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Remember to check nyaa, forum.holopirates .moe, and mogu.holopirates .moe before requesting (or be publicly shamed by your oshi)

Thread archives:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQmThKvuu_4 [Embed]
anyone have this Kronii ASMR that just wrapped up?
Someone post the new Kronii asmr please.
Natsume ASMRs and Okayu bonus asmr please
does anyone have the latest yukino booth?
Any chance of getting todays Haachama Dark Souls III stream that got privated? Because that lovable retard left it monetized...
NTA but thank you
I’m looking for doujinshi and art books created by Mama featuring Hololive. Specifically, I’m interested in Akasa Ai’s HOLONIUM series (A, O, N, H, and BLUE) and the separate Red Queen Akasa Ai art collection series.
Anything on Waabyuu? nyaa and mogu has nothing.
If this isn't the place, where should I go?
Many thanks
here's my half
if you're still doing trades, i missed remi's most recent birthday voice pack. there's no archive of phase voices so idk what older packs i may have missed but everything i've got is in the lvp https://nyaa.si/view/1838239
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Anyone's got Spectra of Nova?
NTA but thanks
Why would she private this? Too much cursing?
In the recent update avtdl got a web-interface, that (hopefully) makes configuration process more straightforward. It was added on top of the text config and will pick existing configuration when starting.

Here a few pictures of what it looks like, would appreciate comments on both design and usability.

Configuration format logic was changed slightly in 1.0 release, please review release notes if you try to upgrade from earlier versions.
holo christmas 2024 voice please
It's a FROMSOFT game; this studios perms stipulate streams of their games can't be monetized. Haachama didn't heed that and so she had to take the stream down afterwards
Thank you
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Which Holo has the best ear tingly ASMR?
Anon asked some time ago for recent Korone member streams, here are the last two.

Very much appreciated!
anyone managed to save biboo's league vod before she nuked it?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85t-H8urjTA [Embed]
Pre-emptive archive request please
thank you
Pippa & Muyu
/r/ing any missing Pippa voices, but if you've got stuff that's not in the LVP >>1345782 then you should add it
Anyone have Ina's "【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】 I Don't Know Lyrics to X-mas Songs But LET'S GOOOOO" stream and/or prior karaoke streams?
Anyone can archive this later? She'll make it to members only after the stream. She only do asmr once in a blue moon so it's greatly appreciated.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz5wZ72IRKU [Embed]

Anyone have the new Fuwamoco Xmas packs?
anyone have an archive for this?
pixeldrain com/u/Ti7c7eUq
Based. Thanks!
Here is a shitty 360p verson of the Saitama on archive.org
Ina's X-mas Karaoke

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Thank you for this! This tako is very appreciative.
okayu and lamy latest member asmr anyone?
That'll do. Thanks!
lamy https://gofile.io/d/A08m7N
Kanata's terminator watchalong? anyone?
https://youtu.be/FDL6Iarv3mk [Embed]
Can someone share FUWAMOCO's latest membership stream?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFxJ4VMu-F0 [Embed]
can I please request FuwaMoco's English hololive Christmas Voice Pack 2024
Irys's members Die Hard watchalong would be much appreciated!
https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/posts/9093723 anyone?
https://gofile.io/d/VSgxtb edited the intro and post talk out. it's over double the size with them in it.
https://gofile.io/d/4EPtRp whatever, here it is anyway in all its glory.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqB8vjjbwvQ [Embed]
Thank you!
Anyone got today's twitcast of Nakaoka?
This one.
looking for these privated fauna streams
>【Kalimba ASMR】 Unarchived Kalimba Concert! #holoCouncil
>September 2, 2021 12:00 AM
>【Fauna's ASMR??】 ASMR Machine Broke :( Chatting quietly #holoCouncil
>November 8, 2021 8:14 PM
>【ASMR】 Heartbeat ASMR Listen while I brush your hair~ #holoCouncil
>December 15, 2021 11:00 PM
>【KU100 KARAOKE】 Singing (softly?) with MAXIMUM sensitivity mic Happy Valentine's Day! [Unarchived]
>February 14, 2022 7:00 PM
>【KU100 ASMR】 Lap Pillow & Ear Cleaning ASMR Ear Pick, Cotton Swab, Brushing, & Ear Blowing
>August 7, 2022 5:00 PM
>【KU100 ASMR】 KU100 is back Assorted triggers ASMR Ear cleaning, tapping, & more!
>January 28, 2023 7:00 PM
>【KU100 ASMR】 Soft Whispers & Relaxing Lullabies Kalimba Playing
>April 6, 2023 11:00 PM
>【KU100 ASMR】 Comfy ASMR for you! Ear cleaning & assorted triggers for sleep & relaxation
>April 27, 2023 12:00 AM
>【#ホロサマ歌枠リレー】 Summer song relay! Singing and showing off my swimsuit! (unarchived)
>July 29, 2023 8:20 PM
>【KU100 ASMR】 Fluffy ASMR with positive affirmations to cheer you on & cheer you up!
>September 30, 2023 12:00 AM
https://gofile.io/d/i8EE2I azki asmr
looking for kanata's and ayame's watchalongs:
https://youtu.be/-LlkkU-zaL0 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/JoykS8MUf_0 [Embed]
8/10, share the others if you find them
Here is ewxmRPjLS5U: https://gofile.io/d/TdlbzN
C3L_s-VYT-A was cancelled and never rescheduled: https://x.com/ceresfauna/status/1707951295712362603
where to find fallenshadow?
what's with this question? are you gonna stab her or something
Anyone got the kannagi loki member christmas stream? It's privated
no im gonna kiss her
I am a troglodyte who can not grok the sequence just by lurking.

