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Wendy's Edition


People will start calling me schizo and all sorts of other names for saying it but you can think it over yourself.
I've discussed this with other people in private and here's the conclusion we came to.

Sam, Nick and Charles have all been paid off by the government.
They've even joked about it on PGL briefly during the early Nick episodes.

You want to know what alerted them?

Remember when Sam started getting visits from the FBI because of the memes?
You think all they talked about was what Sam did wrong instead of what he did right to get where he is?

Pay close attention to production values increasing (2019) and you'll notice a shift in thinking patterns.
Things go from "get active, get involved, boots on the ground, meme it big in public" to "Don't leave your house. Stop being funny. Start making money. Start working out. Don't attend political rallies."

It's an incredible shift in attitudes almost over night at a crucial moment in American history.
If Sam instructed his followers to take to the streets, some would.

The entire gumroad era is more or less a facade to placate thousands of potentially dangerous young men.
And it's working!
The joke that MDE was the first COVID death rings true.

I'd drop some harder info but then people would start making guesses because you're not stupid.
Which is why we're talking about this in the first place.
here's a pro tip faggots
do not reply
>Samuel shilling Tucker Carlson, a known CIA asset
>Fishtank funded by zionists like roger stone
>Is Sammy compromised ?
>Is he willing to do anything for money ?
>Does he have no values?

>I hope they don't ever get Nick or Charls
It's way too late for that
Nick and Charls have been compromised for a while
Good doggy!
Whose a good boy?!
Whose a good boy?!
>PGL_0089_BlackTruckSociety (CRF25).mp4

Sam Hyde is a tranny blowing jewish faggot and child rapist now working the gay feds in bowties podcast circuit.
I miss Chris Lynch on Scuffed Realtor, Alex brings a lot of production value but I don't really care about that stuff, I like Chris more and Nick's skit about Chris fucking his old neighbour for guitars is always funny to me.
its over man just let it go
anyone got the latest palace with Nick?
yeah Sam's career is over, it's just this sad decline until he eats a shotgun shell like Lowtax
>dude get a skill
>dude stack money and resources
>dude your time is gold don't waste so much of it online
>get out of discord and social media groups
>get off prescription and illegal drugs weed is so bad for you Nick uses it but he built a house ok?
>avoid e-whores and bpd art hoes
>Charls and I just grew apart, even though he accused me of reporting him to the IRS, withholding his cut from How to Bomb, and blocked his Automile show with Nick
>guntubers are all faggot bootlickers and are the same as beard oil enthusiasts
>btw buy my NFT's
>and shit merch (it's shit on purpose though lol)
>buy a superchat on my stream for 50 dollars for some vague advice I've given 100 times before for free
>check out my fishtank show and buy TTS
>join my MDE/NFT/Fishtank Discords
>follow my wigger crew on twitter/insta/tiktok
>my wigger crew is made up of perc/xanax/lean/cokeheads, but it's ironic lol
>hey check out these e-whores go watch their streams and donate
>Charls is back don't ask questions ok?
>WP2?.... hmmm It'll be out soon, but come watch my standup where I do my peeing michael bit, I'm SO close to meeting Joe Rogan
>hey check out my new video my best buddy a guntuber!

I know what he "meant" by this, but what did he *mean* by this?
hes gonna meet joe rogan and youre going to eat your words kid
He's gonna meet Edie and he's going to eat xir penis
Any one know when NIck joined PGL permanently? I don't wanna waste precious gigabytes on Sam talking to boring zoomers.
episode 9 onward, weckingball is a guest on ep 8 and its decent, 1-6 have some golden nuggets if youve never watched them, do not download episode 7
Can someone post the Legion of Skanks with Nick if you got it, thanks.
>do not download episode 7
anon dont scare me
>paid off by the government.
as in.. a one time payment to shill certain talking points or an on-going thing ?
Attending Bernie / Chelsea Clinton / HWNDU doesn't make him a fed lol
The way Sam jewed everyone, and is super anal about legal shit, his company, trademarking everything (even stuff that isn't his that nick and charls worked on) was always off-putting to me, but it just felt like typical Jew shit, not fed shit
Charls said that Sammy got him audited or reported him to the feds or something idk and Sams defense was it was just a pay stub that they give to anyone receiving payment of over $100 or something idk. Just random schizo shit
There is no defining evidence that any of the trio are federal assets, but if there is I would be very interested.
Sam is the only one that fits the profile, especially since he admits he was visited by the feds on multiple occasions, co-operated with them, and they know who he is.
The Tucker thing, even hearing 2 years ago Samueli's name was pretty funny, but not a good sign at all. And if the interview isn't a meme, it almost confirms he's a fed lol or the glowniggers are testing the waters with something.
I really don't know
>Start making money. Start working out. Don't attend political rallies
That just aligns with Sam's own beliefs and what he did and what worked for him which made him a millionaire.
Everyone knows he's a trust-fund Jew. Most of his rhetoric is atheistic, and he truly lives only in the material world. Doubt the majority of his audience take his every word as gospel. I think he's also a rat in chinese astrology, which explains why he's so money hungry.

Do you have anything on Nick or Charls proving they're compromised through your deductive reasoning
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Yeah, that’s my thoughts too.

Nick has been on the podcast circuit since COVID (on Cumtown), and at an event with the Red Scare girls just after. Both of those are suspected of being Thiel-funded, so it certainly raises eyebrows when Sam announces development of WP2 thanks in part to an anonymous funder.

Plus the Venn diagram overlap audience overlap is pretty damn close, so it seems like all these sanctioned voices are now en vogue. This is especially true more than ever, as the Overton window has shifted towards open Jew critique and going hard on elites who’ve been up to no good for far too long. I think Mossad budgets are drying up due to the ongoing conflict and any attempts to influence or cover up Israeli wrongdoing. I mean, holy shit, imagine your country being attacked and instead of grieving, everyone hates you and thinks you deserved much worse. That’s wild.

Then again, I just like their output. Beside the Shamwow guy, they seem like they’re on a victory lap. Hopefully Nick doesn’t get into a car wreck or some other controversy, but it seems like the Tucker interview is going to snowball things to a critical mass. I don’t think Rogan is even needed. Tucker is a bigger star.

Whatever they do, they’re at least putting out more stuff in a regular basis and avoiding overexposure. It’s an inspiration in such ugly times
>the novel is coming along swimming, trannies

I quote the shadow president when I say:
“MDE is not happy with me--that's okay, I'll still keep watching that garbage.”
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Slow the fuck down, ya English cigarette. I detect some subliminals from you and I’ll not allow it to go unnoticed. Your hatemongering is only exceeded by your propensity for homoeroticism.

>“aww shut up pedophile slime”
Don’t make me force you to think about your loveless childhood and isolated adulthood. You wouldn’t want to think how no one celebrates your letdowns disguised as “personal growth journey”, nor would I want to remind you that the only person who listens to you is your therapist that you must pay yo put up with your bullshit.

>do you know where you are?
What the fuck are you guys talking about? The reason MDE sucks now is simple: Sams old and washed up and selling out to get the bag.
Sam was comped by the FBI for the cp thing with Marky
The longer they wait to release WP2 the worse it’s going to get
That era of humor feels dated to begin with
>holding a grudge in behalf of a person who already forgave the person you're seething about
EXTREME feminine energy emanating from this post.
Sam isn't a political actor, he's just trying leverage his clout to get even more clout so he can fund his hare-brained video game project
Don't make me load up the lost motherhood images...

Stick to what you do best: nothing. Do nothing. See how dats betta chile? Lawd in heaven, I swear Imma bout to lose muh mine
The lunacy of the 2010’s is gone
Comedy ages
And times, they are a changin

If Trump wins 2024, WP2 will be good
If Trump loses 2024, it’s confirmation it’s over

Weird omen but it feels true
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Sam didn't start out as a political actor

That's when he did a collab video with Nick Fuentes (a federally funded political actor)

Fishtank clans are a literal divide and conquer tactic
It's astonishing how many FULL TIME fishtank "fans" joke around about being federal agents on discord
Need I mind you that those same people who are making the jokes hold sway in the fandom community by being in positions of power
Owners / Mods / Special Tag Fags who are "respected"

Wonder where GOLD and CRACK get all their money for TTS?
Federally funded by tax payer dollars
They'll call you schizo before they accept it as truth which means they can't mentally accept that they've been played

All signs really do point towards it
Too bad we can't get a FOIA request
Charls's schizo drivel is so damn comfy.
I gotta be honest with you, I don't really care if they're all cia because I only watch them to laugh at jokes.

Here's the legion of skanks with Nick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDHKTLuSgbQ
I do have one issue with Charls, though.
>blacks aren't the problem, bro blah blah hippie horse shit
Okay, here's the thing, you still gotta get through all the orcs the DM spawned. You can't just skip to the boss room, and the orcs are in your home base making fires that immediately need to be put out.
Let's put this debate to rest because frankly you're stealing valuable spots to post standup for lil 'ol slime.

>Sam is a fed

>Lack of Trust:
People might not trust Sam Hyde’s real intentions, believing he’s part of a hidden agenda or working for the government.
>Perceived Manipulation:
Sam’s messages could be seen as an attempt to manipulate his audience rather than deliver authentic opinions, leading to skepticism.
>Fear of Surveillance:
His audience might feel like they are being watched or that interacting with him could put them on the radar of authorities.
>Conflicting Interests:
Sam Hyde’s perceived association with the government could lead his audience to think that his goals are aligned with law enforcement, rather than with their interests.
>Questioning of Authenticity:
His edgy, provocative style might be questioned as being an act or a cover for something more sinister, reducing the weight of his words.
Fans or followers might hold back on sharing their true thoughts out of fear that Sam is monitoring them for federal purposes.
>Risk of Entrapment:
His involvement might be viewed as a way to bait people into saying or doing things that could get them in legal trouble.
>Undermined Credibility:
Even if Sam is being genuine, suspicions about his involvement with federal authorities could destroy his credibility and cause people to tune out his messages.
>Community Division:
His presence could cause rifts among his fanbase, with some defending him while others suspect him of being a federal informant, leading to a fractured audience.
>Focus Shifts Away from Message:
Instead of engaging with Sam Hyde’s message, people could spend more time speculating on whether or not he’s a fed, distracting from any legitimate points he might be making.


>Sam is not a fed

People would trust Sam Hyde’s real intentions, believing he’s authentic and aligned with their values.
His audience would feel Sam’s messages are genuine, not an attempt to manipulate them.
>Comfort in Engagement:
His audience wouldn’t fear being surveilled and would engage openly without concern.
>Aligned Interests:
Sam’s goals would be seen as fully aligned with those of his audience, without conflicting interests.
>Confidence in Authenticity:
His style and message would be accepted as genuine, reinforcing his credibility.
Followers would freely share their thoughts, feeling safe and unmonitored.
>No Entrapment Fears:
There wouldn’t be any concern about entrapment, allowing for more open interactions.
>Strong Credibility:
Sam’s credibility would remain strong, and his messages would be taken seriously by his audience.
>Community Unity:
His audience would remain unified, without suspicions or divisions.
>Focus on the Message:
People would stay focused on Sam Hyde’s actual message, without being distracted by doubts about his motives.

