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File: FByEIHlXoAAkBmv.jpg (98 KB, 600x526)
98 KB
Hi all, hopefully this is not an ad because it is a free public domain torrent site that I made.


Here I have uploaded over 600 public domain ebooks and audiobooks. The site is also meant to host Classical Music and Documentaries as a sort of New Renaissance Library.

It's coded using Neo4j graph database with a graph visualizer on the frontend, inspired by What.CD's Similar Artists web. It is basically Gazelle 2.0. All the code to make the site use crypto is in place, but due to community feedback and cost concerns it's not Web 3.0 as of now. Depending on how things go, I may enable crypto for buying copyrighted material uploaded by the copyright holder.

I'd like it if you could help me upload some books and audiobooks here. The site gets about 50,000 hits a month, not sure if they are bots, but nobody seems to download anything. Some torrents had 40 seeders about a month ago but now the max is 7.

You need to use BiglyBT with the WebTorrent plugin if you want to download and seed on the Desktop. WebTorrent allows torrents to be downloaded in the browser. This allows ease of access for anyone to use the site without configuring a torrent client. So if you don't want to seed, you can just click WebTorrent and the torrent will stream to your browser window.

The github repo for this page is:
So if you want to make your own public torrent site you can use the code and essentially have Gazelle 2.0 up and running.

Thanks for any feedback/excitement
fuck porn
sounds great, will check out
bump again
fuck porn fuck porn addiction
so it's just https://www.gutenberg.org/ but with less content? at least crawl the site and upload everything as torrents
>Gazelle 2.0
lmao, this barely has any features
based and based digits

Drop a contact link. (or should I email your DMCA email there).

Friends is a software developer.

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