How can I use this?
ask chatGPT (serious)
Gura membership stream?
I don't know if you guys do requests, but is anyone archiving Matsuri's asmr later today?
https://gofile.io/d/XFNlFn fuwamoco, lamy, inanis, watame, azki christmas mengens
still looking for ayame and kanata watchalongs, if someone has them

Was anyone able to get a full version of this? Still not on kemono
Thank you, have you seen Marine's anywhere as well?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au6k0vHm-LU [Embed]
anyone get the live/uncut version of Kiara's member watchalong from a few days ago?
so no one has archived fallenshadow streams? i went through the archives there is almost no mention of her.
What are you looking for...? She VODs most of her stuff
Can someone post the VOD of Elfin's celebration stream?
https://youtu.be/1QCFcc6ibtA [Embed]
Looking for Suzutuki Sui's Christmas mengen if anyone has an archive. It was deleted so I can't grab it myself.
i mean older stuff tho
Ok, sure.


It's linked on her own youtube channel tho.
that doesnt have edgy emo karaoke tho
Perhaps specify that you're looking for karaoke in the first place... tho
cheers faggots https://gofile.io/d/SYYMPA
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ruby archive closing on 8th
Ayame watchalong https://gofile.io/d/82BFgD
thank you so much anon!
Ruby archive?
What´s the url?
saw that coming for quite a while
There's so much stuff on there, sucks.
Any full archive of Miori's asmr?
her voice is tooooo cuteee
I missed about a hour at the beginning, does anyone happened to have a full recording of this?
Is the full recording what is on the Abema page? If so I can rip it for you.
Yes, it's the https://abema.tv/channels/anime-live/slots/E1MrshEdMczcP1, would appreciate the rip.
Apparently the twitter broadcast has a static image for the second half, so it was useless anyway.
Same. I was wondering if anyone archives her watchalongs.
I know some are 8-12 hours long so I don't expect much.
Here you go
Thanks a bunch.
Could you also explain what did you use to download it? I tried yt-dlp on the page link directly and it failed with 403, and after downloading the encrypted dash I failed to decrypt it because format of the key I got from the network tab seems to differ from what mp4decrypt expects.
>because format of the key I got from the network tab seems to differ from what mp4decrypt expects.
I did the same thing and ended up just finding where that key request got parsed in the javascript and setting a breakpoint and copying the decoded key from there.
Hopefuly I won't need it again, but gotta keep it in mind that it's possible.
Thanks again, I was desperate enough to install OBS.
What's the link for that?
Anyone know where to find ParkDona's video archive?
Her naver dropbox only has like 12 vids at 480p, I managed to find most of her stuff on B2 at 1080p but there's still quite a few missing.
https://gofile.io/d/aJ3mbW nerissa mengen
Pekora asmr and natsume wallpaper please
streams rubyruby net
It's for unarchived stuff
Can someone share FUWAMOCO's latest mengen watchalong?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTOdzb2Qlr0 [Embed]
Many thanks
roboco asmr matsuri asmr watame asmr azki asmr
Thank you!
Does anybody have Noel's matrix watchalong?
Does anyone have Cecilia's Tanabata Date Voice Pack 2024 both EN & JP?
I got this recommended so I'm posting it just in case someone might make use of it.
Anybody have Haachama's member asmr?
Hoping someone has an archive of asmr of the frame she had up today.
Anyone have Calli watching Pratchett?

