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Time for more VR porn: It's like regular porn, except with real eye-contact that will make you cry uncontrollably.

Let's make this one a little different: Post your favorites of all time, the ones you keep coming back to. Here's some of mine:

DSVR-1482 (pic related) : The third video has a pretty intense gircle-jerk


nhvr-196 : Kotone is being bullied because she's a snaggle-toothed nerd, and the school bitches have chosen your penis with which to bully her. Kotone TÔA/Toau is popular for this kind of content, GIS her to find out why.


DSVR-1436 : An onsen harem shoot, but with some twists: A) The women are pretty normal looking ages 26+, and you "cast a spell" so they just accept you as one of the gang. Combined, this makes it a surprisingly genuine and friendly-feeling set of scenes. Then you cum on their asses.

Topaz Video AI 5.3.2 : This is a neural upscaler they charge $300 for. If you find an old favorite that is too compressed or low-res to enjoy in the year 2024, this will fix it. You need either a serious rig or a lot of time, preferably both, but it will work wonders: Upscaling a scene to 8K will be an overnight job, and if you want to double the framerate with the latest fancy model, that's going to be a day.
It downloads the latest models directly from their servers, so best practice is to run it with a VPN the first time, go into the menu, and download all the models en masse.

Has anyone looked into whether the software sends back data and if so what data?

It seems like a great tool to use, but if you plan on upscaling homemade porn shot on a shitty phone back in 2014 and the software sends parts of it back to Topaz that wouldn't be so cool.
I assume everything happens locally since the processing takes so long, but I'm just wondering if someone has looked into this.
>>1336927 (OP)
A reminder:

>You can now convert your 2D images/videos to 3D

I was testing this program some time ago, it has some potential.
Here's a small vertical Lana Lane clip that I turned into 3D, you can use deovr to watch this: https://gofile.io/d/FCzsMe
Is there a way to turn these into fisheye VR with some AI program?
>>1336927 (OP)
op pic rel is pretty good for the cowgirl scene, one of my favorite, i know nobody asked, but glad to see a new VR thread
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looks likes six roaches that never met a human woman

perfect /g/
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oh please mrs roach, show me how six b illion rook the same
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your cute show me how ive never learned a single thing this board discusses
DSVR-1613: This one just released, and it's on Sukebei. You hang out on a nudist beach with a group of cute girls (and some guy who eventually leaves and all he does is silently cook on a grill and mind his own business). It's a lot of fun, I really enjoy outdoor VR JAVs like NHVR-199 and NHVR-196. The biggest downside is you only fuck one of them, and the part it takes place in uses a lower quality camera with noticeably poorer audio. Not recommended for those who get motion sick.
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You could block it in Windows Firewall after downloading all the models. The work is certainly being done locally: It'll peg your CPU with FFMPEG and make your GPU output more heat than Cyberpunk does.

Coco Lovelock and friends seduce you in the classroom.

just got a headset, any guides on what app to use etc?
Xbvr and heresphere demo
any enemies to lovers or hate fuck VR? jav is acceptable i can run ai subtitles
thanks, when I download a torrent like from OP and play it in deovr, it seems to just play as a flat, does it have something to do with filenames? how do I know which one?
how can you watch the whole 2 hour jav plot and everything are you a master edger
>>1336927 (OP)
>>1336927 (OP)
Stuck at 77%, would be grateful if we can have some seeders.

Will seed in return
vr jav is shorter on average and more straight to the point. i only watch one scene per session
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There are a few ways VR180 videos can be encoded, but the most common is "SBS" (side-by-side). Some video players will choose SBS automatically based on file name, but annoyingly Japanese stuff rarely does the name thing, so you'll have to set it to VR180 SBS, Panorama 3D in a menu.

HUNVR-130. "Timestop", but instead you're just freezing their bodies. They are conscious, and tormented.


655-czechvr: A beautiful, bubbly, busty blonde Scottish MILF with great boobs is the only person working when you go for an interview. She makes you comfortable.

Fish sauce.
Is there a video player with hardware acceleration that works on Linux? Closest I can find is this which uses ffmpeg, but it does not support hwaccel https://github.com/silphendio/vr-media-player/
What happedn to the Jav VR general thread?
Is there archive for previous threads?

And is there anything special aside of the usual VR porn?
Things like peeing in your face, trans, female pov, exhibitionist, etc.
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Maybe you can find archives with google, some sites do archive 4chan threads.

I have got some of what you ask for, I'll link soon. In the meantime:

I like this one: It's another with kotone, she needs help tryingschool uniforms on in the shop lol

Thanks man, I'm just tired of seeing the same things again and again.
I need some creativity. Not just kiss, fuck, kiss again, fuck again, and done.
I can't understand japanese anyway, so whatever dirty words they said makes no difference.
It's crazy how much better JAV VR is compared to their western counterparts.
Anyways here's my recommendation: DSVR-1370
Kanna Misaki is your science teacher and she extracts your sperm and uses a microscope to inspect it.
Surprisingly yes.
Even though the genitals are all censored.

However, there should really be more sfm / 3d models VR porn.
Is it because virtamate already took over the whole market for that? Or i just didn't find the place to download those?
>Is it because virtamate already took over the whole market for that?
Partially, it also takes a long time to render a 8k 3D scene. The market is small enough to where most artists wouldn't even bother.
>it also takes a long time to render a 8k 3D scene.
Wouldn't it just be twice as long? Since "3D" just means image shown from 2 positions?
Although I have no idea how long it takes for a usual sfm rendering.

But they can always make it in Unity right?
I remember there's a Tifa's Training game that allow you to do a few actions, and then you can view it from any angle you wanted, which is better than normal 3D porn.
DarkdreamVR and hentaiVR makes good ones. You can download from kemono
VRKM-1388-3, is awsome. It also has a script on eroscript. Anyone got something similar?
what's awesome about it?
The screenshot looks fine.
Just download it, the girl is great in the scene.
Haven't watched it yet but from the screenshot I would recommend IPVR-256 and SIVR-293.
Recent favorite - DSVR-1609
not a torrent, but VR related.
Eporner is the best source for VR porn. you just have to register, and you can download around 19,000 VR videos. I use Tubegalore.com to search what's new. then I just download it to my Quest 2 and use Skybox to watch.

Never used it, is it riddled with malicious ads or clean like sukebei?
>>1336927 (OP)
>>1336927 (OP)
oh myy who are the ones at the far left and far right?
>>1336927 (OP)
Not sure if this thread's jav only, but does anyone got siterips for xvirtual?
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This ain't JAV VR specific, it just comes up most on this board because of a) all the weebs and b) their great quality.