I'm a reasonable person -> send the standup links, and I'll do the topics for the next PGL.


Sam starting up with the headphones autism is excellent
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Dystopic and closer to reality

Utopic and closer to fantasy
>His audience would remain unified, without suspicions or divisions.
I've given it some thought and you made a really good point that Sam did a complete character shift sometime in 2016.
This could be due to the trauma of losing all of his friends through self sabotage and losing his purpose and income source.
I'm relatively a newfag (first found mde in 2015) but whenever I see posts of older videos, even the stuff WP1 omitted, the graphics had nuggets of wisdom of harsh truths of reality, veiled with a whitepill, that you can actually do something about it if you have the proper knowledge.
This entirely shifted to pure blackpilling.
>you're 30? it's over. kill yourself.
Maybe Charls was his whitepill counterpart ? Idk. Or... he is paid to tell a certain narrative to keep the youth in a perpetual state of suffering.
thanks, forgot to check myself

echoing this PSA
>tendies are on the menu
he wasn't
it was for the shooter meme, they legitimately thought he killed people.
the FBI doesnt give a single fuck about people that legally fuck 16 year olds
I hate that faggot spic Fuentes so much
his collab was a few weeks after January 6th
where nick can literally be seen on video with a megaphone at the Capitol, telling people to storm the Senate lmfao
Very peculiar timing indeed.
in every right leaning communities, glownigger jokes are prevalent. Again this leads nowhere. Fishtank also forges their view counter, as well as fakes donations to incentivize people to donate real money.
Being funded by zionist roger stone should activate the headlights
The visits should be requestable for a FOIA inquiry
I bet they talked about a lot more than just memes and marky

I once saw a video of FBI agents show up at some random guys house asking for his help because he was "in the right position to help"
The guy sounded like some slobbering idiot they were asking for help

If they'll work with slobbering idiots
They'll work with Sam
100% possible
>>you're 30? it's over. kill yourself.

Jesus, there should be an IQ-minimum registration for content that goes over people's heads.

What he was saying was that if you've reached a certain age and haven't developed ANY skills, then the skill you probably developed is being a fuckhead.

>there are exceptions

Yes, as being "exceptional". Barring a lobotomy or peak experience (Maslow), the ability to vastly alter one's path wouldn't even register on the sweatpants-and-band-t-shirt contingent. Better to just keep doing what you're doing, which is probably buying vapes in Michigan and selling them at a markup to adjacent states.

>oooooo, this irks me

Congratulations, you played yourself and we all get to see it (how embarrassing). You just missed the opportunity to channel the deep-seated regret into a productive phase of your life. Instead, you're repeating nonsense--you're literally NOT posting standup or thoughtful ruminations. No, you just go TRANNY THIS DILDO THAT FED THIS IT'S OVER.exe THAT.

If your life's work is to convince others like some canary in the coalmine, you're already dead and taxidermied.

>what's better? Show me your recommendations
[Insert your suggestions here]

>I won't even say kys
you're already dead inside

Tucker only works with glownigger ops
What has Sam done so far in the supposed years he's been working for the Feds ? Telling people to get rich and strong ? Lol.
>Congratulations, you played yourself
92 IQ spotted
>he didn't read the thread

"Pay close attention to production values increasing (2019) and you'll notice a shift in thinking patterns.
Things go from "get active, get involved, boots on the ground, meme it big in public" to "Don't leave your house. Stop being funny. Start making money. Start working out. Don't attend political rallies."

It's an incredible shift in attitudes almost over night at a crucial moment in American history.
If Sam instructed his followers to take to the streets, some would."
this slime faggot makes the thread unreadable
what does one hope to accomplish by attending political rallies ? aren't you more of a threat to the system if you're wealthy and physically strong ?
don't think sam ever told people to stay inside and stop being funny either
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Someone post the video where he's standing in the lake holding a remote control of some kind and tells people to ignore politics

Or the one this image is from where he tells people to stop being funny and start making money
>92 IQ spotted
Got any stock picks, champ? I want to make sure I lose a lot of money with your superior pattern recognition skills.

The only pattern I recognize is a lack of standup. Break the cycle.
>ERROR: [youtube] rDHKTLuSgbQ: Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot. This helps protect our community. Learn more

Please help.
By uploading the vid somewhere.
ignore the autistic retard as you would a bum.
just walk right by and act like they dont exist.
add "nsfw" to the URL before "youtube"

it will take you to a 3rd party site that embeds youtube videos strictly for this purpose
You should break the cycle of abuse your stuck in by staying away from minors
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wholesome much?
Doesn't work with yt-dlp
Those Legion of skans guys are fucking lame and retarded. What the fuck. They talk over each other non stop and can only talk about pussy. Sam mustve felt like Johnny Sack in the Sopranos when he tells the jersey guys all you guys do is talk about cooze
I dunno who these degenerate "legion of skank" retarded freaks are, but this is insufferable to watch. I had to bail after that one greasy fat fuck talked about how much he wants some broad to shit on his chest for the fifth time in the span of one minute. Are they supposed to be comedians?

This was awful. Nick tried to vibe but Sam looked like he was having a panic attack
so wholesome
That’s written like shit tho?
fuck I look like yo slave nigga? maaan getcho lazy azz on and find that shit!

Yeah the middle and left ones are jews (surprise). But it's a big mainstream podcast and raises their profile.

It's just good business.
Wow, that sucked. Sam got rebuffed, Nick killed, and any attempts to get a story out without endless asides killed all the momentum for the punch lines. TERRIBLE, plus Sam was tone deaf about how degenerate they can be (it's a bit much, especially the dude with the teeth)
That's what a cultist would say
And I say that as a former cultist

"Those people screaming on the corner?
Don't listen to them.
They're lying and trying to lead you away from god."

Word for word
>Sopranos reference
I bet you watched game of thrones

You fucking mindless cuck
just another zoomer that started watching sopranos because it came on netflix or whatever. fucking losers.
Hey look

A 40 year old pretending he's 20
it's hyde wars sycho psyop tactx or something like that
one of his best
nick carried it, showed how he's a league above these somehow more popular comedians, however they're probably more popular because they put in WWE tours type amount of work, see when they show their shows and shit's almost daily while the mde standup only had like 3 days lined up
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>I’ll keep writing
You keep fighting the good fight, sport, changing their hearts and minds. I look forward to your fresh takes and repetition, as reliable as the setting sun and morning dew.

We are blessed to have you and cherish your insight. In truth, we were caught in a steady trajectory of ignobility, only to bask in the pure cleansing light of your steadfast and deliberate action.

Thank you, and I offer my hand and bow my head in reverence to you, my lord
you're a literal retard, which is impressive, since most schizo's have high iqs.
sam makes fun of the overly ambitious, whilst being overly ambitious himself.
blackpilling, for no other purpose than to fuel his superiority complex.
>nothing you did for the past 12 years worked, so it's over for you
>Davinci should just give up
>galileo, newton, michael faraday, thomas edison, nikola tesla, kant, copernicus, etc
fucking down syndrome advice given by bitter rejects that don't have a creative bone in their body and rely on genius's like Charls or Nick to do all the heavy lifting.

>nothing you did for the past 12 years…
You told on yourself, dummy. If you think the race started at 18, you missed the starting gun, my guy.

It should’ve been self-evident that competition kicks in once kids hit grade school, and that to get more praise and dispensations, you would have to work for it.
>this should’ve occurred to you

The only reason you feel hopeless is because you are hopeless. Effective people don’t self-pity. I don’t even pity you—I purposely pay extra money so I never have to cross paths with poors like you. Your idiocy is contagious and your attempts to tear down others is a tell-tale sign that you are too far gone. You’d have to start from scratch NOW, and there are younger people willing to do the effort that wasn’t… :drum roll please:… self-evident for you.

>This must be horrifying for you.
In fact, I’ll make it even more horrifying for you;
>what are you currently screwing up right now that you’re not even capable of understanding that you’re continuing screwing up?

- Known knowns
- Known unknowns
- Unknown unknowns <- you won’t reach this level

>awww geez life ain’t fair
And yet you’re here, fighting the good fight. Thank you for your service.
because... people plan out what they want to do for their entire lives in grade school.
you're so fucking retarded it's impressive.
people from ages 0-25 are complete total fucking retards such as yourself. Unless you're born wealthy, taught to not be a fuckwit, homeschooled / private schooled, you will waste these years destroying your soul, some sink, some swim.
You are drowning.
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>people plan out what they want to do in grade school
Yeah, it’s called self-determinism. It’s genetic and you’re of poor stock. You were supposed to acquire sequential knowledge.

>hurr durr muh limitations
-> I studied music since 7 years of age on loaner instruments and was all-state with scholarships on string and brass instruments. No money necessary.

-> I read all of the summer reading for fun, as well as all the short stories in the text books. I now receive royalties from my published books and help my clients realize their ambitions. Library cards are free.

-> I studied the entire syllabus to reduce my coursework for more time to devote to esoteric studies that rivaled my teachers.
>GATE chads stay winning

>0-25 are retards
No, you are and you’ve used “retard” 4x in the past 2 replies. You’re so stupid you don’t even know you’re wrong. Please, the dopamine that you’re giving me is too much. I might have to write another 5,000 words to my novel thanks to you.
>serotonin levels regulate based on dominance.

Slime: 3
You: 0

>you will waste these years
No, you’re the r-selected breed that thinks it’s self-aware. Back to the coal mine with you, daddy needs assets derived from your waging. Better me than you because you’d fuck it up just like you’ve always done.
>stay poor forever

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you’re right.”
Hey son, I’m proud of you
There, now you can stop sperging out all the time
Dad, how bout you grill some of your famous assburgers?
I'm more shocked that enough time has passed that we can look back and call it the "gumroad era"
Time is fucking off
did you get raped bro. chill out man
>actually being proud of arguing on the internet
Your life is shit
Born once and never again
>t. the pedophile posting children on 4chan to impress Sam Hyde
You're a pedophile?
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Yeah, these dudes are trying to pay penance for their intrusive thoughts by projecting their insecurities on others-especially the productive. The same dummies that said I didn’t know how to use green text misused the >t. (“Signed by”), revealing himself.
>many such cases

I just want standup bootlegs and PGLs
Sam Hyde is a pedophile?
Hi Channing!
>Sam Hyde is a pedophile
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Charls rambles aimlessly about nothing, talks in circles and contradicts himself constantly, I wouldn't out too much thought into the meaning behind anything he says.
Ooo look, they’re changing tactics

>how is your relationship with your parents going? They love you unconditionally, right?
Charls is streaming tonight, right??? :(((
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is this at all worth watching, and by that I mean through the lense of podcast comedians being the lowest form of life

Yep he's streaming now, rambling incoherently as usual

>paywalled youtube

and people call Sam a money grubbing jew
I think he's soft on race because he's a miscegenator and doesn't wanna come off as a hypocrite. He is right that white zogbots will be oppositional to any uprising or status quo challenge, anyway. Doesn't mean I have to like orcs who know what they do far more than he gives them credit for. They know they're plundering, with the state's permission or not.
>Yeah, it’s called self-determinism. It’s genetic and you’re of poor stock.

