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Post game master advice and experience.

Relatively new GM, only ran like 3 games. One thing looking back is that I think I said a veriety of "You should" too much instead of "There is". Kinda pushing prerogatives more than just laying out the situation and letting the players do what they do. One specific thing I said was "You should prepare for a siege" instead of "Prepare for a siege". The first is a command, the second is more of a statement of what WILL happen, weither or not they prepare. I felt the first was noticeably too hands on.

Write whatever you want concerning GMing, DMing, Judging and whatever fancy word your system uses for the referee.
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I've got a lot of lore for the homebrew setting I'm going to run a campaign in soon. What's the best way to communicate this lore to the players? I'm the kind of asshole who would demand my players read a 60-page google doc before they can play so that they can properly situate their characters in the world, but if I'm not going to do that, what are my options?
Cut it down to a 4-16 page zine with some art, print them off and give them to everyone ahead of time. Use elevator pitch short descriptions, keep it punchy.
Put a secret line second last page of each copy specific to the player you give it to so they know they have to email you the specific reply to prove they've read it or they're kicked. Make sure is a different copy for each player, don't tell any of them. You'll also know if one of them tris to tell the slacker the secret.

The example you posted sounds like another issue that I think can be turned into advice.

>Preparing for the campaign and knowing how the PCs work is the GM's domain.

If the GM is going to approve of any concepts that the players bring up, the GM has to know how it works mechanically. He also ought to have a good idea of what a game session or campaign will have in terms of themes and challenges.

As the late Dwight D. Eisenhower said something to the effect of, "In my time in the military, I found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." This applies to GMing, too. The players are going to do things you never expect, and will break your plans over their knees with ease. But the planning you do is to understand the situation better so that you can better roll with it.

With that, yes, the GM needs to know how the PCs work and what they're about, since each player will be running their PC by him. But if the GM knows how it all works on a basic level and has to make a fringe ruling that may or may not be listed somewhere in the rulebook's text, then I am with the other anon and winging a resolution before reviewing the text during a break or after the game. Taking those extra 30 seconds at least to find the rule isn't worth breaking the pace in that case.
One time I gave my players a small lore handout to read a week before session 1. Session 1 comes around and I ask everyone if they've read the lore handout, and everyone but one of them says yes. I give everyone who read the handout some bonus xp and the one person who didn't read the handout, who was the powergamer of the group, tried to bullshit me that they never even heard about the lore handout and tried to speedread it on the spot in a desperate attempt to chisel some free xp out of me.
>Really depends on the quality of tables.
It really doesn't. Going through shitty tables is an excellent way to know what not to do, what avoid and also - how to salvage situation
>Only also if your players are up to sticking with one system for an extended campaign once you find one everyone works well with.
I guess I wasn't precise with this one. It wasn't intended as "drop the group, find new", but "have different groups for different things". So you can still have your group of regulars to play with, but also a group to experiment with, because they are up to the whole thing
>The other guy is a fuckwit
YMMV. I like his stances on the technicalities of running games, and he's good at pointing when things are applicable and when not, rather than preaching one size fits all. I completely disagree on his style f running, but still
>Running them in your head
I never said to run them. I say to play them out in your head. To elaborate: to mulch them into bare basics and see if the dots connect within the scenario, and/or if there aren't even connectors at all, along with "what if people do something else". The point is to spot flaws of the scenario, nothing more
>After the first dozen you have met most of the variants of urban 1shot gamer and their girlfriend.
Agree to disagree, but I live in a city with 3 big univerisites and also a tourist hub, so I never met anyone who wasn't sniping deliberately to be there for the 2nd or 3rd time
>You did. Its still wrong.
The point is to learn from as many varied experiences as feasible. Nothing more, nothing less

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The devil whispers in my ear edition

Previously on /slop/: >>92937184

▶ Thread Task: Post characters who schemes behind the scene. Poisoners, seductresses, betrayers, traitors, 'trusted' advisors, backstabbers, kingslayers.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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I second some prompt Info. Love the art style in general
Red hair with green eyes looks so fucking good.
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And since people have mentioned a lack of discussion, here's the setup: Sir Knight, the knight, is out to do some heroic shit. Thus far, he has heard rumors of a captured elf princess, which he did some reading and determined that was in fact heroic enough shit to bother with. He bought some adventuring supplies, and recently set out to save her.
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They just want to be pet.

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I've always been more of a fan of games where your character acquires actual personal power (monks, psions, wizards) than of games where some robot (mechs) or artifact (Stormbringer) has all the actual power, can be stolen, and your character is just some incel nobody lucky enough to be in possession of it until it gets stolen, destroyed, malfunctions, or turns on you.
What is the appeal of such transient things? It isn't your power. You're just borrowing it.
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Oops, I meant to link >>92947781.
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Yet, you're all here posting.
You sound insecure.

