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For fans of pov roleplay videos
Tara in the blue bikini... holy shit bros
terrible pic choice op
not op but you had 3 days to make a thread
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I miss mommy!
shifting the blame doesn't absolve the shitty pic
Had to break out her Xmas clips this year. I can't decide which is the best
Sydney really has always had the weird downward lines at the edges of her mouth hasn't she
i just can't watch simply because of her weird triangularly shaped face
nah it's cuz you're gay
there was no christmas vids
of course there were
name one (1) mommy who released one
never heard of her
skill issue
>there was no christmas vids
proven wrong
sydney did one
aimeewaves did one
lalunalewd did multiple
harley sin did one

there was also a giant 2 hour collab made by multiple people called "A Taboo Family Christmas"
Can't wait for these to leak 2 months after Christmas.
So is Lovely Lilith done with incest stuff ?
she started an OF and found that she could make quadruple the money for a quarter of the work. she only does photosets now
personally i don't care about her but it's sad how many porn girls are being lost because low effort OF content or twitch makes them more money
I think the fact that they make so much more money on OF is just a testament to how ridiculously overpriced video content is. OBVIOUSLY you can get significantly more people to subscribe to OF for $5 or $10 per month than you can to pay $40 for a single 10-20 minute video or whatever outrageous prices they always charge. If videos were actually priced to sell instead of being inflated into insanity because "I put so much time into making this" or whatever the fuck, then they'd actually sell. A feature length film Blu-ray with special features costs like $15, why do you think the 20 minute porn video you spent an hour writing and 2 hours filming deserves double or triple that?
gonna take a wild guess that the economics behind a studio distributing blu-rays is different from a content creator who has to handle shooting/editing/any other associated costs themselves
Everyone, what websites are you using for finding videos. I believe that the amount of good websites are getting lower everyday. Share what websites you find the best
Nice try.
It doesn't matter, you're not going to get people to value a 20 minute self-shot porn video 2-3 times more than they value professional grade feature films. You have to price things to sell, and what things will sell for is determined by what people are willing to pay for them, which in turn is determined by how the price compares to known products they already value.
okay, and? people clearly are willing to pay for them if creators aren't lowering their prices
>you can to pay $40 for a single 10-20 minute video or whatever outrageous prices they always charge
sounds like you don't actually know much about what you're talking about
>determined by how the price compares to known products they already value.
I think most people consider feature length movies and porn pretty separate, not things to be compared
it probably takes half an hour to shoot an amateur photoset for of while it takes several hours to edit a video tbf
meanwhile JAV blurays sell for $5 and they're usually at least 2 hours long with several actors
>JAV blurays
so still studio productions with different markets lol
they're actually only 99 cents
>people clearly are willing to pay for them if creators aren't lowering their prices
And that's why so many of them stop making videos and move onto OF and make hand over fist more money than ever before, right? Because so many people are willing to buy those overpriced videos? Yes, obviously SOMEONE is buying them, but NOT ENOUGH people are buying them if they have to make more money by abandoning their videos.
Value comparisons happen in everyone's minds regardless of whether they're aware of them or would find them valid/reasonable comparisons when asked to consciously think about it.
don't know who these people are, but it sounds like they do this because it's less effort for more money, obviously. even if they sold these "overpriced" videos for $5 a pop, they wouldn't make the same kind of money, because the subscription market is fundamentally different
so in other words, you're making shit up lol
You're just repeating the same argument. No, I don't think porn and feature-length movies are "value comparisons" for people. In fact, I don't even think it's a given that people who buy movies on blu-ray overlap with people that buy porn clips generally
also i'm talking about people that still make videos and don't lower prices, and you're talking about people that "stop making videos" as if they're the same people
>this video took me weeks of editing! enjoy!
>literally has zero editing
youtubers put out daily hour long videos with tons of editing
porn girls are just lazy as fuck
when has that happened? like creator + name of vid
it always happen. go read any mommy OF or socials or whatever they're all like "wow this video is amazing! been editing for a week! just need a couple more days of editing and it will be out! look forward to it!!" and then it comes out and it's 1 camera in 1 location with no cuts, no editing, nothing.
never seen a mommy i follow do this. so can you name a creator and a specific vid where this happened?
Where in the fuck are you finding cheap blurays
street vendors in japan
malorie switch's half-hour You're Mommy's Boy Forever currently on sale for the price of one JAV blu-ray aka five bucks
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>"Well son, it's just you and me this weekend"
>Husband starts hard coughing in the background
Anyone got Jule's "Mother Fucks Son After Work" video? shit's been erased everywhere
Is this pre or post arm tattoos though? Mommys don't have arm tattoos.
>every video is private
it's over
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Savvy Star (Mama Fiona) All I want for Christmas is my Son.
She's like Zev a year ago semi retired she will fart out a vid every 4 months when she needs to buy a handbag or take a trip, Busty Emma and Busty Seawitch are better tit cows.