I think there's a service that gives you access to all those shitty download sites that make your DL 1MB an hour unless you pay $$$ - can anyone remember what that is / recommend one?

Sometimes I see a VR release that looks great but isn't available anywhere except those download pages... I would love to pay for one thing that cancels all those out, so I can make a torrent out of 'em.

Pic related
They're called debrid sites, look up Real-Debrid and AllDebrid

Use firefox reality with ublock origin. I've literally not found any other VR browser that has both extension support and streaming VR video.
i don't know why some couple doesn't just strap some cheap mo cap sensors on their bodies and use the movement with some high quality 3D environments and models, instead of making 20sec clips that are just 1 animation looping
Because you will still need a lot of time to clean up the animations.
It's not like you can just mo cap and forget about it.
You need to fix the position of the dick for example, and then fix a lot of glitches.
Can anyone recommend videos with really passionate, slutty blowjobs/cock worship.
Has anyone had issues where the Quest 3 doesn't detect USB 3 ports and thinks they're all USB 2?
I bought a Kiwi design cable that's USB 3 but no matter what port on my mobo or front IO I use, it still comes up as USB 2.
I'm still pretty new to all this so maybe I'm missing something. I just wanted to see if I could get better quality playback compared to airlink.
I do it all through my Quest 2. 256 gigs of storage. I get one pop-up when I preview the video. click download, the max file size, and I'm good to go.
It's really "porn-y" but I like SwallowBay for that. Wish they had more threesomes.
Amazing how some of the most degenerate people on earth have let censored porn legislation remain on the books as long as they have.
I had that issue, for me flipping the USB-C to the other side fixed it.
Some of my favorites. I favor scenes with more than 1 girl

DSVR-1645 was disappointing, but I think it speaks to a wider problem of VR porn where due to the closeness of it, you can clearly see all of the parts of the woman that would otherwise be hidden in a normal production.
By "closeness" I mean it in the most literal sense with the camera setup.
In other words I found the broad kind of ugly, but I find a lot more broads ugly in VR.
Anyone else dislike VR videos where they touch "you"? It kills the little immersion there is
You kind of have to touch someone to have sex.
I don't like the kissing portions, or videos where the camera moves around too much. They both make me motion sick
>What do you mean imagine they are touching me?
>But they are not touching me right now.
Poor NPCs can't even enjoy some VR porn.
It's also due to the fact that it's harder to edit and touch up the girls in stereoscopic videos than flat video to make them look better. But I get what your saying, limited camera angle in VR and acting when you are staring at two lens dome is harder.
I do find girls in VR to be generally more attractive than normal porn though, I mean VR production is more expensive so it should be the case.
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What did you have for breakfast this morning, anon?

But really, imagination is at least half to porn. Did you know people react in completely different ways to ASMR? Some people get annoyed, others get something completely different.

HUNVR-142 is pretty good. Lots of lesbian breast suckling, eating out and kissing.
I'm tired of jerking off my little dick with my own hand while enjoying vr content. Anyone have toy recommendations?
There's an onahole general on /jp/ try checking there.
percussion massager gun, place between legs and cum hard as fuck to relentless vibrations at the base of your cock
I once had this onahole /jp/ recommended. It was called meiko xyz or something. That thing sucked the soul out of me.
Censored stuff completely takes me out of it.. Anyone have some link8y8y2js for uncensored content?
Sign up for pornolab
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Anyone have VRKM-1479?
Any good magnets for western porn?

Here's an Anna Claire Clouds pack:
> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f9306bafeb0203adf5f87cfb685fd7de6d9b42ff&dn=Anna%20Claire%20Clouds%20VR%20Collection%20Part%201%20-%2014%20Vids&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=UDP%3a%2f%2fTRACKER.ZER0DAY.TO%3a1337%2fANNOUNCE&tr=UDP%3a%2f%2fEDDIE4.NL%3a6969%2fANNOUNCE&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fp4p.arenabg.com%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.to%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.me%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desync.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.stealth.si%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.sbsub.com%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.cyberia.is%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.tiny-vps.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fretracker.lanta-net.ru%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.internetwarriors.net%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fcoppersurfer.tk%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.zer0day.to%3a1337%2fannounce
ptorrents dot com
just got a quest 3 is there any issues with higher resolution encoding? i used to have a rift s and my gpu couldnt run 8k shit because my gpu sucked ass, im wondering if that might be the case with the quest 3. also should i just get a vr video player in the app store or sideload some shit from github? i used to use deovr
I believe the quest 3 cannot play 8k HEVC video, but AV1 works. It has to do with licensing codecs and other bullshit iirc.
>I believe the quest 3 cannot play 8k HEVC video
This is false.
The way you worded your post is confusing, so I'm going to operate under the assumption you're asking about what your HEADSET can play, not the GPU on your PC. (This is what you should be concerned with anyway since you should not be watching videos via PCVR on a Quest). To answer your question, based on my testing the Quest 3 does not have any problems with any modern encoding formats, be it H.264, H.265, AV1, or VP9 (Quest 2 on the other hand, actually had issues with high resolution AV1). However, do note that the Quest 3 will have trouble running videos with bitrates that are over about 200000 kbps (which are luckily very rare, but unfortunately do exist because people are retarded and use H.264 in 2024).
>This is false.
Interesting, so 8k60 H265 works without issue? I remember reading somewhere that it didn't support it. Maybe I'm thinking the Quest 2 or something.
Maybe Quest 2, no idea. I know for certain it works on 3 though.
>Eporner started complying with shithole state laws

Welp, guess it's finally time to look into a VPN
Anyone else have an issue with videos lagging? I got a quest 2 from a friend, used the wired link to PC and watching video through deoVR but 8K videos are all incredibly laggy. Is it a hardware problem or some codec issue?
What GPU do you have?
How are you watching the video? PCVR or natively?
What encoding format does the video use?
Your question can't be effectively answered without this information.
>How are you watching the video? PCVR or natively?
Actually you already answered this one so the relevant questions are the encoding format and the GPU you have. But also you shouldn't be watching videos via PCVR in the first place.
Like some other anon said Swallow Bay is decent for that, I can only comment on older scenes because I haven't seen a new siterip shared.

The best scenes among the older ones are (I'm going to list the actress so this thread doesn't immediately appear on google results):

Alexia Anders
Vina Sky
Chloe Cherry
Sarah Lace
Megan Maiden
Kira Noir (2021 scene)

I'm pretty sure they're all from around 2021. The camera angles are a bit odd but the scenes are 10/10.

There's more good scenes but these 6 scenes contain parts during which these girls actually get their mouth fucked all the way (or they do it themselves, worshiping). And I mean DEEP, levels you only expect to see in some monster hentai.

