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/I2P/ Torrent Thread.



Fight Club (1999):


I2P+ universal installer:

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!!Also remember to seed!!

Futurama Season 1 (1999)

check out also Hyphanet (Freenet)
it has excellent NO CENSORSHIP forums

install freenet
open localhost :8888 browse static sites, download files (avoid CP plz) (disclaimer - get only legal files regarding copyrights and all, ofc :3)

then top menu - discussions - FMS - get soure code
read README run cmake with option -D ....
then run make
then ./fms

open localhost :8080
wait an hour or a day
create identity
announce identity solve 10 captcha

talk freely
go to localidentities change Active to FALSE
then you are more hidden (can do it only after captchas are solved and it says you are announced by 5 or more users or no one will see your posts

wait a week or month
create another ID
it is now very s3cr3t (hard to tie to you, you didn't even install Freenet on same day)

you are completely free from censorship now, congrats
Do you have a guide for retards that are just used to win 10 and want to create a pc for secure torrenting and web browsing?
>I2P+ universal installer
>no seeders
whats the point?
frost ded?
>frost ded?
someone on FMS mentions there are new versions

but FMS solves spam, better use FMS (or both)
see you there anon frens (might want to wait few days before install, and before starting to post more days for timing correlation avoiding)

maybe this can help
Large MP3 collection

Second bulk mp3 collection

anons, i've been fighting trying to get i2p to work but it's starting to get annoying. The docs are awful btw. I just want to cross-seed.

I have qBittorrent running under docker, it's compiled using libtorrent v2 (linuxserver container, default tag).

I set up another container with the official i2p docker image and even after setting everything up (network status is fine, etc..) qBittorrent still says "Waiting for i2p acceptor from SA bridge".

I ran a shell inside the qbittorrent container and it can connect to the i2p bridge just fine, I opened netcat to the port and I get a HELLO back over it so i'm not sure.

Also official i2p docker image just dies if I kill the container and start again, like the web ui doesn't come back up at all, apparently some known issue for several years now? If I delete the configs it works but then I lose the encryption key and stuff.
I2P feels like a mess and a failed project, a worse version of Tor if you will, it isn't worth your time

I'm back to report that I ended up making it work, however qbittorrent-nox doesn't display the peers on the webui (but at least it works, I managed to download and am seeding a torrent exclusively over i2p). but yeah it does feel like this is a failed/abandoned project anons, i'm keeping it up for as long as it works, the idea is cool and all, but they really need to rework their docs and stuff.
Is a TOR relay gonna allow tor peers to download over tor? I'm not up to running an exit node but I wouldnt mind a relay, the only goal here is to make torrents more accessible as I have the bandwidth to spare. I guess tor isn't really known for torrents anyway so its probably not even worth the effort. I'll check out Hyphanet see how that works.
don't think so
you are sharing pizza now, congrats
So I downloaded i2pd and have no idea how to proceed and set it up, any good guides?
Dumbfounded too
>Just open the ports bro
>there seems to be 438 different ports
>Just open what's in the firewall log
>Still says firewalled
>UPnP does jack shit
I2P is terrible, I wouldn't bother
The best place with up to date information would be the documentation page.

For I2PD from what I can see it picks a random port unless you specifically set a port number yourself.
You should also check if you have actually opened a port & are not behind CGNAT /w no PCP.

>I2P is terrible, I wouldn't bother
Terrible because you could not figure out how to get it to work or did you review it & didn't like it?
I think it's really good for torrenting.
If you ever change your mind you should checkout the wishlist on http://tracker2.postman.i2p/?view=Wishlist you might already have something someone is looking for or you can get access to it.
Either use I2Psnark standalone from the I2P+ package (easier to set up) or run I2P in the background (as a daemon if you're on Linux) and use the qBittorrent experimental feature.

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Someone give me a retards guide here
How can I tell if I2PD is actually having issues or just sending false negatives here?
I have not done any port forwarding in router, neither modified my firewall, but I do have UPnP enabled afaik, and I know that works over my router, both tested other applications on my PC and that I2PD works fine on my phone.
>How can I tell if I2PD is actually having issues
Enable logs.

>just sending false negatives here?
Test if you port is open or look for I2PD in your routers UPNP list.
Think I just racked my brain around I2PD and UPnP. UPnP works fine, it opens the ports that I2PD normally use.
If the NTCP2 and SSU2 addresses are the ports needed to be open, they keep changing. I have no clue how to return them to the default port.
Is the config line you need to change not four posts above yours?
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Yep. But that was sheer tiredness and frustration speaking.
Turns out it was a false negative AFAIK, testing some .i2p links and it looks fine.
Nice! Enjoy the eepsites. Check out notbob for other sites. You can also increase the bandwidth in the config file.
Thanks for the tips, sure is an interesting place to search.
Dont quite know what was going on with the firewall warning, assuming its just an ISP issue.
btw is it a bad idea to put my system on standby/sleep mode while running I2PD? I'd imagine it's as tough as an ungraceful quit.
>I'd imagine it's as tough as an ungraceful quit.
Probably. I'm assuming you are using windows. I can't see any code that handles power events. Might be wrong, not an expert.

Since you are already connected you could probably just ask the devs.
The tutorial is in the I2PD wiki 'Anonymous IRC chats' & the channel can be found in the about section 'Community' page.
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>Most of the week I2P snark was completely useless, downloads were slow and always came out corrupted
>Just this afternoon, all my torrents downloaded successfully one after another

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