just sees these surface-level "improvements" as superior.
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I hope you hardcore collectors are ready to burn this 'definitive' version onto discs so that you can preserve this travesty forever
part of me wants to believe this is a high effort troll, but I've already seen people like this on TorrentGalaxy
Don't troll yourself with that, he's 100% retarded
manga and novel appreciated bro.
Ah my fucking sides. This is ture elite encoding
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are you the samefag who did that awful hokuto no ken one? why even bother, these awful upscales if they don't even compare to official dvd/blu-ray rips and look way worse then an old recording
genuinely, what is the point of increasing the fps from the standard already set?
I agree with anons here, I dislike this remaster, The soul is indeed stripped out. But can you explain to me in more precise non-meme terms what has gone wrong? I want objective critique by someone smarter than me to understand my own dislike for this remaster.
What's so hard to understand? The image is completely distorted and he used some filters that flatten all textures. However, some people (mostly Indians) are under the impression that just by having a higher resolution and over-saturated colors, it must look better.
fucking geg I could downscale original to 480p and it would look better
I found his shitcord server in disboard and joined to check how bad this 'remaster' is. He's no longer posting about it neither links seem to be available... and rightly so. Poor retard must have realized the shitty job he did, lol.
When will these fucking faggots making these shitty upscales leave this board? The original is fine there was zero reason to defile the anime like this.
Holy kek
They are retards that think: "higher number better". Retards like Raze upload 60,120 and 144 fps versions of anime and it just looks like shit.
okay but you're all just talking about the ANIME... surely OP didn't just use the same shitty retro game smoother filter on the manga and call it a day, right...?
this reminds me of the QTS Warpsharp bad old days from 15 years ago
Nostalgic to say the least lol
See this is why i hate piracy, its 99.99998% faggots who think they know better than the original creators to have to compress the shit out of it or apply retarded filters and colorgrading and the rest of them eat it up. BDMV(DVDISO in this case) or bust, I want to see how the director intended not some pretentious faggot farming tracker rep or whatever.
Modify file that comes off disc = die
I need to see 24fps anime interpolated to 29fps
what the fuck is this

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