If anyone has any magnets on great new Swallow Bay scenes, please share!
>But also you shouldn't be watching videos via PCVR in the first place
Why is that?
Because of compression. There is no way to watch videos via PCVR on a Quest without introducing some level of compression. And when you have the option to watch your videos wirelessly with no compression, there's no advantage at all to watching via PCVR (with the only exception being your Quest 2 might not support some formats such as 8K AV1 while your GPU does, but in those cases you can just re-encode the video).
>Because of compression
Overblown issue.
Never been a problem to me.
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you not to use PCVR. Do whatever makes you happy. It doesn't change the fact that the following are objectively true statements:
>all forms of PCVR on Quest introduces compression
>there are zero advantages, only disadvantages to VR video playback on Quest via PCVR
AMD 6600 XT
It's H.265. Weirdly, it's fine when I play the video through the Movies&TV player on windows but VLC is having lagging and stutter issues. I have quest 2 connected to PC wired, deoVR open on steam and watch videos from there.
That's good to know, could you point me towards a free way to watch wirelessly? deoVR was the easiest and only free one for me that I could find online.
AMD GPUs can't handle 8K video unless its AV1, and I forget which cards that actually applies to. The likely reason your other media player ran it fine is because it wasn't using your GPU at all.

You can watch your videos wirelessly and natively via either SMB or XBVR. SMB is the simpler method, and Heresphere supports it, but I don't know if DeoVR does. XBVR might be better if you're technologically illiterate, and it supports both Heresphere and DeoVR.
any videos where you are restrained and/or fucked against your will? vr sounds perfect for that kind of stuff
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I only have one that fits that.
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Anyone else got issues with these settings? Suddenly stopped working a while ago. I think it bugged out when I added a second folder to scan but maybe that was just coincidence or I'm misremembering. Doesn't work for files in the first folder anymore either.
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This is amazing and I need more like it. Light BDSM, mostly edging/orgasm denial.
>AMD GPUs can't handle 8K video unless its AV1, and I forget which cards that actually applies to.
Only RDNA3 GPUs (7000 series) can play 8k60 AV1 apparently.
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I know it's really early (just released yesterday), but I really want to write a funscript (for stroker toys) for that scene, so if anyone has a source outside of DMM, please share
I tried setting up XBVR and it works extremely well. Was able to play my 8K videos without any major problems through DeoVR. Only minor issue is that the JAVs are downloaded locally so I don't have any thumbnails.
where do you guys get all these javs from?
sukebei has a lot, not all, but enough.

Actually, VRporn general, hit me up with the best Western deepthroat VR scene you've seen!
I need a change from all the JAV VR.

Magnets of scenes in 4K welcome (Quest 1 can't handle better on board). Much appreciated!
Sukebei and PL for torrents, JavLibrary for DDL links.
PL has better retention than Sukebei but way less JAV torrents (probably the best for western stuff though).
any advice for extmatrix premium free download? most of javlibraries old vr stuff is on there
Another one not mentioned yet is ijavtorrent.

Lots of stuff on there.
latino women are the best at this vr stuff
they actually make me believe they are enjoying the scene
any recommendations?
South American latinas:
VRLatina.Fully.Stacked.Latina.Bianca.Still. (all of bianca's scenes are great imo)

A lot of vrlatina's scenes are too dark and no amount of fiddling with contrast/gamma fixes it which is a major bummer, but they're best

Euro/American latinas:
milfvr-opportunity-knockers- (mainly for mona, the other chick is meh)
SLR_VRedging_Do You Have A Huge Load For both Of Them

western studios have the tech nailed down a lot better but the girls just don't have the energy imo, still perfectly good scenes tho

i have the use of a juba-get account for the next fortnight
if there are any videos on filehosting sites that don't have torrents yet drop the names an I'll try to grab them for you
check the website for the exact filehosters that are support

never done this before so will uploading to bunker via a vpn (mullvad) offer sufficient protection from any legal issues?
thanks anon i've watched agatha vega before and it lines up with what you're saying. looking forward to more. no idea about legal stuff but i've always used gofile.io myself without any issues so far
putalocura seems to have a lot of good gangbang/bukkake scenes but I'm having trouble finding most of them on my usual sources. anyone have?
Any tips to get more immersed? Getting high?
Good imagination, and line up your position/posture with the male actor in the scene.
do u guys leave the heresphere settings as default? i dunno other apps like the official DMM one the videos look better, they seem ''more 3d'' and sharper
Usually the auto settings are fine for most people but in some cases tweaking is required, yes.
*most videos, not most people.
how do I watch these videos on an index?
Any shorter videos?
I like a few 10ish minute ones instead of a single 2 hour video. It'll also make for smaller filesizes and I'm new to this, so easier to tinker
Cut them up?
I had this issue if my power settings were set to power saving on one pc, and because of usb port on the other, but don't remember if a bios update fixed it or something else.
I use skybox vr player
I am retarded, sorry I should have mentioned that. I have no idea how to do anything
>ffmpeg -ss 00:03:10 -to 00:12:00 -i input.mp4 -c copy output_part1.mp4
is what I do with ffmpeg. what do you mean tinker then?
Anyone have VRKM-049
An anon posted this before and it's helped me save a ton of storage space.
Stops me from seeding but oh well, Japs never fucking seed old shit either.
I would do this. For the tech illiterate, this is a stream copy operation, it's literally cutting a chunk out of the video without re-encoding it.
>>1344219 is fine I guess but it's just a fancy ffmpeg wrapper.
Is there a place to get western stuff such as VRConk in 8k? torrents are pretty much only the 2k versions
Can quest 3 handle 8K AV1 120fps videos?
Scroll up
pornolab, take care of your ratio, and you can get lots of very high quality torrents.
Anyone know a good place to find VR jav magnets? I have a list of about 30 Shiina Sora vr videos I want to watch but I can only find links for two of them, and they're not in any of the 4 packs I could find for her
Does anyone have the Gabbie Carter Angela White remastered scene from Badoink? Pornolab only has the original version
Been searching for years for SexLikeReal "Melody Marks Making it Up to You". Anyone got a torrent for this one? 5k or 4k.
Is it not on Pornolab?
can't find that code anywhere
thanks! is there a part 2 as well? she's so hot
what vid anon? i have plenty of 8k but i've never seen 120fps before
I've got a question on downscaling and video encoding. If I can't get a 4k video, I'll grab some higher res version of it and then downscale it with handbrake using a h265 NVEC 10bit encoder, with the quality set to 18. Encoder preset is medium, framerate is same as source, kept all other settings as default. My question is, is there some other encoder I should be using, or some other quality setting I should use instead of 18? I've noticed that when the native 4k video becomes available, it's usually slightly smaller than what my downscaled version is.
The best way would be to cut out a 10 second segment and test different settings on it. What are you downscaling for? If it is because your pc can't handle 8k, I used to just do avg bitrate of 50 mb/s bitrate H265 NVENC. If you are downscaling to reduce file size, I find that my eyes starting to notice the difference at 36 mbs so you could try that, but this varies for different video (animation vs real life). Using the slow encoder preset also makes your file smaller.
I'm going to second anon's question as to why you're downscaling since I don't think there are that many good reasons to do so. Even if you have to for some reason like being stuck on AMD, I would still try to aim for at least 6k.
It's for file size. Most of the docs/guides for handbrake recommend against using average bitrate instead of CQ. The videos are real life ones.