Lilith is a turbo jew, I bought a month of because it's Christmas and she's a single mom and 90% of her vids are just 20 sec teases, for a girl that has hundreds of vids she should at least dump her old archives there

You gotta think about manyvids as the crafty farmers markets of pornos, most dudes are fine shooting up pornhub and nutting to bangbros or brazzers slop, manyvids allows for slow burn or midget cake farting customs the big companies would never shoot. Also the girls got screwed over and never got royalties from their work with mainstream.
For any anons with a mid fetish Paris_love is offering 10 vids for $5, I like nutting to girls I could match with on tinder looks wise
Forgot to mention it's in the mv year end contest
That new Bettie, cum coveted mom is fucking gross, her talking about how she got knocked up by a random dude at a gang bang years ago and doesn't know who your dad is made me take a shower

Found Dana Vespa might be the most submissive woman on earth she just coos and talks about how good you feel I like the c section scars
Holy fuck where do you guys find these gremlins. Her head is shaped like Frankenstein, the only thing missing is the bolts coming out of her neck.
Uhm, ackshually, Frankenstein is the scientist.
Wonder why all her recent videos are full of cuck gangbang story time garbage. Her vids can be amazing but then are ruined when she starts yapping about all the cocks she’s taken
I stand corrected, "Frankenstein's Monster". Also, no shame in whatever everyone's into btw, may all your mommy fantasies come true...on screen.
>bangbros slop
they really should have kept up on the remasters. only their early stuff up to about 2011 is worth the watch. talent nose dived around then.
i want to like cory chase but 99% of her vids have a visible dude
You gotta scroll past the first few pages of the contest past all the super models making 100k a year and get down to the night shift popeyes workers doing it for a side hustle, they do better sales too

Only she has the numbers too see if the degenerate coomer shit sells better than the nice GFE mommy stuff, surprised she hasent done a breed by a black man vid while preggo yet

She needs to work out less and take some script writing or film classes I hate most of her taboo heat shit but I like her missax, or adult time vids where they have a real director
I joined Zooey Holloway's onlyfans last year, she dumped tons of her old stuff once she decided she was finished with porn. Lots of taboohandjob clips.

cum covered mom is on emp, which has a freeleech. That one was on my list...might still grab it just for completion but seems like a dumb idea. God damn she's fucking pregnant and looks great, I could script 30 winners for her if she were open to customs.
Shit, Dana Vespoli is doing like her third comeback. Most of it is boring but she's doing some lesbian wincest stuff that is nice. Mainstream but good talent...mommysgirl is the studio I'm thinking of.
there's a few dozen missax i wanna watch but they're all on the bunkr server that doesn't work for me
I miss Tara, bros
what platforms is she on now?
i still think the handjob/bj in the bathroom one is one of the best incest vids made
i also like the one where the cumshot hits her in the head
the others off the top of my head are step
She is on APClips and iwantclips if you want to buy it. Its also on her fansites to view (fanvue/JFF)
I have a question that may be kinda off-topic but considering how degenerate society has become, where are the video of actual mom and son fucking?
I'd even put "actual" between quotes. It's strange to me that nobody has tried to go full degenerate and at least pretend to be an actual mom and son couple.
Best sloppy BJ video?
My preference is with a real dick and POV. I used to like Larkin and immeganlive, but got bored since I watched all of their popular videos I can find online.
Think enthusiastic BJ/deep throat like mewslut's videos but mommy theme. Or mycatwithclaws' audios for the audio equivalent.
That's from last year.