Does anyone have Koyori's privated Machi stream?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEPkRlxDkog [Embed]
https://youtu.be/1rKDRCm0fH8 [Embed]
Can anyone share Elfin Psyop's New Year stream?
Can anyone post Nerissa's asmr from 2 months ago? Thanks
Anyone managed to nab immy's new year fansly vod lads?
>>1345626 (OP)
NTA but thank you very much
Hell yeah, cheers.
Does anyone happen to have these?
well i was working on a membership torrent for fauna, but she's now made everything public.
here's the membership posts since those probably aren't public. also includes membership badges and emoji
anyone got Rica's ASMR?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc9kmG2Fq3Q [Embed]
Thank you for saving them before it's too late!

Also, how do you scrape youtube posts? Is there a better way than saving each one manually
you'll need the channel id, not the @ name; those don't work anymore.
Holo Blu-ray rips
hololive 5th fes. Capture the Moment stage1
hololive fes. story -2019〜2024-

mkv is the mkvs from makemkv
backup is the full disc backup from makemkv
I've never checked these Blue-rays: Are the MC parts subtitled in english? Or do they only contain bookmarks?
no subs
did someone have ChuLove's membership ASMR's???
Of course.
Anyone have the Halloween 2024 voicepacks? They in 1hr. I buy the girls I like but I like to hoard the rest regardless.
hololive Summer 2023: Swimsuit Date Voice
hololive New Year's Holiday Date Voice Pack ~Closing Off 2023~
hololive New Year's Holiday Date Voice Pack ~Welcoming 2024~
Does anyone have Kanna Yanagi's patreon audios? Kemono goes straight to a 404 if I try to click on a file to download it.
クロヱ missing voices (should be complete)
Bonus Voice
Bonus Voice


hololive Summer 2023: Swimsuit Date Voice
hololive New Year's Holiday Date Voice Pack ~Closing Off 2023~
hololive New Year's Holiday Date Voice Pack ~Welcoming 2024~

With Holo X
Anyone have Niko's member stream?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8bPQy8HLZM [Embed]
Does anyone have Shiori Novella's Members' Only Diary Entries?
It doesn't matter in this specific case, but I still want to remind everyone it might affect that in most cases it is only possible to access 200 most recent regular and 200 most recent member-only posts on the Community tab of a channel.
*unless you've saved the individual urls
based on what people have said before, chloe is going to be a problem if no one has a list.
I downloaded Reine's today stream with ytarchive, but I ran out of space while the program was muxing the files and it crashed. Can I get something out of this files, or is it lost?
clear drive space, copy a ffmpeg exe into that folder, then try this in cmd at that folder location with both of the ts filenames

"ffmpeg -i FILENAME.f298.ts -i FILENAME.f140.ts -c copy output.mp4"
Just re-ran the command in the text file and it worked.
Here's Reine's privated stream from today
anyone have liz's DnD listen along?
Is it possible to request doujinshi?
gigi grembership pls?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz_a7ssHLqk [Embed]
Anyone got Ayame's Harry Potter watchalong?
anyone got phase's christmas voicepacks?
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Runie cozy lazy karaoke
Anyone got gura's membership stream?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOC_iTAbE5g [Embed]
thank you
Does anyone have Kanade's 2023 -> 2024 New Year's voice packs?

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_newyearsholidaydatevoice_welcoming2024?_pos=3&_fid=9064c6a28&_ss=c&variant=44318855561436 ?

Sale period has passed.
Anyone have the more recent Okayu ASMRs? Korone ASMR as well, if there's any new ones.
Anyone have mito's lain watchalong from 2020?
thank you
Does anyone have Higuchi Kaede's 2024-2025 LIVE Tour “BREAKING” in Taipei or Fuwa Minato's 1st Solo Live “Cheers with You”?
if any クロヱ-fags have a list of her post urls i would appreciate it
Kemono works fine for me, can't you use the links to the unlisted videos?
anyone have
【 #ホロライブクリスマス 】どんなお歌もルーナ色に染めちゃう歌リレーいくのらっ…!!Let's Singing 【姫森ルーナ/ホロライブ】
December 25, 2020 3:57 AM
Kemono goes down from time to time. Probably had bad luck that day
Anyone got Aoi Sakura 1st Live? Expires January 23 I think
Anyone got Ririka's latest ASMR members stream?
Can anyone share Kanataso's wallpaper for this month?
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Panko Ch.【Phase Connect】 - Italian Vtuber reacts to Street Food from around the world!
the stream is still up, did something get removed?
Nahiro twitcasts please
Kanata bath space + bonus and AZKi January wallpaper please
Many thanks
Anyone got blu-ray of the other stages?
anyone have korones sonic concert i could only find dead links
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Does anyone have the Myth voice dramas + bonus content?


