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File: Joe-Bob-Shudder.jpg (262 KB, 1351x1116)
262 KB
262 KB JPG
There used to be a ridiculously huge mega for every episode of Joe Bob's Last Drive on Shudder that got deleted. I was wondering if anybody here has the files/or anything Joe Bob Briggs related, especially Last Drive in stuff.
I've got about 90 episodes of The Last Drive In and 70 MonsterVision that I can chuck onto a torrent for you in a couple of days (I'm away from home currently). If anyone has more they can share I'm always looking for 'em, they seem fairly hard to find.
much appreciated anon
>>1342003 (OP)
Can't be bothered making a torrent, but if anyone uses Soulseek, I've got a ton of Joe Bob and Elvira stuff free for download, the classic stuff and the Shudder stuff.
>>1342003 (OP)
obscenely large file sizes and no seeders, but ill bet the quality is good if you can ever complete an episode.
Seconded, and I'd like to help seed that.
Thank you very much anon
this will take ages, but it's gonna be nice having these archived.
As promised here's everything I've got. Not sure how much overlap there is with the other torrent posted - Entirely possible I found this via that torrent originally. So cross-check before wasting your space ;)

FYI this isn't seeding quick enough out to peers to reach full availability in the next 48hrs. This is a problem because I have to go offline for like a week to move house starting Sunday. So if it seems dead, it isn't. I will return to seed it soon. If some kind anon with 700Gb free and a decent download speed wants to hop on and seed, it's sitting on a 1Gb upload, just the peers aren't fast.
It's been downloading at 4-5 mbs for me

Thank you very much anon. Just loaded it up and hopefully get this seeding ASAP.
I use soulseek. What's your username?
Speaking of B-movies and cult films, anyone know of a good place to find Spaghetti Westerns? I've been trying to flesh out my collection and have a pretty comprehensive list of Italo-Westerns, but a lot of the films are super low quality rips. I've been trying to hunt down better copies before I make a Spaghetti Western mega-pack, but haven't found many communities that have much aside from the big hits.
You might be the based nederlander I saw getting good speeds before I had to stop seeding. Hopefully you snagged it all, but if not I'll try and get the seedbox back online within 24h.
Seed should be back online now.
A lot of those haven't had proper blu-ray releases yet so sometimes the best rip is unfortunately from a VHS (and in the case of the more rare ones, were recorded from a TV broadcast).

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