Shouldn't be hard to find a couple of decent sites every other week or so if you look around
It's from this year dipshit, released this month. She did wear a similar red top in another christmas video (mom finds your xmas list). Go to her clip site and you will see both.
>I could script 30 winners for her if she were open to customs.
join her LF and submit ideas, she clearly draws from there
you think with Xev retiring torrents of her stuff won't get DMCA'd so quickly?
>still has 7k subs on onlyfans
as long as she's making money things will be removed
she needs to use it as the basis for a scene
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she could always dance at the blue iguana if the gubmint takes her mansions away
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What the fuck is MB4? MasturBate 4: It's Prostate Time? Some Puma sneakers?
mommybot 4
Fat chance of that, she's had one too many drinkies for new years and watching more of vatcity's nonsense bollocks.
it's what happens when too much "good living" or too many drugs fry their frontal lobe.
More of a chance that she'll be back to just audio porn as she already knows the scaled development & production of 1,2 & 3 and those got staggered releases to oblivion.
Gotta keep those hangers on hanging on.
opinion discarded
pure sex
why delet it?
op can only delete images for like 15 mins. it was dmca'd.
you say that, yet you also saw what happened.
even the image was dmca'd into oblivion
what does that have anything to do with your post, which is about Xev not shooting more
>porn girl retires
>unretires a month later because she's envious of all the attention
many such cases
What does this thread have to do with Torrents? No one has posted a single one.
post one and see what happens
one that isnt XB or BB is fine
>Dana Vespa
>has three sons
>makes a comeback
>starts doing hardcore incest porn with dirty mommy talk
how is it even legal to dmca a screenshot of some written text
seriously wtf
who was it
it was a screenshot of a xev loyalfans post
Even if you paid for the content, technically it's not "yours".
The "laws" written for DMCA were done during Clinton's Admin and haven't been changed.
That's how.
fair use exists
they're just abusing the system because 4chan is the only site dumb enough to be hosted in the us
DMCA is simply a mechanism to make content hosters take down content in a timely fashion. It works like this:
1. Content owner fills out a DMCA form and sends it to the host
2. Host takes down the content, and gives the uploader a mechanism to file a counter claim. This requires giving up your own information or engaging a firm to do it for you. Noone is going to do this over porn
3. If a counter claim is filed, the host tells the owner they have a certain amount of time to file a lawsuit.

so at no point does 4chan investigate the legitimacy of the copyright ownership - that has to be done between the owner and the uploader civilly, which the owner knows no one is going to do over porn
it wasn't even porn it was a screenshot of a publicly available post
I suspect there's just some kind of bot watching this thread that recognizes her face and name in images, flags it, and then someone just submits the DMCA request no matter what.
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Not up to date with LF and OF stuff... Is this new?
its ai
Did the DMCA jews claim these now, too?
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she has a tattoo on the back of her neck
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nta but at least it makes sense lol
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is kelly payne ever not pregnant
she's a prolific breeder
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holy shit
is there a torrent of her stuff out there?
A number of them, yes
Don't speak a word of Chinese/Japanese. But those signs 禁忌 (jin ji) don't look anything like her tattoo. Her tattoo looks like 媒介. Which according to google means Méijiè or Baikai(in japanese). Meaning medium, intermediary. But then again I don't speak a word of either.
Yep, you expect better but it can be claimed and pulled, they will do it.
Wait so those things near her belly button are birth marks? I just assumed it was a shitty late 90s-early 00s tattoo, but small enough to be forgivable.
Alright, well, never posting mommy tara again bros..
Love my mysterious mommy Tara
you can still see it in the archive
Why is there suddenly an increase in DMCA takedowns? Is Tara watching our every move?
it's onlyfans. note the one that has copyright taratainton.com didn't get taken down but all the OF ones did.
Even a cursory glance can tell you those symbols look nothing alike. I can't tell what the top symbol is but it's got the 女 radical which means female, and the bottom symbol is 介. I'd have to find a better example of the top one to tell you what it means
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ok looks like >>1347747 was right, the closest thing this could be is 媒介 but it makes no sense. Also, the two lines pointing towards 5 and 7 or whatever aren't disconnected from the symbol like they are on her neck, which makes me think she was led astray by the tattoo artist and this is all gibberish
i mean it's strange the ai says it means taboo which is what tara does. you can plug it in yourself and see.
Sure, funny coincidence, but the AI is misreading the symbols. 禁忌 looks nothing like 媒介 and no amount of stretching the imagination can make me believe that's what's on her neck
cant seem to find one that isnt completely dead. you got one?
Here's my AI answer after feeding both images:

>This second image confirms the tattoo more clearly. The characters remain the same: 媒介 (méi jiè), which translates to "media," "medium," or "intermediary" in Chinese.