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Its a new kid on the block but does it have potential to be a /tg/ staple?
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Was actually meant for >>92955403 ,but the reaction I got made it a happy accident.
tbf on zogbook shit is everywhere. most modeling groups I'm in, especially historical adjacent at least have one post saying "made these guys for trench crusade with atlantic wargames, warlord games, etc pieces!" the group itself for hte game is pretty popular, and I've heard talk that a latam youtuber made a video on it.
Related question: what's the difference between this and turnip28? I thought they were the same project.
It does.
>Proper over-the-top grimdark.
>Easy, uncomplicated premise for the setting, plus autistic lore makes for easy immersion, and discovery.
>It's being worked on by a well appreciated artist, the guy who made mordheim, and John Blanche, and they're all highly respectful of each other, and extremely cautious about making sure they're all happy with everything before putting new anything out.
>Will probably one day (in the distant future) develop into a full on skirmish tabletop game, but only once they're happy they've ironed out the current system, which is very much a wip at playtest stage.

It's already a /tg/ staple, and has been for a while, purely in the sense of everyone insisting it's a forced FOTM meme that no one plays. And it will continue to be seen as such. But yeah it'll probably end up one of the smaller niche topics on /tg/. It's got a general, with a fair bit of posting, and it's the grimdark that warhammer just isn't anymore.

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Angry crossbowmen for hire edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
Last chance to save Grombrindal from a roundie fate

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6

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>no news for a month
TOWbros, is it over? We were riding on cloud 9 in january, but we got too cock!
The reason why Dwarfs were delayed is obviously because AoS 4th ed was released and they were terrified that people would prefer -20 year old dwarf slayer models- to their -ebic new stomcast models-.

Plus, fuck skaven.
no I just sculpt for fun and starting getting them casted in metal this year.
these are great nice job
Do you have any advice on how to sculpt? Seeing these makes me wanna try my hand at it now.

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Cursed item inspiration thread
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Yeah it's pretty obvious to me that it's metaphorically showing her "snorting her life away", with the hourglasses representing her time left alive.
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Don't worry about that one.
wrath, I think

Work in Progress, "TGIF!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Painting day with some friends.
I did some oil practice on some nighthaunt, a friend painted a troll for warmachine, and another built a Norn Emissary and some nid painting.

I struggle with oils on top of oils. My first layer goes on fine but any subsequent layers just shit themselves. I know the thick over thin rule but I just can’t get the thinning right. The gradient I wanted on my cloaks was how I wanted it but the gold which I did later was kinda shit, but this is what practice is for.
Thick over thin is for canvas painting to avoid cracking as different thicknesses of paint layers dry. Layers on minis are thin enough throughout that it's not something you need to worrry about. If the first layer interferes too much you can always wipe it off.
Don't try blending colors until all the solvent has evaporated or you'll just make a mess.
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We've had him since last Christmas.
Maybe he'll be done before next Christmas.
I know all about it, anon. It feels worthless sometimes painting any of my deadgame minis, but if I don't, then I can't really reach out and show off my game of choice to others and hopefully get them onboard to play with me. So I gotta do it, I gotta get these Capitolians painted up to pit against my Imperials. Because I know from the last time I did an open day game at my club there were people who enjoyed themselves immensly discovering this old game with my guidance. It'll all be worth it anon, we're all gonna make it!
You know what's gonna look sick there? Some washes. Thin them out in some water so you don't waste too much, drop them in pools of black, brown and green and drybrush over it again.

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The Phantom Menace Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92909658

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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>Went to a gaming convention.
>Barely any X-Wing/Armada/Legion products being sold anymore (to be expected).
>Not even that much Shatterpoint stuff.
>Little bit of buzz over Unlimited.
>Mandalorian Adventures stuff was there but didn't get a look at it and I am not sure I really care.
Anon, he said Star Wars movie.
Ok fair
40gay won.
are you not the guy whining about TPM?
if not, I'm confused

>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

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No wonder things have gotten so terrible. This site is over a third lunatics!
I forgot to list myself in there, apologies
My first dozen or so childer died over the course of two centuries, mostly due to fae vendettas. My thirteenth childer is my pride and delight, she has gone into the world recently after the requisite twenty-five years of tutelage in my library-I consider myself quite progressive in this sense. Right now she's a nominal member of the Sabbat-Ashirrah in the Detroit area, though wisely keeps out of sectarian politics. Every time she comes here she declares herself, which is most proper. And she collects exotic disciplines, as do I! My fourteenth childer also wanders, and returns every eleventh month so as to renew his blood bond. He has a darker personality, but has taken well to night-life. I am not planning to sire again soon, at least until I complete my current project.
>Only 1 nosferatu
Some of you are lying

Tell your pack mates that I agree with you. You have full rights over yourself and your own soul. They should not stop you from taking your existence into your own hands. It is better to end it painlessly than see you become a wight.

