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Previous thread: #44


1339115 #43
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1270539 #33
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1258924 #31
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1251024 #29
1246317 #28
1242686 #27
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1225019 #23
1218718 #22
1218691 #22.1
1213766 #21
1207802 #20
1199571 #19
1192460 #18
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1172050 #16
1165517 #15
1157408 #14
1146066 #13
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1124006 #11
1105381 #10
1083025 #9
1064877 #8
1052730 #7
1035824 #6
1021693 #5
1007100 #4
985350 #3
972328 #2
948290 #1

Audio Pornography ComboPack (combination of audio porn collections 1-6 + FSA archive)

GoneWildAudio TeraPack:

Merged Torrent Index:

PsstAudio Age Play Archives:
Direct Download: https://mega.nz/folder/lv0y3Q5a#ZrmWA5z97uSIqKPh4qgYPQ
Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3T25UMBN7DVMZNDZ2ZQLJQQ52OCPI2H6&dn=audios&tr.1=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2F

Better Gonewildaudio & Sister Subreddit Search Engine: https://gwasi.com/

Before asking, "Does anyone have anything from this performer?" CHECK THE TORRENTS. You can download the .html file from the terabyte pack and search that or use qBitorrent file search.
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Reminder that mods and jannies hate you.
It's why they let schizoposters like simpfaggot shit their simp diarrhea in these threads.
is this why sleepy and muffins fanboys can get away with posting pictures of girls who look like sam bankman-fried's girlfriend?
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274 KB PNG
>>1351627 (OP)
>>1351627 (OP)
>>1351627 (OP)
Monthly Torrent Packs starting from 2024 October:
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83 KB
Yes. It's why the IP counter was removed sitewide, so the casual poster won't be able to tell that the thread is botted or samefagged by some schizo/bad faith actor.
>>1351627 (OP)
Any that do an asian accent? More like ting ting asmr and less like kimmy kalani
why is muffins not in the torrents? where can we find her audios
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f9cf46e8d1655a6b8d8950900596d555f83c27f7&dn=muffinsmuffins222%20subscribestar and a couple of the links in the previous thread. knock yourself out.
does anyone have roseredgoddess's paid files?
Does mufin have videos?
what's the single hottest sentence you've heard in an audio? be prepared to provide sauce.
So which VA do you think has the highest IQ?
her newer stuff isn't up, she finally did incest anal rape.
also i forgot vidrel last time, here you go
Why even bother asking here when simptown has literally all her stuff up to date?
latest mycatwithclaws back catalogs but not much new


early access catalog


I won't say because I don't want to boost her ego
i think lookingformybluesky has written or improved almost all of her stuff, and her stuff tends to be long and high quality. she's not a bad candidate.
jesterbells is a genius of her craft and a dumbass everywhere else
>political vegan
>uploads exclusively to vimeo
>"please don't call my work porn"
the human mind is baffling.
Hi y'all, made a spreadsheet with all F4M/F4A audio artists of youtube I could find, plus categorized them on whether they do nsfw or not (And some other categories). If there's anything wrong/faulty, use the form I linked on the first sheet. And before you ask, yes, although not diagnosed, I'm most definitely on the spectrum. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jEgILhfo8MWVinG_PW2VKu5s3lFIkOCTs8wbSSm9-AI/edit?usp=sharing
thank you king
Ooh, nice
>>1351828 →
actual new thread
. . .
did anyone notice that some blowjob sounds sound like the word "fuck" in reverse?
your thread is dead, retarded faggot. have fun internalizing the embarrassment of your failures (do NOT guess what i put in the options field)

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