>It represents something or someone acting as a bridge or medium for communication, connection, or information. The characters and their meaning are consistent with the initial deciphering.
has coomer been shitty lately for anyone else? videos barely play, downloads constantly failing.
it seems to rarely work properly for me. maybe one day a week it will load/download everything smoothly.
it's always on the fritz
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the sister one sounds good as long as they are both teens desu
yeah lol coomer is terrible and always has been. never understood why people like it. it's always a joke when a thread on SC is bumped with a coomer link. totally worthless
eh. it has its uses. there's several on coomer i follow that haven't got a thread on SC.
>20 year old mom
>45 year old roided son
at least make it somewhat reasonable
>watching clips with guys
your opinion means nothing to me
you are trash
>as long as they are both teens
>nicolette bloom
Not remotely likely.
motherless used to have the results you're looking for. Specifically there was a Philippino couple that was either real or damned convincing. Rumor was they got arrested.
The problem is that real incest is highly illegal in most places and you can easily get jailed for it. You can't find real incest videos online for the same reason you can't find real rape videos or CP or any other highly illegal video content.
but there's plenty of real incest. even onlyfans has several twin sisters who do content together.
Anon... they're not real twins... and the rare ones who are don't engage in direct sexual activity with each other.
>identical twins eating each other out
>not real
Such as...?
Of the available mommies on the market these days who would you cast for a custom? Got turned down by the first one I went to.
they deny customs?
Olive Wood, Penny Loren, maybe Jolie Lyon (tho' she's a better daughter, to me).

By "turned down," do you mean they weren't doing customs at the moment, or your idea was not for them? Do tell...
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she's looking real shit
never cared for her desu. i tried, watched dozens of vids, just couldn't get into it.
She was never great, just prolific and did taboo themes.

Then again...if she slutted herself out the right way I could watch her. She's not fir taboo though. She should do some dyke porn or hj with real cocks or something.
The latter, nothing too out of the ordinary for mommy roleplays. But I think it was too specific and wordy so she got anxious and declined to do it.

Concept is the viewer brings their mom to prom as a date, she's wearing a super revealing dress, she gets catcalled while there, she gets the idea to make the night memorable for her son and wants to be prom king and queen, she get votes by trading sexual favors to those at the prom that escalate as the night goes on: from taking a regular pic for someone, to taking a lewd pic, to dancing, to dirty dancing, to giving a BJ in the bathroom, giving an assjob to completion while dirty dancing, etc. Mommy wins the prom queen voting and invites everyone back home to celebrate in a gangbang.

Jocelyn B did a version for me a few years ago and took the money for a sequel but never delivered and never messages me back when I reach out. Lazy scamming bitch lmao
I don't blame you. Her acting in each role is not believable, during the sex parts she just seems obviously not into it so it comes off as fake, and she has this weird obsession with pulling "ahegao" faces that just kill the mood and demonstrate how little she's actually into what's happening (overthinking about her facial expressions rather than focusing on the sex).
>Jocelyn B
Not familiar with her but I hate scammers.
She was a solid b tier girl for me, great ass but mid acting and she could never really pull off the mommy role since she's like 22 and 5 feet even.

New tatts are dog shit, that chest one is always in your face. Probably gonna get a gut one too. Her yandere stalker vid is GOAT
Did you email support to get your money back?
That Trixie Girl is a solid option she does 1.5 per min customs sales a lot and can pretty much do anything within the TOS she's got over 1000 vids done.
I sent it as a tip instead of buying within the MV customs page that they have on profiles. Never had an issue before until her. It was about two years ago though so oh well. I'm just glad she never got popular to make real money kek
>vlc player demos real time translation subtitles
jav mommies here i come
body too good for ink.

I think shes just a bit too up her own ass like XB and/or has a formula that is catered to the whales.
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for me its:
Shiho Terashima
Chisato Shouda
Natsuko Kayama
Reiko Kobayakawa
Rena Fukiishi
Yukari Orihara
Yuri Oshikawa
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shes pregnant again
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>those tits
>you're gay
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Hang on, I had something for this...
>only gay people are allowed to have preferences and discernment
all pregnant.. bros how come are we winning this much
you need like a month of jp grinding to understand 95% of javs
it's really, really bad
you're literally better off imagining dialogue
Damn. This is the mommy of my dreams. Pretty, pregnant, naked, and ready to milk my balls dry.
>video is titled creampie mommy
>ends with a facial
isn't that, like, false advertising?
post the video
Two questions: do you know where to find sydney's “mommy be damned”?