"Self-determinism," do you mean to say that any given thing is determined by qualities inherit to itself? And this is the same guy who puffs his chest about giving feral kids refuge in his yard? Shouldn't you be euthanizing them with rat-poisoned chocolate bars? "It's genetic," after all, so what could your charity possibly amount to? Palliative care for the terminally retarded? To what end? Just to brag about it on 4chan? You are seriously disturbed.
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Slow down, junior. Let’s address these one at a time:

>"Self-determinism," do you mean to say that any given thing is determined by qualities inherit to itself?
If you have to ask, you’ll never know. Nice try with the gotcha.

>And this is the same guy who puffs his chest about giving feral kids refuge in his yard?
Puffing away and I sleep soundly. Also past-tense, I don’t live there anymore.

>Shouldn't you be euthanizing them with rat-poisoned chocolate bars?
They’re disadvantaged and many are very smart. Their parents are too saddled with keeping the lights on or their drug habits to care. One kid could do complex math in seconds, another loved to sing karaoke, and one girl was an excellent musician and visual artist. They blossomed when they had support. And yeah there were some bad ones, but they lived in squalor and just wanted to be kids. You don’t have such excuses because you’re here and whining. They’d whine when they didn’t eat or needed someone to show them how to tie their shoelaces at 11 years of age. And no, I’d rather let nature take its course…

>"It's genetic," after all, so what could your charity possibly amount to?
Less vandalism, help with landscaping, ringing my doorbell to play games or musical instruments. They were friendly and it out my neighbors at ease. I even got laid with the lady down the street.

>Palliative care for the terminally retarded?
Sure. Everyone young deserves care. Pic rel for my friend with MS.

>To what end?
See above.

>Just to brag about it on 4chan?
No, I enjoyed chatting with people here about MDE output. So I offered ways for people to benefit those around them by stepping up in an otherwise uncaring world. Then it was TRANNY THIS DILDO THAT and I just had to remind you of where they stand in the pecking order behind the mask of anonymity.

>You are seriously disturbed.
Nah, I have tons of friends and like to make everyone I meet smile or feel at ease.
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Your words, not mine.
okay wtf
Nick's also a fed lmfao
Please God don't take Charls away from us
(You) went from
>Sam is right about telling people over 30 to kill themselves if they've done nothing in their life
>everyone should kill themselves in grade school if they weren't born with good genes
>everything is actually self-deterministic and aktshually i'm really smart because i suck tuba cock and make 5 cent royalties on amazon at age 34
lol. lmao.
got any more strawmans ?
(You) don't even know what you're arguing.
I hope Baldanders is doing alright.
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You’re bad at this and you only care because you’re affected by it (and deeply troubled, which confirms it’s true). Therefore, it cuts you deeper than people who are actually doing something… and by doing “something”, I mean skills, not posting here in lieu of STANDUP and PGL episodes. Start with that.

what are you trying to achieve besides butthurt? I will not participate in your masochism fetish.

You should be making up for lost time RIGHT NOW, desperate in fear of failure, with an attitude that failure is upon you should you make a wrong move—as in developing skills… which would be anything other than replying.
>Because if you didn’t suck, you wouldn’t be replying.
And yet, you continue (low IQ move).
> this should be self-evident

No, 2nd point wasn’t made. I said that it should’ve been self-evident that achievement (the expression of your genetics in that environment, epigenetics) started way before 18 and is a continual process.
>muh 12 years to 30

I don’t think this means what you think it means. Try again, or better yet, study logical fallacies on Wikipedia because you’re committing plenty of them. Yikes.

>suck tuba cock
You actually buzz your lips and blow air when playing brass instruments. There was a better, more dynamic joke to be made, so I can certainly say at this point, you don’t have musical, philosophical, or literary talent. These were all attainable, yet you’re here.
>it’s over

*Current Score*
(You): 0
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Thanks for the (You)
I only responded to (You) three times, so not sure where the (5) comes from. Can't count? Failed kindergarten or something? Hearing voices? I guess you should kill yourself according to your own logic, as you clearly have retard genes.
You cannot get upset at ad-hom when you literally called me a retard in your opening sentence, appealing to hypocrisy.
>responding to me means you're triggered and mad and I win
>no second point was made
>>It should’ve been self-evident that competition kicks in once kids hit grade school
>study logical fallacies on Wikipedia because you’re committing plenty of them even tho I won't list any of them
>>people aged 30 with no skills should kill themselves. It's over because... they didnt dedicate themselves since grade school because... genetic self-determinism
>A strawman is a fallacy in which someone misrepresents another person's argument to make it easier to attack or refute. Instead of addressing the actual argument, they argue against a distorted version of it.
>uhm aktshually, you buzz your lips and blow cock when playing brass instruments and I am really smart and you have no musical sense or taste (of cock) and I love cock
Imagine being so autistic you can't even understand 4 iq jokes and need them explained to (You) and even then you somehow don't understand them.
Very impressive.
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Not reading all that shit, but what did I tell you about developing skills?
>less talky, more worky

You’d better not be the fag who said The Sopranos was Dostoyevsky-esque, too. If so, you’re still wrong but only (you) would know that.

If you are over 30, pack it in. I see no hope for you.

>rubs magic slime lamp
I see fat chicks, landlords, and food stamps in your future. I grant you three (3) wishes. Not that I’ll grant you a damn thing, but I just need a hearty laugh at your requests
>game genie, I want a gf
Woah woah woah, best I can do enthusiastic fat guy with psoriasis
>game genie, I want to be smart
Woah woah woah, best I can do is make sure you never find out how stupid you are
>game genie, I want to beat the slime
Woah woah woah, the slime’s a dear friend and that’s a conflict of interest. C’mon, you knew that before you even rubbed the lamp. I can however give you the final score:

(you): 0

>post standup
>I’ll also accept pictures of Ashley Jones or someone to put in a good word for ye olde slime.
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I accept your concession.
>If you have to ask, you’ll never know. Nice try with the gotcha.

This is an obvious dodge, because I hit you square on the bullseye, and now your foot’s in your mouth.

>They blossomed when they had support.

So we can admit the role of external conditions! There goes “self-determinism.”
“Oh, well of course some support is necessary--we were all sucklings once, after all, but past the basics it’s all on you.” Right, so you’ll be sending what children you might hypothetically have to public school, I imagine? "Son, alls you need is a tied shoes and a full belly, we wouldn't want to cheat our genes, now." *wags finger* It's not like that's the perfect picture of everything Sam hates about the last generation of parents.

>Less vandalism, help with landscaping, ringing my doorbell to play games or musical instruments. They were friendly and it out my neighbors at ease. I even got laid with the lady down the street.

Ah so now we shed the humanitarian facade, it's not "everyone young deserves care" but "I contrived to pacify what would have otherwise been a rogue, inimical social element, to better secure my comfort, not to mention: improve my standing with the ladies." What a saint!

>Nah, I have tons of friends and like to make everyone I meet smile or feel at ease.

“I like to pull the wool over people’s eyes.” Yes, that’s something all charlatans have in common. Do you still expect us to fall for the nice guy act when you’ve already outed yourself as a misanthrope, eager to see people consigned to the wastebasket of subhumanity, enslaved, converted to “assets?”

>Pic rel for my friend with MS.
Text your friend "you're of poor genetic stock, in a better world you'd be worked to death in a coal mine" since that's how you really feel.
What happened to that rabbit guy that wanted to box Sam and Jet?
Not reading that, m’lady
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For fucks sake, the Game Genie actually gave us an enthusiastic fat guy with psoriasis…

Eh, I’ll bite because you need to be put in your place, too:

>obvious dodge
the only thing you hit is the toilet seat. I told you to sit when you pee. Listen to the adults.

>blossomed with support
They were already smart and industrious. Once word got around that I’d pay $20/hr, the smart ones spotted the opportunity. They actually just wanted Vbucks for Roblox or clothing.
The mulatto kid thought he was smart, so I’d ask him math questions and embarrass him in front of the girls he was trying to impress. His dad was in prison.
I felt it was my duty to show them job skills to help their parents and ensure they could earn money next summer. We had cars stop and praise them for being so young and working. It beautified the neighborhood, muh broken window theory. It was cool.

>humanitarian façade
No, I explained the pragmatic and utilitarian benefits of having them there. I also put up their drawings on my refrigerator. See Alan Watts’ “The Law of Irreducible Rascality”

>nice guy act
See above. We are wired to benefit our community, so I love cracking jokes and tipping excessively. This also releases endorphins and incentivizes them to provide prompt service in the future. The duality of man…

>friend with MS
That’s true, but her sister committed suicide last month and left her without anyone to care for her. I work as a writer, so I like to hear about her life as an agoraphobic 400lb lady whom is now a ward of the state in Las Vegas. She put me up when I was homeless in Gainesville, FL based solely on my writing I published on Myspace more than a decade ago. Gave me a biker bar gig in Old Town, FL.
Do you have friendships that are that old, m’lady?? Do you have a talent that people would pay or accommodate to be near?

Thank you. It’s not Ashley, close enuff
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That’s what it’s all about
::Clap clap::
Just stop responding to this guy and his awful nuMDE chomo diatribes.
Reply to whom?
listening to Charls' stream and hearing "please like the stream" every 3 minutes genuinely feels like I'm being MK-Ultra'd
Very unsettling
he's always had a couple of phrases in rotation he just repeats as filler
Everyone in this thread apart from me, but especially you
we won't talk about that, who would believe you?
jay dyer is such a dork.
he tries to pass off a "conspiracy geek, but stoic, blase and masculine" vibe and it's painfully uncharismatic.
it's insane that Jay is be responsible to present any content on comedy
I wonder what would happen if Charls saw the statistics of how much of an impact miscegenation has on IQ and the childs ability to function
Or how about the fact that 70% of pakistan are literally inbred alongside all muslim nations
Maybe then he'll stop being so pro-islam
There can be no peace and love if you are forced to amalgamate with these 'people'
Really wish I could have saved Charls from committing an abomination
Thanks for the updoots
he works for info kike wars alex jewns
says all I need to know about him
when I heard him on the PGL, he did some good impressions, but he's a literal fucking retard
He had Charls on for an interview a few months ago and he didn't pick up on Charls' satirical style of humor and was deadpan the entire time it was the most cringeworthy podcast I've ever seen
Yeah man he should be more based and redpilled that's what he's missing.
>literally inbred
Ashkenazim are all 5th cousins at maximum, often even closer. Some are still doing first cousin marriages in the US and I don't mean the Hasidics (but they probably are too)
Dyer has some good info, especially his talks about punk rock (Jello Biafra, Rollins), 60's commie shit like The Fugs, and overt control by nefarious jooey managers


He is kind of a catch-all kind of guy, but he's pretty level-headed and doesn't really do the "EVERYTHING IS ENDING RIGHT NOW" stuff.

