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The MDE oldheads hadith (RIP, gone but never forgotten)

can someone finally post the newest PGL?
paychads. please
Previous: >>1329298
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rocking my ediecock till it pop off, shooting ediecum all over my funko pop
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Paychads, bestow your comfyness upon us all
no-one's posting it so must be garbage
Yo Niggers, were da new PGL at??

Why ain’t there any MDE stand up vids uploaded, thought they are mega funny hence the huge amount of Zoomers paying 45 Shekels to Shmuel.
They alway upload Instagram vids of long lines of fans waiting to watch peak comedy, any of ya‘ll been there?

Yo and why Sam now looking more Jewish than a Hasidic Rabbi? Is he going to fight for Israel or something?
Will he kick me out of the venue if a support Hamas-Hezbollah?
Do you think he got it in his harry Ashkenazi ass? Ewww
Stop Edierocking its too fucking loud
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I wonder what would happen if people started asking Sam, both in person and on twitter, if he's the Anti-Christ.

Personally I believe he is more likely than not a demon who pretends to be religious, as was prophesied by Biblical revelation.

By definition, if you are an unrepentant sinner, and you pretend to be a Christian to others in public (as Sam's often done, repeatedly, throughout his career)...

...then you are an Anti-Christ.

(that is, a charismatic, seemingly pro-Christian person who subverts Christ's teaching through publicly endorsed sinful behavior, such as taking a relaxed attitude towards sexual immorality, materialism, ego gratification, open and regular lying and hypocrisy, etc.)

Simply consider how Sam freaks out whenever "666" is mentioned. He claims to ban people on IG who have the mark of the beast in their username. On stream, he got upset when the devil number was in a superchat donator's pseudonym.

Perhaps he is afraid of his true nature being revealed by association?

Recently, Sam Hyde took a humorous, ironic picture with a couple of zoomer fans at his comedy tour. The small headed youth, who had lower class McDonalds slop faces, were wearing t-shirts making light of an infamous affair of Hyde's, during which as a 30 year old man, he ass fucked a teenage girl while having casual sex.

Sam had no intention of marrying the teenage girl featured on the low IQ fans' meme shirt; rather, he did it purely for the sake of short term hedonism and the gratification of perverse sexual impulse. Now he jokes about his behavior.

...that is the mark of being an unrepentant sinner.
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Also consider that just a year or so back, Charls refused to re-join MDE and repeatedly banged on about Sam Hyde's spiritual wickedness.

The Arab marrying Carroll, in a psychotic rage on livestream, ranted like a delirious, broke and physically unimposing madman about how 'Sam is gay, Sam cancelled the show out of spite, Sam's a bad dude, Sam is a nerd (bad)', etc.

Now he poses with Hyde on social media and makes light of serious sin, in effect laughing about damnation. Laughing as demons do while subjecting their victims to temptation.
Funny! The money must be good for Carroll.

Of course, none of this would be worth mentioning, except that Sam has always pretended to be a pro-Christian (in spirit if not explicitly) cultural influence. In reality, he's doing the opposite: he is preaching the gospel of Lucifer, whose message is "reap the physical world without conscience", and of Sorath, the sun demon who destroys God's creation for the sake of spite, and love of chaos.
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>you're our only hope.

Or, I might just buy it tonight and torrent it if I get "thank you, slimechad" three times (or if the jade monkey is returned to its rightful origin before the midnight full-moon).

I'll start with 1 out of 3:
>Thank you, SlimeChad
You're welcome
fuck off tom you attention whoring sociopath
Oh my fucking god, Charls, let your bitch finish a sentence and acknowledge what she says just once in awhile. I'm hardly mister feminist but it's weird to be right beside her and talk over her like she's a goddamn ghost.
I'd rather she not be on at all. The energy's all fucked up with them as separate entities in the same room. Is it autism?
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>pic rel

I’m holding (you) at ransom. You need to apologize to the slime (your superior) RIGHT NOW and then I WILL SEED PGL 92 IMMEDIATELY.