The HoloEN Secret Island Summer voice pack for Kiara and Calli
jeets tried to flag it down so just in case it doesn't survive
Anyone saved Kaminari Qpi's latest membership vod?
https://gofile.io/d/n3aPYp irys medalist watchalong
are you retarded?
Does anyone have the VOD of Elfin's latest stream?
https://youtu.be/W9xjQtzWN8E [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cakvKtUXwY [Embed]
Anyone have this video of Gura's character creation for World of Darkness?? I'm not sure why Gura made it a membership only video, since the entire rest of the series was open for everyone.

[TTRPG] Let's draw my character!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFqKmnjBJ2k [Embed]
someone have Alicja members asmr streams??

thanks in advance.
lmao, of course the Ojou-sama was a figure skater when she was little
anyone grab cecilia's member stream that ended just now?
anon had problems with his 1080p file
that'll do me just fine. it is karaoke, after all. bless you, anons.
did someone have this one???

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyQ75UHjsCk [Embed]
Shiroha nemu and Soma Nahiro asmr please
thx king
https://gofile.io/d/i2iyPO gura unarchived member stream
Many thanks
Is there a chloe archive or is someone making one? If not, what needs to be done?
She is big enough, so surely someone will do it.
If you wanna be the one, first priority would be archiving member-only content, both videos and community posts. Public stuff is likely to remain available after graduation.
Then you would check ragtag for full video list of the channel and go around asking people for the missing ones while downloading these still available.
There is also a tiktok channel and twitter posts, but usually nobody really bothers to archive that. A couple of twitter spaces did get preserved though: https://archive.lytexx.dev/spaces/hololive/JP/sakamatachloe/

If you need help with specific task, feel free to ask here.
There will be a membership torrent. Not looking good for a full post archive tho
Are Chloe's memberships being archived by anybody? I'll probably jump on that if it hasn't been attended to.
Oh sorry, alrighty
Someone have this one??

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zYw_8l13nw [Embed]
https://gofile.io/d/5v8JMY raora guerrilla mengen
does anyone have
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A83EWFnaZXc [Embed]
kys faggot
Ahh yes, the classic attention-starved BBC faggot who wants to fill an unrelated thread with his shit, because having multiple threads across all of 4chan makes him feel entitled
Chloe January wallpaper and Kanata Construction set please
Seems Matsuri/FBK/Polka/Laplus released some kind of bilibili exclusive voice? pack. I don't really understand what exactly it is.
it's a gacha for lunar new year
you buy pulls for collector cards (6 of them rare)
the rare collected cards are animated and has the voice pack included (40 pulls guarantees all of them)

preview for a handful: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HSFxevEcn/
laplus gives overview: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bBfHYYEHc/ (in jp, subs in cn)

there's also rewards based on the amount of pulls you buy - all customization options for your bilibili page. (dp & header, emotes, full bilibili page theme, etc)
Wonder if there's a way to pull all the audio via the app assets or from guessing the URLs? I remember doing that for a few of the JP gacha voice packs awhile ago.
someone have fuwamoco asmr complete set (en and jp)? with wallpaper
Can I request Dokibird's Members Only Borderlands Watchalong?
Holo Blu-Ray Rips
hololive 5th fes. Capture the Moment stage2
角巻わため 1st Live わためぇ Night Fever!!
角巻わため 未公開つのまきじゃんけん映像収録BD
does anyone have this from today ?

【Members Only】 Comfy Kalimba Practice!
Does anybody have Watame's 2nd sololive BD rip?
after >>1350883
Any chance there's an archive of Nimi's Sims 2 stream from today? I wasn't home for most of it so I couldn't start my archive in time.
she showed her pc name, the stream is going right back up after she cuts out the two seconds it was visible. i really dont understand why she cares about this shit, she's not a corpo slave anymore
Suisei's Budokan concert anyone???
bilibili mirror
Does anyone have FUWAMOCO's 3D ENCORE LIVE from their membership?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpZKaVHzslA [Embed]
Seconding this
most of her non-sub only stuff is here, no idea who runs this though
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64pKkPUMLCs [Embed]

