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Do not-powerful non-human races suffer discrimination and abuse in your setting? Why? Shouldn't people protect those who just want to live like us?
>stealth cutefag posting
Nobody is going to participate in your fetish for you.
muh fucking dick
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Its because all races in my setting are thinly veiled ethnic stereotypes.
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If they didn't suffer discrimination and abuse, why would they need protecting?
Elves let humans enslave them because it's their fetish. They can easily just free themselves. Most just outlive their owners. Plenty get inherited by the next generation of humans that they've been grooming for years, and it's a perpetual routine for them. In times of external crisis, they'll "put aside their differences" and take up arms and defend humans and pretend it's all water under the bridge until they let humans enslave them again and continue their favorite hobby of being oppressed.
Genuinely great image. Though i must ask how you found it? The only trace reverse image search gives is a turn of the millenium furry art blog.
Don't remember, but it was drawn by Psycrowe. It might have been from this website: https://korknack.tripod.com/
Ooh! Looks like an adventure!
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I don't like that images shape guys...
Tieflings and Aasimar tend to be targets of bigotry and discrimination by both human and non-human races because there is something uncanny about them that itches the normal brain in wrong ways.

Tieflings are more obvious, with often growing horns, always growing a fleshy tail, their legs and feet often being non-humanoid, and their being this otherworldly aura surrounding them. The bigotry and discrimination they face tend to be more direct, but also more easily to confront. People sneer at them or act like they're nuisance. They're seen as freaks and people let them know it.

Aasimar, while more subtle, plays more into the "be not afraid" type of uncanny where they look uncanny. Like they where rendered in a slightly different artstyle or someone who's never seen a human tried to draw a human based on a description of one or someone made a robot and made them look as human as possible but you can tell it isn't. And then you notice the details. Like Aasimar seemingly not breathing as their chest doesn't move, they might suddenly open an extra eye or two, their movement gives you that same itch when looking at a spider move, or their smile is just too wide. The discrimination and bigotry they face is more subtle, more uncomfortable. People grow more quiet in their pressence, they don't look them in the eyes, they tell their children to not stare, they tighten their grip on their packs, they switch side on the street so they don't have to pass them too close. They're seen as something that can't be trusted, as something unwelcome, as something that doesn't belong.

Of course, it's a large world and they are treated both better and worse depending on where you are. Log term exposure to them tend to make the uncanny feeling go away as one get used to them, often resulting in better treatment, and since they so often become adventurers and mercenaries, other adventurers tend to be more comfortable around them and willing to stand up for those in their party.
Anon, humans abuse and discriminate against each other for racial and cultural difference all the time, why would it not be the same for actual non-human beings?
Shadowrun is a pretty good example of this, as traditional skin color racism has been largely exchanged for metatype racism. It turns out it’s easy to get along with other humans when there are fucking Orks and trolls running around.
I mean, my theory for why halflings became good thieves in DnD settings (besides the homage to Bilbo) was because they're a small, agrarian race that probably got curbstomped by everyone with a foot in height on them and so halflings basically started abusing their own ubiquity and slave status to stay beneath notice and start planting knives in people and stealing shit until their conquerors' kingdoms imploded.
If they wanted to live like me, they'd be me. There is not enough space in the world for more than one player character, and that is me.
I don't care I just want the source
Please paste your graymatter all over the nearest wall for this.
In muh setting it's something of a "too different for some people to respect, but too useful to exclude from society" deal so far.
Then again there are exceptions outside the current area of play. In the warlord-and pirate-dominated flame nebula, cat people are held as slaves and newt people are seen as a delicacy (something that some NPCs have used as a threat against the current player group before).
Mostly just demotion put of positions of political relevancy, and it being a compounding factor on "has nothing to bring to the table diplomatically".