So, what will it be?
>you also have to say the slime can fuck your sister any time
don't you remember the time charles starts talking about how pyramids are actually in america and his girl whos been to them starts to correct them and he just shuts her down and says ya sure and keeps going
your over thinking it man

sam just loves money nothing else matters. he has no moral compass and constantly contradicts himself

unfortunately for charles he tried his hardest to resist that temptation but sam offered him more and more until charles too no longer has a backbone

you can't be the same person who denounces sam and then goes on tour. old charles is dead and in his place is another soul lost to money

shut the fuck up slimey attentionwhoring niggerboy

>PGL_0092_GoldenEyeDeathAnimations (CRF25).mp4

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thanks paychad
Listen to me
Iphone Warriors in world wide poverty stricken Hermitages
Believe the picture and see the truth
almost missed this because of the filter
>gives attentionwhore attention
I wonder what would happen if people started asking Sam, both in person and on twitter, if he's shoved Big Purple Dildos up his ass and given blowjobs to gay prostitutes.
just check the paste. i update that the same time i post the magnet.
It's actually fucking cringe mate
Dude fucking HATES the middle east, which I can't blame him for, but I'm sure it's a wedge between he and his broad. She must really love him.
by that I mean North Africa too; general dune coon regions/culture. Sounds like he literally drew a line in the sand and said we're moving to America, and rejoining MDE may have been done in part to justify it. She caved.

He's also wildly schizophrenic about being holy/avoiding degeneracy. He dithers between Christian/Orthodox doctrines and calling them slave manuals. Like he knows it's magical thinking and cope, but hates modern western degeneracy so he feels as though he has to wave a cross to some extent. Many such cases.
He is looking better than he was a couple years ago, gotta hand him that.
>attention whore
The only attentionwhore is you, faggot

>so you were holding out on us?
I'll make sure to do better than this.

Mark my words, I'll release the PGL (when it's actually released) and torrent it for the poorchads AHEAD OF SCHEDULE.

nigga you played yourself.

I'll post the synopsis unless you were planning on waiting on that too.
>oh geez, we're gonna wait another week to "beg" you.
the fuck outta here

Look at the name of this thread. SLIME IS IN FULL EFFECT.
>I run this subreddit
big purple isnt real
>Wife goes to Berlin and goes to a sex club

Is this real?
there isn't one Anti-Christ
both old and new testaments speak of the Anti-Christ as a spirit.
THE Anti-Christ would be the final, which Sam is definitely not.
Demon? perhaps.
I'm starting to be more convinced that all of MDE has been subverted recently, and that they're getting deep into Freemasonry within the past few years.
Sam stating he's reading the Old Testament a few months ago
Nick randomly coming out last month as a devout Catholic
Pay attention to Nick's eyes and his smirk when he says the name of our Lord.
And listen to the connotation of his voice
He's mocking Christ.
Some other anons have mentioned Sam & Charls being fans of "Pastmasters" novel
And Sam does the one leg pulled up masonic nod in various scenes
If anyone has any other connections I would love to see it
Sam's family has been intentionally inbreeding (his parents, including his Jewish mother, are 3rd or 4th cousins) which is a clear indicator of Frankist Jews
would've been better off if you hadn't posted this for another year just to torment this poorfag niggerslime
when does the vidya talk end and the funny podcast start?
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>Pay attention to Nick's eyes and his smirk when he says the name of our Lord.
>He's mocking Christ.
you're right. reminds me of pic rel. if he doesn't believe that's fine, but doing this? what an effeminate piece of shit
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apparently the just uploaded another pgl about live

>PGL_0093_LiveAtSkankfest r3 (CRF25).mp4

really how much of a gay retard do you have to be to see this unfunny faggot larp
I download all of these but never have any time to watch. I hope it's not all horse porn
any1 know where to get a scan of the sexmag issue
Jesus I watched 10 minutes, that was painful, also love how Nick is doing what Bert Kreisher does in that pic.
Ok schizo shit and jokes aside, i like MDE but i find it weird that all 3 of them like gore videos.
For instance i follow Nick on Insta, and i got recommended a bunch of gore-death channels because Nick is liking them.
The most extreme shit was a compilation video on a gore Insta channel that was about kids being hurt badly (broken bones, flesh wounds), it said on the bottom liked by Nick Rochefort.
I always thought that Nick liked sick shit, since he always talked about torturing people as a “joke” on PGL.
Its probably a genetic thing considering that his uncle is a rapist-murderer, and his cousins are meth junkies.