What impact does AMD have on playback? I'm assuming you meant AMD GPU, not CPU right?
>What impact does AMD have on playback? I'm assuming you meant AMD GPU, not CPU right?
Yes. They can't handle most high res VR videos.

To answer your concern, if the video in question is encoded with trash like H.264, you might consider just re-encoding with a better format. Otherwise, if you really don't have the space to go over 4K, at that point I'd personally just consider more hard drive space.
This is kinda specific, but looking for any titfucking with the girl laying down on her back
I agree with the other anon. Ever since I got a 2nd hand 4tb external hdd for 50 leafbuck I don't bother to reencode unless the video is 30+ gb. You will need more storage eventually and my second drive is already full. If you can't then I will stick to my original answer, test quality setting on a 10 second segment and lower it until you see a difference, set encoder preset to slowest if you can handle it.
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you guys got any favourite studios based on good camera settings? got pic off pornolab and I noticed the proportions were really good. I never paid much attention to specific studios but maybe I should. I know virtualtaboo always looks weird I avoid that one it's super wide stretched or something.
Too lazy right now to find the high quality source for you right now.
But this guy does motion cap vr 3d. But he did 3 videos and just stopped for whatever reason. But they're the best vr 3d videos ever released honestly.
Also drills3d (selfdrillingsms), a 3d porn maker also does motion capture.
Both their work is the best on the market. But I think it's time consuming cause drills3d is super slow and the other guy just dropped off
Been watching vr videos but wanted to take it to the next level by getting an actual headset (Quest 3) instead of just watching on my screen.
Is the experience noticeably different than doing it without a VR headset? Especially if it's a video you particularly like?
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're asking. You've been watching them on a flat screen, like your PC monitor?
Yeah, you can use a metadata injector program so that it can play flat(ish) on a video player that you can move around with your mouse, zoom it, etc. I just want to know if seeing it through an actual headset is a completely different experience
Yes because for starters its actually 3D.
It is a completely different experience. It's the immersion and eye contact, even if you have good imagination with 2d porn, the immersion with VR is just next level. Not to mention that Quest 3 is a great headset with nice resolution and optics so it's worth it.
Yeah, I'm really tempted; I've been following VR since the original oculus but never actually tried one in my life. Guess I'll buy the quest 3
If you don't mind 2nd hand one you can probably find one for a good deal. Some people just get VR sickness so they sell theirs for cheap brand new. That's how I got mine
Price isn't a big deal (except apple vision pro, fuck that shit). I just want QUALITY
anyone still have dsvr-482?

Can you share what software/configs you use to view them flat in a reasonable way?
It's a simple program called spatial media metadata injector. Just run any VR video through it and you can play it reasonably flat.
Does anyone else have problems with ptorrents? I have tried downloading random videos and it says 0B/s and unknown timer to finish. Magnet links work great but not downloading torrent and opening it in bittorrent.
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Well, here goes nothing
Any suggestions for getting started with DIY stroker robots? Wanted to break in my 3d printer and start building something simple- probably start with something like the SSR2 beta before moving on to more advanced and noisy like the OSR6.

Any stl files to share?

Where are you all sourcing funscripts for vr videos?
Awaiting feedback
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>>1336927 (OP)

This is a good one.. and.. I kinda recognise a few of their faces. I think at least three of them are from a Japanese idol group that is made up of sex workers, they billed themselves as the only idol group you could take home and have sex with if memory serves. Here is a clip of the group with some of the ones I recognise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3LaNxigg-4 [Embed]
I know i managed to run videos properly and immersively on my PSVR a few years ago but now on my Quest 2 the best i've managed to do is have them on a virtual screen in front of me with lots of lag. Are there modern tutorials around?
It does looks good.
Where should I go if I can't find it on sukebei?
unintended accurate picture but after long sessions with the default face cushion theres a similar face mark like quagmire's 5oclock shadow. i probably should buy a better replacement but i can't be bothered as i always lying down face to the ceiling with vr.
The OP has the magnet link directly under the description dude...

Alternatively, try adding a 0 before the number which happens sometimes.. you will find this https://www.javnow.com/dsvr-01436/
>The OP has the magnet link directly under the description dude...
Whoops, I didn't know you're just quoting the link from OP.
I thought it's a new one that just came out and you're here to recommend it
My bad.
do you have a magnet?
Does anyone have a magnet or link for DSVR563?
I have a very brief guide for setting up VR in the OP of the MMD thread on /h/.
>the only idol group you could take home and have sex with

gangbangs, cuck, voyeour, cocks, trans, animated, cumshots in all shapes and forms. Up close and personal, in my face, fucking after facial, bisexual. I want dirty, intimate, whatever.

Anything that's not this damn sterile, corporate brazzers type shit. I swear 95% of vr porn is literally the same video, and it all ends with a pathetic little cumshot 5 miles away from the camera. I want the action to be in my face, I don't care about the guy's POV. Please tell me I'm not the only one sick of this.

Got my VR headset few months ago and went through few terrabytes of porn, here's what I can recommend, please share yours.

- Cuckold Cumshot Compilation by VRoomed
Gold standard imo, always find myself coming back to it.

- All Stars – Voyeur Compilation by VRixxens
Really showcases more unique camera angles like fucking right above your face, or ass in face during a blowjob

- Gloryhole Cumshot Compilation by VRoomed
Oral and vaginal creampies. cum dripping on camera, juicy cocks. Only downside some women are pretty ugly.

- Dr. Nikki Benz gives her patient a checkup he will never forget by NaughtyAmerica
Nikki gets up and stares at the camera after a huge facial, one of the best considering how old the original video is.

- One Girl, Eight Cocks by SinsVR
Massive gangbang with huge cumshots. She continues fucking you with cum all over her. I desperately need more like it to be made.

- Hoe depot by SexLikeReal
Pretty unique femPOV mmff. Good cumshot too.