The Nick interview is actually pretty good if you're into Nick lore. It actually details how he got the deal with Adult Swim and the hustling he did to get it.

The Charls interview as admittedly a flop. You can't win 'em all.
>midwit schizo likes jay downsyndrome
whomst'a thunk
Whites have had higher rates of retardation along with other health problems from not race mixing

Enjoy wearing your glasses faggot
>do you need attention
>awww poor baby
>let me annoy the slime with contrarion bullshit because the girl at work's a stupid bitch

It takes a lot of courage to admit trotsky has been using you as paypigs for all these years. $15 a month for 8 years and all thats been released has been the occasional podcast with nick, which most people put out for free, and various ways to extort fans out of even more money (fishtank, mondo, merch)
I'm a big critic of Charls but his wife is Persian
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I was raped. He made me his little faggot. Fuck.
You should see the Peter Thiel cocksucking blackmail video

Nick was in the room jerking off
Maybe we should start a support group for everyone that's been raped by Sam.
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>jewish nigger cope
enjoy looking in the mirror and seeing a demon every time, faggot.
She is a muslim that had to get an insane amount of plastic surgery in an attempt to look human and even then there's an uncanny valley feeling when looking at her.
Charls' children look nothing like him, or his mother. They will suffer deeply as he blended his Irish blood with a muslim.
Charls for some reason takes the kumbaya approach and thinks Islam (literal Baal worshippers who have been persecuting Christians for millennia) can co-exist with Christianity.
It is truly unfortunate.
You're right about Islam and Christianity

But race-mixed people are the future, not the past
You yourself are probably mixed to some degree
>race-mixed people are the future

Can't bring me down, I'm vibing:

Hey, he didn't say it would be a "good" future. Luckily, it tends to reach a terminus

Guys, this doesn't have anything to do with tissue box being better than current MDE, keep it on topic.
why didnt you guys tell me there was a new pgl

>PGL_0090_Family-StyleBackhands (CRF25).mp4

shut up bot
i dont seed to sl¡mes
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I can see what you see not
Vision milky, then eyes rot!
When you turn, they will be gone,
Whispering their hidden song.
Then you see what cannot be,
Shadows move where light should be.
Out of darkness, out of mind,
Cast down into the Halls of the SLIME.

..from writing a synopsis
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Yeah, it's like the Jackass / CKY Crew

My guess is Nick dies first
Sam next
Followed by Charls when he's old as shit

Nick = Married but unhealthy
Sam = Unmarried but healthy
Charls = Married and healthy
>the future is mixed-race
The Brahmin empire is proof of what happens with miscegenation. Enjoy your future.
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Me on the left
You on the right
If you truly were Greek you would take pride in your peoples rather than promote desecration of all cultures.
Guarantee you're a mixed abomination and coping with this fact every single time you look in the mirror or experience brain fog.
Why exactly did the Brahmin empire fall?
Or the Egyptian?
or the Chinese?
You will not like the answer.
Anon, Greeks were a bunch of pussies who caused more chaos, although they did give us democracy (hahahaha)

That's a Roman on the left
Rome brought order and civilization to the world
Not Greece
Why did Rome fall?
Those filthy fucking blond haired blue eyes savages who love to destroy civilization

The Germs

Egypt = Sea people invaders (probably proto-Germs)
Chinese = Still going strong
Brahmin? I don't give a fuck
that meme is literally called "Ancient Greek Chad" you dumb cunt. Romans looked nothing like that.
>Greeks caused more chaos by being civilized, spending their days philosophizing, unraveling the truths of this realm, building grand wonders
seethe harder nigger
literally read a fucking book or something holy shit you have down syndrome
what made them the strongest empire and then suddenly so weak that they can easily be conquered by retards ? your subsaharan iq prohibits you from ever coming to a rational conclusion (miscegenation).
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You lost

Follow your leader you breathing piece of shit
>quick let's bring up hitler randomly because I'm losing the argument and incapable of critical thinking
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I live in hell
really hope this guy talking to a wall kills himself soon
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anyone know what this new Charls meme is about The Raped?
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Featuring: Sam, Nick, Charls, CHRIS FUCKING LYNCH
Runtime: 2:

-> Charls off drugs, Nick's lush face ugliness, Sucking on nips in parking lots
-> Island Time ends (3:50)
-> Nicotine patch hallucinations vs. Zyn ops
-> Chris is 30
-> Guinea food scamming at Twin Oaks (Sponsor: https://www.twinoaksrest.com/menus.html)
-> SNL golden-era '93 skit (the joos are good)
-> Steve Martin hate / Kevin Neelan love / Adam Sandler tapes / Chris Kattan good
----> Quadraplegic dude and his music career
----> Puerto Rican blonds
----> Trump calls Elon
----> Cuban says Silicon Valley is PLUMP for Trump and DOWN for browns
----> Walz theatre energy
----> Abe assassination, Japan churns on
----> Malthusian catastrophe
----> Israel hiring practices
----> Jamaica makin' me crazy
----> Haiti is evil
-> ugly cars and bitches are the shit (fat pile of shit on my lap)
----> SPERG ALERT: ends 58:22
-> Cryogenic implications
-> Harlan Ellison joo science fiction / PKD downhill racing style / Vonnegut
-> Cher and share alike / CHAZ
-> Ski tree
-> Irish Traveler grabbing
-> Channing Tatum is CAJUN (Dr. Sebi narrates)
-> X-Men / Akira voice acting (Cam Clark) They don't make 'em like the used to
-> MD Geist / US MANGA CORPS / Street Fighter II (upskirt count x9)
-> Female Hood fights (Free Rent) 5' 6" 157lbs (SPERG ALERT: black nudity spotted 1:40:07)
-> Twitter =Best Gore (USA CRIME SPONSORSHIP)
-> Political name changes (dead end)
-> Bill Gates & Thiel on the shit tip / peepee poopoo
-> Australian breakdancing / is corny / is PURITY (she has a fat ass, my NICKA)
-> Come and See
-> Germans are more tortured than anyone else (and will be back)
-> Ireland is the new Silicon Valley and mob activity and IS THE MOMENT
-> fookin Pakis (SOLDIER DANCES AGAIN?) in the UK
-> UK Riots
-> 4chan disrupts

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oh boy more shitty boomer anime dub convos
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>slime denied t8ds42
And when they die, they won't be mourned. They'll be forgotten entirely. As it should be, the fucking worthless wastes of skin.
I invented you
Was better without Charls. Too much electricity in the room. PGL was at its best as a slow burn without so much stimulation.

Best moment: Sam says silicon valley/tech is going down because "too many browns". Charls hesitates, grins and laughs awkwardly, takes a sip of water and then Sam mirrors his sip but clearly the liquid doesn't even touch his lips because it's a fake pantomime. Beautiful.
Seething with resentment at your betters
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“W-we’re gonna bash the fas-“
Welcome to the 41% club, don’t worry, we’ll make sure your tomb deadnames you.
Sam is a Peter Thiel psyop, but not for the reasons you might think. His ultimate goal is to get blown out by Pariah the Doll's 12 inch BWC.
Chris Lynch is 30? Is he related to Sam or Nick somehow? Why do they keep this slow guy around
What did Charls think of the Polaris Dawn mission?
You deserve to be beaten to death in front of your parents lel
Why is his hair the color of shit?

Poopy brown hair!
You’re good enough to the shit that trickles out of my cats ass
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All I see here is a brown guy stomping on a white guy
Typical and based

These whites bring faggotry, Jews and Blacks to our lands
If you have white children make sure to abort them right after birth
Peter Piper Picked A Pack Of Pickled Pears
How Many Packs Of Pickled Pears Did Peter Piper Pick
>sammy browsing tik toks for half an hour

Dude might as well check out completely. Cant stand his le lecturing voicerino he does lately. It was never that obnoxious.
>uses white tech to complain
>demands to live among conscientious whites
Not gonna make it, Mahmoud Guttierez-Cohen
I want you people gone off the face of the earth
Your technology is a slave driver

Keep whipping yourself you Israeli loving cock suck
Genuinely feels like I've seen this PGL before it even released. Same goes with most PGLs of the past few years
very odd feeling
how difficult is it for sam to take 10 minutes beforehand and write down a solid list of things to discuss?? fucking unreal
So no Charls stream tonight? All because of a standup tour? Where's his hot wife btw? I miss her interrupting the stream with her sexyness

Sam's negativity is on an all time low, I wonder if that's why he's been sounding more autistic lately (even though this episode is months old)
>ineffectual response
>joo accusations
>uses tech to complain about tech
Seersha, I pay you to make kabob. If I don't here you say "Salad?" and smile when I want extra garlic sauce, I suggest you start looking for a job commensurate with your limited skillset.

They've been repeating themselves a lot these last 10 episodes, the Akira dub is almost mandatory to be repeated every now and then
I know 30/40 year old weed smokers who have a better memory and better way with words than Sam and Charls
He's been getting hate from his own fans over the past year or so
He knows he's becoming a joke even in his own community
I'm Japanese you white pig
Thank you for speaking American. I can see you're still cucked and communicate in a language your colonial betters understand, not squinty grunts.

>you even watch US-created content. HOW japanese are you?
>(lowercase on purpose)

Hurry up and make my electronics, salary man. I don't underpay you to make chitchat or make slanty eye-contact
Dox yourself tough guy
get eyelid surgery and make cartoons in the image of your betters, Haruto.
I guess you're not a tough guy
If I can't call you by your first name online
You're a pussy

You are a fat pussy
>I can only dox you you help me
Again, asking the white man for assistance. I'm also in shape because I avoid pleb food. It's eugenics, but I think your island culture's inbreeding has reached its local maxima.

Make more video games with Mario, Link, Zelda, and other common Japanese likenesses. Use American voices, too--they sound familiar to you, papa-san

And don't hide behind your pixelated genitals - you've got a reputation for a reason, Haruto.
I'll do something nasty if I ever get a hold of you
magnet:?x t=urn:btih:3d40953d6b98385907e8fc4c8856b053756cb5b2&dn=PGL_0090_Family-StyleBackhands%20(CRF25).mp4&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fshare.camoe.cn%3a8080%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ft.nyaatracker.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.doko.moe%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fasnet.pw%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.com%3a2810%2fannounce

why is broken for me bloody sirs???
This may be lost on you living in such close proximity to fellow bugs, I don't let poor foreigners touch me.