Chuck in the other hand is more tame, but is obsessed with satanic shit.
He nowadays thinks that everything is fake, bet you could make him think water isn’t real.
And Sam is the same as Nick, but i heard he hates animals.
Like he actually hates them, and laughs at videos of animals being killed.
His recent shit about making fun of people missing their dead parents was fucked.
Him feeling legit joy about other people beings broken and sad after losing a parent was very evil like some satanic shit.
We know that he has severe father issues, and that his Jewish mother dislikes him as well.
And the most eye opening shit is Shittank which is some humiliation ritual that Jews use in entertainment, him and his Bosnian rape baby assistant-slave Goran go extreme of Shabbatian rituals and symbolism on that show.
I am glad that some members were able to leave Sams pit of evil, he is probably and excellent manipulator and black mailer.
thanks paychad
whomst is this
There's a PGL where all 3 of them talk about how they don't own pets because they would abuse them and sam and nick make jokes about kicking cats and dogs across the room
sam is def an insecure sociopath dealing with trauma from an emotionally neglected childhood. Just because someone grew up in a nice house with nice things doesn't mean they weren't abused. I would diagnose sam with Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) Charls has bipolar schizoaffective disorder and nick just plain ol depression. talented comedians usually have a few screws loose insert basedjack woww i had no ideaaaaa le comedian is crazy no wayyy i dont think its a cia cult conspiracy or anything like that people r people and entertainers with thousands of hours of them yapping its easy to pick out only their flaws but i think for the most part they are not a threat to themselves or others.
sam got legit emotional talking about pet rats he had and got so attached to them he either cryogenically froze them or was about to I don't remember
Oh, okay, all of them are fucking pieces of shit

And you folks watch this stuff willingly?
I remember reading on 8ch that Charls was abused by a teacher growing up.

The recent PGL where Sam shows him a video of someone being shot was sickening.
Psychology is just a racket for the Jews...

He can just deny being anti-Christ. It would be better to ask Sam if he worships Satan, because anyone who actually worships Satan absolutely HAS to admit and say that they do if they are asked about it, because if they do worship Satan and publically say they don't when asked then the other satanists will come and kill them. I would put it forth that Satanism ain't no joke bro, put that in your pipe and smoke it, how about that? Please like the stream.
how do i download why the fuck are there no seeders
It's pretty funny how dorks oscillate between "Sam Hyde is my life mentor" and "Sam Hyde is an anti-Christ".
u should go back to the bus stop and start talking to urself loudly again
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Does anyone have the charls stream from a few days ago?
>I remember reading on 8ch that Charls was abused by a teacher growing up.

Charls talks about abuse, rape, sucking cock, going to bathouses etc. constantly, he's very obviously the product of abuse. He really should not have had kids.
Another thing i noticed over the years of watching PGL is that Nick might be Gay.
He talks about Gay sex all the time as a “joke” especially about sucking off his dad-uncle.
He also has some knowledge about specific gay sex practices that only a Gay guy would know, like felching (DONT SEARCH FOR IT)
He might be using his family as cover. Some anons over the years wrote that he is into cuckolding and wife swapping.

Also what’s up with Chucks wife taking pictures with this tall German guy in front of that Berlin club?
Why is she going out or why is she alone in Germany partying while Cuck is schizo rambling on live streams?
Chuck's marriage is clearly as good as over and it's probably for the best, the mother should take full custody of the kids. Nick is definitely the most degenerate and disgusting of the trio, with his dark murder porn fantasies. I stopped watching these guy's stuff recently because of how low vibrational and borderline satanic they all are and all their content is. Watching Charls streams for example is like a form of soul torture.
what's the drama with charls and his wife? i only know that she exists

and a couple of times i saw charls' stream clips with her participating, it wasn't obvious who is the predator in the relationship
enable DHT
painful watch
Yep, Effina was talking about her trip to germany where she went bar hopping and ended up in a sex club, normal tradwife behaviour.
>Nick is using the Bert Kreisher move