- Venus Vixen First Time Going All The Way by Deepinsex
I love her innocent face. Good intimate missionary.

- Laura erotic Beneath her grace by Immersex
All her scenes are great for cuck stuff, you can just lay flat and enjoy the show.

- Scarlett Candy – Gettin’ Gaggy Wit It by Immersex
Puts a nice long solo show after getting fucked in a hot sauna.

I get all my torrents from pornolab, hottorrent, damahi or ero-torrent
Is there anything that represent sissy brainwash/hypnosis?
Something like I see from the erotic VN.
is this what the studios use for their own upscales? if yes Im not impressed
always thought topaz ai models weren't tuned for nudity etc
Any hot British pornstars doing VR? I've been deepfaking people I know, but the American/Russian accent are ruining the immersion.

And the only British ones I can find are typical British pornstars - fat or milfs..
>deepfaking people I know
Wait... you can deepfake VR porn?
can ai voice changers like elevenlabs solve this? hell you can use the fakee's voice sample. i know you mentioned this before any chance you can share workflow or tooling?
Yep, works almost as good as non-VR fakes.

The only issues I've seen are when the faces is near the edges of the screen due to how distorted it is, so you get lots of switching between the original and the target face.
I have wondered about using elevenlabs, but think the content would get blocked. Have been looking for an offline voice to voice transfer, but haven't found anything yet. There are text to speech offline, that also do voice cloning, but the timing would be all wrong.

I use Facefusion for the swaps. It's no different to doing a 2D swap, so just follow the instructions on the download site.

One thing you'll have to do is change the face selector mode to "many" otherwise it will only do the left or right view.

Facefusion also has a lipsync mode, which I've not tried yet, so that might be an option for using the output of elevenlabs etc.
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Does anyone have magnets for?:


pic related, starring Shibuya Akari. She's cute!

She's done more: I recommend SAVR-368 (which is included in the VRKM-1450 compilation torrent: clip number 7). This scene has an insanely good reverse cowgirl plapping scene if you're into that.
Same with my Quest Pro haha
Check milovania or eroscripts
Eroscript pretty much has you covered
I dig the vibes of mdvr-257, vrkm-1460, juvr-209, basically slightly getting seduced. Anyone know of any more vids in this style? Can be western too, but they generally have no sense of pacing (ie get to the sex in minutes at most)

this looks amazing but I haven't found a torrent with enough seeders yet

I'll give you the same advice I'd give anyone looking for old JAV torrents; buy a debrid account and download from rapidgator. I use mega-debrid, it costs £3 for a month. Then you can go to JavLibrary and see the comments for rapidgator links.

javlibrary com/en/?v=javme5tare

javlibrary com/en/?v=javme5qysy


Same thing, it's easy to find rapidgator links.

rapidgator net/file/faff6531fd15b43cf8f242fd3f5dab56/PRVR-049-A.mp4.html

rapidgator net/file/0e714a45f96dfbdd5e4b8d424fe47dd1/PRVR-049-B.mp4.html

This is the end of my spoon-feeding for today.
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Has anyone used both the quest 2 and 3? I'm considering upgrading, but I'm not sure if it'd be a worthwhile investment
>bought a quest 2 few years ago to watch porn
>turns out I don't really like POV stuff (didn't even like it on flat screen)
Are there good ones where you're more of a spectator? Or no one at all really, just looking at a scene.
There are VR NTR videos, that might scratch the itch for you
anyone know where I can find SFM hentai and cosplay vr porn?
For western stuff there's JackandJillVR, they do more of a 'webcam show' kind of setup with some POV. Not the best video quality, but it's pretty solid and one of the few that does non-POV without adding the cuck roleplay
hentaivr and darkdreamsvr for rule 34 stuff, you can get their videos from kemono
and there are plenty of porn studios doing cosplay stuff, should be easy to find if you just google it
Thanks, yeah I don't care for the cuck roleplay thing, it's not what I'm going for, I don't want to be anyone, I just want to watch porn and go "woah it's so real"
Stuff like BBVR-010 is my jam, it's just two OL/teachers catfighting, there was also one where you're japanese salaryman in a crowded train and you keep bumping into girls and apologizing, it's pretty cool.
what hardware is recommended?

poor mans hardware?
middle ground investment setup for vrporn and vrchat?
no limit budget headset?

got a PC already and my GPU supports vr....if that matters.
The options these days are limited, especially now with the reverb being killed off. Entry level is pretty much Quest 3. For VR Chat, its hard to recommend anything other than one of the newest Vive headsets with a set of ultimate trackers, which will not be cheap. If you're even asking about budget headsets you probably can't afford a high end one.
>and my GPU supports vr.
I sure hope you didn't fall for the AMD meme.
does quest 3 force you to make a FB account or can I just use steam and my PC?
nope got some old nvidia before the insane rtx meme dropped.

should work.

what is revive?

does quest require FB account to use? cuz if not I might try and grab a quest 3 for basic stuff.
>gtx nvidia
You're probably fine? I think some of the older GTX cards actually do have some video decoding combability issues, but I'm not sure. But if you get a wireless headset this won't matter as much anyway. On the other hand, you might actually struggle to play some VR games, they can be really resource intensive. You are essentially running things at 4K 90hz and you REALLY want it to be a stable 90 FPS. VR Chat in particular is a bitch.
>what is revive?
I can't tell if you're asking about the reverb or a vive headset. The reverb is a headset made by HP that will be a paperweight in 2 years due to faggotry by microsoft. Vive is a brand of headsets made by HTC. The newer models are your best bet for PCVR + tracking for VR Chat without going into high end headset territory.
>does quest require FB account to use?
It requires a meta account, but not a FB account. Not sure if you can circumvent it, I don't own one.
hm...looks like quest3 is my best bet for just watching videos or doing something like beatsaber.

anything else with more tracking is going to need a vive with trackers
got a free oculus rift s. is it still usable in 2026?
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Anyone got any tutorials for buying from DMM and ripping the videos? Not sure if direct download is allowed there. There is the new URVRSP-406 (Emilia Re:Zero Cosplay porn parody). Money aint the issue, but I dont find anything about buying from DMM. Maybe someone has a tutorial or I will have to wait for the public pirate release
/jp/'s JAV general threads might be able to steer you in the right direction. Both in terms of buying and ripping videos. There seems to be multiple tools already just from a quick Google search though
I can grab that real quick for you
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Here you go anon!
[VR] [8K VR] Tempting Off-Paco Layer Hikaru Minazuki
not the requester but you are amazing, great work

Amazing! Thank you very much anon. Will do a funscript for that release :)
>>1336927 (OP)
there anything good thats 3d/animated?
Yes, for anime style CGI ala Nintendo go for NoduSFM and BlobCG, for lots of different projects in good quality you take a look at DarkDreamsVR (tons of different series, Final Fantasy, Dead or Alive, WoW, Diablo, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, that one dead korean MMO etc., tons of amazing stuff, past year has been especially good)
I use the skybox player to play vr videos directly from my nas.
From the quest2, there are some videos that will not play (due to codec used).
These play fine on the quest3.
I got skybox for steam as well, and everything plays fine through steam link.
you can make a Meta account, which is not facebook
How does nunif compare to Owl3D? I don't really care for the whole "can only convert 1 minute at a time thing" so could use the nudge to jump to something a little less user friendly but actually gets the job done

She is so fucking cute bros. 9.5/10 scene.

https://pornolab.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3150542 available here
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What's going on with VRLatina? It automatically forwards you to some random site. I'm glad I have uBlock Origin with javascript globally disabled by default, just in case.

