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File: I2P_logo.png (34 KB, 362x276)
34 KB
/I2P/ Torrent Thread.



Fight Club (1999):


I2P+ universal installer:

File: 1715524138403941.png (1.06 MB, 1200x901)
1.06 MB
1.06 MB PNG
!!Also remember to seed!!

Futurama Season 1 (1999)

check out also Hyphanet (Freenet)
it has excellent NO CENSORSHIP forums

install freenet
open localhost :8888 browse static sites, download files (avoid CP plz) (disclaimer - get only legal files regarding copyrights and all, ofc :3)

then top menu - discussions - FMS - get soure code
read README run cmake with option -D ....
then run make
then ./fms

open localhost :8080
wait an hour or a day
create identity
announce identity solve 10 captcha

talk freely
go to localidentities change Active to FALSE
then you are more hidden (can do it only after captchas are solved and it says you are announced by 5 or more users or no one will see your posts

wait a week or month
create another ID
it is now very s3cr3t (hard to tie to you, you didn't even install Freenet on same day)

you are completely free from censorship now, congrats
Do you have a guide for retards that are just used to win 10 and want to create a pc for secure torrenting and web browsing?
>I2P+ universal installer
>no seeders
whats the point?
frost ded?
>frost ded?
someone on FMS mentions there are new versions

but FMS solves spam, better use FMS (or both)
see you there anon frens (might want to wait few days before install, and before starting to post more days for timing correlation avoiding)

maybe this can help
Large MP3 collection

Second bulk mp3 collection


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