Nick talks about rimming dogs too, he most likely just a degenerate porn addict.
>3 iq opinion while spewing jewish psychobabble
(You) don't believe in the spiritual world and resort to jewish rhetoric to explain the un-explainable
Your opinion is worthless
I don't know enough Charls lore to comment, but anyone studying the occult is into those topics, that doesn't mean they got molested literally.
The elite are literally fucking and sacrificing children en-masse, the ones that print your money and play dress up as politicians and presidents.
Anyone know Charls' relationship with his father and mother ? Was he kicked out of his house early on ? Why was he living and neeting with Sam for an entire decade with not much to show for it ?
Nick was caught watching tranny porn in his search history, no paypig asked him about it yet so like all things people just forget I guess
lol retard
just looking at tranny porn doesn't make you a tranny porn enjoyer you faggot, he probably did it as a gag. I would watch tranny porn completely as a joke I'm 100% serious.
This kind of speculation is the most low T gossip journal kind of faggot shit imaginable, stop doing it. You're no better than the discord trannies that go on about Sam abusing women. Do yourself a favor and stop caring.
Ok gay guy
Heaven forfend we do low t things! Sorry doctor masculinity science PhD it'll never happen again I'm going to go listen to some Jordan Peterson audio tapes right away sir!
Who remembers gorgeous George?
>one hour of watching tiktoks and movie clips
this sucks. chris kattan seems cool though, wish they would have talked to him more
>You're no better than Sam's discord trannies that go on abusing women.
ftfy you should see sam hyde's fagtank where they use discord to gangstalk biological women that wouldn't have talked to Sam (or them) in high school
>Also what’s up with Chucks wife taking pictures with this tall German guy in front of that Berlin club?
kek that was john maus. I'm all up for some theorycrafting but this is retarded. keep it to the trio
Is this real? They are looking for the eponymous Katie?
>30fps is better
Perhaps Charls's most schizo take.
With the amount of drug brain rape and possible molestation as a child I would not be surprised if his eyes do really only see in 30 fps, and those coke bottles probably don't help either. The Raped.
Well MDE has a fan-employee called Luna aka Troona, he is a Tranny and does some social media shit for them.
Supposedly screwed Goran at Skunkfest 23 kek.
They also had an ex employee who has Trooned out and has +18 pics online.
Sam as we all know slept with that latino tranny, and Nick is basically Gay.
So it makes sense that no one cared, most of NU MDE fans are Troons and Fags.

One of the funniest things is that Sam and Cuck are “pro white” “pro Hitler” etc. and both have kids with non whites.
Cucks sons look like average Middle East ern children, and Sams son Kawasaki Hyde is basically Jackie Chan.
Only Homo man Nick has white kids, well at least i think those are his.
I guess Hayden is the most normal guy in MDE.
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>sam doing a skit where he fucks matt damon doesn't make him a fag
>doing trt which gives everyone the urge to fuck trannies doesn't make him a fag
>nick talking about cocks an unhealthy amount doens't make him gay
>watching tranny porn doesn't make him a fag
enjoy watching tranny porn as a "joke" haha and sucking off your bros as a "joke" haha and jacking off the bbc as a "joke" jajaja nice joke hahaa very funni ahhaaha
watching nu-MDE is so fricking masculine!!
I love watching Samuel gorge down burgers and talk about cars for 2 hours every episode
nothing more masculine than browsing this mongolian nigger-weaving forum all day telling others how masculine you are.
Or Masculinetank where you can watch bros get nude and degrade themselves for weeks
Gotta say, how much Nick uses faggotry as a humor crutch is a bit suspect.
latest pgl was shit
didn't even watch skankfest
>didn't even watch skankfest
Only bots watch skankfest
>jewish psychobabble
>uses beat to death reddit meme with trump

trump is isreals top guy...
It's true, the jews are going to rig Zion Don to win this time because they know Zion Don will make the USA go to war with Iran on Israel's behalf, unlike Harris/Biden who so far have pushed for Israel to dial their rabid genocidal jewery back. Luckily Israel will be destroyed by the might of Iran and friends, and depending on how retarded the USA is the USA will catch some manner of smoke as well. God wills it.
>old meme = bad
>using a picture of someone means you wholeheartedly support that person
reddit is down the hall and to the left big guy
who invented psychiatry ? all the terms that golem used don't even exist and are Jewish interpretation of demons, subtracting any spirituality from the goyim's (You) soul
ur parents r worried about u lil bro just take the meds you haven't been the same since The incident
lol cringe @ all the haters, Sam has more money than all of you put together
What does it profit a man to gain all the money in the world only to lose his soul? Put that in you pipe and smoke it, how about that?
sam recommended colin quinn's standup in one of the recent pgls. i watched 5 minutes and it was so unfunny. what gives?
and what has sam produced in 5 years to deserve any money? none. charls even said once he came back that he had years worth of skits but sam told him "nah we're doing standup and a podcast now" sam is creatively bankrupt and it surprises me that an mde fan cares more about money than the funny
Sam's not that funny anymore sorry to say
I'm looking for an old clip of charls talking about russel brand saying he'd love to stick him with a needle and get him back on the junk to put him back in his place. I remember it looking like it was in one of the write meeting videos but I cant find it for the life of me. Anyone have any idea where this is or am I imagining things?
I dunno if it's cut from a longer video but this is what I remember it being from.
Legend. I thought it was tacked onto the start of a different video. Appreciate it man been racking my head for ages.
does anyone have the uncensored fish tank episodes
PGL 93 on YT