Anyone have Loki's bazoonga?
Anyone have gigi's unarchived members only karaoke stream? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXTWs7q_8S0 [Embed]
Anyone have a link to Raden's 3D birthday live? It got hit with a copyright strike by Sony.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5QgEZjH53Y [Embed]
Does anyone have Kiara Sicario watchalong please...
Here you go.
Anyone got Sora's Minecraft stream from yesterday?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6bGtCpHF0o [Embed]
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Muyu karaoke archive
anyone know where I can find archives for Ange Katrina? doesn't seem to be present in nyaa and holopirates, that or I'm blind
Recent Okayu ASMRs anyone?
https://gofile.io/d/e6i6IU cecilia spiderman 3 watchalong
Anyone got the purged vod of the Fillian+Pippa collab?
Thank you, may blessings fall upon you
Checking again to see if anyone has this
Anyone notice a change in membership gifting or am I just supremely unlucky?
I used to be able to sit in a karaoke or asmr stream and rake in a free membership gift, but it's been several months and I haven't gotten any. Even on small channels where people gift 60% of the ccv.
i had to email youtube to get it fixed
Voice files from the MAH-JONG FIGHT CLUB Sp collab.
Pekora, Marine, Flare, Noel, Fubuki, Koyori
Seems to have a lot more graphic data but my expertise isn't enough. Probably have to use QuickBMS but I'm unfamiliar with it.
Helps if you comment in live chat every 10 minutes.

>am I just supremely unlucky?
I was actively posting in chat during that last time Choco got around 10k gift memberships, it took until near the end of the stream for me to get one when there wasn't even 7-8k watching the stream.
Did anyone end up making the full Chloe archive?
Someone have IRyS member video:
【Members Only】Peaceful? Rhythm Training【A Dance of Fire and Ice】?
Rissa's membies please
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG_2g04HDl8 [Embed]
soon. i doubt a list of her remaining youtube posts will emerge but just in case. also holding off in case
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UupC6iFWtvA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ4DbZuMW0I [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgVgt_sclV4 [Embed]
get vp9 versions. again, doubtful.
The same thing happened to me. I used to get a gifted membership for every channel I actively participated in chat. A few months ago my account got hit with a shadowban by youtube, the ban itself has since been lifted but ever since then I am unable to receive gifted memberships. I can still purchase memberships for the girls I really care about but this situation is annoying because I used those free gifts to see who made worthwhile members only content
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Request for Luna Karaoke archive
【 洋楽歌枠 】英語はむにむにだからふにゃふにゃ歌うのら~~!!!Nanolish Song【姫森ルーナ/ホロライブ】※アーカイブ無し

Streamed live on 2025.02.11
Before, you had to manually enable the option to allow gifted memberships. A while ago they changed it so it's enabled for everyone, which means the pool increased from a few active users to basically everyone whether they're active or not.
1st frame
2nd frame
Latest Matsuri member ASMR? Pretty please. Last one was way better than i expected of her.
Did anyone record Laplus's bilibili stream? Seems like JP will start doing exclusive bilibili streams again.
She got warned for that last one so probably don't expect too much
Does anyone have any of the new phase voice packs?
Fubuki's 1st sololive FBKINGDOM ANTHEM anyone?
Nerissa Valentine English voice pack please?
Requesting the FuwaMoco Birthday ASMR Voice Packs. Please and thank you.
can i get a reupload? gofile moved them to cold storage
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Requesting sex
Does anyone have a karaoke steam that doesn't have the audio cut off?
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1.98 MB PNG
guys anyone know the source of this image? Is it a voicepack wallpaper or something else?
Requesting for Takamiya Rion's Valentines ASMR today. Did someone got it before she changed it to membership only?
Does anyone have Niko's Valentine karaoke please
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAUsjfEVdt4 [Embed]
Anyone have Towa or Kanata’s Valentine’s Day streams?
Raora's members asmr anyone?
Holo Blu-Ray Rips
hololive 5th fes. Capture the Moment stage3
角巻わため 2nd Live「わためぇ Night Fever!! in TOKYO GARDEN THEATER」
does anyone have this mengen from choco:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DOmmGZgDd8 [Embed]
thank you kind anon
Does anyone have FUWAMOCO's last 2 mengen streams?
https://youtu.be/watch?v=UmlrhrFOVfk [Embed]
https://youtu.be/watch?v=C6BzrK45w3k [Embed]
Requesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDPdEjkuuM4 [Embed]
Requesting Azki Yandere ASMR https://www.youtube.com/live/IG82SKCumK8
Does anyone have Haachama's valentine's stream?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOj0p6l18bg [Embed]
Lamy Comfy Snow Watching Inn and Valentine's voice please
Holo 2025 Valentine's voice packs please
Nahiro asmr twitcast and January/February wallpapers, and matsuri's 02/12 member asmr please
Many thanks
thanks a lot man
Still looking for this if anyone has it.

Also jumping into request Roara and Gigi Plate Up collab, just ended and was set to private.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM7veMK_vqY [Embed]
Anyone got Pekora's Valentine's stream?
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Requesting this please

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