I thought I'd somehow gotten a virus, but checking the site on browserling (a remote browser service), it does the same thing. So the site has somehow been... Hacked?

Don't try visiting it yourself unless you're using a remote browser or have a similar browser setup like I do.

...and now it's back to normal. How strange.
ewww wtf is wrong with her tits
Anyone got any mother-son JAV recommendations?
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Bump for this, also looking for VRKM-1454
Both are on Sukebei
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My dumbass forgot that existed and was only checking ijavtorrent/pornolabs. Thanks anon.
Reminder to avoid Yhhh releases on Sukebei because they suck.
it's a shame that many titles are only uploaded by Yhhh
is it just me or has the quality of (western) vr porn releases gone down over the last years?
when I look at my collection most of my favourite videos are made around 2022, the biggest problem is the actresses who seem to get less attractive each passing year
only the japs continue to deliver good videos (hidden in a pile of trash)
I will occasionally check western sites in the hopes that they released a decent video for once and I'm always disappointed. I don't even know why I bother anymore when Japs deliver better videos way more frequently.
Anyone have any good panty fetish vr recomendations?

I know CRVR103/120/135 are pretty good but hard to find anything outside of that.
looked forward to so many 8k titles only to have 4k releases.
Last year I bought a 16tb hdd exclusively for vr porn and thought it would last me for a very long time, I have only 500gb left. I guess its time to start actually watching more than once a week and start deleting stuff.
holy, what quality are you hoarding? is it mostly jav?
Highest quality I could get, If the cover looks even remotely good I download it. At first it was mostly jav but recently I have been downloading more western stuff.
its ridiculous that the "golden" age of vr porn is over before we ever got cameras and headsets that could truly leverage the potential of vr
the only thing we can hope for now is entirely AI generated vr porn in a few decades
most western stuff i see is tatted girls (not my cup of tea). wish the ukraine studios would release some VR their camerawork is top tier
melody marks literally hard carrying the western scene. imagine if she got bogged or tatted up bros...
I dont really like her but she objectively is one of the few good western porn stars still doing vr now
The people who would replace the high-quality stars are instead going into independent production like OnlyFans and such, and independent creators are way less likely to invest the money into a VR camera than a studio is. OnlyFans ruined porn (and porn sites, since there's so much botted OF promotion) in a lot of ways sadly
"spoon feed"
Rapid gator links are not magnets.

and unless you pay for premium you cant even download this.
Does Mega-Debrid still work with .mp4 Rapidgator links, or does it infringe (like Real-Debrid and other services)?
No idea with mega-debird but alldebrid still works. Unfortunately Torbox dropped support for sites like rapidgator
Appreciate the response; assumed all debrid services were bust with RG. Will take the gamble with alldebrid
Bought 15 days just to verify - yes, all works as intended

I'm telling you, spending 3 euros a month is a lot more convenient than hoping a torrent is being seeded. I can download all the VR JAV's in this thread in minutes. Even if a torrent is being seeded, good luck getting it within a few hours.
So I bought and downloaded something from fanza/DMM. Is there anyway to rip it so I can play it locally or connect it to xbvr in any way?
>Quest 3
Yeah. I just got one recently. The only warning is that to look out for dead pixels on these headsets. The one I received has a dead pixel out of the box. I'm returning it. Its the same reason I returned my first Rift S. I plan on getting one with less storage space since 500Gb seems like overkill for my use.

Also storage size for a Quest 3 headset isnt a big deal if you just want it for porn. You can just stream files from a computer however I still think you need a router that can handle Wifi 6.

Also dont buy a 3S or a Quest 2 if you want to watch hi-res vr porn. I own the Quest 2 and the playback is choppy but still watchable. I think the Quest 3 is the best for the price for vr porn at the moment.
any good sample for 8k 120fps porn? i've only seen 60fps highest
I've only seen animated.
do those run on their own animation player or are just video files?
For Japanese and Western porn the cap is going to be at 60fps. I have stuff from several studios and couldn't find a file that is 120fps. 8k resolution is also more of a thing for Western VR porn.
Anyone have AQUMA-047?
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>8kvr tag on torrent
>file clearly tagged 4k
anyone got vrkm-1021?
Yhhh on nyaa? Don't even bother.
Anyone know any videos that have teasing similar to the beginning of ajvr-164? Like the aspect of her teasing while barely, or not acknowledging it at all or something similar.
yeah thats probably it
I've just paid for Real-Debrid and I feel like an idiot: Most file links I've found for JAV are rapidgator... Unsuported. When I plug in the other common one, k2s / klick2share, it says either hoster_unavailable, or file_unavailable or most infuriating of all an error that it is COPYRIGHT INFRINGING so can not be downloaded. All the other hosting sites I find good stuff on via Google... Unsupported.

What the actual hell. I've just been taken for a $9 ride.