It's pretty dire ngl
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>returns after being in some old lost MDE sketch from like 2009
>delivers the best performance in the best sketch
>makes $1200 from WP
>goes back to working his construction job
the actual best MDE member
it's such utter low energy faggy garbage it's unbelievable. mde officially died the moment that sickening big brother ripoff was conceived. I wish I was wrong cause I used to like em but it is time to gtfo
I think they signed a contract around WP2 reunion that obligates them to do this shit
I havent watched a sam hyde related thing since 2018 but this was in my yt rec
can someone in the know tell me what the fuck this even is? is it like shitty rifftrax or something? how did mde get so big to the point where they have professional live events that people pay to attend?
who does the mde audience consist of now? it seems like its no longer a niche thing
sam is just slightly edgy mega64/tim heidecker/h3h3 now isnt he?
>everything on his channel is podcast/stream related
>no more original skits. the few that exist are locked behind paywalls, or in development hell
>all the comments on his new videos are obsessed orbiters cracking injokes that no one who hasn't watched over 100 hours of streams is going to understand
wdym lol
they've spent over a year working on WP2 and will probably create more seasons whenever the xanax junkies finish whatever graphics Shmuel has them doing for this fucking long
does chris kattan have some form of cerebral palsy or something? is this what decades of cocaine does to people?
Most of the nuMDE fanbase barely knows that mde used to make videos
the whole skankfest thing is abysmal, believe it or not they're the best to show up there in years
Sam/MDE really fell off hard. If WP2 flops then it really will be over.
sam needs the money for his senpai-uhhhh for stupid looking 150K cars only 60yo homosexuals care about and uhhhh 500 dollar tshirts to fit in with urban youths
path of least resistance

I always liked the more freeform vlog style stuff the best anyway and now we don't even get that
Broke his neck on SNL 20 years ago
NO?!??!? Sam's making a videogame ok??!??! once all the conditions are just right and he has the right amount of money he will start production.
how would a neck injury make him retarded?
he's been addicted to painkillers and cocaine but he still seemed pretty sharp to me
>Sam comments on Nick having pink eye every week
>Implying he's tonguefucking hooker (and possibly tranny) assholes
Charls is streaming

can one of you paypigs ask him to elaborate on his wife's visit to a sex club while she was in Berlin?
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>So strange to have the family back
kek worst dad ever
does he wear those glasses to be obtuse or is his vision that bad? I don't doubt he might need glasses but why does he need a pair that lets you see around his fucking head through the front
his head is 3inches wide through the glasses
been wearing them for years, you wouldn't let those things rape your vision just for a gag
surprised he isn't woke on the optometry issue
Even Bubbles from TPB doesn't look this retarded with glasses this FACKED
When is WP2 releasing? That's all I care about anymore when it comes to this nigger.
not for the next 42 days since fishtank s3 just started
his reaction when his kids come in while he streams is fucking disgusting, what an absolute piece of shit
All three of them are total pieces of shit, and the most disgusting part of it all is the phony ass "Christian/Christian-adjacent" grift these three borderline satanists are running these days. But they can't fool God.
>All three of them are total pieces of shit
I don't know them well enough to damn them like that but they are all certainly scuzzballs in their own ways. Nick to me seems to be the most honest about the ways that he's a pos. The thing that gets me most about Charls is his obsession with death and shit like bestgore or whatever, it's antithetical to everything he preaches. Enjoying watching that stuff is straight satanic.
Why are Christians so easily griftable?
>I'll say what you want to hear and pretend to share your values and be your friend to leech off of you teehee
why are non-Christians such fags lmao
>7 months later
>still no Andy Ruse on The Palace after they promised he would be on
Fuck WP2 at this point I just want the 90+
sketches Ruse is sitting on
Is it the fate of every mde associate to become a wigger
He says so much 1488 stuff now I think hes regretting having 2 arabic kids, its a shame because they could have come out looking white
anyone have a comprehensive archive of streams?
how does he react?
He used to hug them and put them on camera but now he instantly tells his wife "don't let them in they'll turn off the computer"
>chamonix merch
good, I thought he cucked out and silently denounced mde in order to work with mkultra industry plant satanic niggers
The only person who "cucked" was Sam when he started signing off on low effort nuMDE slop
Nick being on the Palace twice but not Sam at all tells you all you need to know
bro smokes tons of weed and is a drunk ofc he's going to yap about spiritualism and have trouble regulating mood. still funny sometimes
that's either fake or they are
Why doesn't Sam talk about Mondo Megabits anymore? Has that gross NFT grift pump and dump just been memory holed? I guess it worked exactly as intended huh? Imagine selling out your audience for a NFT scam and then just pretending it never happened, just like how nuMDE fans pretend it never happened. Unnelievable. The day Sam started that NFT nonsense was the day I stopped being a fan.
she basically catfished him. with her bleached skin and straightened hair he probably thought they'd come out looking south italian rather than turisian
Anyone dumb enough to fall for NFT grift deserves it. I'm pretty much entirely checked out of MDE shit until they using Fishtank as a money vacuum and fucking put out World Peace Season 2 already.
It made me realise he was a total grifter and not to take anything he says seriously. He actually 'promised' it would go up in value, then now he just keeps saying hes a millionaire and it was a successful 'business venture'
NFT's are a scam but mondo card designs were objectively cool looking
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here's the basic gestalt on optometry
They were supposed to be art for joyride...
It's very telling that Sam hasn't been on the Palace at least once
Erick on Scuffed Realtor was fucking KINO and I need more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyhpm49yqfY
one of the links in the rentry (PGL 90) has a typo (a space between the 'x' and 't' after the '?') kthxbye
gonna try this, wearing a headband on my right eye right now, will switch it every 30 seconds per doctors orders, im nearsighted and can only read stuff thats at most about 3 feet away, and thats with my good eye (right). been wearing glasses since i was 7 so if this improves anything at all im going to spit in the face of all the eye doctors i had the displeasure of talking to. will report back on december 1st
minutes* not seconds lol
>I don't know them
then stfu with your retard opinion
You don't understand Charls' satirical style of humour
And if you knew anything about Nick, he loves that shit more than anyone in the trio
one of the pgls he was talking about torturing hamsters in his frat and other heinous shit
these three seem to hate animals in general
if it doesn't pay 1k per minute, it's just not worth his time
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>mondo.. megabits ?
>damn... thats crazy man
Charls is streaming