You look like you have a pile of shit on your head
Oh wait it's just brown hair
I shave it for efficiency. It's velvety and ladyslime-approved

I believe there are only 4 socially-approved haircuts for you
>pic rel

>verification not required
Stay in the gutter where you belong

Fruity ass nigga...
its cuz of the space between 'x' and 't' in the beginning there sir
many thanks kind sir, now it is the time to do the seeding
Blows me away that the anime talk manages to be as bad as the car talk and the watch talk, just shit on streamers, let Nick talk about celeb drama from the 2000s and give us info worth listening to
I have trouble understanding why they're still popular. How many people are even watching in 2024?

My best guess is that people aren't pay pigging anymore which is why Sam now has to perform standup comedy to make some extra cash.
WP2 2027?
Good thing you’re a limp-wristed faggot who’s only a serious fanger to themselves the
When Nick talks about "celeb drama" nine times out of ten it's "Can you believe this black entertainer is a degenerate? This rapper acts like a godless nigger?" etc. Seriously prole brained nonsense. Get back to Sam talking about the Korean Lou Pearlman raping BTS or just end PGL.
this kinda sucks lmfao just bring us wp2
White boy got cucked out by some Japanese shinobi
Nick is the definition of a prole, he couldn't get purged from a communist society no matter how hard he tried.
just a heads up I'm probably not renewing my sub this year :(
so whoever else wants to take over creating the torrents I'll still seed and put them on the rentry paste
kinda wish the threads would just die so i never have to see the slimefagbot again
PGL will continue until Sam steps away from the limelight
Which might be when he dies
Same thing with the JRE podcast, or a better example, Art Bell's Coast To Coast

Mixed race people are the dumbest people alive, the sort of people that steal copper wire while it's still hot. They'll never be the future or the whole world would've been mixed by now.
French people are the worst
Barbarians mixed with Romans

Don't get me started on the Germans and British fucking each other
Jewish attempt at dividing Pan-European resistance to Jewish anti-White agenda detected. The swarthiest French frog faggot is infinitely more Aryan than your middle eastern parasitic ass.
kek good luck
You can't agree on who's white and who isn't

Eventually once you're in your little ethnostate, people with black hair get culled first
Followed by people with brown hair
Until the only ones left are blond hair and blue eyed

Digging your own grave shit head
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>French people are the worst
dont you dare, swarthoid
French people are swarthy jackass
> t. lived in France

> Calais
> Gace
> Dieppe
> Eu
> Nantes
> Avignon
> Bourdeaux
> Lyon
> Paris
> Rouen
> Montpelier
> Biarritz
> St. Jean de Luz
> Amiens
> Sitges
> Montpelier
> Orange
The most beautiful women are in France and they're white. Stop talking about things you only see on screens and think are real.
You're healing : )
only a samefag would use two smileys.
> :(
> : )

Attempting to disparage something as economic warfare? Plus, it's free here, so what are you trying to accomplish?

> Is the estrogen wearing off and the stubble is starting to itch?

> Did your roommate pee on the seat again?

> Did your siblings block your phone calls AGAIN? (And in your time of need for support - ouch)

Slime: 1
(You): 0

Try harder :-P

> you're really bad at this. I mean, you can't even do ANYTHING right. My god, there's only one option for you. DO IT, C'moooooonnnnn
I liked this one, I don't care what you faggots think
Nope, you're wrong
They're Mediterranean and you have no understanding of European history
> no horse pussy
Swarthy means "brown-skinned". Most of the people you meet throughout France are white. Where did you visit and what did you observe? Bayonne? Marseille? Strasbourg?

> the map is not the territory

Slime: 2
(You): 0 (as usual)
This is you >>1330340

Nice list of Latin names you have there
Latins aren't white
Go be jealous elsewhere

Retarded cum skin gutter lover
> America is a latin-dervided name, therefore all Americans are brown
That's you.

I'm just a gelatinous slime, so it seems like you're hung up on semantics. Typical "high-verbal IQ" nonsense.

>cum skin
uh oh, swarthoid detected.
Is this the yellow inbred from before, or is this a med brown that thinks they invented pasta?
>don't answer that

>gutter lover
in filth it shall be found

Slime: 3
(You): 0
You look the way you do
You already lost life kek
I look great and have sex from enthusiastic women on a regular basis. Please try again

>You already lost life kek
I'm an asset to my community and I'm currently assisting my neighbors make money to get back on their feet financially. I also recently send money to my cousin so she could feed her family in a high COL area. If anything, I'm winning.

>Let's check the scoreboard, perma-loser


Slime: 4
(You): 0

Better luck next time and keep your negativity to yourself. Better yet, make yourself useful and post standup.

Also, stop with your nitpicking. It's not a good look. Make sure to not screw up my Chipotle order when you deliver my food. I don't tip you to make errors.

Now, do you have anything useful to contribute or is it just constant negativity at your superiors?
> your ineffectual slave mentality
How about you shoot yourself in the head and livestream it with a big audience kek
How about you seek meaning in your life?
Has Sam paid back his dad yet?
Sam's finished it's over for him
it's fucking over
Stop responding to me chimo and get to steppin
QRD on Peter Thiel?
ahhh, so you're both retarded. I'm glad you found a playmate. Just stop playing "You Show Me Yours, I'll Show You Mine" by the swing set. You've been warned faggots
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>QRD on Peter Thiel
He's a Bilderberg member

That alone says everything
Now why the fuck is a Bilderberg member funding Sam?


based giannaposter
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Gross have some taste
>posts a woman that looks like a 12 year old boy
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neotony not wrinkled foreheads and udders
>Sam, Nick and Charles have all been paid off by the government.
Dude, no one knows who Sam and co are outside of this stupid echo chamber. The letter agencies are aware of him because of that stupid meme of posting his pic any time there's a mass shooting, but that's about it. Even the Russians didn't want anything to do with him, and they've been funding absolute garbage like The New Norm.
Wogs begin at calais.
Why has Charls been hiding that he is/was a stoner all these years?
Charls is a gifting schizophrenic. I liked him before he came back into the fold. Now he knows streaming is ez money and I get his retarded, stupid fucking face in thumbnails for his videos talking about nigger rappers and slop faggot streamers. He just rides coattails of streamer drama with fake spirituality for flavor.
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They're all older Millennials
They believed the DARE commercials where the girl was melting into the couch and not doing anything with her life

Younger Millennials know that weed is just like booze
It doesn't make you a loser
You make you a loser
Shut up you faggot poofy haired zoomer
You have brown hair
Opinion discarded
I dunno man, I'm happy Charls is speaking plain language and not just rambling about nothing for 5 hours at a time on his streams.
Granted we won't get to the same level of gold nuggets he got in the twitch days, but the last few streams have been kino
tf are you on about
all zoomers have brown hair
>They're all older Millennials
>They believed the DARE commercials where the girl was melting into the couch and not doing anything with her life
why do zoomers just make up random shit and try to pass it off as fact?

Sam saw this and really believed it
His dad also used to hit him and tell him not to smoke or else he'd be in big trouble

>Sam saw this and really believed it
this cant be true. was it on the newest pgl?
He talked about it with Bic in like EP 5 or whatever
Fair hair actually. Try again broccoli head

Charls should shut the fuck up along with his sandnigger wife. Make a funny skit, do some acting. Otherwise go quiet. I'm tired of his square face and tiny body. Schizo faggot. Nah but he's a good guy.
This is the worst part of all this. They used to stand in opposition to slop culture and now it's all they do
It's always been slop. Edgyboy Comedy in the 00s? Oh wow, way to push that envelope, what's the encore, making fun of furries for being weird?

Sam and his bitch buddies have always done the laziest, least-impressive content imaginable. It's why Adult Swim threw their weight behind Tim Heidecker instead of him.Spin all the conspiracies you want, Tim was doing something different, while Sam wasn't doing anything hundreds of thousands of idiots weren't doing everywhere online.

The fact he's still doing it and hasn't moved on in the better part of nearly 20 fucking years says as much about his fans as it does him.
>The letter agencies are aware of him because of that stupid meme of posting his pic any time there's a mass shooting, but that's about it.
Well that and the cp sam made

The rest of the city is actually not half bad, but their encampment is gross. France vs. England warfare.
Funyung is a pedophile and has admitted to me before that he's raped kids on the cord

Can you spot him in this thread?
I sure can
And I can't wait to take a jackhammer to his head in front of his mother
Why are you even here?
It’s demoralization attempts.

The antidote is the realization that they wouldn’t be here if the target they’re attacking wasn’t significant
>Nick “DUI” accident when?
>FBI informant
>open homosexual
>supports Trump
>owns a company called Palantir that develops big data analytics tools and AI facial recognition software for every glownigger in the book (Israel also already uses it to target bombings in Gaza)
>funds Bronze Age Pervert and his talmudic network of gay homosexual jews who post pseudonymously on twitter about nietzsche, anti-christianity and paganism while pretending they're gentiles (their goal is to influence the new wave of right wing dissidents and make them zionists just like what neocons did with the republican party)
Some fuckface, desperate to deepthroat Pigman's balls, keeps making threads about this third-rate e-celeb, and some of us are sick of seeing the his piggy little face, or the face of one of his cronies every time we open the board. You wanna keep making threads about this boomer-ass cuntstain, we're gonna keep doing our thing
Honestly, this is a TRUTHNUKE we all need to process...

MDE being complete garbage now has helped me understand the ephemerality of all corporeal things.
>all press is good press
Seething isn’t good for your blood pressure.

>we’re gonna keep doing our thing.
Being homos? Embarrassing your ancestors? I hope you all get yummy with the cummies.

I won’t say “you won’t do shit”, it’s that you can’t do shit. How does it feel to keep failing? I’d give it up by now, but then again, I’m not you and I prefer to devote my time to generative behaviors.
I'm just waiting for the day one of his e-kids decides the reason their life is shit is because they took his advice and they end up bopping him

If it happens I hope it gets recorded
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>5 months after they said Ruse was coming on The Palace
Honestly, I bet Pigface does too. He's so starved for media attention, he probably sees an assassination attempt as the best thing that could happen to him: not just because it'd potentially end his miserable existence, but it means he gets his grotesque face in the press again, people give him charity donations and he's relevant for the first time since 2008. What's he best known for right now, paying to get his name in the Patreon shoutouts section of a bunch of Youtubers? Yeah, that's where his fans' money is going - not WP2, not any worthwhile content, it's lining the pockets of other creators. Good job, fuckos.
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haha yea
kys :)
>Bronze Age Pervert
Ok, but can you acknowledge Nick Fuentes is a fed?

I don't know if he is a fed (probably is), but Nick Fuentes is absolutely 100% undeniably a full blown closet fag. That's probably how the feds compromised him. He is also obviously a controlled op gatekeeper false prophet. Owen Benjamin is currently brutally slaughtering that little gay sacred cow Nick Fuentes on Twitter and it is great.
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Important posts

It's all limited hangouts.