And what are your favourites in terms of “scenario” and roleplay? I'm addicted to sydney and bettie but I'm looking for more
maybe here
>taboofantazy dead
>fulltaboo sucks
>milfnut sucks
>taboosex sucks
so tubesites are dead now huh?
>just figuring that out
sorry i'm not a porn addict i don't check them hourly
But are there roleplay japanese in subjective mode, a mommy talking to camera, or are they all conventional, with guys?

>Syd is pregnant again

Good. I love her veiny tits. Does anyone know of any videos in which pregnant mommy spits on her belly? I've only seen Mona Whales doing it.
Leaks love if you're OK with a watermark
I'm kinda interested in the dialogue parts for some if those 4 hour gooner vids, for the fucking parts kimochee, is apparently it feels good.
I mainly use jav guru not sure if there is a site that let's you combine search terms like Pov and mature
Four kids four times the therapy bills when they realize what a whore their mother is and see themselves in a 9 month prego kino
>"i'm not a porn addict"
>knows the names of multiple niche tubesites
>spends enough time on them to conclude they suck
I check them once a week and came to the same exact conclusion
good for you!
it's not, hence the complaints
please try to keep up
it's okay anon, maybe one day you'll be smart enough to not complain about tubesites
did subanon not do a lot of Tara subs? the folder I have saved only has subs for 10 vids
seems like it was mostly newer releases and mainly for Syd and BB
>I mainly use jav guru not sure if there is a site that let's you combine search terms like Pov and mature

the tag in guru is subjectivity, those are the povs ones
He definitely fully completed one or two models up to the time he stopped, can't remember which ones though. Wish he'd come back
Come to think of it, Xev was definitely one of them
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mommy bros i need source for these three mommies
middle is ellie idol
rights name alludes me but she's commonly known
i member'd
natalie wonder
left is pure sex
left:auroraxoxo (kingaura)
middle: princess ellie idol
right: natalie wonder

one of these is/was "apparently" locked up
auroraxoxo has great tits and i like her. not many others do tho
i can't wait for more milky boobies
she's insufferable irl
Don't give a fuck about the models outside of their clips, but even her clips are mid
holy she has huge knockers
isn't this thread supposed to have torrents?
go ahead and post some
>"my husband doesn't have to know"
>husband in the corner
man, she really has a thing for fat guys
Market research the paypigs that spend a lot tend to be very over or underweight so it helps gooners self insert

Titlet compared to busty Emma or Annabelle Rodgers, lots of titcows can be lazy because their fans will shower money just for whipping our their cans so they don't need to innovate with special effects or hour long kinos.
Wonder breads vids were too taboo for manyvids some Anon said she got arrested for sex crimes when she's just farting around on the husk of clips4sale.
>Titlet compared
not really
Her tits are objectively 1/3 the size of the cows I mentioned
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>Tara Tainton - Any Time You Want, Even When Daddys in the Room
I wouldn't pick Annabelle Rogers' over hers.
pretty sure i remember being excited for this but the title is clickbait because dad isn't in the room, ever.
don't care. she is objectively not a "titlet" by any metric. you type like an autist
Have you checked out the sequel?
not that i know of
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>Tara Tainton - You Still Need Me, and You Always Will Even on Your Wedding Day
he is, in both of them
>start sweating because I thought I gave her 5 bucks in a mv contest
>realize that was nice neighbors and nice bloom is that one dumb cunt that only shows her jaw in vids
Someone should sick the reddit chores that got fiona banned I think it was contentcreators or something
which one is this?
I miss the good old days.
>DMCA is simply a mechanism to make content hosters take down content in a timely fashion
It's more like a way to criminalize hosting leaked videos of of our overlords
These are AI.
>tits still flat
is taboofantazy dead forever and ever or did it rebrand to some other server?
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just seen darlingjosefin daughter's bully vid- I'm not really into the older man - younger woman thing but - boy! - the quality of the two characters play has really improved since the ancient days. The timing, the dialogue... they're even interupting each other now

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