What service should I actually be using? Or are they all like this?
You'll probably have more success with magnet links from nyaa or somewhere similar. Debrid sites cache torrents that have been previously downloaded by someone. There are lots of sites with rapid links but, as you're finding, old ones are deleted.
Read: >>1350915
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Anyone got HNVR-139?
I don't think that video has been released yet
Seems to be next week though, not like you're waiting until March
Anyone have recommendations for JAV VR with a lot of whispering/asmr?
gotta hoard her 8k releases since she is retiring this year i think. god damn shame kurea hasumi isn't active today



I have idea about the other ones, but it supports rapidgator (javlibrary or a google search with site:rapidgator.com as an operator) and fikper (maxJAV for VR stuff). It's also the one that costs £3 and you can pay via your Amazon account.
There are "face specialization" scenes that usually involve the girls whispering in your ear. Gets my ASMR going. I did also see a javvr scene where the girl had a 3DIO mic. Don't remember the code but it's on pornolab
Best torrent sites that don't require registration n shit?
Sukebei is your only option for that, and it has a lot of JAV content of varying quality but you'll run into retention issues especially on VR stuff.
If you're looking for western videos you should really just sign up for Pornolab. Take care of your ratio and you'll find a lot of stuff with a decent amount of seeders. If the torrent is dead reseed requests do work a lot of the time.
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Because that worked beautifuly last time (thanks Anon!) and I would love to make a funscript for that scene, if anyone has a source, please care to share it with me so that I can start working on funscript for that scene (URVRSP-413)
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Why do you praise JAV VR? I don't get it... Most of the actresses are mid and the censorship is annoying. I don't get a thing they say so unusual plots are also irrelevant

I only enjoyed scenes with Yua Mikami because she's stunning
too bad she quit right before 8k became a thing. what are your top recommendations for her?
Quantity certainly helps where you get a variety of videos pretty much every week, plenty of fetish content as well, similar to how normal JAV works.
Actresses being mid is what's happening in western videos as well, scroll up and you can see people complain about it.
I don't really care about the censorship, it can be annoying in some scenes but overall it seems like they work around it pretty well. It would of course be better uncensored but they will never change the obscenity laws so there's no point in even hoping for that.
>Why do you praise JAV VR?
It's convenient to download from nyaa
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>Why do you praise JAV VR?
Because I can see Hitomi in close distance
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Any good jav bukkake scenes? Only ones I can find like pic related are old and only have stupid paid rapidgator type links, not torrents
too bad a little of her stuff she did make is low quality and older
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am I missing any good animators?
what do you use for downloading? my kemono jdownloader plugin has been busted for a while
NTA but gallery-dl works albeit slowly.
thanks i'll try that.
check out cuddle mocap
is there anyone on the same level of quality as Vega? the models, animation, texture all is godtier
There is, but they made a grand total of 4 animations, and only in 1080 P VR and then stopped, they're apparently an actual big movie animator so they probably just stopped in case it caused problems, but in terms of quality and animation and even doing minor stuff like having the camera shunt and move a bit if the character bounces more intensely, was insanely good
anyone happen to have KBVR-054 lying around? No luck on nyaa or ijav, just seen a lot of deadlinks.
what is this?
kemono.su for patreon stalking and mega links
f95zone.to for torrents
Anyone know of any good female pov vr stuff?
A low quality rip is up on Sukebei now if you're desperate.
feels like we'll never get 8k version
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Hi guys,
I'm currently trying to build myself a little library of vr cosplay JAVs and being a huge Fate-fag, i'd like to grab every COSVR releases.

I think i found most of them but COSVR-035 and COSVR-037 (from pic), can anybody point me to a place or torrent i can use to get them?

is it a mindset issue? i feel like i cant seem to immerse myself with vr porn as well as regular porn
Javlibrary has DDL links, can't find a torrent anywhere unfortunately.
Erochanfx does 8k tentacle and sometimes vanilla animations if you're into that
my man that's what im talking about. so much of VR is POV and im really not into POV
do they censor the dicks in VR?
Of course they do, they'd be breaking the law otherwise.
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Western VR sucks and the dirty talk is cringe. I don't care that a dick is censored because porn is half imagination anyway. Most being mid is a (completely incorrect) opinion on your part. I know enough Japanese to understand the plot.

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If it's not on javbay, nyaa or... Are there anymore real VR torrent sites now? Then I wouldn't bother looking.

Spend 4 euros on a mega-debrid account and download the rapidgator links on javlibrary, it'll download at the max speed of your connection too. It takes me a few minutes to download the average VR release (8 to 20 GB).
>Are there anymore real VR torrent sites now?
Not public.
Pornolab has always open signups but you have to maintain a ratio, and there's a huge lack of JAV stuff, both 1080p (most stuff is 720) and VR.
There's a handful of other private sites that are not open signup.
goOdNEss ME i Love browsing the torrent websites on a phpBB forum in russian
>I don't care that a dick is censored
>I know enough Japanese
I think you might be lost.
Pornolab is almost entirely in english and the stuff that isn't can easily be translated.
I haven't been impressed by these but 3DSVR-0831 is good, it's on nyaa
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>>1336927 (OP)
Anybody has a clue where to download DSVR-01565? I only find like 2 pages of results, and they're all direct downloads that want me to pay.
>Torrent that's been stuck for months suddenly got seeded and the download is finally complete
It's a miracle!!
what are the best jav vr standing missionary scenes?
thats my favourite jav release of last year, good choice
Ill send you a link when I get home from work
who are the sloppiest spit sluts aside from honoka tsuji? I'm having trouble finding anything as good as her old stuff.
How come nyaa doesn't show all uploaded vr vids? If I check the user 'Yhhh' at least 1/2 of his torrents are missing from search results.

Also could someone please seed kiwvr-500, hunvr-197, dsvr-1580, dsvr-1252, dsvr-1117 on nyaa, thanks!~
Thanks a lot king.
DPSVR-010 is probably the best video that I've watched in a while. Kuramoto is always good though.
Fuck Yhhh for constantly skipping over shit I've looked forward to.
Yhhh releases suck. Out of curiosity what were you looking forward to?
He's been skipping some of the new DSVR and JUVR releases.
its her tongue man theres nobody else like it
This has been mentioned before but I'm reposting the link to the VR collection in the /h/ MMD thread


Not because I think anyone here gives a shit about VR MMD (you don't), but because I wrote a FAQ in this rentry that covers a fuckton of questions I commonly see here about VR. I'd appreciate if you'd take a look at that and tell me if you'd add/change anything. One thing I need to change later is the line about aspect ratio for VR conversions, Heresphere has a new setting that works perfectly and automatically for them but I forget the name of it.
>Download DSVR-1600 thinking it's two girls
>The dude cums in my face in the first scene
What the fuck?
>I Picked Up Two Gals At The Club. One Was A Sadistic Gal And The Other Was A Crossdresser!? ~What's This?~
>thinking it's two girls
You knew full well. Come out of the closet already, faggot.
hey what a coincidence, i wanted to ask you a question recently. what do you use to create your ai vr conversions?
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Unless you're asking about my settings, in which case I'm not the best person to ask that. I just copied what everyone else was doing here for my settings. But I'll post what I use.
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I actually found that one a day later myself.

Link (4K unfortunately): https://gofile.io/d/btNQBZ

A funscript has also already been made and posted to Eroscripts.