watch me press him on his wife's sex club adventures
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someone in the fishtank generals over on /tv/ brought up how Charls whole "Mirth" thing is from the freemasonic royal order of jesters
i looked it up and to my surprise its their real motto and a synonym for satan
can we talk about that? its a very uncommon word and i remember him using it a lot
was the schizo calling MDE another controlled op onto something?
checked and witsneed.
keked. this fucking timeline has made us into very rich men lads...
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chuck really helped me through some tough times, hope he sees better days.
>a masonic male fraternal organization, allowing only Shriners in good standing to join
we'll know if ever we see Charls wearing a fez.
>Effina is "good friends" with one of the male fishtank contestants


Palace live, Charls is fucking wasted
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Is there a new PGL?
in the rentry btw
I was gonna post this last night but then it said i had to wait 900 seconds to post. (i went to bed)

>PGL_0094_ExtremeBladeSports_r3 (CRF25).mp4

thank you anon. i have bookmarked the other site where the torrents get posted so i might just check that regularly to see when a pgl goes up. it's not worth sifting trhough all this schizo garbage waiting for the hero anon links. godspeed
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thank you paychad

How stupid do you have to be to watch this NuMDE garbage?
*smacks on chicken wings*
like get the fuck outta my ear bro

thanks nig
Wow very cool and nonchalant
No we don't want this.
When Charls randomly says 'Satanic Champion' what is that referring to, Satanic Warmaster?
That wasn't meant as a critical shitpost like the rest of this thread btw, just casually curious. You guys need to relax a little.
yeah I'm not doing all that work
look at that ugly fish faced sandnigger whore. vile stuff folks. bloodline = DESTROYED
why does she look like that
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Is there a Charls magnet? A collection of his streams?
link to 'rochefort body language' is gone but he had a more serious conspiratorial interview where God and the evil side were discussed, some religious themes. https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1829675771381891311

From that I'd say he's warming up to the whole "Christianity thing".
What's the video that sayd 'bad news the results they're in, chat's in a state'? Just randomly remembered the thing but can't figure out where it came from
It's from a teaser for World extreme peace 2, which is never coming out btw