Most groups aren't going to be hostile or antagonistic on principle, but they're probably the first targets when someone has an idea.
Except goblins. Nobody assumes a goblin can be held accountable for their own decisions, and they have about as much political autonomy as a dog. If they're lucky.
>not-powerful non-human races
>those who just want to live like us
Two different things entirely, you fucking idiot. Cats will never be dogs.
>Do not-powerful non-human races suffer discrimination and abuse in your setting? Why? Shouldn't people protect those who just want to live like us?
Elves tell humans to stop enslaving dwarves and orcs not because they're inherently valuable but because slavery is evil and causes a race to fall. Very often fallen races also start to explain away the dangers of necromancy and start resurrecting their fallen with or without their will. More fallen races spell doom for the world.
It's extremely easy to enslave orcs and especially dwarves since the invention of the crossbow, an inherently elvish design.
That’s what I said. Old school racism has been largely, not entirely, largely, replaced with meta-racism because there are actual nonhumans running around.
> antihumanism which is a code for you know what.
Anon, I cannot in fact read your mind, especially not through a computer. What do you mean.
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Meat is meat and girl needs to eat.
Though I'd think twice before bullying someone with a rifle. Full Metal Jacket taught me better...
There are only humans.
Just post the sauce already. It isn't this >>92990714 the art style is completely different.
>Tieflings are heavily discriminated against because they look like devils and some of them were big enough idiots to willingly play the part out of sheer spite
however there are families who are mad rich with wealth because they made deals with Devils, so there's always going to be a secret "Second Family" of Tieflings hiding behind the curtains of each suspiciously wealthy family
>Goblins are treated like feral creatures and the one's that look more like people that happen to be green are the result of rape and prostitution
>Kender are routinely hated and despised by all and it's "legal" to kill one if it and the population become a problem
Trickster Gods thought Kender were funny and tricked some Fertility Gods into blessing Kender with an incredible Libido and Rabbit-like Fertility so the Trickster Gods would never be in short supply of Kender to laugh at

All I have at the moment
>implied cannibalism
Yeah, mostly enslavement but that helps to explain why they're so widespread in areas they wouldn't have settled.
>Do not-powerful non-human races suffer discrimination and abuse in your setting?

Dwarves are dispossessed, insular/clannish, proud and good at skills which tend towards making them wealthy owing to their historical backgrounds from when they werent dispossessed. This makes them easy targets for whenever humans get upset about something or another, especially in the southern kingdoms which are in a bit of a fluster about all the murdering the elves did and are subsequently trying into ethno-nationalism.
Which of my settings are you asking about?
A lot of them are human-only, while in numerous others only humans are playable.
There is no overt or permitted discrimination in my setting.
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Sir, I believe that whatever army feeds to the soldier can't be too bad for the soldier, because the army needs the soldier a fighting shape. No point questioning what exactly the food is made of. Sir.
Source pls.
I thought we bred them out of existence?
Well there are the Species, and then the Races. So there are what we would identify as White, Black etc. humans, and then there are specifically Anglos, Spanish, etc, phenotypes as it were.

The Elves' distinction is that they're simply missing that, the Elves are all the same race, and the same species, dolichocephalic, tall, they tend to be physically strong, they're kind of like a cartoonish version of le Hyperborea meme except it's all played very seriously. A lot of people don't like them, but men and elves have a sort of peace going on that famously can be broken by anyone regardless of rank, and so the authorities of both sides punish the living shit out of people who violate that agreement (it's traditional that they just sentence you to death and then the other race's government requests that you merely be flogged for spitting at the elf/man's boots) so there's not so much oppression as there is tension.

Goblins get it bad though. Everyone hates them, they cannot stop eating or reproducing unless you actually physically starve or spay them, and while they provide labor theoretically in practice they are shiftless and clever enough that they will always find some way of stealing or hussling or robbing. Prison also didn't work because if you tell a goblin it can sit around all day and be fed regularly it will commit crimes and get caught on purpose. So they replaced all of the punishments with beatings or execution, and that kind of worked, but you regularly get citywide pogroms. The Goblins are okay with this as they're used to having 90% of their population wiped out periodically anyway, now it's like the opposite, every once in a while a mob comes by and maybe kills two or three goblins but mostly just breaks their property (which is nothing) or beats them up (happens anyway) so it's a good deal.

