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you guys are in trouble if you live in the US

Not really. Most ISPs will drop you if you get too many notices, but this specific one didn't as a matter of policy. Comcast, Cox, Frontier, and the rest would have dropped the user well before the copyright holder had to sue them.

This is an issue between the rights holder and the service provider, it doesn't change in how rights holders interact with individual infringers.
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really? i got one of those notices for torrenting home alone 1, and comcast didn't do anything, i torrented a ton of porn and hentai and japanese animes and vidya game music, and got ignored

i don't torrent shit anymore unless it's a legit public domain torrent, because the h4x0rs have figured out how to get malware into .mp4 files

it really sucks. i'm 39 and been online since i was like 12, in the era where the quakers just hooked me up with the password to an ftp:// server with everything you'd ever want
>because the h4x0rs have figured out how to get malware into .mp4 files
That's why you should transcode any untrusted source before viewing it. Nothing's gonna happen unless you click on it and if it's been fucked with too much, it won't transcode properly.
what i do is watch all my tube porn on a smart tv. according to a legit NSA agent i knew who worked on the meat packing plant and was constantly leaking me things, a smart tv is too simple to get hacked, just factory reset it
If you're not using a VPN by this point, you deserve to get caught.
use a vpn guys

What VPNs do you guys recommend? I have been using Privado. the free one lets you have 10gb free and now they put it in a "lite" mode when you run out which continues to hide you're IP but slows you down (but still good enough to browse) and also you can just use some throw away email website to generate like 20 accounts if you wanna torrent some big file (which I did for a game i wanted to try) since i have the displeasure of living in cucked state that blocks porn sites now because they wanted people to give them their IDs to look at boobs, I have to use a VPN to see porn gifs on rebbit. I also have t use tunnelbear just to see Fanza so i can know whats coming out for the month.

I hate the fucking anti-porn faggot right wing retards of the world.
Whatever you use, don't use a VPN that asks for personal information.
I use Proton VPN.

If you want more discretion, there's Airvpn, Ivpn, and Mullvad. Airvpn has port forwarding. These three aren't the cheapest vpns, but they're very flexible in regards to how they accept payments.
>because the h4x0rs have figured out how to get malware into .mp4 files
apparently qBittorrent bypasses VPN
What a retarded post. It doesn't if you bind your VPN to the client which you should do regardless.
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>you have to enable these obscure settings in the qBittorrent menu to PREVENT it from bypassing VPN, even though every other program on your computer just goes through VPN by default, including other torrent clients
>there are absolutely no warnings about this anywhere, but you're retarded if you didn't somehow know about it
ok glowie
Yes, you are indeed retarded and not worth teaching. You're actually pretty similar to an animal: can't do research on your own or comprehend basic tech stuff, so there's no point trying to teach you to use a computer.
how's the weather in tel aviv?
I remember that thread back when it was first posted. The VPN clients I mentioned teach you how to bind any torrent client to the VPN and what torrent client settings to lookout for in order to maximize discretion. You can also bind the VPN to your router if none of what I mentioned is enough for you.

You can see what the traffic looks like when you use Wireshark and other testing tools.

And qBittorrent isn't the only game in town. I also use Deluge on occasion.

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