Sam Hyde's Fishtank is a CIA funded (Peter Thiel) recruitment group for both the CIA and Freemasons.
Sam is a Freemason.
Fishtank is a recruitment operation and it's obvious.

>never has complete recordings of the seasons, half the data or more is lost, always released in a disorganized unusable fashion
>final cuts of seasons are shitty on purpose so nobody will watch them, purposefully include none of the real story arcs of the show or degradation contestants went through (yeah I fucked you up but now you're "stronger" and nobody knows, you owe me!)
>show is filled with light torture, both physical and mental challenges engineered by production to test their mettle
>production's interactions with contestants are classic CIA "manipulate them to do what you want instead of asking"
>always ends up looking like stockholm syndrome because Sam is a wealthy celebrity and he only recruits the poorest people imaginable
>production follows the fish post show, is always in their discords under different usernames
>production always donates to fish under different usernames to manipulate the situation so they feel like they "owe" Sam for making them successful
>production uses black hat databases to scrape data on the fish to know EXACTLY who they are before the show, they know EVERYTHING about the fish and all the "shocking revelations" are planned in advance
>they are the ones who "hack" contestant's web accounts using these databases

How did production get access to the backend of Google?
They would need government connections for that.
If he was running a web TV show, he would at least try to grow the show.
He isn't running a web TV show, it's a recruitment scheme.
They pretend to be incompetent so there is no evidence of what they did that season.
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>tribe led ironic demon invocation
>tribe instigated bible desecration
>all on the same day: that evening ...
>Kenneth Anger dies, and Tina Turner of "Auntie Entity" Mad Max Fame ... (running gag of "the entity" stalking the halls at night)
>SFW BDSM finale - with a Goat.

cool but where is "extreme peace"?
every single one of these jewish eceleb faggots is a fed
Other important posts
Continued from >>1331135
Sam just wants a lot of money to build the biggest goon cave in the world. His very own goon house.
Yeah, posting a pic of Piggy hanging out with convicted felon Roger Stone isn't the own you think it is.
Post some standup some I can evaluate the veracity of your opinions?
Everyone knows fuentes loves femboy catbois, he literally had a section on his discord in 2018 called "catbois" that would be for posting pictures of femboys lol
Feds didn't need any fagshit on him, the reason they own him is because of literally rallying people before the J6g riots, and on the date of, he had a megaphone yelling at people shuffling them towards the senate "disregard the police, break down the barriers"
Owen is strange because he can be simultaneously based and a complete faggot at the same time. Abandoned God because his father became a full blown fag which caused Owen to have a breakdown. He thinks he has all the solutions for everything, in his little atheistic world view, peak delusional ego through the roof.
>being funded by zionists isn't the own you think it is
>randomly getting interviewed by known cia asset tucker carlson isn't the own you think it is
>telling young people life is over at 30 amongst other jewish blackpills isn't the own you think it is
>randomly doing a complete character shift to self-help jordan peterson 12 rules to washing you penis isn' the own you think it is
>>telling young people life is over at 30 amongst other jewish blackpills isn't the own you think it is
We covered this.

If you're 30 and haven't developed any skills, the skill you've honed and developed is being a fuckhead (ex. post on a forum and losing). If you're not a fuckhead, you wouldn't be complaining (because this would not apply to anyone who's working).

Start here: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/python-for-everybody/python-for-everybody

Let me know when you code. THEN you can speak

For other topics (and for the non-losers), you can find any topic and academic resources here:

From Bartok to Knausgard, you can keep yourself busy developing skills instead of "whatever the fuck you think you're doing".
>emphasis on THINK, which might not be your strong suit.
That's okay, Walmart sponsors your type and you get 10% groceries and regularly-priced merchandise.

Also, let me know when was the last time you cleaned your bed, changed your sheets, and ate healthy food (ie. Costco steak, Norwegian smoked salmon). Your negative behaviors will evaporate and you'll end up like the people at the end of Hellraiser 2.

Or, keep seething. The Jews have a culture of education, do you?
I don't know where you are getting the abandoned God atheist stuff from, Owen is one of the biggest and most proper Christians I've ever seen. Only giant trinity retards like Jay Dyer would falsely call Owen an atheist, or as Jay has also incorrectly actually called him, a heretic.
The biggest and most proper? Maybe learn to speak fucking English before tackling something as complex as the bible
Go fuck yourself you midwit fag
is the tucker carlson hyde interview ever coming out
Midwit? Who uses the terms "biggest" and "most proper" to discuss someone's piety? You are a retard who can barely express himself!
Hey code monkey
You’re trapped and unhappy
fr doe. because the pgl where it was announced was backlogged itself so he had to do the tucka interview like 1 month ago at the earliest.
da fuck dis nigga tucka got going on?
nigga deadass just uploaded a Kid Rock interview. fuck this pasty white ass spawn of a CIA agent ass mothafucka.
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Hey dummy, make my Chipotle and don’t forget the San Pelligrino like you did last time. No cell phones on the line. It’s a health code violation.

I code for fun and to enhance everyday tasks. I’ll put something on GitHub as an automatic insult generator.

>I’m very happy (yummy Chipotle)
And happier the more you seethe

Bow to your superiors:
Sheeeeeittt. You rite you rite. Dis shit be outdated alreddy. Tuckah Carlson my asss, more like hurry up son. Dem yts be keepin us down frfr no cap
I hope someone pierces your eyes with nails and rapes your mother in front of you

Charls is live and chugging cream
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I hope you develop the skills necessary to portion out my burrito, tough guy. See pic rel

If you’re 30+, maybe we can trust you with making the salsa. MAYBE.

Yeah, your threats sound pretty gay. Did you hear anime noises going off in your head when you typed them? Shwing-sheeeen! Zeeeerrrrr-kranng!

It’s hard to tell if you’re Asian or a bot. Haha just kidding, they’re about the same! ^o^ (๑>◡<๑)
I forgot my theme and something you should internalize:

>sam and chuck are dubtards
not surprising
I've seen Owen insult Christ repeatedly on twitter.
He's not Christian by any means. He was raised one and then his faggot father made him abandon his faith due to his faggotism. He also operates in a very weird glowie manner, asking Eric Dubay to come on, then when Eric stayed up all night due to time zone differences, he completely dodges him (he did this twice) and this was before he was a flat earther. then he became a flat earther later on but shills the most retarded evidence possible, doing more damage rather than letting experts explain it properly. This is a common theme with Owen, he does the same with nukes, he manages to have the correct opinion but can't defend it for shit
Owen does good and goes pretty hard on shit that's not for the midwits. He's right on with most predictions, and I think the Grabbler Football is one of the funniest things I've heard in a long while.

As for his theories, he prefaces them with not knowing jackshit. He's usually like, hey, I don't know jackshit but check this out. If you take it seriously, then you filtered yourself.

He's as good as Devon Stack, as he's flawed as well, but anyone who points out degeneracy and points to solutions towards opting out of these systems, that's slime with me.

>use your brain
and post standup.
yep. makes sense to me, especially looking at all the pgl "guests",
nick being on the alex jones show, etc. there are some funny bits and pieces from them, but they're all three unfortunately comped from top to bottom, so do keep that in mind when listening to the tripe they often spew
>How did production get access to the backend of Google?
Isn't the dude a former hollywood actor with a dad in the military? That should be enough evidence unto itself. In fact, charls, nick and sam are actors as well; if you think Warner Media would let some dudes from the street have a show on Adult Swim I have a bridge to sell ya
Well they clearly didnt let them have it, did you miss the last decade?
That's why they aired it and paid them? The whole "struggles" they went through were meant to legitimize them and make them seem non-mainstream but it all falls apart they're now allowed to have a platform on youtube and gumroad
Nah senpai you are full of shit, you must be a Jay Dyer fan because of how feminine, retarded, and gay you are. You are probably also very jealous of Owen's idyllic life with his family and farm since you are a basement dwelling incel loser. You should probably just go ahead and become trans and then kill yourself.

Yea at least Owen points to, creates, and builds solutions, unlike fed fags like Nick Fuentes and all the other right wing normie grifters who just complain and complain about jew this leftists that without actually doing anything positive about it. That fruitloop Gavin McInnes even shoved a dildo up his ass on camera "to own the left". Pathetic. Owen also does what Chuck attempts to do on his streams but much better, I suggest anyone who has grown weary of the manic, rambly, and mostly black pilled Chuck streams to check out Owens streams instead, I think he even streams on Twitter now. Owen's streams are much funnier, less depressing, and more interesting while talking about similar but better stuff.
>all actors bad and compromised
crackhead take. adult swim saw they had hundreds of thousands of views online, a cult following, solid work ethic, and gave them a shot the same way bob odenkirk gave tim and eric a shot. To imply every single person that's an actor or in pedowood is a satanist fed is the most retarded shit I've heard. Owen is a faggot but you're gonna need more than baseless speculations. Brendan Fraser is a prime example of an actor that isn't compromised and didn't suck jew cock yet still made it.
>he's unironically responding to that slime nigger
>to be critical of someone means you're jealous!!!
>you must want to become trans if you're a transphobe
don't know why you keep bringing up jay down syndrome every time I criticize your idol owen bearfaggot as if it rebukes anything lol
The fact you guys are unironically discussing e-right Johnny come lately faggots like Owen Benjamin and Jay Dyer is exactly what's wrong with the nu-MDE fanbase. Have some standards im begging you
>I'm a Islamo-Christian with heathen adjacent roots and judeo financial esoteric knowledge - Owen Benjamin
what an ecumenical retard lmao. sad to say this but charls will probably take the exact same route looking how they belong to the same clique. sad
Yeah bro, they all went through initiations except for the heckin wholesome chunguses that you like, no, those ones pulled themselves by the bootstraps n shiet. Now THAT is a crackhead theory if I saw one, LOL
Dyer was literally on PGL, hosted Sam and Nick on Info Whores, and interview Chaz
shill who (You) watch faggot
you're literally RETARDED
Charls already has by marrying a Muslim.
He's probably the reason why Sam and Nick never make fun of Muslims.
Charls was talking about the UK riots a few weeks ago on one of his streams and was saying something along the lines of 'WMDs, yea they want you to hate everyone that's been raped" meanwhile the muslims are literally being defended by the UK government as they slash their tires, and can risk-free assault white folk.
He vehemently defends islam, effina also just bullshits or has a terrible understanding of the quran, saying shit like the quran legitimizes Jesus Christ (whilst literally rejecting his resurrection and stripping away divinity from God)
The solution isn't to love your persecutor as they rape and genocide you
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Hey, can I just get stand up bootlegs? I had to scour the farms of kiwi yesterday and didn’t find dick.

Help a slime reach his potential. I gotta work on my novel and need laughter
>the world needs laughter
The world needs your help
naive mfs trying to feign superiority in an attempt to save face when their bluepilled beliefs are put on display has to be the best trope lmao
Some "oldMDE" fan you are, pirating Sam's stuff when he specifically said not to. Eat shit, nigger.
I don't watch MDE anymore cause it's shit. Get a clue.