The PCs are all goblins. The premise is that they got sent with an embassy of men to Elvish lands.
We don't really know exactly what happened, but evidence suggests that the neanderthal was absorbed in some places and exterminated in others.
finally earned my red surgeons eye -
I don't understand this thread. What, if anything, is being asked here? What the hell is the OP comic about? Is this just furry bait?
OP is a cutefag torture nigger and wanted more of it but the thread devolved into discussing if neanderthals are non-humans
Autocannibalism, the meat is her own clone (one out of thousands participating in s training exercise)
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I guess they face discrimination from the planet itself. Each continent has a unique hostile environment and the "powerful" races are those who can physically survive in them. The unadapted races are confined to colony ships, stations or tiny islands on the oceans, where they often lead humble lifes without a true home on land. Naturally some of them become scoundrels who resort to piracy or dangerous scientific endeavors that promise to make the landmasses more accessible to them.
Aiding them isn't a priority for the more fortunate races since the planet is recovering from a colossal war.
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Sounds like another beautiful day on /tg/.
Some do. There are people that are varying degrees of animal, and they get treated differently depending on that ratio. Sentient machines are still considered sub-person in spite of being fully conscious and emotionally formed, kind of like Star Wars droids.

Gonna need source on that image tho.
Most people are more confused than anything, that another race is so far from their homeland.
Unless it's near a shared border, then a fight is guaranteed because the two groups keep trying to conquer each other.
I am so fucking mad there's no fucking source for OPs image
Yes but only tieflings. Everyone else gets along alright because they all agree that they hate tieflings.
Yeah its annoying as fuck that there are only three matches and they're all here.
I can't think of anyone in my setting who isn't powerful, that is not also abused or discriminate against. Advocacy is ever in short supply.
It's an unwritten rule NOT to reveal sources here.....
Runey Dev?
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My setting has "abhumans" that pop up randomly in the population, but has distinct human cultures and ethnicities, because it's humans-only.
Osag (the guy from Primal) who are pretty intermixed with the northern-hemisphere humans.
Oni (slightly-giants, with long arms and thick legs, some have small horns) they get treated like freaks.
Skulks: humans adapted for the underdark, with pale skin and darkvision. These can pop up from recessive genes, like redheads, but also have a sizable true-breeding population with it's own culture. Stereotypically, they tend to be very patient and a bit bloodless, for good or ill. The "big reveal" of the setting is that the Skulks are actually adapted for living in space, and are leftovers from the Ancient Hyperborean First Men Lemurian Atlantean civilization that made all the hybrid monsters, orbital wreckage, and buildings on the moon. The hint is they look like Engineers.

Anyways, I likened attitudes towards Skulks to attitudes towards Gingers in the UK, or to socks with sandals; some people hate them, other people are confused why anyone would particularly care.

Apparently, even this incredibly tepid level of in-universe bigotry was enough to trigger my black(ish) friend, who refused to participate in the game, and it never got off the ground (Covid). He's now my ex-friend for unrelated but parallel reasons.

I thought about also having Halflings, since they'd be on-theme, but couldn't think of anything particularly interesting for them to do.
Not really, every nation is too cosmopolitan for that to even be a concept for anywhere that matters. It's a cultural/national discrimination thing instead. Unless you mean goblinoids, but goblinoids aren't people.
Depends on the local area and their prior experiences with said race and also the King, except ratmen everyone hates them
no, because i don't like thinking about depressing shit like that
millennial crow
Sounds absolutely hilarious. The PCs dig through an entire web of political intrigue to find the source of the elven slave ring and it turns out that the slaves set the whole thing up themselves - the butlers and maids did it.
Humans literally evolved to discriminate based on perceived patterns anon. It's part of pretty much all behaviours of higher animals.
And it is my setting
That opens up more anthropological questions than I think you realize. Survival mechanisms as we know them, across all species everywhere, are predicated on a go/no-go system of value judgments. Evolution itself is a go/no-go system that makes its 'choices' based on survivorship bias. I struggle to imagine how your setting works at all without a significant amount of "a deity said so and therefore it is".
I was going to make fun of you but, except for the bird parts, I went to high school with two of this guy.
It is my setting, that is all that needs be known.
I don't get who is saying what in that comic.
The only dialogue is coming from the PoV, informing the rabbit girl she's eating rabbit and telling her to not care because she'll be dead soon anyways.

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