If anyone got picture attached. Please share so that I can work on that one.
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Anyone have 3DSVR-0482?
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it's about to get powercrept
SOD has been releasing some interesting stuff recently, like a ring parody (DSVR-01590), some woman covered in blood with a chainsaw (DSVR-01635), and most recently one where a pack of feral women eat you alive (DSVR-01672).
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anyone got DSVR-1668 already? I think it released a few days ago
>release in jan
>check javlib
>literaly only SAVR-539 missing

wtf is this
Why isn't passthrough VR more popular? This shit is fucking insane.
a majority of VR users dont have a meta quest 3 level passthrough capable headset yet
Passthrough before the Quest 3 was shit, literally black and white and low resolution.
A lot of people don't have a passthrough capable headset.
NTA, but I went to download it because I'm tired of the usual boring VR.
It's always just kiss, blow job, fuck, done.
I want something different.
Is there a way to link cuepoints to a specific file in a scene in xbvr? I'm trying to tag my favorite scenes but with javs it gets confusing with those having multiple files.
Also is there a better way to search for scenes with cuepoints? I want to search for example anything with a cuepoint that includes cowgirl, but I can only search for a complete cuepoint so that's not very practical.
can't seem to find this anywhere either
>Fuck Yhhh
used to be the goat and then when the 8K revolution happened he annoyingly started naming his 4K uploads as 8K. Fucked my filter up and couldnt rely on him anymore.
especially in VR when you are not even looking at the pp anyway most of the time. (sucks for BJs tho)
That was interesting. Does anyone have NHVR-214 and NHVR-218?
>Why isn't passthrough VR more popular?
im sorry i do not see the appeal, it's just a stupid concept to me. Wow, the girl is in my mess ass room! so sexy! I actually like the more clean, luxurious setting we get sometimes and I wish they would change it up more but I get that it is expensive and a hassle to do so.

Also personally like Noir VR because I like low lighting in VR scenes.
is there a way to download braindance vr stuff?
>Why isn't passthrough VR more popular?
because i don't like being in my house
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It's finally up on MaxJAV at least.
HOLY FUCK! the girl they have in that demo video with the blue hair is one of the hottest women I have ever seen, Jesus!
thanks anon will look into her.
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(added more trackers to the magnet cause thats what every one else does)

The time has cum and so will you. Decided to grab this for the anons, make some space cause it's fucking 44gb (this is the 8K version)

uhh link pls i like blue hairs
oh i found them
When i download some VR vids and try to open them in VLC there is just black flickering screen and then it starts playing the audio, and when i place the file on a media server and try to play it in heresphere i cant se the file in the folder, i guess the file is corrupt but why are almost all files i get from p torrents dot com and the bay like this?
My limited exposure to VR deepfakes was through a pack posted on SimpCity a while ago, and some of them sucked. Anyone got anything more current? How hard is it to make your own? Hate to ask for spoonfeed but they're neat
That's how they look if you're not playing them in a VR headset.
thirding request can u link some of their shit
But why cant i see them in Heresphere or Deo? When i look in the DLNA folder (in my headset) i can only see the same videos i can view on my pc in VLC, the black screen videos are missing in the headset. Is there some setting i need to change? It does not look like a weird file format but what do i know
Transfer it to your headset then

I very faintly remember having a similar problem trying to view VR videos on desktop, but I can't remember the details.

Try installing the k-lite mega codec pack and play them on MPC-HC (it's a better player than VLC anyway). They should look like this on Windows.
i found her instagram but i don't know where the VR shit is. vixenp_
shes not in anything. I dont even think she has any hardcore videos.
is there any vids that focus on the up close face and affectionate speaking or joi, kind of shit? you get the odd scene of it in the standard studios vids, but a lot of the time the girl isnt even looking into your "eyes" and it lasts like 30 seconds max
I think I remember the czechvr people had a series called "Intimacy vr" or something like that. Honestly would love more western VR scene that had moments where the women got close to the camera and dirty talked again. They used to do it in the first year of VR videos back in 2016/17.
Because your GPU isn't strong enough. You need the integrated circuits that come in VR headsets. Desktop GPUs aren't designed to play VR video.
Installed it and now i can view the video on my pc, but i still cant watch it throw DLNA, i guess ill have to transfer them to the headset like a cave man... But thanks for the tip man!
VREdging might be something to look into
Good Luck, more than half of those videos are with non-english speakers and sometimes there isnt any talking at all in the "Edging" VR porn studio videos.
You should use depth resolution 518 for the ANY depth models, that's the resolution these models were trained on.
the melody marks ones are amazing though, she's great at dirty talk
also the Rebel Rhyder ones

I have a Quest 2 and had no problems using the SLR app to play videos from a Windows shared folder. Just open windows media player - organize - manage libraries - videos - add your VR folder(s). Probably need to restart both PC and Quest2 afterwards.
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>it's a the mac version
if I were building a rig to better handle this process whats more important, CPU or GPU or is it really both?
Anyone know if a debrid or seeded torrent of these exist?

DSVR-524 https://www.javlibrary.com/en/?v=javli6i5sq

DSVR-499 https://www.javlibrary.com/en/?v=javli6d57u

disclaimer: I have never made a torrent before and have no idea what I'm doing

I'll keep seeding it until it's at least 5:1 ratio.
Anyone have this oldy? DSVR-128
I was mass moving torrents and seemed to have deleted it -.- the torrent is on sukebei but no seeders
I see my upload has already spread onto other places, which is why I arranged it so specifically, so I would know. You're welcome btw.
What toys do you guys use for the scripts? Anything other than the handy? Don't want to spend hundreds on a sex toy
osr2 may be cheaper if you have a 3d printer and don't mind assembling it and soldering it yourself but I haven't actually looked into the materials yet even though I've been meaning to.
I don't unfortunately but wouldn't mind dabbling with it if I ever buy one.

Cheapest I could find were kirroo onyx+ or the kirroo stroker+ powerblow. They don't go up and down, more like vibrate and massage. The reviews are mixed. Anyone tried these?

I haven't even used a fleshlight before so anything would be an upgrade.
there was some new, cheaper and better version of the handy, i dont remember what it's called...I just tried looking for it but came up with nothing, sorry.
You don't have the windows version do you?
Are there any labels focusing on gravure style stuff? Or like striptease and masturbation? I want VR just looking at the girl without much dick involved.
fantastica dot vr seems to be one that does that. I don't have anything by them though I have just seen it somewhere.
you could try braindance
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anyone got Hailey Rose Pornstar Experience by Naughty America?
Immersex videos are top if you like cuck; right now I'm obsessed with those
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Dropping this here since I just downloaded it

HNVR-139 - [VR] Just a single erotic creampie. I'm a guy with a secret account who claims to have godly techniques, and I sent him a DM, and he came to see me, so I just let my instincts take over with the AV actress Akari. Akane Mitani

from pornolab
You mean 512?

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