Actually it would be nice to have a full stream archive. I love scuffed realtor so much, and I would like to rewatch some episodes. I remember that someone here made an IPFS archive but it didn't work for me for wgatever reason.
No, I think if we are being honest that isn't what we need.
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paypig-samas we're 3 episodes behind...
i have all 65 of Sams streams, if someone confirmed if Charls gumroad had his streams I could make a torrent with both
the fuck is Nick doing on Goywars? man all their recent appearances are definitely sus
just a couple years ago noone gave a fuck about these guys now they're getting a new show, meeting politicians getting on podcasts
anything else that hints they've joined the club?
just release the sam streams. Charls ones will just muddy the water.
I categorically disagree with Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer being on the Drumf bandwagon, and steering the alternative media and millions of people into supporting the system, however a lot of people on banned.video / InfoWars aren't system-lite, like Greg Reese and David Icke. Don't know any details about the Roger Stone meeting and how Sam pulled that off however.
or for what purpose. It was a photo op.
saaars please redeem the new PGL
David Icke isn't system lite? nigga... he's the epitome of controlled opposition and poisoning the well, just like the entire infowars idiocy, lmao. mde is fully comp'd, there is no denying that as the small things all add up
they said on the clip its not on gumroad yet
What's with all the retarded gossiping schizoids in this thread? Being forced to leave Leddit then 8 should have led to cognitive improvements in MDEtards, not to this. Half of the thread reads like it was written by KF losers. Too much fresh tap? Or is the Sam findom content just so bad that every sane person left?

Was hoping to find some real n*ggas (niggas) in here, but instead I found disappointment...
He betrayed Don Jolly shattering the MDE psychosphere.

Also be real, the KF guys all aggressively meat ride Sam like no tommorow.
>he's the epitome of controlled opposition and poisoning the well
there's a bunch on archive.org
Charls still thinking he can't react to stuff on his stream is fucking maddening what a fucking brainlet jesus christ
he's has entire vods nuked for 3 seconds of footage multiple times
and yes, the kikes handling trailer copyrights do assfuck people despite it being free advertising
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post election pgl post it piggies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reaction youtubers have been making a living doing exactly that for years now, he's a fucking moron, his above it all attitude to voting was the straw that broke the camels back, fuck em.
Nick always delivers
Did Chris Lynch get Don Jolly'd for the crime of being a white boy with a heart?
his immense talent was being wasted on being an inept stuttering vibe-killer podcast runner so out of love he had to be set free
Was Frank Hassle ever a PGL guest?
He was the best runner scuffed had, jet is a pernicious little worm and that new guy can kick rocks
so this is it? just podcasts?
no more sketches, not even world peace 2?
Not even that. It's just people endlessly begging for Mega uploads of podcast episodes. This should all be in /tv/, but the guy who keeps making the threads got scared off by one of the the big, bad scawwy jannies there and had to make a safe space for himself here.
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Looking for a very specific ancient skit where Charls is next to some train tracks and does a bit where he's smoking a cig acting like a spoiled college kid like "I've been to Italy. I've been to Spain. I'm a foodie."
Frank is banned from MDE HQ, lifetime
What did he do? Now that I think of it it's true we never saw him much there, even when Sam was working with him, Pelech and Jolly, Frank was always seen outside exclusively
lol cringe, WP2 is on the way, shut up
Yeah, it's only taken a decade, but it's coming, I promise, just give the pigman more money, he's not wasting it, he just needs more cash, that's all!

You fuckers deserve to be fleeced like the sheep you are.
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God bless. My brother and I still quote this all the time kek
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This here dawn of new era. Time now.
icke isn't controlled but he's a fucking retard
watch the alex jones interview of them last year and the entire time Icke was calling Alex controlled opp it was hilarious
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He's grifting Christianity
Car Sales, e-commerce, whatever, respect the hustle, but grifting God is unforgivable.
Nick and Sam are compromised, whether it be Freemasonry, or some other faggot society
picrel is freemasonic posturing (legs) very awkward and deliberate, not the only time either, plenty of other bullshit symbolism they pull
I haven't been shown anything of Charls that is convincing. Note, he fully left MDE (didn't appear on Idubbbz doc, wasn't talking to Nick or Sam for years) and didn't come back until what, late 2023 ?
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I'll gladly fuel your schizo theories
clip this I cba
Keeping my ears perked up for more info on the diaper shit... not too interested in whatever you're all talking right now though.
agreed, his construction god videos are comfy watching too
welp that pretty much confirms it
and the fucking balls on this nigger to pretend hes getting into Christianity
The Jesus thing is the next big scam, it's going to be where the money is over the next 4 years. Everyone's getting into it, it's hardly a surprise to see these dipshits giving it a shot.
Sam is a jew trying to be a grug, Nick is a grug trying to be spiritual, Charls is spiritual trying to be a jew
These people are absolutely fucking disgusting.
They're all as 'spiritual' as a dead cat and if you believe anything else, you're a moron.
>mirth is king, said the comedian
I don't see what's the problem, that's literally his job.
you don't understand, the bad guys said that too. being like the bad guys is like being the bad guys.
I don't understand, elaborate. Who is 'the bad guys' and how is Charls like them
nta but I've never heard anyone say mirth, let alone mirth is king, and if its some sketchy masonic phrase, thats not good
the royal order of jesters (a subset of the shriners, itself a subset of freemasonry); that's one of their phrases, and he said it; coincidence? I think not. I'm sure if you looked, you'd also find that Charls sits in a chair the same way they do, or breathes in a similar way, or drinks tap with a similar hardness rating. the bastard, I hate him. >:(
>PGL_0095_BlackBagHacking r2 (CRF25).mp4