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I had this huge long description typed up, which the board just ate. So whatever, here it is, check it out:

Your game sucks.
>OSR/4E/5E retroclone

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Saturnine Terminator edition

Previous thread: >>92941905

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 (embed)
https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS (embed)
https://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)

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Recasts of the old ones
3x15 Immortals in a 4k list: evil or not evil enough?
>Only 3k of AL
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Chaos needs to bu lucky only o̶n̶c̶e̶ 13 times. The Imperials need to be lucky every time
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Where did the split between occult psychic powers (spirit mediums and such) and the futuristic space wizard psychic powers occur and why is it always considered it's own thing separate from other forms of "magic" present in various books and media?
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This is a blue board anon…
Just because you're not looking at it doesn't mean it's 'background'.
Oh it's this idiot again. lol
Oh gosh, not this undergraduate student again.

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Starlight Velocity edition

Previous >>92924550

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

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I think he means when you blast into Garuda and then play a tamer to blow up a blocker there chief
The original post had two different situations that I posted.
One is Garuda play a tamer and the other was Garuda and hope it hits a tamer in security and he has been arguing about how somehow the tamer/Garuda is interruptive.
It goes
Magna checks security
Reveals tamer
Security triggers, magna triggers
Security triggers first
Security is play tamer
Now we have new effects which is the on play of the tamer if it has one and Garuda.
Because these are newer they take priority over MagnaX
Pail is a short printed SR in a short printed set so despite it being cheaper I have problems with it as well.
$20 SRs are abnormal and I also didn't say all decks were $500.

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I training into a training into a training. My hand was that fucked up.
>mulligan into 3 training
>training into training and boost
>training into boost boost
>boost into tamers and options

Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to the first decade of TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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Honestly, I'll just take a place where some slack jawed faggot janny can't tell me what I can and can't talk about.
>You can't talk about ACKS here
>Why not?
>Because he threatened to sue us for slandering him
>Were you slandering him?
>Yes, but that's not important, he was also brigading
>Brigading how?
>Well a bunch of his supporters came to tell us we were full of shit for slandering him
>Are you serious?
What makes ACKS stand out?
the 1:1 downtime rule is the main one and that's mainly about having a way to coordinate the actions of multiple play groups that play on different days without getting into time paradoxes, and the willingness to let players take command of major NPC factions (as "Patrons").
The main benefits come from having a shared campaign world where you have different players running around, with relatively little input from the referee. Drama and story come out as players all interact with the same world and leave their imprint: the Monday group befriends the orc chief; the Wednesday group attacks them and sell them into slavery; the Saturday group frees the orcs accidentally from slavery while executing a bounty for the rich merchant who bought them; Monday rolls around again and the Monday group wonders where all the orcs they made friends with have gone.
Cons are that this sort of thing really requires players willing to invest, and it considerably changes the GM role back to something far closer to a traditional wargaming referee - having to fairly arbitrate between different teams with competing interests and facilitating a multiplayer and multi-polar game (much like a large asynchronous wargame).
I'll note that there's pretty much no point to using BrOSR approaches if you're not running with multiple playgroups; the entire approach is designed to harmonize play across a large pool of players that are adventuring *simultaneously* and their actions have a good chance of impacting what each other group will encounter - this way a more active group doesn't get a tempo advantage on a group that can't play as much.

This is different from a West Marches approach, where there's just *one* party, just with a rotating cast - the expedition that night is whoever bothers to show up; the other characters are assumed to just be busy with other things. You can do strict 1:1 timekeeping in a West Marches game too but it's not nearly as critical because it's usually assumed that the absentee characters will not be affecting the active game zone.
This poster is correct, but in searching you might find the Expert rules listed along with them, called B/X.

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Gun Knight Edition

>Last Thread:

>Thread question
What's a historical period you wish the world had more content (rules and/or models) for?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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Actually I found a nice 12mm website anon, thanks for the suggestion. Anyone ever here of Kallistra minis? I might get a few to sample. They have a partner website with airplanes as well!
Where do I start with Bolt Action? That Band of Brothers starter set looks cool, or is the Afrika Korps one better?
Barons War has rules for Normans, Vikings, Saxons and Welsh, maybe Irish too.
very nice. appreciate the advice!
Bullshit. At this point they're sitting ducks for your crossbowmen with pavise. Plus everybody is shit in rough terrain except for elite; so either you drown them under waves of 1 point shitty troops or you plow them down with your flexible elite that are unbothered by terrain and hit like a truck.
It reads like you took a look at the rules and theorycrafted like an autist instead of playing the game two or three times with a friend.

Also the author really encourages you to play scenarios instead of face off and throw in a dozen of them in Lion Rampant 2nd Edition, so sitting in the rough won't do you any good while your supplies are being raided or the duke is escaping on the other side of the table.

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