All of that stuff is nu-mde, cmon now.
True Blue MDE oldheads know that just doing whatever Sam tells you isnt What MDE is About.
shill me your patrician indulgences
I'm releasing a rap album next month where upon I'll be rapping about killing federal agents and other western atrocities
Took a break from writing my 8th book to produce a book of rhythm and poetry (RAP)
I already composed all my beats and have 90% of the lyrics written

The EP will feature 5 songs

Super Civilian on Spotify
Huffcake on YouTube

>inb4 haters start hating because I mog them so fucking hard lol
>You wish you could be as based and redpilled as me, believing that every single z list actor is a pedophile fed asset without providing any insights or evidence of my retarded speculation
shut up whore, blocked.
Love your videos you remind me of Sam Hyde a lot, I love both of your videos
Been watching a lot of Nicks stuff and Ive been getting some weird vibes off his work. This guy seems to be REALLY into black culture almost obsessed with it

Are the cuck rumors actually legit? Nick can be annoying at times when not talking about homes
this is some serious stuff ill look into it
Islamo-Christian makes much more sense and shares many more values than "Judeo-Christian" which is just Anti-Christian. All these so-called "Muslims" that are raping the EU are clearly by their actions not real Muslims that actually follow Islam. Those migrant EU rapists are the types of base savages that got kicked out of or fled proper Muslim countries because there they would not get away with such non Muslim behavior. A wise man once said, "They're not sending their best".

Good for Chuck for being wise enough to also share Islamo-Christian values just like other wise men, like Owen Benjamin, and myself.
Owen Benjamin is a comedian you dumbass. His job is comedy. Anyone looking to a comedian for serious theological, financial, spiritual etc. advice or opinions is the retard (You).
Honestly I don't need MDE anymore as I now live a short bike ride away from my countries film archive and go to their showings.
you’re a bad liar. how can you people be so bad at trying to manipulate other people when it’s all you do, it’s crazy man
> what's the encore, making fun of furries for being weird?
lol, kill yourself, zoophile freak
you had to stuff your shrimp dick back into your sweatpants, click away from the loli fart porn thread, and come here just to bitch about and tell us all how much you hate some ugly, roid-raging heebie. What’s up with that? Are you good, brah?
Interesting playlists
lol. there's no such thing
1 John 2
>22Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.23Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:(but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
>I was merely pretending to be retarded!
still makes him and every single one of those grifters harmful retards even joking about that stuff this way. also tell that to the guy itt who seems to believe mde and owen are made men and not actors, lol
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really hope this is satire
before pedo mohammed was raping 9 year old girls, he literally slaughtered his way into power
their unholy laws condone genocide, rape, beating your wife, worshipping satan, licking a lunar deities vagina
It is in their nature
What does any of this rapidly ageing millenial theology this have to do with Extreme Peace (Formerly World Peace 2) or Don Jolly?????
I'd love to see some of Charl's standup, based on his rambling on stream, it has to be a complete trainwreck
yeah everyone knows Sam hates God and loves shoving shit up his ass


You miserable nu-mde motherfucker, why have you not already seen this, why do I have to share a thread with morons who haven't even done the reading.
Someone's mad
Imagine believing all the anti-Islamic jewish lies and propaganda like a good little goy, sad!
"Loli fart porn", huh? That's an oddly specific point of reference, you just got done looking at some yourself, champ? Is it fresh in your mind for some reason? I mean, come on, dude, you're a Pigman fan, no way in hell you don't have several folders titled 'not cunny do not look in here'.
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Imagine being so ignorant to the fact that you literally worship Satan
Debunk that Aisha was married to a 54 year old man at age 6.
Debunk that mohammed slaughtered thousands
Debunk mohammed foaming at the mouth and wanting to kill himself after he encountered "Gabriel" (satan)
Debunk Muslims literally worshipping a black cube of saturn, and even praying towards it
Debunk what was in Mecca before the black cube (literally a statue of Baal)
Debunk Muslims pillaging, raping every European city in which they flood
Claiming everything is a Jewish lie without any rebuke isn't an argument.
Kraics? Choco-kid? The cool doc?
arent there literal black mirrors on the edges of the kabaa?
Will a paypig finnally confront chuck e cheese on how he can allow himself to associate with people like roger stone?
he'll just say
>waow das crazy. thanks... please like the stream
you don't get it man
they're the enlightened scions of Very Important bloodlines
they're definitely NOT just pretentious theater faggots
You Wouldn't Understand
>Ok, but
You're jewish.
yes this is an mde thread
I am not understanding the Don Jolly meme, as far as i can see the guy sells short stories and comics. Am I supposed to give a shit about this?
fat dude who had a decent conversation about college scams and blew up a toilet

>I run this subreddit
thanks Chuck
He's an indigo child, you won't get it if you are low vibrational and nu-mde
He wrote one of the most important documents in mde history
which one? the penthouse article? its alright
It's more than alright. It's very important. Didn't you just read what I said?
Don? Haven't heard that name in years...
His name is literally in the OP, pay attention
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heres an interview he did with charls for daggermag
Awesome, thank you
Honestly inspirational, and a bit saddening looking at where we are now. There was a PGL a few months back where Sam was showing Charls video of someone being shot. How did it come to that?
Guys... WP2 is coming this year, right? X-treme Peas
Don was so talented, why did he have to fumble the bag by being a lazy fuck? Remember that KSTV2 episode featuring him and Sam on Inteligentsia (the hipster bar/coffeeshop that Nick would go and play porn on his laptop speakers)that never came out? I do
They had him producing and it just wasn't his forte. He should have just written without moving into the chaotic living circumstances of MDE at the time.
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I member
holy shit how did this slip past me
Can't believe it's been almost 10 years. I used to watch this repeatedly back in the day. A powerful salve for me. This is what we mean when we talk about old MDE.
Please like the stream, please like the stream, if I don't get 1000 likes I'm out, please like the stream, no one even sees this stream if it doesn't get 1000 likes, please like the stream
You may get a kick out of this too:


Song is Attachable Shells - Spiderdactyl

It's utterly sickening right?
The constant and desperate please like the stream begging spam very quickly made me dislike the stream. If people like the stream they will like the stream, repetition breeds contempt and dislike of the stream.
Why is chucks wife alone in Berlin right now? Are they divorced? I mean I know theyre not Im just imagining running into her and going on a date if she was single ok. Is that sinful?
Please no off topic gossip, just post the new PGL or World Peace 2 leaks
But yeah, she got the fuck out of the US back in july and took the kids with her, what is that all about? She went to Kuwait and is now traveling through Europe... Huh... Chuck...?
its on topic since his streams got much better after she left. from the picture it looks like her children arent even there. also, let me be mentally ill.
>literally just watching dubbed anime for a quarter of the podcast
Anyone know why Sammy hasn't streamed in like a year ? $1K per hour from piggies isn't worth his time to put in the most minimal effort possible ?

Extreme Peace is the gayest fucking name imaginable
should've named something that was mocking adult swim not giving them their trademark back and every season it changes to another play on words further mocking them
would've been the perfect gag
old mde would have done it no questions
they're just boomers now, makes me lose hope that WPII will be funny
truly hope for Chuck's sake that plastic muslim succubus never returns
He's been killing it lately
she's posting instagram pictures of her in europe with the caption "i lost so many things" lol. so why that hed let travel alone to be honest
It might reflect the quality of the product. Sam might be hit pretty hard by post partum depression if he actually goes on Rogan after building momentum with his stand up career
>PGL_0091_HierachyOfNeeds (CRF25).mp4

>Nick and Sam episode
>90 minutes long
>One third of it is another anime talk (this time is selfaware and Sam admits to fuck with the audience, calls it "the new car talk for the spergs on the other side of the screen")
>30 min of stand up writing talk
>Another 30 min diluted throughout the whole ordeal reacting to youtube/tiktok videos and outdated news from may/june

Wow worst episode yet. Not linking a magnet
That's fine, those little Dollar Stream clips of PGLs on YouTube are good enough and cut out all the filler
>One third of it is another anime talk
is it sam jizzing over shitty dubs again?
Yeah, I'm sure AS would loooove not paying the slightest attention to a former employee they probably haven't thought about in over a decade, that's some masterful trolling right there


>Ill watch it and write a summary with slimestamps for the autistic at heart
Please paychad
Is Sams standup any good ?
The material I've heard is like "I'm a wetard lol xd"
You're delusional if you think Tim Heicucker and Eric warheimstein don't pay attention to whenever Sam bashes them and gets hundreds of thousands of views on jewtube
You've never had enemies, and don't know how petty these kikes are
I think this exonerates Charls from any suspicion of being a federal asset
Nickolas and Samuels body language is pretty interesting though
whats up with him hanging with roger stone? i understand that he cant destroy the group dynamic by being a bitch but with the stuff he talks about it is strange hed associate with him
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Drop it paychad. Im not watching pgl for the content. I need it to satisfy my need for social interaction. You really think id sit here and unironically watch best of the worst like i give a shit about rlm in 2024 no? you really think i watch avoidingthepuddle to her the same joke for a billionth time? you really think i tune into josies streams because she so entertainig? dont fool yourself into thinking youre doing anyone a favour with this stunt.
him as in Charls? Stone is an investor in Fishtank, they're not hanging out lol. Unsure why Charls was there but I bet Sam loved every minute of dragging him along as some sort of humiliation ritual
Well yeah, that's what I'm referring to. If you have drinks with someone you are hanging out. Chuck was there because they were doing show.
>hes a josiepedo
Are office workers in boardrooms hanging out together ?
It was an investor meeting lad
If i would go to your house, had drinks with you and talked about upcoming plans of you investing in my project then yes, that day we did hang out.
>Taking Bilderberg Money

Just admit it
MDE is a freemason ran psyop
Have you found it yet?
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Why would they pay attention to someone who is literally beneath them?
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I fucking forgot Wayne

This guy totally plays Alliance in WoW (and is proud of it)
uh um uh uh that's just demoralization by uh um jews

>PGL motherfucker, do you leak it?
Crazy how Nick's Scuffed Realtor live streams (one goin right now) are more entertaining to watch than Chuck's aimless manic and black pilled rambling streams, please like the stream
Charls has nothing to do with Fishtank, and I doubt he's an investor.
Sam and Nick are very questionable, especially considering >>1329715 >>1329522 >>1329529 >>1329534
>beneath them
in what regard ?
Sam and Nick are 5x more financially secure than Tim's and Eric
MDE is more well known online, they have one of the biggest podcasts, biggest livestreams, fishtank is massive, wp is massive
You're literally not rooted in reality and have no ability to conceptualize how petty humans can be to their enemies
Lay off the xanax or something
>why did he have to fumble the bag by being a lazy fuck
yeah bro editing a 1-2 hour podcast that releases every 2-4 months is so labor intensive that 4-6 nitro huffing zoomers can barely do it. how could don manange?
>fishtank is massive
ok this is just untrue. the viewership has fallen off massively.
go inhale some more galaxy gas jud jupiter