oh god this fuckin guy? the unfunny canadian who embarrassed himself on kill tony
mixed bag of podcasts, "celebs", comedian sewerslop
first 20ish mins are barely salvageable if you grit your teeth but the rest is a safe skip
Nick's gym story sounds made up
How come Charls & Eric stopped doing sketches on the Palace, and how come they never had Sam on the show?
95% of Nick's stories are made up
The only one's that aren't, are the ones that keep recurring
thank you blessed paypig
Because the supposed reconciliation between Sam and Charls is a sham.
Sam says his designers suck and he's been having to do his own graphic design, then says its "not his expertise" then starts nervously twitching. didnt he go to RISD for graphic design? lmao
Sammie's too busy torturing homeless crackheads
Sam's busy doing fish house and knocking up 5'1 95lbs asian girls
>then starts nervously twitching
maybe because he's used to delegating stuff and world peace 2 is already like 8 months late due to the title copyright stuff
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I dream of becoming a personality big enough, so that online schizos will look at me being uncomfortable with my leg pain after tren therapy and my balls getting sticky and will argue whether me trying to unstick my balls is some freemasonry symbol.

You see, the masonry is bad because it is bad, the good guys in the (((media))) said so. Nevermind that the Founding Fathers were Christian and freemasons, they are bad period and so colonialist evil racist America must be destroyed... whoops, did I say too much? Errmmm I meant glory to the patriots of America!!! Christ is King!! I'm one of you guys, I'm one of you!!
average phonenigger on display
1. the media is masonic
2. you can't be a freemason and christian
3. you're a fag
>Freemasons are Christian bro t-trust me it's not like they literally swear an oath to a different deity or anything
>symbolism doesn't matter bro. Just ignore all symbols you ever see and chop it up as coincidence.
You're an absolute fucking retard.
Don't worry, you're never going to be important enough for anything other than inventory stocking.
Sam hasn't shilled religion EVER, just abstract ideas only beginning the last 2 years that God is real.
In the latest PGL they talk about God and Christ for 30 minutes.
They're grifting religion clear as crystal.
The fact that so many influencers are suddenly talking about religion out of nowhere should be obvious to everyone by now. They're all going into the Jesus thing. I've seen plenty of guys who, a decade ago, were wearing fedoras and calling anyone even slightly spiritual a fag and a retard, and now they all have 'Christ Is King' in their bios on social media. It's the new trend and there's zero doubt in my mind that that's where these guys are going with it, same as when they jumped on the crypto bandwagon, same as the NFT bullshit. It's just another way to milk money out of people, and if you don't get that, you deserve to have your money taken.
Sam spent the last few weeks making a stream of abusing a gay black retard jacking off but yeah sure he would never suck off a tranny and dildo his ass, you're Channing
>2. you can't be a freemason and christian
Said who as opposed to the Founding Fathers? Being a Believer != being a member of organized religion, which masons were standing against. Freemasonry is a brotherhood that also makes use of morals, something that the current powers that be never heard of, but I guess you didn't know that while skimming over the wikipedia definition.
>1. the media is masonic
source: anonymous on a cantonese basket weaving imageboard. Media is an instrument of control of certain parties which would rather be zionist/globalist than masonic, fucking moron. No, this is not the same thing, fucking retard.

As if anybody is going to take opinions from groomcord trannies who brigade and live in every MDE thread rent free. Lmao. You guys would be better to do it right now rather than wait til you're 30.

It's honestly sad to see how Charles's streams attract people who just repeat every gobbledygook fed planted conspiracy that they've heard on a fucking TV, instead of using their own brain.
>Freemasonry is a brotherhood that also makes use of morals
kys faggot
>groomcord trannies who brigade and live in every MDE thread
You mean the ones that janny /tv/ and watch fagtank and Sam gives blowjobs to? Take your pimozide.

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