>Chris Lynch, I know you read this. MAKE IT HAPPEN
source on this?
>hairy bobbin’ man ass
Are you fucking stupid. This was when they were making theatre of the Aire you little nuMDE fuck, the podcast hadn't started. Never post in these threads again if you aren't willing to educate yourself before posting.
You are delusional.
I miss the real MDE before they all had their souls replaced.
its over.
ok sam
Look, it's normal to want to defend the things you like, but you are literally lying through your teeth. I really hope you're getting paid to suck Sam's dick, because doing it for free like this is even more pathetic than he is. Tim and Eric, On Cinema, Tom Goes to the Mayor, they're genuine cult shows with a long-time fan following. MDE is barely even remembered as an 'oh yeah, that was a thing' show. Xavier Renegade Angel and Lucy Daughter of the Devil have more fans than MDE did when it was on AS. Just quit lying and go back to rimming pigs.
>it was that thing on after Eric Andre in 2016
>it was that guy on Youtube regurgitating Tim and Eric mixed with then already tired Something Awful memes
>it was that guy on Youtube who got really mad at Tim Heidecker and that reporter who ended up getting hired by NYT
>it was that guy who kept taking pictures with jewish feds like Weev and Richard Spencer
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C'mon! I got work today
>the world needs laughter
Frank Hassle did it first and better
Wasn't he molested by a teacher?
>calls me a dick sucker
>proceeds to suck literal jewish cock
Tim and Eric are known for NOTHING lmfao
keep glazing faggot
they have a show named after them that almost every american millennial and older gen z male would recognize if you asked if they were familiar with it.

i dont even like those fags never liked the show but you are smoking fent
It's okay to be jealous of them, but you need help, you are literally disconnected from reality.
The kids are in Kuwait with their grandparents, They've deffo split up
is there anything interesting on Charls gumroad? i have a 500gb MDE archive and i'd like to add all his streams
>it was that thing on after Eric Andre in 2016
lawl you brought back some mamorees. I remember only being aware of sam through some threads on /tv/ and /b/, but not knowing he was the dude that made world peace. I just figured it was some late night hipster shit adult swim was trying to shovel onto eric andre fans, and got confused when I saw videos in my recommended on yt praising the show. Then I saw the tim heidecker facebook podcast thing where sam called in, and from then on I watched wp and became a fan. FF to hydewars/happy world daddy, and then frank hassle, and now the commercialized era with fishtank and his jank podcast/streams, mde is complete unredeemable garbage now. To say Sam was compromised by some higher power is stretching it; I think he's just a sellout jew.
Wouldnt he have mentioned something? Seems really weird. Shes still checks in on his streams.
>I think he's just a sellout
And what did he sell out for: bitcoin scams and leading people on with the promise of a return to his glory days. That's why WP2 will never come out, he has nothing and he knows if he releases it after how many years of hyping it up, even his paypiggies will ditch him.
>even his paypiggies will ditch him.
I doubt it. His pigs literally have no taste. If they did, no one would watch fishtank or any of his other livestreams
What kind of man allows his wife to travel alone through Europe. EUROPE. The place that these days should just be called EURAPE.
Pretty sure he's botting the hell out of at least some of his streams.
Charls is doing an impression/acting imitation of a spiritually aware master. In reality he's a barely coherent basket case who needs to work out to have a semblance of a functioning brain, but he gave that up years ago and coasts by being le random zany schizo his established fanbase jizzes for.

The shirts are pretty good though. Mad I missed the latest drop.
I dont watch charles much, but what about him is schizophrenic? He just seems like an average guy that uses a sort of unique comedic talking style. In 2014 he used to rant about hollywood being evil and trans people are turning school children gay or whatever; now everyone does that. Hell, grifters like alex jones were doing that before he was
Charls' stream tonight was distinctively bad, holy shit
Where's his wife? What the hell is going on? Why does he look so emaciated?
He stayed on topic for most of it so thats kinda good. Effina probably needed a break from being a mom. Still odd hed let her travel to europe alone.
>how is Charls a schizo

Wew lad

The other thing about Charls is he clearly saw himself from an early stage as deserving to have Johnny Depp's proportion of fame within the alt comedy world. But instead of proving he deserved such a place, his career hit one (admittedly bad) roadblock and he responded by doing very little acting/screen work for the 8 years after. A project once and a blue moon. Yet he still ranted and raved in the drunk stream like it's Sam's fault he isn't a Depp like figure.
Shouldnt charles be thankful sam saved them from being assfucked to be part of the club?
>the alt comedy world
Does that even exist? The only non MDE alt comedy groups I can think of are the kids that rode Jan Rankowski's coattails before he told them all to fuck off, and the nobody kids who shilled their sam hyde ripoff channels on /tv/ back in 2014. Alt-comedy is just "mde adjacent" comedy. It's all tied back to Sam at the end of the day. It's basically one giant clique. None of it's funny. It's either tryhard edgy schlock shit out by dumb kids, or tryhard pretentious trash like sadworld/fodcom (rip), with the epik gaudy effects work to make up for the lack of actual skit
i bet noone even remembers funchurch now, or backed up any of their work
not really
90% of the stuff on Charls' gumroad can be found on youtube. I subbed to read Charls' writing but it's nonexistent.
Charls doesn't even know how to properly archive his own content. Would've been nice to see some of his twitch streams or even vidya playlists, but they're all scattered and most are just missing and not uploaded.
You cant get there from here with doug tennapel is a good listen and worth the 1 month sub
I only responded to the dumb nigger that was gargling Tim and erics kike kock, saying shit like
>MDE are beneath Tim & Eric
and couldn't comprehend the relationship between enemies (because he has severe ass burgers and is incapable of understanding how humans function)
meanwhile Sam has a bigger net worth than tim and eric combined, and probably nick does as well but he enjoys larping as a poorfag for some reason
MDE currently has a bigger presence than them and it's not even debatable.
Erics podcast ? complete failure, doesnt even get 1/10th the viewership of PGL.
Sam and Nicks livestreams - 5-10k concurrent viewers, higher on special events. Eric and Tim ? sucking cock as z list actors on z list tv shows. Wow!
Erics shitty show they did 30 years ago ? nobody aside from millennial fossils have seen it. I assure you, not a single zoomer knows who tim and eric are, nor will they because they are deadbeat losers
Whenever Charls claimed Sam was useless, why didn't Charls, Nick, and Andrew ever take-off with their sketch comedy group ? Although some of them were brilliant, it was very clearly missing a certain spark that Sam is very good at providing
Charls overexaggerates everything and the way he talks most of the time it has me wondering what he's hopped up on
>Sam saved them by fucking over his two best friends and making them go back to the wage cage for years, every day 2 seconds away from becoming an hero
If either Charls or Nick wanted to be part of the klub, they wouldn't have gone back to construction and selling cars you retard
What did Charls think about the Polaris Dawn mission?
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>sees lots of gay gossip
>posts nudies
>waits for results
AYO Nick is funny as fuck, Old MDE Never Dies

ive probably been watching longer than (you), idk wtf youre even sperging about. i was saying that calling don lazy is a stupid measurement because pgl is lazy garbage
I know more about MDE than anyone on earth. Tell me without looking which disco bands instrumental was used as the outro for jerry hates wiggers or be NuMDE for life.
I've been watching since before an inconvenient anime you insolent fuck
At least Tim and Eric retained some artistic integrity. You can say that of piggy pig pigman
>this one obsessive faggot again
how does sams cum taste?
better be samefag or one of you in replying to me for no reason
I hate Sam Hyde and MDE now as only the worlds biggest MDE fan could.

More than 80% of the posts in this thread are me. You're posting in my world.
Where do you think we are? The breezy casual mde thread for dilettantes?
Anyway admit to me you haven't been watching MDE as long as me.
>If either Charls or Nick wanted to be part of the klub, they wouldn't have gone back to construction and selling cars you retard

Exactly, retard. So why whine and moan about being black listed from hollywood then? You cannot talk for hours about how sick and fucked up that industry is and regret not being a part of it.
I dunno what this word salad is, but you really need to get offline and get help. The world outside is a completely different place to whatever hellhole you inhabit, and I know that's scary, but it's worth it, trust me.
Anyone got a magnet for the 4k remastered of World Peace 1-6?
I can only find episode 1, 2 and 6 with no seeders, and the guy who remastered them didn't update the reddit nigga thread with the magnet
theyre showing a preview of world peace 2 at skanfest btw.
they did that bit already
Again? The kind of people that go to skanksfest are the sort of tasteless idiots that enjoy NuMDE so it makes sense...
Skankfest? More like Kikefest. Did they have a booth for that one disgusting kike from Legion of Skanks to have women shit on his chest for free, since it is all he seems to think or talk about?
meanwhile his actual audience gets two shitty trailers lol.
why are they previewing mde 2: we dont have a name yet at a ska convention?
dude i love tim n eric awesome show haha
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because samayal hydelinko prefers the company a gender neutral nyc celelbs now. he legit looks like hes been spreading his asshole for some old kike to become a gay fashion icon.
Jesus, even his hairline doesn't want to be associated with him
>why whine and moan about having your entire life destroyed, suddenly earning no income and forced to go back to wagey because of your best friend as he owns the rights to things you wrote without him
do you also have ass burgers ? do you think during their short time at adult swim, sam nick and charls were part of the klub and instantly began fucking children ? are you the retard that's been autistically saying every single aspect of hollywood is satanic, including the bumfuck nobodies that are earning less than min wage. lmfao.
>do you think during their short time at adult swim, sam nick and charls were part of the klub and instantly began fucking children

No? Not sure how you came to that conclusion. Again, if youre schizophrenically talking about all the evils of fame and hollywood you cant complain about not being allowed to be part of it, what about this do you not understand?
for a 40 yr old white man it could be worse, just look at Mr. Clean Rochefort's head that shit could blind you
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Shave it off, you fat fuck, you look like this
he babbles inoherently about nothing and talks in circles, he admits to being heavily into weed on the last PGL and has let that slip several times before, he's definitely on drugs, I'm not surprised his wife took the kids out of there
>simon cowell isnt qualified to criticize singers because he's not one himself
lmfao you're so fucking autistic its unreal.
what status did MDE reach again ?
do you seriously believe when Charls is talking about hollywood satanists and what comes with fame, he's talking about z listers ?
that's the implication you are making with your retarded generalizations.
what about this do you not understand ?
>do you think during their short time at adult swim, sam nick and charls were part of the klub and instantly began fucking children

I think everyone did their best to avoid them at every opportunity. I can believe Pigshit told everyone it was because there were too many pedo satanists around them though, because if he engaged in any introspection for a second, he'd kill himself.
I refuse to believe thats the same Sam that made KSTV

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